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AWAI announces Winners of The 2022 Bright Future Scholarships

AWAI is thrilled to announce eight Bright Future Scholarship winners who will each receive $10,000 of credit toward any AWAI programs or services they choose to help them on their copywriting journey.

$200 Prize Winners Announced for The Writer’s Life Hydroponic Herb Garden Email Contest

From over 450 submissions, Nick Usborne announces the 3 winners of the $200 prize from our writing contest about the Hydroponic Herb Garden Cleaner in The Writer’s Life.

Congratulations to Our Latest Winner of AWAI’s Site Content Audit Report Challenge — Awarded with $2,000

Pam Foster announces the winner of AWAI’s latest $2,000 Site Content Audit Report Challenge. The winner shared strategies for how she netted a 99.4 score out of 100 on the report, along with feedback after her Certification experience.

$200 Prize Winners Announced for The Writer’s Life Sleep Buds Ad Writing Contest

From over 300 submissions, Nick Usborne announces the 3 winners of the $200 prize from our writing contest about the Sleep Buds in The Writer’s Life.

Congratulations to the Winner of AWAI’s Sales Letter Writing Certification Copy Project with a $5,000 Start Fee Plus Royalties

Senior Copy Chief Sandy Franks announces the winner of AWAI’s $5,000 Sales Letter Writing Certification Spec Challenge.

$200 Prize Winners Announced for The Writer’s Life DeepKlean Cleaner Ad Writing Contest

From over 380 submissions, Nick Usborne announces the 3 winners of the $200 prize from our writing contest about the DeepKlean Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner in The Writer’s Life.

$200 Prize Winners Announced for The Writer’s Life B2B Email Writing Contest

From over 340 submissions, Steve Slaunwhite announces the 3 winners of the $200 prize from our writing contest about the WarmCo food warming unit in The Writer’s Life.

FREE Virtual Open House — All Your Questions about Circle of Success Answered

There are so many benefits to Circle of Success — and so many moving pieces — that it's difficult to cover everything in a typical invitation letter. That’s why I’m inviting you to a very special LIVE Virtual Open House Encore Event so you can see exactly what the Circle of Success experience entails.

Living The Writer's Life: Apryl Parcher

From writer to speaker to trainer and now book author, Apryl Parcher is forging through the channels of communication and finding nothing but success. Enjoy her unique insight on getting started, as well as tips on how to use social media to advance your career even before you make a name for yourself.

Living The Writer's Life: Jason Gaspero

“Incredible” is the single word that comes to mind when you read Jason Gaspero’s account of life as a Barefoot Writer. It’s beyond dream-worthy, since all he does month-in and month-out is travel to far-off, exotic destinations and write about his experiences — and makes a great living because of it. Plus, he enjoys a lifetime worth of adventure on a weekly basis (fried scorpion, anybody?). If you’ve ever entertained a fancy for travel writing, you’re going to love Jason’s story.

Three Winners Announced for The Writer’s Life Writing Contest to Rewrite the Content for a Website Intro Section

3 winners of the $200 prize have been chosen for The Writer’s Life writing contest to rewrite the content for a website intro section.

Living The Writer's Life: Brad McMillen Why Writing Means “Goodbye, Cubicle” and “Hello, Opportunity!” for Brad McMillen

Life as a professional writer brings Brad McMillen the kind of freedom-from-The-Man we all crave. But it wasn’t until he “admitted” something to himself — out loud — that he was able to move forward in his goals. Find out what he said and learn why Brad is already on his way to long-term writing satisfaction.

Living The Writer's Life: Angela Williams Stillwell

Angela Williams Stillwell proves Barefoot Living can be shaped around your own interests. She recognized early on how freelance writing could give her the flexibility she wanted in life, both to pursue a career she enjoys and to continue her daily habits of exercise and playing with her pets. With a realistic grasp on how unpredictable life can be, Angela’s pursuit of Barefoot Writing gives her the time and income needed to overcome any obstacle — and enjoy herself along the way.

Prize Winners Announced for The Writer’s Life Email Writing Contest

3 winners of the $200 prize from our email writing contest about the Swing Miracle Golf Simulator in The Writer’s Life have been chosen from 350 submissions.

A Tribute to Chris Marlow: The Original Copywriter’s Coach and a Friend to the Direct-Response Marketing Community

We pay tribute to Chris Marlow, a legend in the direct-response copywriting industry.

COS Membership Brings Copywriting Jobs

Elizabeth Blessing enjoys the support of fellow COS members, as well as the high-paying copywriting job she’s offered when contacting clients.

Using the Power of a Like-Minded Community in Your Copywriting Journey to Success

If you need a community of support in your quest for the writer’s life, we’ve got the answer. You don’t have to go it alone.

AWAI’s Brand-New Mentoring Program through Circle of Success

Not only is Circle of Success AWAI's highest level of learning, with a mentor and personalized plan, this could be your fastest path to copywriting success. And it's not too late to register for the upcoming session. Get all the details and sign up here!

The Benefits of Being an AWAI Member

Living the writer’s life comes in many forms. You don’t have to work 14 hours a day or wake up early. You can pick what works best for you and still earn a handsome living.

Copywriters: Move Here If You Want to Get Rich (Plus an Awesome Job Opportunity)

Our friends at Equitymaster, an industry-leading financial publisher partnered with Agora Inc. is in need of a copwriter and want to fill the position with an AWAI member. Read more for details.

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