How This Simple 21-Point Checklist Can Transform You Into a Well-Paid “Content Inspector” in a Weekend… … and Have You Making Money in Record Time

21-Point Checklist
Just follow the checklist, “inspect” your clients’ content, and get paid.

“Helped Me Get My First Clients!”

— Lane Sennett

“Landed Me Additional Work!”

— Dean Buse

“EEEK! Guys, I just landed my FIRST paid client!”

— Tressa Putnam

Dear Reader,

If you’re looking for an easy, stress-free way to get your writing career up and running…

If the thought of “landing clients” feels scary, tough, and almost insurmountable…

Or if you’re stuck in indecision… you just can’t seem to decide what niche or path to take…

Then you need this checklist — stat.

21-Point Checklist

It’s the same checklist that literally launched my six-figure freelance writing career…

And in just a moment, I’ll show you how it can launch yours too…

All in as little as a weekend, by becoming something I call a “Content Inspector.”

Like the name implies…

You get paid to “inspect” content a company has already paid to have written.

So it doesn't require any specific writing skills on your end…

It doesn’t require years of experience…

And it doesn’t even require any crazy amount of sales or marketing skill to land clients…

Because the checklist I’m going to tell you more about?

This checklist practically sells itself.

I mean it.

Once clients see what you’re offering…

… they instantly “get” why they would need it.

They understand how it would benefit their business.

So more often than not, they’re thrilled to hire you.

Which means all that’s left is for you to decide how much you’d like to get paid.

In my experience?

You can charge an average of $2,000 to do a “Content Inspection” using this checklist.

Really, it’s no different from how a mechanic might do a 12-point inspection on your car…

Or how a home inspector conducts a thorough check before a home sale.

Both follow a detailed checklist to assess the condition of your car or home, from top to bottom.

And that’s all they’re doing — assessing, or inspecting something. Not fixing it.

That’s why a “Content Inspection” is something you could do in just a few hours over an afternoon at your favorite coffee shop…

Your kitchen table…

Or even in a cozy nook of your home office, with your favorite playlist in the background.

And because it’s the kind of service that practically sells itself (as you’ll see in a moment)…

It’s one of the BEST ways for new writers to gain serious momentum, land clients, and launch their careers.

Pam Foster

My name, by the way, is Pam Foster.

I’m AWAI’s learning chief.

But before coming on board with AWAI, I was a successful six-figure freelancer.

And I have this checklist to thank for it:

21-Point Checklist

Making Good Money With a Checklist? It’s a PROVEN Idea Across Multiple Professions…

Now, if you think this is too simple… that you could just use a checklist and start making great money from it…

It really is that simple.

Because this concept isn’t new.

It’s used day in and day out by high-paid professionals across multiple industries.

For example:

Quality assurance auditors use detailed checklists to inspect and evaluate manufacturing processes, identify defects, and ensure adherence to quality standards.

They make up to $115,000 annually. (Source: Glassdoor.)

Environmental auditors rely on comprehensive checklists to thoroughly assess a company's environmental impact and practices.

They make up to $119,000 per year. (Source:

That’s just for starters…

Health and safety auditors use a variety of checklists to inspect workplaces and identify any health or safety hazards and to ensure compliance with local and federal regulations.

They can earn an impressive $124,000 per year. (Source:

And then there are cybersecurity auditors.

They command salaries of up to $186,000 per year. (Source: ZipRecruiter.)

And now?

Writers just like you are using my 21-point checklist to make money and land more client projects:

21-Point Checklist

“EEEK!… I Just Landed My FIRST Paid Client”

“EEEK! Guys, I just landed my FIRST paid client, and honestly, it is in good part because of this [checklist]…

“Thanks Pam! You just helped me kick-start my freelance career.”

— Tressa Putnam

“This [Checklist Approach] Is Already Paying Off”

“Thanks to Pam… This [checklist approach] is already paying off.

“… There is no way this would have happened without you… Thanks!”

— Bill Nettleton

In a moment, you’ll have the opportunity to grab a copy of my checklist.

This way, you can also start using it to boost your career immediately.

But you’ll have to act fast.

I’ll explain why in a second.

First, let me share with you a few real-world examples of the great results other writers like you are getting using my 21-point “Content Inspection” checklist…

Dean Made $3,500

One of my students, Dean Buse, charged a client $3,500 for a single “Content Inspection” using my checklist.

The client loved it.

And it then led to an extra $800 project.

“[Pam gives you everything] you need to know to have a successful [Content Inspection] business. It gave me the knowledge to be an authority…

“The biggest benefit for me, I get to use my copywriting skills, which has landed me additional work.”

— Dean Buse

Kevin Got Paid Four Figures From an Agency Client

Or there’s Kevin Rokosh.

He says he sometimes uses a “just-in-time” approach with AWAI’s courses. He’s confident they’ll deliver the skills he needs for any project that comes his way.

Which is why his timing couldn’t have been better when he grabbed a copy of my 21-point “Content Inspection” checklist.

When some agency work with one of his clients morphed into the client asking his thoughts on some of their existing content…

… Kevin instantly recognized the opportunity and proposed a four-figure fee to do a full “Content Inspection.”

He says, “It was like getting paid to learn!”

His client was happy with his work and appreciated all the issues he found after inspecting all their content. And of course, he was happy with his fee.

This Beginning Copywriter Says My 21-Point Checklist Has “Added Tremendous Value to My Business”… … and Also “Led to More Work.”

Then there’s Bamidele, another new copywriter who saw the opportunity and immediately grabbed a copy of my 21-point “Content Inspection” checklist.

Even though they were just starting out, having my checklist boosted their confidence and led to more work!

“Starting out as a web copywriter… [Pam’s “Content Inspection” checklist] gave me a lot of confidence as I went about getting my first clients.

“My first client was very impressed with my knowledge and it has led to more work for me. It has added tremendous value to my business.”

— Bamidele A.

I could go on and on…

The point is…

There are so many ways using this simple 21-point “Content Inspection” checklist can boost your copywriting business.

You can use it as your way “in” with your dream clients, so you can get to know them, build trust, and eventually become their go-to copywriter…

You can use this checklist part time, and collect up to $2,000 whenever you need it…

Or you might decide to keep it as a backup skill in order to impress difficult or demanding clients…

But one thing is certain…

No matter how you use it, it’s like having a huge client “magnet” that makes it far simpler (and easier) to land paid work, almost on demand.

What Exactly Makes This Checklist So Powerful — and How Do You Use It?

In short, this “Content Inspection” checklist allows you to do what are formally known as site content audits.

That’s a mouthful.

But all it means is you review (or inspect) existing content on your client’s website. Then point out what you think is effective, and what could be improved.

Here, let me give you an example…

Take a good look at this website:

Chiropractic Webpage Example

Got it?

Now, here’s what I want you to do.

Look at the five areas I’ve marked:

Chiropractic Webpage Example with 5 arrows pointing to places where the webpage can be improved

Each of these areas is important to a website’s overall success. Yet most business owners don’t realize this and often “overlook” them.

That’s where you come in…

You take out my 21-point checklist…

21-Point Checklist

… and go through each area.

You write down your thoughts:

“Hmm, yes… that’s missing right here… Oh — they don’t have this item at all… And look at that — this could easily be improved over there…”


You type or “fill in” your findings into a report template that’s already created for you.

You send it off to the client (who finds it immensely valuable).

They pay you whatever you agreed to.

Like I mentioned earlier, it’s been my experience that most clients are happy to pay around $2,000 for you to do this for them.

Another example:

Vet Webpage Example

Again, just look for spots 1–5.

Vet Webpage Example with 5 arrows pointing to places where the webpage can be improved

Here, notice how the numbered areas shifted a little bit. That’s okay, because every website is designed differently.

Now, pull out your checklist. Write down what you find in each area.

Turn it in to your client as a report.

Collect $2,000.

Are you starting to see why so many writers who are starting out LOVE this checklist?

“I’ve Been Paid Two Days’ Consulting”

“I decided to approach a site to offer an audit, got the job, and a month later when they got round to actually reading my detailed and helpful(!) report… they were so amazed and impressed they have asked me to organize the rest of the process to getting it all changed. I’ve been paid two days’ consulting to arrange the order of attack, and will be paid for the copywriting bits and the liaising bits as well as we go through the process.”

— Eleanor Patrick

“Gave Me a Very Valuable and Profitable Service I Can Offer”

“[This] gave me a very valuable and profitable service I can offer my customers in addition to using it to keep my own site up to date.

“The biggest benefit for me is that I stand out from most [other] pros… [Clients] see me as an expert, not just a web geek. It’s absolutely worth the investment.

“Thank you so much and keep doing great work helping freelancers like myself!”

— Nicole Kolesar

Skip the Learning Curve and Launch Straight to “Expert Status”

When it comes to becoming a professional copywriter, most writers think they need to spend years honing their skills, building a portfolio, and networking endlessly to establish themselves as a true professional.

But here’s the truth:

You do NOT have to wait around for YEARS to start making money as a writer.

Because here’s what most writers don’t realize…

Landing clients and getting paid well is all about positioning and perception.

How clients view you will determine what they’re willing to pay you.

When you’re offering to do an audit, you’re not just another writer begging for work.

You’re an expert who is offering to assess a website’s content, identify areas for improvement, and provide strategic recommendations for bigger wins — more traffic, leads, and sales.

Which means offering a site content audit as a service instantly positions you as “more than” a writer.

It makes you an expert — a consultant — in your client’s eyes from day one.

And the best part?

It doesn’t take long at all to learn how to do this.

If you really apply yourself, you could learn everything you need to in a weekend — especially once you understand how to use my checklist!

That’s why this is such a great way to get your feet wet and start earning some “real” money.

By focusing on this unique offering, you can skip the years of trial and error, the frustration of fighting for recognition, and the struggle to stand out in a crowded market.

And instead, you can catapult yourself to success.

This Is the Freelance Shortcut I Wish I’d Known Sooner

See, before I started working with AWAI, I was a successful copywriter.

I got my start way back in 2005…

I wanted OUT of my corporate-cubicle-land and to escape a life of winters in Maine.

So I left and hung out my shingle.

Things were… s-l-o-w at first.

I wasn’t sure how to get clients consistently. But I needed to figure something out fast before my savings dried up.

That’s when I got the idea to take my experience from my former job…

… and create a project I could offer that…

  • Was easy to fulfill
  • Delivered lots of value
  • Most clients wanted and would say “yes” to
  • Paid very well for the effort and time involved

That’s when site content audits were born!

I’d love to say I instantly turned my career around, but it was tough at first.

Back then, I couldn’t find any resources to help me structure the information I was providing my clients.

The only information available was about the mechanics of a website — there was nothing to help evaluate the performance of the actual content and copy.

What I needed was a simple checklist…

… a guide I could use to give any website a copy/content “tune-up”…

… and I also wanted a show-and-tell template that would help me easily explain my findings to clients…

Especially since so many of them were far from being experts on website copy and content.

So, since the tools I needed to perform effective reviews didn’t seem to exist yet, I created my own system focusing on dramatically improving any company’s web content on the five main areas of a website I showed you earlier.

And I spent the next few years perfecting it.

I started with a simple checklist, adding new tips, tools, and industry updates along the way as the web and digital marketing evolved…

… and it’s grown into the comprehensive 21-Point Site Content Audit Checklist it is today.

I also developed an easy-to-use template that lets you present your findings to your clients…

All in a “show-and-tell” style so they immediately understand the opportunities they’re missing, setting the stage for you to become the person they’ll hire to make those improvements.

“This systematic approach to helping companies improve their websites is outstanding… not only because it helps your clients in a huge way, but you’re serving as a valued consultant vs. simply a copywriter.”

— Bob Bly
“America’s Top Copywriter”

Status, Respect, and More…

With this toolkit and step-by-step guide at your fingertips, you won’t need to spend years in the field building your system from scratch like I did…

That’s why like I said earlier — it’s the ultimate way to launch yourself to “expert status” as a true content professional.

Imagine being able to land high-paying clients right out of the gate, without the need for a massive portfolio or years of experience.

Instead, you’ll be a respected expert/consultant.

You will be the one showing your clients where they can improve the copy on their website. Trust me — they have no idea why their website isn’t working or bringing in lots of business.

You will be the one to tell them what they can do to fix it.

And they’ll love you for it, because once they DO fix it, the results will speak for themselves.

The Quick Way to Grow Your Writing Business… and Your Confidence

I know firsthand how intimidating it can be when you’re starting out and trying to attract clients for your copywriting business.

I felt the same way when I was just starting out.

But as my knowledge grew, so did my confidence. The same will happen for you too.

That’s why I’ve made it my mission to help aspiring writers who want to live the writer’s life… but can’t seem to gain the momentum they need.

Positioning yourself as a professional who can perform a site content audit is by far the best way to give yourself the confidence and skills to launch and grow your business.

It will become your “foot in the door” foolproof way to get new clients… every time.

But you don’t have to take it from me.

Just look at Peggy, who used the hands-on templates to take her freelance career to the next level…

“[Pam’s training] has equipped me with all the tools, tips, and strategy needed to begin my career as a professional Website Consultant. I love the easy-to-understand content, work forms, and templates that Pam’s included.

“The biggest benefit for me… CONFIDENCE… just having clear, step-by-step explanations available anytime I need them gives me the assurance I need to submit a successful proposal.

“If you follow Pam Foster’s program, you’re well on your way to becoming a professional.”

— Peggy O.

And Holly, who discovered how having web content analysis in your tool belt can create long-term and lucrative client relationships…

“I had a client ask me for feedback on his new website. Rather than refuse and apologize, I [used Pam’s training]. The 21-point checklist alone allowed me to meet with him and review his site page-by-page. From there, we went to a proposal.

“I felt confident during my entire meeting with him and earned the gig of writing content for his site, plus any referral business he could give me from his clients. Those transactions occurred because of this course. It’s one of the best values at AWAI — a lifeline for freelancing.”

— Holly Helscher

How did they get these great results?

Site Content Audits Made Simple

Site Content Audits Made Simple

They followed my training program — Site Content Audits Made Simple.

Simply put, it shows you how to “inspect” your clients’ content, and get paid to do so.

I have to emphasize — you do NOT have to “fix” any of the issues you find with their content.

If they want to pay you to do that after reviewing your findings, great.

This is how I once got paid a combined $24,200 from one client.

I used my checklist to audit the content on the five main areas of their website.

Then, they immediately saw the need to fix all the issues I’d found… and naturally wanted me to fix it all for them!

But right now, let’s just focus on getting you PAID to do the content audit!

And that’s what Site Content Audits Made Simple will do.

It shows you exactly how…

You Can Use Strategic Site Content Audits to Grow Your Reputation and Your Business… Starting TODAY

Whether you’re a beginner or a more seasoned writer, you can leap to a higher professional level and double your value to clients by adding strategic site content audits to your services.

Remember — content auditing is just “inspecting” five key areas of your client’s site and looking at areas where the content can be improved.

It’s that simple.

And even easier when you’re armed with your seven-step guide in Site Content Audits Made Simple.

You’ll be able to pinpoint every gap in your client’s site content… and all your solutions are content related, so of course, they’ll want YOU to write them.

But it’ll be up to you to decide whether or not you want to take on the extra work, for extra pay.

With these easy-to-follow steps, you’ll know exactly how to:

  • Submit a winning site content audit proposal
  • Use a proven checklist, plus leading tools and approaches to complete a detailed site analysis
  • Identify barriers to success and opportunities for improvement on each of the five key areas of a website
  • See how your client’s website stacks up against competitor sites with my proprietary scoring system
  • Know the difference between a website with content that works and a website that looks good but doesn’t have high-performing content
  • Provide checklists and screen shots that point out problem areas and opportunities to support your recommendations
  • Prepare a formal and polished report your clients will value
  • Recommend a detailed content improvement strategy to help your client get better results from their website
  • Open the door to ongoing web copywriting work for that client, plus other marketing copy and strategy work

And on top of the foundational Site Content Audits Made Simple program…

You’ll Get Exclusive Online Access to Every Site Content Audit Tool I Use

You’ll get:

  • My 21-Point Site Content Audit Checklist — This is the powerfully effective checklist you’ll use to evaluate every strength, weakness, and opportunity throughout your client’s website content. Use this to take the guesswork out of any website content audit — you’re guaranteed to nail it every time.
  • The 5 C’s of Content That Works™ — When evaluating your client’s content, use this five-step framework to measure how your client’s messages work (or don’t) when it comes to offering clear, optimized, helpful, and persuasive sales copy and content. You can quickly tell which messages are designed to convert site visitors into customers, and where conversion-focused messages are missing or need help.
  • Site Content Audit Proposal Template — Use this document to provide a winning proposal for your site content audit services, telling your client exactly what you’ll do during the audit, how this benefits them, and the tremendous value your insights will deliver. You can use this document as is, customizing it for each client.
  • Strategic Site Content Audit Brief — Use this brief to get the right information from your client up front. Armed with the details you gather from this document, you can begin conducting a smart, strategic analysis of your client’s website and competitors.

From day one, you’ll have everything you need to impress clients with your start-to-finish content auditing expertise and insightful analysis.

And by launching yourself straight to the “consultant” level, you have incredible power to boost your copywriting income.

Also keep in mind, this is an AWAI “Living Program,” which means when you order today, you’ll also get unlimited access to every update and any future bonuses we add to the program. And you get it for a lifetime!

Now, you might be thinking that a comprehensive training program like this, one that can transform your career and set you up for long-term success, would come with a hefty price tag.

And in most cases, you’d be right.

In fact, it’s why people have paid up to $2,500 to learn this same material in a LIVE setting with me.

But here’s the thing:

It’s my mission to help you — and any other aspiring writer out there — gain some serious momentum in their career.

I KNOW my 21-point checklist can do that for you.

After all, it’s what launched my six-figure freelance career.

And because of that, you won’t be paying $2,500 to get access to the checklist and everything else you’re getting today.

Instead, we’ve agreed on an absolute bargain price for the Site Content Audits Made Simple training program — just $497.

But through today’s special offer — you won’t pay the full $497…

Before I tell you your special pricing though…

Land Your First Client Even Faster — With Your Bonus “Business-Building” Library

I’m also including five bonuses to make sure you have every possible advantage as you start your site content auditing journey…

So when you order Site Content Audits Made Simple today, you’ll also get access to:

Bonus #1:
The Best Time to Pitch Site Content Audits to Prospective Web Clients

Inside, I’ll reveal the No. 1 mistake people make when offering their content review services, and what you should do instead… Plus, I’ll show you some of the best scenarios for meeting potential clients… and which keywords and phrases reveal that they’re ready to hear your pitch.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll know exactly how to recognize potential clients that will say “Yes!” to your services, every time.

Bonus #2:
How to Win Over the Web Pros When Providing Site Content Audits

While you’re reviewing a website’s content, it’s important to establish a good working relationship with your client’s web developers — they’re the ones who handle the design and functionality of the website. In this lesson, I’ll walk you through three common scenarios you may encounter with web developers… and I’ll show you the best way to handle them. For each case, you’ll know how to listen and respond to their doubts or concerns… establish mutual respect and cooperation… and win them over to see the value of your services for a smooth process all around. (Hint: It’s a matter of listening and responding in their language.)

Read through this lesson and put these techniques to the test — you’ll be able to handle each scenario as a professional and win over even the most “prickly” of web pros.

Bonus #3:
Use This Client-Ready Checklist to Write Web Content Like a Boss

So now you’ve done your content audit… impressed your client with your suggestions… and scored a nice list of writing projects they’d like to pay you for… Now what?

Don’t worry — I’m not going to leave you alone for the writing part of things. In fact, I’ve put together a step-by-step guide for you to make writing your web content projects just as easy as the auditing process! Using this bonus checklist, you’ll always know exactly where to start and what major points to hit in your writing, so there’s NO reason to “fear the blank page.”

Bonus #4:
Today’s Top 3 Mobile “Musts” for Effective Web Content

Want to add a little extra “wow factor” to your services? I’ve got you covered with this special bonus lesson. Here, I’ll take you behind the scenes of the biggest “Achilles heel” most websites have — their mobile presence. You see, websites look and perform differently when you look at them on a cell phone or tablet… and as you might know, people are in a totally different headspace of superfast scrolling when they’re using their mobile devices (very different from the leisurely way we typically read on our regular computers). So as much as most businesses are befuddled by what content they need on their website, they’re even more in the dark when it comes to the demands of the mobile audience.

That’s where you come in. If you can not only revamp their website content but ALSO shed some light on the changes they need to strengthen their mobile site content, they’ll be blown away by your attention to detail AND your ability to keep their business (and their profits) right at peak performance — even with cutting-edge technology!

Bonus #5:
A Perfectly Scripted Conversation for Your Role as a Highly Paid Web Content Detective

If the idea of talking to clients still makes you a little nervous (which is totally normal, don’t worry) — I’ve got you covered there, too.

Not only am I going to walk you through the whole process of when and how to talk to clients in the main program, but…

I’m also going to GIVE you this easy-reference script for you to keep handy when you’re talking to your own clients! In this script you’ll find an ideal conversation with a content audit client, so you’ll know exactly which “moves” to make that will guarantee your client sees you as a confident and capable professional… and make them super eager to work with you!

It takes all the guesswork out of the equation!

Your Special Deal…

As I mentioned earlier, you won’t pay the full $497 when you sign up today…

Because I want to make sure you have everything you need to speed up your career and start making money as a writer, faster.

And I don’t want an investment to get in the way!

So today, through this special offer, I’m taking $200 off the regular price, so you can own Site Content Audits Made Simple, including my 21-point checklist, the complete library of bonuses, and more…

For just $297.

Even better:

Through this offer you can PAY OVER TIME — and get access to EVERYTHING right now for just $59.40… followed by four additional monthly payments of $59.40.

Get Started Now!

AWAI’s 100% No-Risk Guarantee

If you’re not absolutely satisfied with all your new site content audit skills and resources…

… or even if you simply decide doing site content reviews isn’t for you… just let us know within 30 days and we’ll refund every penny.

It really doesn’t get any easier than that.

There are SO many businesses out there that need this service, and SO few copywriters who can provide it — I’m thrilled just thinking about how big an impact site content audits will have on your copywriting income!

And when you consider you’ll receive all the bonus templates, the proven Site Content Audit Checklist, and comprehensive guide covering every step of the process, this program is easily worth $1,000.

With just one site content audit review, you could easily make your full investment back — and then some.

And you’ll have a lucrative skill you can use again and again, so you can start living your version of the writer’s life.

With Site Content Audits Made Simple in your hands, you can leap straight to an elevated “consulting” role… command higher fees… land clients who actually look forward to getting your expert advice… and earn multiple paychecks for projects…

The sooner you invest in yourself and your career, the more time you’ll have to reap the rewards of your hard work.

So if you’re serious about landing paying clients and getting your career off the ground quickly…

… if you’re ready to take control of your financial future and build the freelance business of your dreams, then don’t wait a moment longer.

Click the button below to enroll in Site Content Audits Made Simple today.

Don’t let another day go by without this priceless skill in your copywriting arsenal.

Get all the tools, insight, and confidence you need to land clients and win their respect.

Get Started Now!


Pam Foster
Learning Chief, AWAI

P.S. Don’t forget, you risk nothing by trying out this program. Read through the lessons… download the bonus materials… put the templates and checklists to the test… and if for any reason you decide it’s not for you within the next 30 days, we’ll refund your full purchase!

So take your business to the next level today with Site Content Audits Made Simple.

Go here to get started.

Here’s what some other folks had to say after adding site content audits to their copywriting toolkit…

“In my opinion, Site Content Audits Made Simple is the most authoritative way to introduce yourself and your services to any potential client. It allows you to awe potential clients with your knowledge and skills by simply assessing their website’s effectiveness, in a professional manner.

“Once the client is duly impressed, your suggestions for future work will be like instructions they simply cannot ignore. You create a thirst they must quench. Can you say CLIENT FOR LIFE?”

— John Batson

Site Content Audits Made Simple is: an easy, user-friendly, relevant, comprehensive, manageable and well set out program. My biggest benefit is that I have the confidence, ability, and aptitude to ‘repair’ or cure ‘sick’ websites in an organized manner. I recommend that you buy this program.”

— Evangelos Papamichael

“Hi Pam! I enjoyed the Site Content Audits program, the tips in the program really helped me to get a deeper understanding of writing web content (which is something I do a lot of now!) I especially liked the check lists, as I keep them in mind when writing web content for clients. I also like the creative brief, and I use it whenever I begin a project with a new client. All in all, this is definitely a valuable program.”

— Tammy Powell

“Explained so well and made it user friendly. I feel like I can do this now.”

— Jan Chitsey

“I have won clients simply by proposing to them what needs to be done, and they have been impressed with my extremely detailed list of problems and solutions, going page-by-page through their site.

“For clients willing to pay for ongoing work, the Site Content Audit is a terrific way to begin the relationship, even if you don’t charge for the audit itself and just use it as part of your proposal.

“For any AWAI student who wants to accelerate their mastery of web marketing, I’d consider this an essential tool.”

— Dan Magill

“This may be my favorite! What Pam showed us is pure genius hidden in plain sight! When you understand it, it’s so obvious, but not until then!”

— Andre Harding

“I’m taking your course and getting a lot out of it. As well as being very interesting on its own merit, I see it as an easier way to get clients to write for.”

— Irene Boyer

Get Started Now!