It’s a $132.8 billion market, and it’s about to grow to $220.3 billion in the next 4 years… creating thousands of high paying freelance gigs for writers who want to get in on this. Already folks are making $100,000 to $250,000+ a year… part timers are charging $150 to $200+ an hour… and it’s not just the fees… it’s the royalties. Wouldn't you like to be one of them?

Dear Writer,

When my research assistant put the latest numbers about this market on my desk… frankly, I was a little stunned.

I already knew that writers who specialize in this niche routinely make a mid-to-high six-figure salary — working as little as four hours per day.

I also knew that Forbes called it “one of the fastest growing industries in the world.”

But when I saw exactly how fast this multibillion dollar industry is STILL growing…

… and when I thought of how the writers who’ve found a home there are buzzing with energy, not just for the money, but because they love immersing themselves in this world…

… I realized I had to alert AWAI members to this jaw-dropping opportunity.

It’s the Biggest Undiscovered Market for Professional Writers in the World Today…

… making thousands and thousands of early participants millions and millions of dollars.

In fact, it’s not unusual for writers to make six-figures their first year.

And it’s an open secret that writers who know the ropes can cherry pick their clients, cut their work time in half… and still make six figures.

What could happen for you?

There's no limit to the possibilities…

This niche may be “under the radar” for most writers right now, but the door is open to anyone interested in making a steady income working with clients who have virtually limitless copy needs.

So let me tell you a little more about how it works…

The Niche that Just Can't Get Enough

Katie Yeakle

Katie Yeakle here, Executive Director of AWAI.

Every day, I hear from companies looking for good writers they can send their projects to ASAP.

Not in every niche — but with this one, it's a constant question.

“Do you have any writers who can do health copy?”

And I have to hesitate.

Because while I know plenty of health writers, they're full up with work. Some of the most successful health writers are booked out for months… sometimes even for a year or more in advance.

That may sound crazy to you if you're still working on getting your first client or struggling to build up a steady freelance business, but it's not unusual in this niche.

Think about it in terms of your own health.

If you're not feeling well, what do you do?

Do you look up your symptoms online and read everything you can while you try and decide if you're going to go to the doctor? Research home remedies? Check out any vitamins you should take to make it all go away?

I certainly do.

Over two-thirds of us buy nutrition supplements — and half of us are regular customers — making the supplement industry in the U.S. alone — just vitamins, minerals, and nutrition supplements — one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. It produced $36 billion in revenue in 2017 and is projected to top $60 billion in 2021.

And demand for healthcare products is exploding in other parts of the world, too. Global dietary supplements were a $132.8 billion market in 2016 and are expected to reach $220.3 billion in 2022.

So many of us are online researching such a wide range of health issues that Google partners with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to monitor disease outbreaks since Google can spot them first from the sudden spike in search terms.

And every web result found was written by someone… often someone who was paid very well for their services.

But when you consider the health market, you can't just think in terms of obvious illness and disease issues.

Think about pain management. Vision. Digestion. Childcare. Acupuncture and other forms of Chinese medicine.

Writers who hone their skills in the weight loss industry will tap into a $66 billion industry.

Not to mention the fitness market — ranging from “performance” supplements and meal replacements to yoga videos.

All major health topics. Each one of them covered by thousands of pages of health copy in the form of articles, blog posts, and special reports. Many of them related to products that need sales letters, magalogs, and video scripts.

Almost any health-related issue you can imagine — even the most embarrassing ones — can easily turn into enough work to keep you busy for your entire career… all while having a truly comfortable writer's life.

How Poop Turned Into Big Bucks

Carline Anglade-Cole

You don't need to look further for proof of this than Carline Anglade-Cole… a woman who's made a large part of her copywriting fortune from writing about #2.

She got involved with a series of projects related to digestive problems, parasites and constipation. Maybe not for everyone, but Carline made a boatload of money honing in on these common health problems!

“Yep, I got teased about my newfound interest in poop — but, 'Hey, this poop is paying the bills!'” she says. Actually, it did a lot more than just pay the bills… it let Carline travel the world, buy a beautiful dream home, and establish a comfortable life as a kick-butt alternative health copywriter.

Plus, now that she's established herself as a successful writer with winning controls, she never has to go looking for work. Clients come to her, asking if she has time for them.

It could be the same for you — and faster than you think.

Where Demographics Meets Politics, You Win

In the next five years, the health publishing industry will be racing to keep up with an exploding demand for information about health, health services, and alternative health products.

There are two major drivers behind this exploding demand: politics and demographics.

Graph showing large increase in healthcare costs.

The U.S. healthcare system spent $3.2 trillion in 2015, or almost $10,000 for every person, according to Modern Healthcare. That's 17.8% of America's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

And, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) projects that number will grow at an annual average rate of 5.8% through 2025.

Experts worry that's unsustainable… especially given our country's battle with debt and overspending.

But for a copywriter, “out-of-control spending” means “major opportunity”… especially if you'd like to write about how national healthcare issues affect regular people and what the “average Joe” can do to take control of his health.

And it gets better…

You see, that $3.2 trillion number… the whole 17.8% of America's GDP… that's just what official “healthcare systems” — like hospitals, clinics, and government aid programs — are spending.

It doesn't even touch what individual people spend.

That number is harder to pin down. Some estimates peg it at nearly $10,000 per person annually… while others put it at well over $20,000.

No matter how you figure it, Americans as a whole are spending massive amounts on their health… especially as the average age of the nation creeps upward.

Group of Baby Boomers

Demographics truly are your friend if you want to be a health writer — because the largest group of health buyers are the Baby Boomers.

At 80 million strong, the Boomers — born between 1946 and 1964 are living longer than previous generations. And they maintain “enormous spending muscle,” according to a 2016 Morgan Stanley report.

Your Prime Audience Controls 70% Of U.S. Disposable Income and Stands to Inherit $15 Trillion in the Next 20 Years

According to Morgan Stanley “… the greatest boom in spending for the Boomer generation will be in health care.”

They’re arriving at retirement age kicking and screaming. They don't want to get old. They don't want to feel old. And they definitely don't want to look old.

And yes, they’re online and spending billions there, too.

They’re the key to your success!

But a recent AARP marketing survey found that over 80% of Boomers think advertisers are missing the mark — sending them the wrong message or failing to present an offer that’s tempting enough.

That’s why writers who know how to connect with them and deliver an irresistible message are in high demand.

In Matthew K.’s first year writing health copy as a freelancer, he made 50% more than he’d ever made in a full-time job — starting at a low six-figure salary. He’s made 10% more each year since. His biggest client keeps him on a monthly retainer for day-to-day needs. “We have another arrangement for full-length promotions.” And his very first freelance client is still active — going on 10 years now.

So if you'd like to write about preserving wellness… youthfulness… and yes, even “functionality” throughout life… there's a massive market of consumers ready to hang on your every word.

Conditions Are Perfect… For You

No wonder the major health publishers are chomping at the bit for good writers!

They see these trends coming together to create amazing demand for their products, newsletters, and special reports… but they don't have enough writers to get the word out!

As Angela Jirau, Director of the Institute for Natural Healing, says, “Having strong copy is key to building a profitable business. We can't succeed without it. The trouble we run into — always — is simply a lack of qualified health writers.”

She's not alone in feeling that way. Jenny Thompson, former President of Agora's booming NewMarket Health division, complained about it to a packed house at a recent Bootcamp.

So… given that level of demand for your services… can you just walk up to any health publisher, say you're a writer, and get a job?

Not exactly… simply because the first thing they'd ask you is if you know what you are doing in health.

Do you know how to write DSHEA-compliant copy?

What do you do to avoid product liability claims with the FDA?

Can you get a package through legal? Do you have the skills?

Right now, you probably don't.

Not yet.

But you will…

Learn the Right Way to Make a Killing as a Health Writer

Writing for the health market can be the secret to an amazing career… but every one of the successful health writers I know will tell you that you have to know how to navigate this market the smart way.

And you have to learn the rules. Quite a lot of rules, actually, including federal regulations and truth-in-advertising laws.

It's a lot to master, and on your own, getting it right can take years of trial-and-error.

I'm not telling you this to scare you away from writing health copy.

Quite the contrary!

I want to help you take years off your learning curve and jump straight into this red-hot market…

… be right at the front of the line when health publishers come looking for copywriters…

… and be cashing serious paychecks as a health writer by this time next year.

Secrets of Writing for the Health Market

That's why I'm excited to share our Secrets of Writing for the Health Market program with you.

It reflects the current market realities and gives you everything you need to write winning health copy… starting with your first project.

Here's a taste of what's inside:

I'm afraid it gets pretty detailed.

You won't be able to whip through this program in a day… or even a week. I'd say you need a solid month… maybe two or three… to do all the exercises and read every one of the samples.

If you're willing to make that investment in your future, you'll find yourself light-years ahead of other beginning writers… right at the start of the explosion in health copy demand… and just in time to live comfortably off your copy fees and royalties from now until you choose to stop.

But of course, I'm not sending you out in the market armed with just the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to writing for the health market.

I’ll also give you a direct connection to some major health clients looking to hire AWAI-trained health writers just like you…

Get Work Right Now with Live Spec Challenges

You buy programs like this because you want to find work… get clients… and have your shot at the writer's life of your dreams.

And it starts right here.

Secrets of Writing for the Health Market comes with live spec challenges from some of America's top health publishers, including The Institute for Natural Healing and The Healthy Back Institute.

Live spec means these aren't writing exercises or samples to tuck away in your portfolio. This is your chance to put your copy in front of marketing managers and editorial directors actively looking for new writers.

New writers like you.

In fact, when I spoke to these companies about offering spec challenges to freshly-trained health copywriters, the first thing they asked me was, “How many can I give you?”

Do these spec challenges well and not only will you have a paying client — maybe even your first client — but you'll also be connected to companies who have dozens of other projects waiting for the right writer to come along.

Ace Your Specs with These Exclusive Health Writing Bonuses

Now, you don't have to worry about having what it takes to ace these spec challenges… because when you order Secrets of Writing for the Health Market, you'll also get:

Lock Down Your Future as a Successful Health Writer Today

It's time to make a choice. Do you keep hunting for a profitable niche… or do you join the handful of smart writers who've figured out how to make a great living writing health copy?

Remember, you're not going to be starting from scratch. You're going to get:

But here’s why now is the ideal time to lock down your future as a successful health writer…

Test-Drive Secrets of Writing for the Health Market for a FULL Month — Completely Risk Free for Just $497 Today!

Which is a very good deal considering part time health copywriters are charging $150 to $200+ an hour.

And it gets better…

I know that as a copywriter picking a niche can feel like a big commitment…

Which is why I want you to be able to jump in and try out the health market completely risk free.

Sign up for Secrets of Writing for the Health Market now by calling toll-free 1-866-879-2924 or clicking the big orange order button below.

Start My Test-Drive Today!

To your success,

Katie Yeakle
Executive Director, AWAI

P.S. If you want a profitable niche with an unlimited appetite for copy, this is it. There aren't enough health writers to keep up with the demand and politics and demographics mean the market will only get bigger in the years ahead.

Don't watch while others make it big… claim success for yourself! Order Secrets of Writing for the Health Market now.

Start My Test-Drive Today!

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220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
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