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Land Your First Client
Within Days Instead of Months

Getting Your First ClientYour first paying client is your first step toward having the writer’s life you really want.

And the entire AWAI family wants you to be successful as a writer … so that you, too, can experience all the rich lifestyle and income benefits that come with a strong writing career.

That’s why we’ve put together the ultimate guide to finding your first paid writing assignment, Getting Your First Client. It’s based on the experiences of thousands of successful AWAI members, and every page of Getting Your First Client is dedicated to one goal: 

Helping you get clients — FAST.

Here are just a few of the secrets you’ll learn in Getting Your First Client

  • The single most important thing you can do to start your career as a paid writer… and we can guarantee you, it’s not what you think!
  • A special “client-getting” technique with almost irresistible appeal to marketers. You can start using it NOW to get noticed … 
  • What to say to make hiring you a no-brainer decision … even if you have no experience, portfolio, or samples, this simple phrase will make a client say “Yes!” to working with you.
  • An astonishingly easy self-marketing plan — it takes less than 30 minutes a day and will have your inbox exploding with new writing opportunities in just four weeks.
  • The secrets of in-person marketing — and yes, they work for introverts, too! In fact, if you think you “hate marketing,” then you’ll want to pay special attention to these secrets in Chapter 3 …
  • Powerful self-promotion tactics that work for any new writer — and the biggest surprise is just how natural it will feel when you’re doing it right and the clients come running…

We’re so confident the methods revealed in Getting Your First Client will bring you paid work quickly, we’re backing this program with an ironclad, “no risk to you” guarantee:

Get the program today. Follow the simple, proven strategies step-by-step. If you don’t have your first paid client within 90 days, you can return the program for a full refund.

Don’t wait to start making money and living the writer’s life of your dreams. Order your copy of Getting Your First Client right now.

Getting Your First Client: The New Copywriter’s Shortcut to Landing Clients FAST: $297.00

Order Today!

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