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Susanna Perkins

Articles by Susanna Perkins

Attract High-Quality Writing Clients with a Niche or a Specialty

To find better-quality clients — clients who place a premium on what good writing can do for their businesses and are willing to pay well for it — position yourself with a niche or specialty. Or even a hybrid of the two. Here’s how…

Get Paid Twice When You Do Site Audits for Clients

Doing Site Audits gives you a way to connect with clients, line up new work, and get paid, twice. Here’s a four-step process you can use to get your foot in the door with prospects.

Stress and Creativity – Reduce Stress for Better Writing Results

Stress has a negative impact on your creativity… especially chronic stress. Learn more about stress and creativity, including stress reduction tips.

How to Fill Your Empty Blog

A blog can make a world of difference in how many leads you attract, how many clients you land, and how fast you succeed. Susanna Perkins is here to tell you how to make your blog be all that it can be!

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