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You’ve Probably Never Heard of This (It’s Been Kept Under Wraps for Years)…

The Highly Unusual $3,000 – $7,500 Writing Project I Invented… and Perfected… that Absolutely EVERY Company Needs

“It started as a way to make an easy extra $3,000 every month… But these days I’m making $7,500 or more for the same projects! Now I never want to write anything else!”

Spend a few minutes with me right now, and I’ll show you how to make the same kind of money doing the exact same thing.

Dear Reader,

When I created this one-of-a-kind writing project 23 years ago, I never imagined just how important it would become…

I had no idea it would be my primary writing service… that I’d be a coveted expert in the eyes of my clients… or that I’d be earning anywhere from $3,000 to $12,000 a month.

Now, just to be clear, I didn’t patent some complicated “computer-generated writing software” or anything like that…

In fact, I originally created this unique writing project just to keep an intern busy.

But once I started showing clients how it could easily bring in tons of new customers… take their business to the next level of success… and even make them millions of dollars… the demand skyrocketed.

Now every client I talk to is interested in having me write one of these for their business. Why? Because they see instantly how valuable it is.

As a result, I’m making a significant income writing these projects, and I’m helping my clients generate a lot more revenue.

See, when I first started, I’d charge $3,000 each time and thought I had hit the jackpot… but these days I’m making $7,500 or more for the exact same amount of work!

And once you know how to do them, it’s not a long or difficult writing project to do.

Each one is usually only around 10 to 20 pages

And the truth is, by the time I finish talking to my client and gathering the information I need, half the document is already practically written in their own words.

But that’s not even my favorite part…

The best thing is so few people know about it, there’s practically zero competition…

Which means the small handful of writers who are trained to do this special type of writing project could literally make as much money as they want, including a six-figure income… and without spending hours a day typing up long sales letters.

That’s why I’m writing to you today.

I’d like to help you become one of those select few writers.

In this letter, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about getting started with this highly unusual writing project — including the best way to land one client after another — and the fees you can expect to charge once you’re up and running.

But first, let me show you how I discovered this… and why it’s been kept under wraps for years…

The Intern and the Wild Toboggan Ride

This all started over 23 years ago…

Back then I was working in-house for a marketing company in California, and I had this fantastic intern who somehow always managed to finish her daily work duties before lunch.

She was smart, ambitious, and driven, and I wanted to keep her on full time… but since she kept finishing a full day’s work in half the time it took most people, I was having trouble keeping her busy enough to justify a full-time position.

So I created a special kind of project for her…

All she had to do was gather all the marketing materials for the products the company sold and file them in binders. That way, any member of the marketing team could see at a glance every sales message ever written for each product.

I figured it would be extremely valuable for everyone on the marketing team to be able to see the company’s entire marketing history, including every sales promotion we’d ever created, all put together in one central place.

And boy was I right.

Those binders were getting more company traffic than I could keep track of. Every day someone was flipping through them.

But the real value went way beyond convenience.

Suddenly we were finding all sorts of useful information…

For example, we found instances of wasted time and money because we had too many duplicate sales messages going out at the same time.

We found cases of newly written material that directly conflicted with something we’d already published.

This level of information was so valuable, we made it a standard part of the marketing process to check the binders FIRST, before anything new was published.

My binder-marketing project was a hit.

A few years later, when I left that job to pursue my dream of becoming a freelance writer, I figured at some point in the future this project could come in handy for another client too.

And that’s exactly what happened.

One day I got a call from a new potential client. He was a nice guy, had a good business, but he wasn’t quite sure what he wanted me to write for him.

He needed some new website copy… and all the sales promos probably need updating… and the customer letters needed to be revised too… and the list went on and on.

But he didn’t have a clue as to which projects I should take on first.

When I asked about his previously published sales materials, he admitted he wasn’t really sure what message was being used.

And on top of that, it would be hard for him to find them all, because they were scattered in different places.

If I’d been a green writer just starting out, taking on his mish-mash of projects would have been like going on a wild “toboggan” ride.

Fortunately, I had enough experience to realize what this client needed was a way to organize all his marketing materials in one place.

Then he’d know exactly what messages he was using to get customers… and more easily determine the priority for new writing projects.

So I told him, “It sounds like what you really need is a central document with your core marketing message. That way when you need new website copy or a sales letter, you can pull straight from that one source and never have to worry about jumbled copy again.”

He agreed immediately and asked me to jump on the entire project right away.

I charged him a flat fee of $3,000… spent a couple days sifting through all his marketing materials… and then wrote 10 very straightforward pages of copy that brought all his key messages together in one convenient document.

When I handed him the finished document, he was thrilled.

And I knew instantly that I’d just created something BIG. Something that other businesses would find just as valuable, and I knew they’d be willing to pay good money to have it done.

I called my new brainchild a Key Message Copy Platform.

And over the next several years, writing Key Message Copy Platforms for clients has skyrocketed my career, taking me straight to “expert status,” all while earning a very good living.

Today, I’m going to show you the details on how you can achieve the same success writing Key Message Copy Platforms… landing one new client after another… and generating a steady stream of writing income, earning anywhere from $3,000 to $7,500 or more for every project you write.

Before we go any further, let me explain a little about what a Key Message Copy Platform is and why EVERY business needs one for each product or service they offer.

It’s typically a 10-20 page document that includes a comprehensive series of persuasive marketing messages for your client’s product.

Once completed, a Key Message Copy Platform is the springboard for writing a full lineup of marketing materials for that product. These marketing materials include website pages, emails, videos scripts, landing pages, and more.

By developing a Key Message Copy Platform, your client is assured that all the marketing messages for their product will be strong and consistent across all their marketing channels.

So basically, any time your client needs to write something about that product, he can just flip through the Key Message Copy Platform you’ve written and use the copy you’ve developed as a starting point.

Let me give you a sneak peek at what this looks like…

This is the first couple pages of a Key Message Copy Platform I wrote for a medical sales company.

And there’s one thing I especially want you to notice here…

Notice how short most of the copy is?

Well, the whole project looks like this!

Those 10–20 pages you write are just short, sweet, and to-the-point messages.

There’s nothing complicated about it.

I’m a simple guy, and I wanted a simple project.

So I created Key Message Copy Platforms that are easy to learn how to do.

In fact, I break it down into 3 steps…

Simple Step #1: Talk to your client’s research and development and marketing teams to gather all the information you can about the product…

Simple Step #2: Identify the key benefits of the product based on that information…

Simple Step #3: Write short snippets of copy — headlines, bullets, taglines, that sort of thing — that really make those benefits stand out…

That’s it!

And as easy as that sounds, I’m going to make it a complete no-brainer by walking you step-by-step through my process for writing Key Message Copy Platforms.

But before I do that, I want to tell you one of my favorite things about this project…

And that’s the infinite possibilities it provides!

Because every single company needs Key Message Copy Platforms.

Every Business Needs this Key

As simple as it may be to write one, the true value of this document goes WAY beyond the surface level.

You see, in the business world, it’s easy for a company to lose sight of its central message.

With all the marketing channels available these days… from social media to websites, blogs, online marketing, and emails… most businesses just write their marketing pieces one at a time whenever they need them.

They’re writing everything on the fly just to keep up.

So they wind up hiring a lot of different people to write different projects at different times…

And since most of the people they hire are working independently, it’s more like everyone is writing in a vacuum.

The result?

Lots of disjointed copy pieces that, as a whole, are weak, confusing, and even conflicting with each other.

Which is bad for business because customers get so confused, they don’t pay attention to the company’s core sales message.

That means the company loses out two-fold:

  • They’ve wasted time and money on advertising and marketing that didn’t work…
  • And they’ve lost customers because their readers can’t figure out what the company is all about.

So while not everyone has heard of Key Message Copy Platforms before, whenever I offer one to a client, the answer is almost always, “That’s exactly what we need!”

It even happened this way with AWAI. Not too long ago I was talking to the President of AWAI, Rebecca Matter, and when I told her what I do with Key Message Copy Platforms, she said, “We need one of those!”

In a little bit, I’ll share some stories that show exactly how valuable this simple document can be for clients…

But first I want to show you just how valuable they can be for you.

$3,000 For Your Very First Project

Even after realizing how powerful Key Message Copy Platforms could be all those years ago, I have to admit that for a while I just kept charging the same flat fee of $3,000.

I didn’t mind that my clients were getting such a great value because I was totally happy making an extra $3,000+ almost every month, just by adding this one project to my list of writing services.

(Now I usually charge much more, but we’ll get into that later.)

Just think… If you got started today with the same “part-time” strategy I used, and wrote just one Key Message Copy Platform a month, you could make $36,000 in your first year!

Remember, it only takes around 10–15 hours to write one, so if you really got focused and bore down, you could probably get a first draft done over a weekend. Then in your spare time, you polish up your final draft and you’re done.

That’s an easy $3,000 in your pocket.

And that’s just the start of what you can earn writing Key Message Copy Platforms.

If you keep at it, you can quickly get to the point where you’re averaging $5,000 for each one you write. Do two a month and you’re looking at earning $120,000 a year.

Of course, it all depends on how much time you want to devote to doing them. But either way, the amount of extra money you can earn writing Key Message Copy Platforms is pretty darn good.

But here’s the thing. While I loved all the extra money I was making…

I soon realized I had only scratched the surface of what I could charge…

Once I saw firsthand how every single client loved the Key Message Copy Platforms I wrote for them — and how much it helped their business — I made a decision to make Key Message Copy Platforms my primary specialty.

I made it the front page of my freelance website…

I offered it as my specialty service to almost every client I talked to…

And my business started to grow.

Clients I’d written Platforms for started referring me to other businesses as the “consultant who revolutionized” their marketing messages.

In short, I became THE Key Massage Copy Platform Guy that every business needed.

The Key Message Copy Platform Casey developed for my book, Journaling Power, played a HUGE role in it becoming an international bestseller. If you need moving, persuasive sales messages written for your books and information products, Casey Demchak should be the first name you think of! #WriteON!

Mari L. McCarthy

"Casey, I truly enjoyed reviewing the Key Message Copy Platform you created for me. OUTSTANDING WORK!"

Karina Poirier, Psy.D., BCBA-D

“Thanks so much Casey! Bless you, Bless You, BLESS YOU! You made this whole process so doable. Thanks for staying engaged and delivering beyond my expectations!”

Dr. Aimee V. Sanchez
Consultant and author of, Disrupt the Status Quo

Suddenly I was in high demand, and not just as a copywriter — but as an expert.

Which just might be the most important distinction you ever achieve in your career…

No More “Short-Order” Syndrome

Just about every freelance writer knows that one of the biggest challenges new writers face is something I like to call “short-order” syndrome.

In the beginning, you tend to take on any and every project you can… from anyone who’s willing to pay… pretty much no matter what.

Maybe you have one client who’s a private physician, and she’ll pay you $300 per page to write her website copy…

Next you get a school teacher with an Etsy shop who’ll give you a nice set of handmade throw pillows in exchange for a series of emails for her 24 followers…

Or the local orchid farmer who needs your help writing blog posts and is willing to pay $50 per article…

The problem is you have almost zero control over the work you do or how much you’re making from it.

You become the “short-order cook” of the writing world — scrambling from order to order with very little rest and no guarantee that all this hustle will even pay the bills.

And the truth is it doesn’t have to be that way.

Do you want to be seen as a writer who clients call one time for a cheap quickie project and that’s it?

Or do you want to be seen as a writer who can go deeper and take their business to the next level of growth?

Personally, I’ve spent time as both, and I know which one I’d pick every time.

Since becoming the Key Message Copy Platform expert, I’ve increased my income significantly each year, while working on far fewer projects than when I was a short-order writer…

Plus, now I’m able to finish all my client writing in about half my working hours, which frees up several hours a week to work on content for other revenue streams in my personal business.

Things like coaching sessions and online product development… things I really enjoy doing.

Compare this to the crazy 60+ hour weeks I used to work bouncing around like a pinball between a bunch of small projects, and it really is a no brainer.

Sure, I still have the option to take on other projects when I want to…

And I frequently do.

But because I’m usually writing for clients I’ve already written a Platform for, I get to pick and choose which projects I accept, and I’m able to charge premium fees for them.

It’s not because I’m the best writer in the world, either.

It’s all because of how Key Message Copy Platforms position you as both an expert writer AND an expert on your client.

Let me show you what I mean…

Skipping Straight to “Expert” Status

The beauty of this system is that you don’t need years and years of experience to look like an expert to your clients.

That’s because a primary portion of writing Key Message Copy Platforms is all about asking your clients the right questions…

And that’s easy to do when you follow my step-by-step guide, where I give you exactly which talking points to use to make sure your client gives you ALL the information you need to write a very dynamic Key Message Copy Platform.

In most cases, once you get them talking, the information they provide makes it much easier to write their Key Message Copy Platform.

From there, all you have to do is organize the information they gave you into a series of persuasive marketing messages.

The result is a Key Message Copy Platform that helps your client focus their efforts and generate greater revenues.

And they’ll love you for it!

So if you’re just getting started as a writer…

Or if you have a few years of experience but are looking for a way to expand your business and bring in additional income…

This is perfect for you!

I’ll walk you through the whole process… take any guess-work out of the equation… and show you how simple it is to get the information you need from clients to make writing a Key Message Copy Platform much easier for you.

Plus, once you’ve single-handedly organized their marketing campaigns, guess who your client is going to want to hire to write all the additional copy they need?

That’s right, 9 times out of 10, they’re going to turn right back around and ask you to sign up for more paid writing projects.

After all, you just became THE expert on their company and their product.

You understand their messaging in a way no other freelance writer does.

The truth is, no one else can write the copy they need as well as you could.

In fact, I’ve had clients I wrote Platforms for tell me they loved my work but couldn’t afford to hire me for more projects…

Only to have them call me up a few weeks later asking me to come back and write for them because no other freelancer understood what they needed like I did!

Once clients realize how your insight into their business affects their bottom line, the funds seem to appear like magic, and they can’t get enough of your writing.

For anyone who’s looking to build up their roster of clients, I can’t recommend Key Message Copy Platforms enough.

And again, EVERY company needs them.

You can get your foot in the door with a new client, impress them with your insight and expertise, and open the door for more work with them — all in a very short period of time.

The entire process is designed to be completely straightforward for you…

Taking the guess-work out means you get the advantage of looking like a marketing veteran — no matter how new you really are.

And when you look like an expert, people want to pay you like an expert.

That’s when things get really exciting…

The $23 Million Jacket

Remember how I told you I started out charging the same flat fee of $3,000 for every Platform I wrote?

Back then I was thrilled with making that much money for such a straightforward project.

I even felt a little nervous charging so much for a project that was, in reality, very easy for me to write…

That is, until I lost a client because they thought I was charging too little!

They took one look at my $3,000 invoice and gave it back to me, saying, “Look, you just told us about this service that’s easily got to be worth $10,000… but if you’re only charging $3,000, then maybe it’s not that valuable after all…”

I was stunned!

It got me thinking…

Sure, writing Key Message Copy Platforms is easy for me…

But my clients don’t see or care how easy it is for methey care about how valuable it is for their business.

That’s how they judge what the price of something should be.

In fact, one time I got a surprise package in the mail from a client I’d written a Platform for the year before…

Inside was a jacket with the tagline I’d written for them embroidered on it, and a note that said…

Casey, we wanted to send you this jacket as a thank you. The messaging you wrote for our new product helped us bring in $23 million in revenue this first year!”

My first thought was, “My writing helped generate $23 million and all I got was this bloody jacket!”

It didn’t even fit me!

I’d only charged $3,000 to write their Key Message Copy Platform…

Clearly I could have charged much more.

I still have that darn jacket hanging in my closet as a reminder to never under-value what my services are worth to clients.

From that day on, I started using a new, one-question technique to judge how much to charge each client for their Platform.

I’ve personally used it to earn more than 3x my normal rate.

The result?

These days I typically make $7,500 to $10,000 or more for the same amount of work!

I’m still only spending 15 or 20 hours on each Platform, and yet I’m earning double, or even triple my original fee.

Sometimes I still can’t believe it!

But as much money as you can make from it…

There’s still one more aspect of Key Message Copy Platforms that I think makes them more valuable to writers than anything else…

Turn Every Client into a Dream Client

Anytime you run into a client who seems tough to work with or who might not be able to afford your services…

You can almost always turn those situations to your advantage using Key Message Copy Platforms.

Here’s just a few of the “problem client” encounters I’ve been able to turn into dream clients using Platform writing:

Solvable Problem #1: When Your Client Can’t Afford You…

I ran into this early on with a local flooring company that needed a lot of copy but had a very tight budget.

Instead of walking away or agreeing to work for pennies, I offered to write them a Key Message Platform for $2,500.

They loved that it was within their budget, and it gave them everything they’d need to write additional copy for their business.

It’s a win-win for you and your client: You don’t have to discount your services or lose a potential client… and they get a great value.

Better yet, after writing a Platform for these clients, many of them come back later and ask me to write more projects for them!

Solvable Problem #2: When Your Client Doesn’t Know What He Needs…

Remember my first “toboggan ride” client?

If I had to guess, I’d say close to half of the potential clients you’ll run into as a freelancer will be just as scrambled and directionless.

Especially with small businesses — a lot of them just don’t have the marketing know-how to get a firm grasp on what copy they really need.

Being able to reign in the wild requests from these clients and focus them on a Key Message Copy Platform is the perfect way to take control of the situation before you wind up mired in their chaos.

Solvable Problem #3: When Your Client Has a Lot of Copy…

I run into this one a lot… It’s when a company doesn’t know what kind of marketing message works best, so they have a bunch of different writers blindly producing all sorts of copy…

When I come across these clients, I always start off by saying, “Go find a big conference table and lay out all the copy messages you’ve been running for this product. Do your messages make sense and flow together?”

Typically, my client stops me right there, “Oh we don’t even need to do that. I can already tell you it’s totally inconsistent. We need help.”

The list just keeps going!

Just about any client dilemma you can think of — solved.

I’ve got a bunch more details on how to use Key Message Copy Platforms to turn every client into a dream client and I’ll share them with you in the one-of-a-kind training program I created exclusively for AWAI members…

Key Message Copy Platforms

Key Message Copy Platforms A Unique High-Income Service That Can Skyrocket Your Copywriting Success

When I decided to help other writers unlock the benefits of writing Key Message Copy Platforms, I wasn’t about to leave anything to chance. I wanted you to hit the ground running, with absolutely no doubts that you’re ready to offer Key Message Copy Platforms to your clients.

Every single detail is covered in full. And I’ve put all those details together in an easy-to-follow series of short videos, where I’ll personally give you everything you need to write a Key Message Copy Platform from start to finish.

By the time you finish the Key Message Copy Platforms training program, you’ll understand exactly what goes in each section of the document and why.

In fact, the modules are so detailed, if you wanted, you could write your first full Key Message Copy Platform (for your own business or a prospect) just by following along!

And to make sure you have all the tools and learning resources you need — when you need them — I included transcripts, tip sheets, and hands-on exercises in each session.

This will help you nail writing Key Message Copy Platforms with 100% confidence.

I’ve even added tons of material to help you reach out to potential new clients — and feel perfectly comfortable doing it. So from the first time you offer a Key Message Copy Platform to your client… all the way through to the final draft you submit… you’ll be confident every step of the way.

Here’s a look at some of the topics and details I’ll cover to turn you into a Key Message Copy Platform expert…


Why Every Business Loves Key Message Platforms

Before we dive into the nuts and bolts of writing, I’ll introduce you to a more intimate look at what a Key Message Copy Platform is and why a client might want one.

I’ll give you a breakdown of what you need — and don’t need — to be successful with this kind of work.

Then I’ll share…

  • The four key reasons to offer Key Message Copy Platforms as a part of your writing business… including exactly why they make your life easier.
  • How to leverage my decades of trial and error with Key Message Copy Platforms to fast-track your own journey to a six-figure writing career.
  • Why repetition builds reputation for companies — and how you can use this to your personal advantage when marketing to them.

Plus, I created a special bonus e-book on how to organize and write Key Message Copy Platforms that you can use for reference throughout the program, so you’ll never feel lost as you absorb all the new material.

Module 1

How to Write Key Message Copy Platforms (Overview)

Each Key Message Copy Platform has a base of 14 sections. In this module, we’ll dive deep into the first four sections — the product tag line, the target market description, the “voice” for the product, and sample headlines.

I’ll show you:

  1. The three simple steps you can follow to write any Key Message Copy Platform quickly.
  2. Why you don't want to make "clever" product tag lines for your clients — and what you should write instead that's simpler and will make your customers much happier.
  3. How to keep the “human value” element strong in your copy (and even how to sneak extra human value into “dry” copy).

By the end of this module, you’ll have reviewed multiple samples and be primed to create your own introductory sections with confidence.

Module 2

How to Write Key Message Copy Platforms (The Important Details)

In Module 2, we’ll jump right into the next five sections in a “do it as you see it” format.

I’ll also give you some personal insights on achieving success in the business, including:

  • Why a detailed description of how the product or service works is one of the best “gifts” you can give the marketing team — plus, how doing this right knocks down buyer objections fast.
  • How to keep your copy “at-a-glance friendly” throughout — and why this is going to make your client fall in love with your work right away.
  • Your secret allies in the R&D department and how they can help you. (Here’s a hint: They know the product even better than the marketing team!)
  • What to do to give products more personality — and why positioning them in this way boosts the power of market segmentation for your clients.

By the end of Module 2, you’ll be able to deliver the key positioning elements of a Key Message Copy Platform without breaking a sweat… and be well on your way to having your first completed sample.

Module 3

How to Write Key Message Copy Platforms (The Nuts and Bolts)

Here, I’ll wrap up Key Message Copy Platform writing with a tour through the testimonials, features and benefits, and call-to-action sections. You’ll learn:

  • Why short testimonials beat long ones in the business world… and how you can get the “right” testimonials from the best product champions.
  • How to skip hype and fluff when describing features and benefits, so you can deliver details that really mean something to both your clients and their customers.
  • What the sales team can tell you to give you insights… plus how you can use their insights to write talking points that overcome buyer objections. (Marketing teams love this!)
  • Why the call-to-action section helps your clients — and when you’ll want to skip this section entirely to help yourself.

By the end of this module, you’ll understand writing Key Message Copy Platforms from start to finish. But that’s not all. By the end of this module, you’ll also have completed your first sample copy platform.

Module 4

Getting Clients: Who Buys Key Message Copy Platforms?

Everything you learned up till now will be useless if you don’t have clients. So Module 4 kicks off a three-part series on the easiest ways to attract clients with Key Message Copy Platforms.

I’ll share everything I know about how to market to clients and sell them on doing Key Message Copy Platforms, including:

  • How to turn potentially difficult clients into positive, profit-generating clients by steering them toward a Key Message Copy Platform.
  • Where to find your ultimate “sweet spot” as a Key Message Copy Platform writer — and what to say while you're in the "sweet spot" to virtually guarantee you're the client's first choice for every additional project.
  • Why working with small start-up firms can be the most fun you’ll ever have doing Key Message Copy Platforms — even if it’s the only project you ever do together!
  • How to use Key Message Copy Platform projects to land work with companies who have small budgets… and why you'll still make every penny you deserve while you do it!

By the end of this module, you’ll know how to zero in on the top three situations where a Key Message Copy Platform is a smart sell. Plus, I’ll even reveal the five situations where it’s a BAD IDEA to pitch a Key Message Copy Platform and what you should offer instead to maximize your earnings.

Module 5

Maximize Your Income: How to Consistently Sell Key Message Copy Platforms

In this module, I’ll lay out the talking-points you’ll need to put clients at ease and sell them on working with you right away, including:

  • The six essential talking points and closing lines I use every day, built from my 20+ years of face-to-face experience with clients in the field — and you can steal them!
  • How to use my "conference room table" negotiating secret to make marketers want to jump on your proposal and get your check in the mail.
  • Why you want to be the first one to give a number, so you can provide a smart pricing anchor for your clients and make it easy for them to see your value.
  • When a three-tiered pricing system makes sense, and how you can use this to maximize your overall writing income.

By the end of this module, you’ll be able to smoothly sell clients on the value of hiring you by using the best talking points available — mine!

Module 6

Hidden Opportunities: How to Avoid Project Pitfalls

Here, I’ll walk you through the pitfalls I’ve run into on Key Message Copy Platform projects and give you my strategies to avoid them. You’ll learn:

  • My top three responses to client objections (just swipe these and use them for yourself!).
  • How to manage special requests and special situations like a pro — plus, case studies so you can see real-life solutions to all the most common problems.
  • Why a “setback” is just another opportunity for you — and the special discounting system I use to make sure you get lots more opportunities coming your way.

By the end of this module, you’ll be able to handle project quirks with confidence. You’ll also have my best practices on your side to ensure you’re the first choice for follow-up projects.

Module 7

Grow Your Business: Show Case Your Copywriting Skills

Key Message Copy Platforms are just one part of my six-figure writing career… and in this module, I’ll reveals my top tactics for building up every aspect of your business, including:

  • Why a simple plan (that you can do well) will always beat a complicated plan.
  • How marketing that’s “an inch wide but a mile deep” lets you build up clients in your preferred space while still leaving the door wide open for extra work in other areas.
  • The unique power of the “go-giver” mindset in the business space — plus all the hands-on activities you can do to put that mindset into action for your business right away.

By the end of Module 7, you’ll understand the three stages of writing success and how you can use my best practices to move through those stages in your own career.

Module 8

Bonus Session — Developing A Mindset Marketing Power

In this Bonus Module, I’ll share my secret to creating a “winning” mindset, and how it can help you excel as a copywriter.

I’ll also include a free copy of the bonus report 10 Secrets to Attracting Copywriting Success with this module. You’ll see…

  • How you can develop an unrelenting belief that you deserve as much success as anyone else. Because you do.
  • Why you should be careful what you wish for… and only wish for the best! Since it doesn’t take any more energy to dream big than to think small, there’s no reason to hold yourself back.
  • How when you master your mindset, your “hard work” becomes an opportunity for joyful creation.

It all adds up to a module designed to help you unlock your inner power as a marketer in a way that's easy, simple, and builds you up on a consistent basis.

Make Your First $3,000 This Month!

So far in this letter I’ve told you about all the ways writing Key Message Copy Platforms can launch your writing career to the next level… whether you're just starting out or have a few years of experience under your belt.

I’ve given you a sneak peek into how it all works…

And I’ve even shared a few “trial and error” moments I learned from in my years of perfecting the Key Message Copy Platform system.

I’ve already told you how much money you can make writing these 10- to 20-page projects…

And I’m willing to bet you can make $3,000 on your very first one…

Now, I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get all the benefit of my years of hard work and experience — so YOU can become an expert on Key Message Copy Platforms…

Not in years. In days!

So I’m doing something that’s almost unthinkable. I’m giving away the full training program…

All eight learning modules, including the bonus module on creating a winning mindset, not for $1,000…

Not even for $750…

Instead, I’m letting you get your copy for the lowest price possible: Just $497.

Which means you could easily make over 6x your investment with your very first client!

Order Now

Why such a low price for something so valuable?

Because I believe in paying it forward. See, I know what it’s like to struggle to launch your writing career… and how difficult it can be at times to find good paying clients.

When I left my job with the company where I originated the idea for Key Message Copy Platforms, my goal was to pursue my dream of being a well-paid, in-demand freelance writer.

It didn’t happen overnight. It took a few years before I was making enough money to live comfortably and feel confident about being my own boss.

If I can help just one person achieve their dream of living the writer’s life, I’ll be more than happy.

So when I created the Key Message Copy Platform training program, I asked Katie and Rebecca if they would allow me to offer it at a big discount. I didn’t want price to be the reason you put off starting this new and exciting way of earning a living as a writer.

They agreed. 😉

But I don’t know how long I’ll be able to offer Key Message Copy Platforms at this low price…

So you’ll want to make sure you sign up right away.

But before you do, I want to make sure you have absolutely everything you need

Let Me Make This a No-Brainer

To make sure you get the most out of your Key Message Copy Platforms program, I’ve added TWO additional bonus videos…

Extra Bonus 1:
One Simple Question to TRIPLE Your Fee

In this video, I’ll walk you through my go-to system for getting the highest fee for every project…

Plus, I’ll run through real life examples of times I used this system to double or even triple my fee for a project.

By the end of this video, you’ll know when and how to charge $10,000 for the same $3,000 document — just by asking one simple question.

Extra Bonus 2:
The Interview that Helps Write the Copy for You

Get ready for an inside look at a real-life client interview! In this video, I’ll run through the process of interviewing a real client to get all the information I need to write a Key Message Copy Platform.

Discover how to get your clients to open up about the most interesting and useful details of their product… and guide them to practically write the copy for you.

Once you see a real sample of this type of interview, you’ll walk away confident you can get everything you need from your clients to guarantee your success, every time.

PLUS, to make sure you have every opportunity to take advantage of this offer, AWAI is extending a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

If 90 days from now, you don’t think the Key Message Copy Platforms program is right for you, just reach out to AWAI’s Member Services team and they'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

There’s absolutely no risk to you!

When it comes to your success, I’m leaving nothing to chance.

So don’t wait on this…

Order the Key Message Copy Platforms program now. Watch all of the video training sessions. Download my tip sheets, bonus e-books, and full example platforms. Finish all the hands-on writing activities — even add your finished Key Message Copy Platform sample to your website if you want!

Get access to your program — plus all of your bonuses — right now for the lowest ever price of $497, and get started today.

Order Now

To Your Success,

Casey Demchak
Key Message Copy Platforms Creator

P.S. I can’t tell you how happy I am that Katie and Rebecca have given me permission to offer Key Message Copy Platforms at such a low price.

Once you go through all the modules and your bonus materials, you’ll see immediately how valuable this writing service is to clients and how it will allow you to make anywhere from $3,000 to $7,500 or more for every project.

But if you want in, you have to hurry. There’s no guarantee how long the price will stay this low. The next time you see this offer, it could be at a much higher price.

So don’t wait another minute. Get your copy here.