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April 2024

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Your Words, Your Wealth: Why NOW Is the Time to Become Your Own Best Writing Client

Guillermo Rubio talks about why it’s easier than you think to start a clientless writing business and shares some tips on how to get started.

PLAYBACK: Your Writer Progress Plan

If you’re not where you want to be with your writing career… then listen in on this free training. We can quickly help you identify what’s getting in the way… And more importantly, help you make a progress plan to overcome it and move forward every month, so you reach your writing and financial goals.

From Good to Great: Creating Daily Writing Habits

You become a great writer by writing regularly … daily in fact. In our industry, the A-list copywriters like Clayton Makepeace, Mike Palmer, Marcella Allison, and Jedd Canty weren't overnight successes. By this I mean, they didn't wake up one day, decide to write a sales letter, and the next day it broke records for their clients. And they don't possess a special writing gene. Nope, instead they were constantly learning and constantly writing. That is the only way to become a better writer. You must practice your craft. Sandy Franks shares a few tips on how you can go about upping your writing skills by practicing.

A Simple Technique That Fixes Boring Passages of Copy (and Instantly Creates Points of Curiosity for Your Reader)

Boring copy is dismissible. Which means the results will be lower … Which means you're leaving money on the table — both for your clients, and for yourself. Fortunately, the technique Senior Copy Chief Sandy Franks teaches below is a cure for boring, dismissible copy.

This Technique Makes Your Copy 10x Stronger and You’ll Want it to Become Part of Your Writing Habit (It’s What All A-List Copywriters Do to Ensure Winning Packages)

Reading copy (even content) out loud became a regular part of our writing routine. And it's something all A-list copywriters do without fail. Why? Because reading out loud helps you pick up little nuisances that could have an impact on response and or conversion rates … for example, awkward transitions that can stop a reader. When your reader moves from one paragraph to another, he/she expects it to flow naturally. But if there's an awkwardness, the reader begins to wonder what's going on. And the minute that happens … your reader isn't paying attention to the copy any longer.

How Borrowing an Idea Saved Thanksgiving for One Company and Created a New Type of Food for Everyone Else (and four ways you can win more clients)

Sandy Franks shares a Thanksgiving story and the lessons on what you can take away from this story to help advance your writing career.

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