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How to Become a Highly Paid “RESEARCH REPORT”

This Overlooked, Formula-Based, No-Selling Writing Gig Can Pay Up to $8,000 per Project
Yet Skilled Writers Remain in “Inexplicably” Short Supply.
Here’s How You Can Help…
Rebecca Matter
Rebecca Matter President, AWAI

Hi, Rebecca Matter here… 👋

Conventional wisdom says copywriters these days have to be a “jack of all trades” before they can start making the big bucks…

Able to write sales pages… emails… ads that drive traffic… offer-driven order forms… web copy… landing pages… funnel copy… welcome letters… and so on.

All great skills to have, for sure…

But what if you’re just starting out…

And you don’t want to learn all those skills before you start making great money?

Or more to the point, you don’t have time to learn everything

Because you want to start making money NOW!

That’s why you want to pay close attention to what I’m sharing with you today.

This is an opportunity to gain ONE SKILL… and have everything you need to start earning money IMMEDIATELY.

And forget about scrambling for $300 and $500 writing jobs here and there…

I’m talking average fees of between $5,000 and $8,000 per project

For what is essentially a formula-based “research report.”

Sounds amazing, right?

But it gets even better.

The project I’ll show you today is an absolute staple of the business-to-business (B2B) sector, which is projected to reach $9.8 trillion this year…

Which means companies from every industry — and we’re talking hundreds of thousands of them — NEED these projects written…

In fact, according to a study by the research firm TechTarget — 91% of companies in this niche call this writing project “one of the two most influential marketing tools” in their arsenal.

Furthermore, very few companies need “just one.”

Many need one, two, and sometimes three of these reports written for every product or service they offer.

Multiply that by the sheer size of the market, and you’re looking at a demand for literally hundreds of thousands of these high-paying writing projects every year!

Yet we know skilled writers in this specialty who tell us they have clients waiting three, six, even 12 months for new copy!

Startling Fact

Which brings us to another startling fact:

When compared with “traditional” copywriting… very few new writers choose to specialize in — or even take the time to learn — this fun and lucrative writing project.

Why that is remains a bit of a mystery to us at AWAI… given the excellent money it pays.

Could it be that new writers think any project that pays upward of $8,000 for five to eight pages of writing must be for a select few, highly skilled, “elite” writers?

I’m sure there are a few of those writers out there who would like to believe that… 😊

But it’s simply NOT the case!

Because if you’ve got the right mindset… and you are willing to focus entirely on learning this skill over the coming weeks…

You’re going to be delightfully surprised by just how easily this comes to you…

And by what a great living you can make as a writer simply by focusing on this ONE writing project!

In fact, you’ll be able to get a sense for yourself in just a moment.

Because today I’ll share EVERYTHING you need to know about this lucrative specialty…

Why companies need them…

How and when they’re used…

And why on a word-for-word, page-for-page basis, the writing project I’ll share with you today is among the HIGHEST PAYING in all of copywriting…

And then I’m going to do something that can change your life…

I’m going to show you the “secret structure” behind these incredibly lucrative writing assignments, along with some key tips for writing them.

That way, you’ll know in an instant if it’s the right choice for you as a new writer.

And if you’d really like to make a go of it and want more guided help — I’m excited to announce a new “soup to nuts” program our training team has put together.

It’s one of the most comprehensive self-paced training programs we’ve ever created…

And we’re offering it today at special pricing, along with a test-drive guarantee that removes any risk whatsoever.

So please think of our time together today as an important step toward your future as a writer.

Because nothing will kick-start a writing career faster… and let you leapfrog past the indecision and overwhelm that can stop new writers in their tracks…

Than to discover a writing specialty you love — and focus all your energy on it.

“Hands down, the specialty I would choose if
I were starting out today…”

— Paul Hollingshead
Master copywriter, co-founder of AWAI

But before we get to all that, just what is this writing project?

The specialty AWAI co-founder and master sales letter writer Paul Hollingshead says is “hands down the one I would choose if I were starting out as a writer today”?

Maybe you’ve guessed it…

Known as the most essential “go-to” marketing tool for business-to-business (B2B) professionals everywhere…

I’m talking about white papers.

Now, I know…

Just the term white paper

It conjures up this image of some kind of long, dry government briefing…

White Paper Ugly Example

Or worse, a highly technical report crammed full of complicated ideas and industry buzzwords.

White Paper Ugly Example

But as you’re about to discover…

White papers in the B2B world are anything but dull, technical, and complicated.

In fact, they’re the exact antithesis of all those things.

Most look like this:

White Paper Nice Example

Or these…

White Paper Nice Example White Paper Nice Example White Paper Nice Example White Paper Nice Example

As you can see, they’re bright… colorful… easy-to-read… highly conversational reports designed to inform and be devoured by a very specific, “hungry” audience!

And even though they may look complicated, they follow a simple structure that any writer willing and eager to learn can quickly understand and master — a structure you’ll learn today.

So exactly what are the words, images, and graphics you see in these white papers meant to do?

One thing:

Help businesses find solutions to ONE SPECIFIC CHALLENGE
they’re experiencing on a day-to-day basis.

Which is the great thing about writing a white paper.

They’re always about ONE thing.

Some white papers are about ways to cut costs.

Others are about making customers happier…

Improving business efficiency…

Promoting a safer workplace…

Solving problems that “get in the way” of running a business.

White papers are also a way for B2B businesses with more complex products — like high-level software and manufacturing equipment — to “demonstrate” their utility… and show how their solutions stand above the competition.

They are the ONE PLACE decision makers will find a comprehensive overview of the product or service — and how it helps the prospective customer.

A well-written white paper…

  • identifies and articulates the problem your client’s customer is having — acknowledging that they are not alone in their industry…
  • offers a unique and clear-cut solution to that problem — one that is proven and backed up by research, facts, and figures…
  • lays out a path for a fast remedy to the problem… and gives decision makers an action they can take immediately.

No Selling!

That’s why when companies are considering a major investment and want to know what the product or service is all about…

One of the first things they look at is a white paper.

It’s how businesses get potential buyers to even begin considering purchasing their product.

It’s why these documents are so critical.

And here’s the thing…

White papers do ZERO direct selling.

Which means your work will NEVER be “graded” on how many people buy the product.

Instead, a white paper uses facts and logic to lay the foundation for the sale.

It leaves NO DOUBT about the benefit to the customer.

White papers are the ultimate credibility builder… the ideal tool for demonstrating expertise and establishing a leadership position in any industry.

Which is why more than 87% of all B2B companies rely on copywriters to present these high-level ideas clearly and persuasively…

And why they’re the PERFECT writing project for writers who aren’t crazy about writing “hard-driving” sales copy!

“No-Hype” Writing

Let me show you a great example of a white paper at work…

This comes from Moving Targets, a company that offers a very specific form of marketing — aimed at retail and service businesses everywhere.

Here’s the “cover” of the actual white paper, with the headline:

White Paper on Erosion Example Cover

Notice how it addresses ONE very common problem every retail business has to deal with:

“Customer erosion…”

And how it introduces a new solution that many businesses might not even be thinking about:

“… by Capturing New Residents”

Now imagine yourself being a business owner and coming across this report.

You’re intrigued by the headline because losing customers is a very real concern in your business, just as it is in every business.

You open it up and start reading…

You learn that “customer erosion” is just a natural part of the business cycle — nothing that you’re doing “wrong.”

White Paper on Erosion Example Page White Paper on Erosion Example Page

Then you’re quickly introduced to an exciting new market… and start to learn about why new residents are the ideal solution…

You learn about the unique mindset of new residents…

Their desire to “connect” with their new community…

Why they’re likely to respond favorably to any company that reaches out and welcomes their arrival…

Even why the lifetime value of a “new resident” customer is much higher when you connect with them at this ideal time…

White Paper on Erosion Example Page White Paper on Erosion Example Page White Paper on Erosion Example Page

And all of it is backed up by studies, facts, figures, and easy-to-follow charts.

After reading it, you have no doubt that as a retail business owner you’d be making a grave mistake if you didn’t reach out to every new resident in your area…

And that Moving Targets truly understands your business, this market, and how to tap into it.

In other words, they’ve earned your trust.

They’re highly credible

And you’re primed to learn more about how they can help you.

Amazing Impact — But No Selling!

And you can clearly see…

Even though Moving Targets is in the business of selling specialized marketing that connects local businesses with new residents…

They didn’t pitch or “sell” their services!

They simply presented the problem… and left no doubt about the solution.

And aside from a few customer testimonials highlighted throughout, the ONLY mention of the company was in this “about” section on the very last page:

White Paper on Erosion Example Page

And just the very basics:

  • What they do…
  • Some of the success they’ve had…
  • And a way to get in touch.

This “no-selling” aspect is what draws a lot of people to white paper writing.

In many ways, writing a white paper is just like writing content for a company’s website.

But as one white paper writer once told me, if you’re going to write content…

Why not write content that can pay you 40 times what you would earn writing an article on the same topic!

In a minute I’ll show you the 5 steps to writing one of the most popular and commonly used kinds of white papers companies use today — just so you can see how easy — and fun — they are to write.

Why Don’t White Papers “Sell”?

But you might be tempted to ask…

Why don’t white papers sell?

Wouldn’t a company like Moving Targets get more sales by dedicating a page or two to selling their services?

The answer is no for two reasons.

One, white papers are designed to be professional resources that establish a level of trust and credibility in the industry they serve.

Including a blatant sales pitch risks bringing into question the motivation behind the white paper — thus compromising the authority and expertise the paper worked hard to establish.

The second reason has to do with the longer B2B purchasing cycle…

And the fact that many solutions offered by B2B companies are more complicated, nuanced, and multifaceted and therefore can’t be adequately explained in a few pages of copy.

Which is why the only goal of a white paper is to “set the stage” for the next step in the sales process.

Moving Targets’ white paper is a perfect example.

After reading it, I’m now 100% convinced that by not connecting with new residents at the perfect time, I’m missing out on a massive amount of new business.

I’m ready to move on this… to make that call… and excited to hear about customized solutions for MY business.

In other words — mission accomplished!

The “Swiss Army Knives”
of the B2B World

When you see all the roles white papers serve:

  • Inform, educate, and positively influence decision makers — by showing exactly how your client’s product or service will benefit them…
  • Establish credibility, expertise, industry leadership — by offering real data-backed solutions to real business problems and needs…
  • Generate leads — by offering a content-rich white paper in exchange for an email address and a contact name…
  • Support sales teams — as the ideal all-in-one “backgrounder” for salespeople, but also a great resource to leave with customers…
  • Support product launches — as the “explainer” accompaniment to press releases sent to relevant industry and trade publications…
  • Provide additional content material — that can be “pulled out” of content-rich white papers and published as standalone articles…
  • Serve as rocket fuel for social media — connect with B2B buyers “where they are” by linking to a white paper with the solutions they’re looking for…

It’s easy to see why companies are more than willing to pay TOP DOLLAR for a comprehensive white paper from a skilled writer.

As I mentioned earlier, skilled white paper writers command anywhere from $500 a page for a fairly straightforward white paper…

To the $1,000 per page companies expect to pay for more detailed white papers that require more research.

So based on an average length of eight pages… and two weeks of dedicated writing and research time…

A white paper writer who learns the formula and gets some experience under their belt can earn anywhere from $8,000 to $16,000 a month

Anywhere from $80,000 to $160,000 per year.

And because I know all writers love having time to themselves, I’ve included two months of free time in those calculations — to travel, spend with family, write other stuff, recharge your creative energies, or just enjoy your life!

Writers Absolutely Love Writing White Papers — and You Will Too!!

Big money and massive demand — that’s all great.

But it means nothing if you don’t absolutely LOVE what you’re doing every day.

And I promise you…

Of all the writing skills you can learn as a copywriter in today’s digital era…

And all the specialties you can “go all in on” as your main income source…

NONE tick more boxes when it comes to pure satisfaction than white papers!

  • Earn a lifetime of PROFESSIONAL writing fees…
  • Gain respect and prestige as an expert
  • Be at the forefront of a massive market with deep-pocketed clients willing to spend serious money…
  • BIG demand, little competition…
  • No pressure to sell or write hyped-up copy…
  • No pressure to beat controls or sales numbers…
  • No 20-, 30-, and 40-page sales letters that can take months to write…
  • No need to constantly “scramble” for new clients or writing jobs…
  • No getting bored from writing about the same topic over and over…

It all adds up to the perfect writing gig!

Just ask white paper writers — like AWAI members, experts, and colleagues who’ve discovered and are now thriving as white paper writers…

People like Pam Foster, Lisa Christoffel, Gordon Graham, Steve Slaunwhite, Ed Gandia, Steve Maurer, and others…

They absolutely love digging into white paper projects.

They see every new project as an opportunity to learn about something new, exciting, and innovative…

A chance to really dig in and explore by finding stories and gathering research…

All while knowing that their only mission is to offer an amazing solution to a real problem that other professionals desperately want to solve!

And clients who read that white paper you produce — and see the impact it has on their business and their customers’ success?

Well — not only are they going to pay you extremely well, but…

They’re going to want to hire you again… and again… and again.

They’re going to see you as a VITAL part of their success… and a crucial member of their sales team going forward…

Even though the writing you specialize in doesn’t “sell” at all!

How amazing is that!

This is the “charmed life” of a skilled white paper writer…

So, if you’re looking for the ideal way to kick off your new writing career…

And you’d prefer NOT to scrounge around for $500 writing projects here and there…

If you’re curious, and love research and learning about new things…

If you love the thought of sinking your teeth into fun and challenging projects that pay professional-level fees

Where the hours fly by as you completely immerse yourself…

And want to wake up every day MORE EXCITED to pick up where you left off the day before…

Then you definitely want to consider writing white papers.

And your timing couldn’t be more perfect!

The AWAI training team has put together what we believe is the most comprehensive self-paced white paper training program on the planet…

Meet Your White Paper Lead Instructor —
Lisa Christoffel! 

Lisa Christoffel
Lisa Christoffel

You couldn’t be in better hands when it comes to learning to write white papers than Lisa Christoffel’s!

Longtime AWAI member, managing editor of the global membership group B2B Writers International, MBA holder, and highly experienced B2B and white paper writer, Lisa has experience with a wide spectrum of white paper projects…

From highly technical papers working with Eastman Kodak’s industrial film and direct-printing groups… to high-level software-as-a-service (SaaS) clients… to her latest niche passion in the B2B training and educational niches, where she writes for top clients every day.

An “attention to detail” perfectionist by nature (like so many white paper writers are!), Lisa worked closely with Pam Foster, AWAI training chief and fellow B2B and white paper writer, along with the entire AWAI training team to put this incredible program together for you.

Besides being a skilled and sought-after B2B writer, Lisa is a great teacher — which is what drew her to the B2B training space as a writer. Plus, as an AWAI member herself, she has an innate understanding of what it’s like to take on a new skill and an appreciation for the challenges new writers have…

Says Lisa…

“I’m incredibly proud to be a part of the How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer program… and I can’t wait to see you in the training and read your white paper copy!”

A professional training experience led by Lisa Christoffel, AWAI member, B2B copywriting professional, and managing editor of B2B Writers International.

With years of B2B writing experience — including white papers for companies ranging from Kodak’s Advanced Materials and Chemicals division to educational companies that sell $100,000 training programs to states and universities…

Lisa is the ideal expert to take you by the hand through this learning.

Not only does she have the technical and hands-on experience from writing a wide range of white papers… but she’s also a longtime AWAI member who understands what it’s like to be new and learning a powerful skill like white paper writing!

And I promise you…

No stone has been left unturned when it comes to teaching you everything you need to know — right down to landing that all-important first client.

Again, I’ll share all the details about this exciting new program in a moment…

But first…

Now that you know the MASSIVE opportunity for skilled white paper writers…

Both in terms of industry demand and the professional-level fees white paper writers are paid…

The question becomes…

Can you see yourself writing them?

Let’s have a look now…

By way of a special “crash course” on writing a white paper.

“Anatomy” of a White Paper

What many writers don’t get about white papers is really just how simple they are.

Remember, white papers address one specific problem customers have.

So, all your focus… all your energy… all your research… all your writing… is on that ONE thing.

And when all is said and done, there are only five things you need to address in your white papers:

  • The problem
  • Your client’s solution
  • Proof and evidence
  • Transformative results
  • Summary and next steps

Now, let’s break it down some more.

Problem and solution — that’s about one page.

Results, summary, and “next steps” page? Those are another page each…

The bulk of the writing in any white paper is that middle part: proof and evidence.

So, if you love research…

If you love doing a bit of “detective work” and proving your case… like we’ll teach you to do…

Then you’re gonna love writing white papers!

Let me show you:

Here’s a white paper for a company that offers online ordering systems for restaurants called Flipdish.

Their white paper highlights a problem that became more prominent in the wake of the COVID pandemic, when many restaurants became reliant on third-party order and delivery systems…

They discovered these services are not only costly but also can be bad for business in the long run when things like customer service fall short… and algorithms drive customers to competing businesses or to “ghost kitchens” they own.

So Flipdish wrote a white paper addressing it head-on.

  1. Problem and Solution

Here’s the cover of the white paper…

Flipdish White Paper Example Cover

And very clearly the case is stated in the headline:

“Why food delivery marketplaces
are bad for business and how
to get off them.”

It’s powerful because it directly addresses a very real concern restaurants have…

  • That companies like Uber Eats and Grubhub are expensive…
  • There are problems with rude delivery workers and lost orders…
  • Their websites often recommend other restaurants ahead of theirs…

This title page and headline clearly lets restaurant owners know (1) there are better alternatives and (2) you’re here to help them.

Flipdish White Paper Example

The “introduction” page, seen here, lets the reader know how this white paper is going to help them…

By clearly stating who this white paper is for…

What it’s about…

And, as you can see in the bold paragraph we’ve circled, that there’s a solution at hand and we’re going to learn about it.

What follows is simply…

  1. Proof and Evidence

You learn about all the ways food delivery companies are having a negative impact on your restaurant business…

So much evidence, in fact, that when prospective customers read this, they will likely discover that the problem is even worse than they thought…

Which, in turn, creates greater urgency to look for an immediate solution.

For example…

We’re shown the growing power and dominance of food delivery companies and the impact of commissions:

Flipdish White Paper Example Page Flipdish White Paper Example Page Flipdish White Paper Example Page

Readers are reminded of the “Faustian bargain” restaurant owners are making when they work with these marketplaces… how the commissions they’re paying are unsustainable over the longer term…

We’re warned about what these companies can do once they have your customer data, like direct them to competitors or “ghost kitchens” owned by the delivery services themselves:

Flipdish White Paper Example Page Flipdish White Paper Example Page Flipdish White Paper Example Page Flipdish White Paper Example Page

If you’re a restaurant owner taking all this in, you can’t help but think this is an issue you have to address.

Flipdish White Paper Example Page Flipdish White Paper Example Page

After all this proof of why relying on delivery marketplace services is bad for business comes the solution:

Flipdish White Paper Example Page Flipdish White Paper Example Page Flipdish White Paper Example Page

But notice — this is not a sales pitch for Flipdish itself…

It’s simply a case for why an efficient in-house ordering system is much better than relying on third-party delivery system sites.

Only after this evidence is presented is there one page about how Flipdish can help:

Flipdish White Paper Example Page

Followed by…

  1. Summary and Next Steps

Which does little more than restate the solution and invite the reader to take the next step by calling to set up an appointment with a member of Flipdish’s sales team.

Flipdish White Paper Example Page

Now, there’s a final component to many successful white papers, and that’s…

  1. Transformative Results

This is simply a page or two recounting how other businesses implemented the solution you’re offering and how positive the results were.

The white paper writer in this case chose to handle it by sprinkling three or four “Customer Spotlights” throughout, like this…

Flipdish White Paper Example Page

Where restaurant owners talked about how things changed for the better when they left the delivery services and found their own ordering and delivery solution.

And That Is All There Is to a Winning White Paper!

Five sections you essentially have to “fill in”:

  • Problem…
  • Solution…
  • Proof and evidence…
  • Positive results…
  • Guide your reader to the next steps…

Pretty simple, right?

And if you’re looking at all this copy and wondering — How on earth would I come up with all this content?

Most of the talking points and a lot of the research in a white paper like this one come directly from the company…

That fancy design work you see in Flipdish’s white paper and others?

It’s typically handled by professional graphic designers who take your copy and “build” design around it, incorporating any suggestions you have to offer.

All you have to focus on is written content

Gain a solid understanding of the problems and solutions by consuming the information the companies give you…

Do your own reading and research…

Get to know the “lingo” associated with the industry…

And follow the simple white paper structure I just showed you when you sit down to write…

All things we’ll teach you to do in How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer.

Which is why I’m so excited to introduce you to this extraordinary opportunity today…

The Most Comprehensive
Self-Paced Training Program on
White Papers We’ve Ever Created!

How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer gives you the benefit of EVERYTHING we’ve learned about starting a successful career as a white paper writer.

In fact, AWAI was the very first copywriting training organization to introduce white papers as a specialty to writers over 20 years ago — back when virtually no one in the writing world knew about them.

In that time, we’ve published hundreds of articles…. held dozens of live training events… partnered with the best B2B experts in the world.

Our members have learned a ton from A-level professionals like Steve Slaunwhite, Ed Gandia, Michael Katz, Casey Hibbard, and “That White Paper Guy” Gordon Graham.

Many saw the massive opportunity, jumped on it — and are now enjoying incredible success as professional B2B white paper writers…

Folks like AWAI member and mentor Steve Maurer, AWAI Learning Chief Pam Foster, and your lead instructor throughout your How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer training, Lisa Christoffel.

So, when it comes to white papers — we know our stuff.

But only now have we managed to pack EVERYTHING we’ve learned about writing A-level white papers into this fast-paced, “soup to nuts” video-based, resource-rich, and affordable training…

A program created for aspiring writers looking for that all-important first lucrative writing skill… and perfect for working writers who want to add another offering to their services menu.

You’ll leave the program knowing EVERYTHING you need to know to start having success as a B2B white paper writer, including all this:

  • Exactly what a white paper is (and isn’t) and how it differs from e-books and other commonly used B2B content…
  • How to structure and write the three most popular white paper formats — Backgrounders, Numbered Lists, and Problem/Solution — and why many companies need all three…
  • The many ways clients use white papers in their marketing strategy at just the right time in the buying cycle… and how you can repurpose your white paper copy into added revenue streams…
  • How to plan and manage your white paper project so you can write it quickly and efficiently, and get paid faster…
  • The No. 1 “secret ingredient” all the best white papers have… and how to naturally incorporate it so every white paper you write is a winner…
  • Detailed, step-by-step instructions for writing the five crucial sections of your white paper…
  • Advanced, powerful research techniques that will let you find the data, studies, supporting material — even graphics — you need on any subject…
  • Tons of white paper examples… plus the best way to build your own living, breathing “swipe library” of the best white papers across all industries…
  • Companies and industries that need and use white papers the most, so you can focus your client acquisition strategies on the hungriest and best-paying markets…
  • The best person at companies to reach out to when offering your white paper writing services… and surefire ways to land that all-important first client…
  • What B2B clients will expect of you and how to work with them like a professional…
  • How to continue learning and growing as a B2B white paper expert long after you’ve finished the program…
  • How to leverage one white paper assignment into multiple projects that can double your income and lead to more paid writing and retainer deals…

And that’s just scratching the surface!

You’ll Write… Get Feedback
and Leave the Program Confident in Your White Paper Writing Skills!

How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer is anything but a “passive” learning experience.

There are strategic, memory-boosting quizzes after each lesson…

And writing and research exercises that will ensure you “grasp” the core concepts entirely.

You’ll put everything you’re learning into practice by writing key pieces of an actual white paper

Get personalized feedback on your writing along with constructive tips for strengthening your work

So you’ll have everything you need to complete a polished piece of writing for your portfolio!

It starts with…

Lesson One What Is a White Paper and
Why the Opportunity for Writers

White papers have long been a MASSIVE opportunity for writers…

And will be even more so when, according to a survey by the Content Marketing Institute, 45% of B2B marketers plan to SPEND MORE on content creation this year…

With more than 50% of that budget increase going to white papers!

Lesson One gives you an insider’s look at white papers and the role they play in a B2B company’s marketing.

You’ll learn…

  • all the ways white papers can land in a decision maker’s hands and why it’s crucial you know them…
  • why 80% of B2B content is “spun” from a white paper — and why that’s a massive opportunity for you…
  • how long your white paper should (and shouldn’t) be…
  • the three primary uses for any white paper…
  • the more than 20 industries that need and benefit from white papers the most…
  • why you need a “professional” email address as a white paper writer… how to get one… and how to use it to build a swipe file of the best white papers on earth…
  • and much more.

Lesson Two The Three Kinds of
White Papers Clients Need

Now that you are clear on exactly what a white paper is, who needs it, and how it’s used…

Time to see prime examples of the three common types of white papers you’ll be asked to write:

The Backgrounder — which focuses on the benefits your client’s product, solution, technology, or service brings to a business…

The Numbered List — which helps establish your client as an expert by offering a series of immediately useful tips…

Problem/Solution — which identifies a common and pressing problem within a business and industry and offers a solution by way of your client’s product or service.

How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer teaches you all three…

Which is a HUGE opportunity for you since many of your clients will need two, even three for each product or service to “meet” potential customers where they are in the buyer’s journey.

And you know what that means…

Double and triple the writing fees!

But it’s also important to understand “where” in the B2B buyer’s journey each of these white paper types are needed.

Lesson Two teaches you…

  • what distinguishes one white paper type from the other…
  • how B2B purchasing decisions are made and how they differ from the purchasing decisions you and I make as consumers…
  • the three crucial stages of the “B2B buyer’s funnel” and which white paper type is best for each…
  • situations where you might want to “combine” white paper types, and how to do it…
  • the four questions you need to ask and have answered before you sit down to map out ANY white paper…
  • the ONE THING that distinguishes white papers from all other B2B content — and what makes it so powerful and valuable…
  • and more.

Lesson Three What’s in a White Paper:
Elements and Formulas

With a firm understanding of the different kinds of white papers, along with how and when they’re used, it’s time to…

Master the formula to writing a winning white paper!

In Lesson Three you’ll learn…

  • the four crucial elements common to every white paper, regardless of which type it is…
  • how to “set the stage” in your white paper’s introduction…
  • when, why, and how you should use charts, images, and graphics… and how to come up with them… (Don’t worry: As a white paper writer, you WILL NOT have to create images yourself.)
  • the unique structure to the three main white paper types…
  • how to make that all-important turn from “the promise” to “the solution” — and why it needs to happen fast…
  • the “secret ingredient” every white paper introduction should end with that’ll ensure your readers keep reading… and reading… and reading…
  • how to organize and present your white paper’s data, facts, and research…
  • and much more.

With everything laid out so cleanly and simply, you’ll want to return to this lesson anytime you get an assignment…

And anytime you want to know which white paper format is best…

And how you’re going to structure it.

Then it’s on to arguably the most crucial aspect of white paper writing…

Lesson Four RESEARCH
(The #1 Secret of a Great White Paper!)

There’s a saying among seasoned white paper writers:

There’s nothing you can’t know!

It was true decades ago when books and libraries were brimming with knowledge about everything — from the latest electronic wonder to breakthroughs in science and biology.

But it’s especially true right now when everything a white paper writer needs is online and just a mouse click away!

And if you’re worried you’ll be asked to write about something you don’t know anything about… don’t be!

Fact is, companies don’t expect you to know about their proprietary machines and solutions…

They know the best white paper writers are excited and eager to learn… and they’re going to do everything in their power to give you everything you need to succeed!

But you’ll have your own methods too — which is what this extensive “research” lesson is all about.

In fact, many white paper writers tell us… deep-dive research is the most fun and rewarding part of the job!

And once you learn about an industry — such as blockchain, like Gordon Graham did… the pet industry, like Pam did… or specialty chemicals like Lisa did…

You know it forever and can bill yourself as an “expert” for the hundreds if not thousands of other companies in those industries!

So not only are the research lessons you learn here valuable for white papers — but they’ll help you in ANY kind of writing you do!

You’ll discover…

  • the four different methods of research you’ll typically do as a white paper writer… and how to master them…
  • the kind of research you can expect your client to supply — and a list of everything you should ask for…
  • eight tips for conducting great interviews to glean the information you need — and the best company and industry experts you should speak with…
  • the best and most credible industry sources you can find online…
  • how Wikipedia can be a wealth of information for you — even though you should never use information from the site directly…
  • the kinds of books and academic reports you should and shouldn’t use — and how to find most of them online for free, or for a fee your client will be happy to pay…
  • four government websites every B2B white paper writer should know and bookmark…
  • common sources of research material some white paper writers use — but you should avoid (your credibility will soar!)…
  • how to organize your research so you have what you need, when you need it, and you’re not “drowning” in information…
  • and much, much more!

So much great knowledge — and we’re not even halfway through the program!

Up next:

Lesson Five Targeting Your White Paper to the B2B Buyer’s Mindset

Writing to the B2B buyer is not like writing to a consumer like you and me.

Your ideal B2B prospect might be an end user looking to make his or her job faster and easier.

It may be a purchasing manager looking to save the company money and impress management.

Or, like our Flipdish and Moving Targets examples, it might be a business owner looking to improve the bottom line.

Lesson Five is all about making sure your white paper speaks to the right audience.

You’ll know…

  • the three “first questions” to ask your client about your target audience before you begin any white paper project (it’ll clarify your mission AND make you look like an expert)…
  • the needs, wants, and desires of the four most likely B2B buyers you’ll be writing to…
  • how to write when your target audience is a mix of both buyers and end users…
  • how to learn the unique “language” of your main audience…
  • how to use callouts to authentically capture and engage your target reader from the get-go…
  • and much more.

With the basics in hand, it’s time to ratchet things up…

Lesson Six Six “Best Practices” for Writing Professional-Grade White Papers

Lesson Six is a gold mine of information for any new white paper writer.

Not only will you gain a level of clarity on writing white papers you never thought you could have so quickly, but…

The six best practices you’ll learn will give you a lifelong “blueprint” for writing white papers that simply can’t fail.

You’ll learn…

  • three questions you can ask that will let you instantly match the white paper type and format to what your client is hoping to achieve…
  • pro secrets for giving your white papers the highest level of proof and credibility…
  • when you should — and shouldn’t — use footnotes and other annotations in white papers…
  • the secrets to writing simple, direct, and perfectly targeted white paper headlines…
  • more on how to “speak the language” of your targeted reader — and make sure it passes the litmus test before you submit your copy to your client…
  • powerful editing secrets, including a three-phase editing process that will 100% guarantee your white paper has all the right content… has the right lingo, voice, and tone… and strikes the right balance between sounding conversational and being grammatically correct…
  • how to write the ultimate call-to-action page…
  • and much, much more.

Lesson Seven How to Inject Your White Paper With “Persuasive Power” (Without Selling!)

You know how to write and edit a white paper that’s targeted and meets your reader where they are in the B2B buyer’s journey.

Pat yourself on the back — you now know more about white papers than 99.9% of copywriters out there!

But we’re not finished yet…

Time to “power up” your white paper with a final edit — to make sure your white paper is laser focused on the people your client is trying to help.

In this indispensable lesson you’ll learn…

  • advanced insights for making your white paper so good, readers will be riveted…
  • surefire ways to remove any words or phrasing that might register as “selling” in your reader’s mind…
  • how to make sure “skimmers” get just as much out of your white paper as deep readers…
  • how to distinguish between “technical” and “boring” copy — and transform boring copy into compelling copy without losing credibility…
  • how to know how long your white paper needs to be…
  • and more.

Lesson Eight Streamlining Your White Paper Creation Process for Maximum Efficiency (and Income!)

Managing your time and productivity is crucial to maximizing your income as a white paper writer.

Although the average white paper takes only 30 to 50 hours of research and writing time (one to two weeks), it will be “on your plate” for anywhere from six to eight weeks — from the time you land the project to the time you get paid.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t be working on other projects in that time…

Which is why we say it’s very possible to generate an average of two white papers a month… with average fees of $5,000 to $8,000 each… for an income that can easily reach into six figures.

Lesson Eight leans into the “business” side of white paper writing, where we share expert tips for managing project intake, writing and research time, communications with clients, and more.

You’ll learn…

  • the ideal “rule of thumb” schedule when taking on any white paper project…
  • the five things it’s crucial to have “on paper” with your client before you start any project…
  • a pro white paper writer’s sample “day-by-day” timeline schedule you can follow for your own writing projects…
  • the “7 Elements” your White Paper Timeline Plan must include…
  • the one-page-or-less section you should write and send to your client first… (Doing so not only ensures you and your client are on the same page — but makes writing the rest of your white paper infinitely easier.)
  • why “write everything first, edit later” is the ideal approach for white papers…
  • how to find or request any visuals, charts, and images you need…
  • how to deal with the client feedback process…
  • and much, much more.

Lesson Nine Leveraging Your White Paper
into More Writing Fees

A white paper that doesn’t get read is not much use to anyone.

It needs to be promoted — with ads, SEO articles, landing pages, follow-up emails, and so on…

And who’s the ideal person to write all that?

You! Because you know the content, the market, and the audience better than anyone else.

And the even better news?

All these added writing assignments can jack up your fees by as much as double!

Which is why you’re going to want to pay close attention to Lesson Nine.

You’ll learn why and how white papers are the ideal “gateway” to more writing assignments and more income for you.

You’ll learn…

  • all the projects you can write related to the type of white paper you’ve written… and where your reader is in the B2B sales journey…
  • how B2B ads and emails differ from business-to-consumer (B2C) ads and emails…
  • where to find resources for writing the collateral needed to promote your white paper…
  • fees you can expect to receive for each extra writing project…
  • and more.

But Lesson Nine is notable for MORE than just ways to double your white paper fee.

It’s also where you’ll find…

Your White Paper Writing Assignment — With Feedback!

Just as you would when hired by a real client, you’ll be handed an assignment to write key parts to an actual “problem/solution” white paper.

You’ll learn what the product you’re writing about is…

The problem it solves…

What your client wants to achieve with the white paper…

And who your target reader is.

You’ll follow a special “10-Point White Paper Best Practices” checklist Lisa and the AWAI team created just for you — one that you can use for this assignment as well as “real-life” assignments you get down the road.

You’ll write crucial sections for your “practice” white paper…

Once finished…

Follow our clear instructions for sending in your white paper practice assignment for review and feedback…

You’ll be amazed at what an incredibly fun and powerful experience this is…

Getting to apply everything you’ve learned…

Writing an actual assignment…

Receiving written, personalized feedback…

And applying that feedback to make your white paper writing even stronger!

No Stone Left Unturned!

As I mentioned earlier…

How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer is the most complete and comprehensive self-paced “how-to” program on writing white papers we’ve ever created.

When it comes to arming yourself with EVERYTHING you need to write a world-class white paper, this program checks all the boxes.

  • You learn about the B2B market…
  • The massive demand for white papers…
  • Where they fall inside the B2B buyer’s journey…
  • And why B2B buyers want and read them…
  • You learn about the needs and wants of the clients who’ll be hiring you… as well as insights into the people who’ll be consuming your white paper content…
  • You learn about the three main types of white papers — as well as when and where to use them…
  • The five crucial parts of every white paper — and how to write them…
  • You learn high-level research skills — knowledge that will serve you in white papers and any other kind of writing you’ll do…
  • You learn pro tips on how to edit and strengthen your copy and inject it with power…
  • You learn how to plan and manage your time… work with clients…
  • You’ll know all the additional writing services you can offer your client to promote and get maximum benefit from your white paper…
  • And, of course, you get to write the key pieces of your first white paper under the guidance of a professional — and get constructive feedback to elevate your work.

Singular FOCUS and CLARITY

This truly is a program you can begin TODAY without any copywriting knowledge whatsoever…

And leave with knowledge and skills that can start paying you anywhere from $5,000 to $8,000 per assignment within weeks.

More importantly, it will give your new writing career focus and clarity

By giving you ONE project to learn…

ONE skill to focus your efforts on…

And ONE specialty to call your own.

Needless to say, knowledge like this is invaluable…

To be able to cause such dramatic change in your life…

Get to live and write from anywhere… on your own terms…

Enjoy a life of purpose and meaning…

All while doing something you love.

It’s a dream come true for a lot of people…

It’s also why people have paid upward of $2,500 for high-level knowledge like this — and say it was some of the best money they’ve ever invested in themselves.

But we wanted to create something special.

A way for people new to writing and new to white papers to discover this extraordinary opportunity without spending a lot of money.

So How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer WILL NOT cost you $2,500…

Or even half that.

But before I share the exciting price for this extraordinary program, I have more good news…

There’s still another crucial lesson to tell you about…

One that will ensure you’re able to leverage all this newfound, incredibly valuable knowledge into a long, successful, and thriving writing career:

Lesson Ten Finding and Landing Clients
for White Paper Projects

With your eyes opened to the massive opportunity and armed with the skills and knowledge you need — you’ll be raring to start your white paper writing career.

Time to land that first client!

Good news is, with many companies having to wait months to get a white paper written… there’s no shortage of need and demand.

It’s simply a matter of tapping into the hottest markets first.

And that’s where Lesson Ten has you covered:

You’ll learn…

  • the three common traits of companies that need white papers…
  • how to leverage your own background, job experience, knowledge, and interests when it comes to writing white papers…
  • why B2B agencies are a great place to land your first white paper projects… and how to approach them…
  • positions within different companies you should reach out to when offering your white paper writing services…
  • mistakes a lot of new writers make when reaching out to B2B clients that undermine their credibility… and how to avoid them…
  • four definitive steps you can take to set up your white paper writing business — and why it’s the first thing you should do when you get the How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer program…
  • examples of outstanding B2B writer websites and LinkedIn profiles…
  • an important and incredibly effective piece of content every white paper writer should have on their LinkedIn profile or webpage — and how to write it…
  • establishing your fees — and whether to “make them public”…
  • multiple sites and professional resources where you’ll find B2B companies actively looking for specific B2B projects…
  • and much, much more.

I promise you…

Follow these simple steps and best practices…

The very paths people like Lisa, Steve, and others have used to land client after client after client…

You’ll be working on that very first white paper in no time!

And with that first client and real-world white paper under your belt… get ready to watch your career snowball!

Because once word gets out that you can write A-level white papers thousands of businesses need — and that you’re “open for business”…

You’ll never be wanting for writing assignments again!

Now, I know you’re eager to get How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer in your hands right away…

And in just a moment I’ll guide you to the page where you can see a recap of everything and place your order.

And like I said…

Given the depth and immediate impact this training can have on your writing career…

Your income…

And your very freedom…

The “deal” you’ll see today is nothing short of incredible.

We could easily charge $2,500 for the wealth of knowledge this program will give you.

But you won’t pay that…

Or even half that…


YOUR special pricing today is even better…

A “Bonus Library” of Resources to Further Assure Your Success!

But before I tell you, I’ve got a few extra bonuses for you…

Resources that will make this extraordinary offer impossible for anyone looking to make great money as a writer to pass up!

Bonus #1 Your Exclusive Professional
White Paper “Living Library”

Swipe files are one of the most important resources a new writer can have.

You can’t steal or copy from them — but you can use them as inspiration and a “model” for any project you’re working on.

That’s why we filled the training with A-level examples…

And made it a point to show you how to start building your own white paper “swipe” library back in Lesson One…

But we wanted to give you a head start…

With over a dozen of the best, most recent white papers across many B2B industries…

Backgrounders, Numbered Lists, and Problem/Solution white papers covering a variety of products and services…

White Paper Swipe Collage

All hand-picked and curated by Lisa and our team…

All 100% “clickable” so you can open them and see them in their entirety!

But that’s not all…

Bonus #2 The Ultimate
“White Paper Writer’s Toolkit”

I’m so excited to be able to offer you this…

You see, I don’t want anything to distract you from mastering the skills you need to be an A-level white paper writer…

Which means I don’t want you worrying about anything when it comes to running your white paper writing business down the road.

With the Ultimate White Paper Writer’s Toolkit — everything will be waiting for you:

  • White Paper Writer’s Copy Checklist — the “10 essential elements” your white paper MUST have before you send it off to your client. (Simply go down the list, check “yes” if it’s there — and add it if it’s not!)
  • Client Questionnaire — a handy “cheat sheet” of questions to ask your client when taking on a white paper project.
  • Interview Cheat Sheet — There will be times when, as a white paper writer, you’ll want to talk to managers, technical people, even end users. This helpful “cheat sheet” makes certain you ask all the right questions, so you can get the information you need.
  • Client Email Templates — From pitching your services for a white paper writing assignment… to requesting materials and information… to billing your clients — it’s absolutely crucial you look confident and professional with every point of contact. This collection of business email templates will ensure that you do!
  • White Paper Outline Submission Template — You’ve landed that client… Now he or she wants to see what you’ve got! Our “pro writer’s” Outline Submission Template will ensure you get it right — and that all-important first “copy interaction” with your client goes off without a hitch!
  • White Paper Writer’s Resource Guide — a collection of “favorite resources” from top white paper writers, including links to the best articles, books to help with writing, research sites, industry insights and education, industry terminologies, and more.
  • Plus, new resources we’ll be adding!

But that’s not all…

Here’s one you’re going to love:

Bonus #3 The White Paper Writer’s Guide
to Income-Boosting “Collateral”!

We talked about how white papers can “open the door” to additional writing jobs…

Additional B2B copy companies need to promote and leverage their white papers.

And because it’s a “no-brainer” that YOU write them — we want you to be ready…

So as part of this incredible How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer offer…

We’re including “crash courses” on three of the B2B copy projects companies will need to promote their white paper:

  • Google and Industry Page Ads — to pique a reader’s interest in the white paper subject and solution — and direct them to where they access it…
  • Landing Pages — where you encourage prospects to download your white paper in exchange for a name and email address, which becomes a valuable lead for your client, and…
  • B2B Emails — your client can use to follow up with professionals who have requested your white paper and encourage them to take the next step (typically a call with the sales team).

Remember — being able to offer these simple-to-write services not only gives you an additional income stream for your white paper writing business, but…

It also makes you more valuable to your client when they see you as someone able to handle so many aspects of the copy and marketing process!

Think we’re finished?


Bonus #4 Design Insights for the
Savvy White Paper Writer

You already know — job No. 1 of a white paper writer is words and messaging.

That said, having a basic understanding of sound white paper design principles will only make you a better white paper writer and increase your value in the eyes of clients.

That’s why we’re including a specially prepared “crash course” on white paper design and graphics called Design Insights for the Savvy White Paper Writer.

You’ll learn…

  • how to envision and recommend visuals that “connect” with your white paper’s audience…
  • how to work effectively and seamlessly with professional graphic designers…
  • how to use infographics to give your white paper more power and authority…
  • why white space is crucial to a white paper’s readability — and how much is enough…
  • when white papers should be “design rich” and when they should not…
  • how to help your designer choose images that best support your white paper’s messaging…
  • how to communicate design suggestions to graphic designers within your Word document…
  • ideal type sizes and column widths for maximum readability…
  • and much more.

We’ve even included a specially prepared “design checklist” you can use for every white paper you write!

This Is Your Moment — Grab It Now!

As you can clearly see…

How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer is EVERYTHING you need to have fast success as a white paper writer.


White papers are the “linchpins” of the B2B world…

They’re in high demand.

Technical companies, software providers… companies with high-priced products and solutions… hundreds of thousands of them…

They all need white papers!

And depending on who they’re talking to along the protracted B2B selling journey — they often need TWO or THREE… per product!

And because these professional documents are “thin sliced” and used in so many ways…

With shelf lives often lasting two to three years…

Companies are willing to pay TOP DOLLAR to have them written!

We’re talking $5,000 to $8,000 — on average — for a five- to 12-page white paper.

That’s $500 to $1,000 per page of writing…

Making it one of the highest-paying projects in copywriting!

Here’s Your (Unbelievable)
Special Pricing!

And it all starts with our exciting new How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer self-paced training…

All 10 lessons…

Including feedback and direction…

Plus, the amazing bonuses I just told you about…

Just $497!

Claim yours here!

I know, that price seems crazy low for everything you get…

Which is nothing short of an education that can give you a steady stream of high-paying professional writing projects…

Month after month, year after year…

For the rest of your life!

All from ONE specialty

So, if you’re looking for that ONE skill that can kick-start a very lucrative writing career…

Where just a laptop, an internet connection, and the life-changing knowledge you’ll find in How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer can give you the freedom to live and write from anywhere…

Please do not wait on this!

Your Satisfaction

And if you have any lingering worries or concerns that white paper writing may not be for you after all?

100% guarantee

Rest easy!

Because How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer comes with the most straightforward, no-worry, no-risk guarantee we’ve ever offered…

Take a full 30 days with the program…

Go through all 10 lessons…

Write your white paper…

And if, after everything, you decide white papers aren’t for you, let us know within 30 days of your purchase and we’ll give you every penny of your $497 back…

No questions asked!

It’s ready and waiting for you now.

You’ll have access to everything within minutes of placing your order.

Dive in…

Start learning the skills…

Set up your writing business.

There’s a world of opportunity waiting for you!

Companies NEED white papers now — and they’re looking for skilled writers like you to help them.

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

Order Today!

P.S. If ever there was an “ideal” writing specialty… white papers check all the boxes:

  • Professional money…
  • Endless demand…
  • Highly respected specialty…
  • Interesting and varied assignments…
  • No direct selling…
  • Formula based…
  • Project focused…
  • Perfect blend of collaborative and “solopreneur” work…
  • Ability to write them from anywhere…

In fact, maybe white papers seem “too” perfect, because we get a lot of questions.

Here are the three most common:

Q: Do I need to be “techy” to write white papers?

A: NO! You need just the drive and curiosity to learn, plus the knowledge and research skills How to Become a Professional White Paper Writer gives you.

You’ll be amazed at how fast you become an expert at a lot of things. And if there’s an industry you discover that you love learning and writing about? Market yourself as a specialist!

Q: Do I need mainstream “razzle-dazzle” copywriting skills and experience to write white papers?

A: Absolutely NOT! When it comes to B2B white papers, facts and logic rule… and “hype” is the enemy!

That’s why some of the best writers in this field are former journalists, midlevel managers, technical writers, authors, and teachers — people who know how to tell a story and explain things clearly.

Q: Can I — should I — write white papers for the industry (or industries) I’ve worked in or retired from?

A: A huge “YES”! For instance, if you have experience with a software company, you can write white papers about any one of literally thousands of software solutions for businesses.

If you’re like Lisa, who worked in management for Eastman Kodak, you can write about things like nondestructive test film that can identify weaknesses in ship hulls, airplanes, and marble statues… or ESTAR film technology used for printing on microwaves, dishwashers, and the like…

Even if you ran the local pizza shop — think about ovens, coolers, food storage, order processing software…

White paper writers write about it all!

American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924

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