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Everything You Need to Know to Make Money as a Writer (Plus Free Resources to Help You!)

Millions of companies need projects written, but you may have questions about how to get started and more. Here are the answers and resources you need.

7 Simple Ways to Prove Your Value to Copywriting Clients

It’s easy to show prospective clients you’re the best writer for the job. Rebecca Matter shares seven simple ways you can prove your value and land work.

Five Writing Projects that Pay $1,000 or More… And Can Be Completed in Just One Weekend!

Turn your weekend or spare time into paid writing income. Rebecca Matter shares 5 in-demand projects you can learn quickly, and complete fast for big pay.

5 Ways to Make Money Writing Short Emails

Every writer should learn to write emails. Read this to learn why, plus discover five different ways you can get paid top dollar with this single skill.

Everything You Need to Know to Make Money as a Writer (Plus Free Resources to Help You!)

Millions of companies need projects written, but you may have questions about how to get started and more. Here are the answers and resources you need.

How to Set and Negotiate Writing Fees

*: Talking about money with clients can create fear in new writers. It doesn’t have to be that way! Here are six things to help you erase fears for good.

How to Find Writing Clients and Great Paying Assignments

How to find clients is one of the most-asked questions for aspiring writers. Rebecca breaks down where to find them and how to approach them once you do.

7 Ways to Make Money Storytelling

Our brains are hardwired to listen to stories. But did you know you can get paid to put your storytelling skills to use for businesses? Learn 7 ways.

The One-Word Resolution

Not a fan of resolutions? Try this instead! Rebecca Matter has been doing it for years with great success, and encourages you to try it too.

A Letter to My Younger Self

Use this simple exercise inspired by Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet to illuminate your journey to the writer’s life. Rebecca Matter shares her version...

How to Set Yourself Up for Steady, Predictable Writing Income Month After Month

Retainers let you command good, predictable fees (even as a newbie) and open the door to other projects. Rebecca Matter reveals her 3 top retainer options.

How Copywriting Royalties Work

You can earn professional fees writing copy. But you can earn really big money when you get paid this too. Learn how and set yourself up for big paydays.

Why Direct-Response Copywriting Is Here to Stay

Many marketers feared direct-mail copywriting would die off when the Web came along. Now there’s a new threat to the direct-response industry. Or is there?

A 5-Step Process to Writing Articles that Get Published

Writing good editorial articles is easier when you have a process in place. Follow Rebecca Matter’s proven worksheet to write content faster and stronger!

5 Ways to Make Money Writing Emails

Every writer should learn to write emails. Read this to learn why, plus discover five different ways you can get paid top dollar with this single skill.

Five Writing Projects that Pay $1,000 or More… And Can Be Completed in Just One Weekend!

Turn your weekend or spare time into paid writing income. Rebecca Matter shares 5 in-demand projects you can learn quickly, and complete fast for big pay.

5 Simple Ways to Prove Your Value to Copywriting Clients

It’s easy to show prospective clients you’re the best writer for the job. Rebecca Matter shares five simple ways you can prove your value and land the work.

5 Simple Ways to Prove Your Value to Copywriting Clients

It’s easy to show prospective clients you’re the best writer for the job. Rebecca Matter shares five simple ways you can prove your value and land the work.

A SMART Career-Building Goal Plan Designed to Guarantee Success

Setting goals gives your career direction and boosts your motivation. Rebecca Matter helps you make sure you set SMART goals to achieve what you want.

Top Five Excuses for Not Having a Website (And Five Solutions to Nix Them for Good!)

Today, every business needs a website — even yours! Here are five excuses for not having a website, and five solutions to conquer the roadblocks for good.

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