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November 2017

5 B2B Copywriting Tips from the Experts

Regardless of where you are in your copywriting journey, these five B2B copywriting tips will help you reach your goals faster.

3 Ways to Make Yourself So IRRESISTIBLE Your Clients Will Never Stop Giving You Work

Getting more work from current clients saves you a lot of time and hassle. Nick Usborne reveals 3 ways you can be more irresistible and make more money.

The Best Way to Land Your First Clients as a Copywriter is to Be RELENTLESS!

Whether you use inbound or outbound marketing strategies, there is one key to landing good clients. Nick Usborne shows you what to do.

3 Steps for Copywriters to Overcome Fear

You can overcome fear in three steps. Here, Joshua Boswell shows you how to move forward, so you can build a business that fulfills your dreams.

Playboy’s Guide to Building a Million-Dollar Clientless Copywriting Business

There are three elements to a million-dollar clientless copywriting business. Ben Settle illustrates what they are with a simple real-life example.

The 6 Psycho-Traits of the World’s Most Successful Clientless Copywriters

You can be a successful copywriter without having any clients. Email marketer Ben Settle outlines the six psychological traits you need to cultivate.

When You Should “Write For Free”… And When You Shouldn’t

Should freelancers write for free? Should you have to write “on spec” in order to land work, or are clients out of line to expect it? Get the answers here.

When to Use B2B Long Form Copy

While much of B2B copywriting involves short copy, there are times you’ll want to use B2B long form copy. Here are seven examples.

4 Best Practices for Networking in Person

In-person networking is a great opportunity to make a strong impression. Especially when you use Ilise Benun’s 4 best practices for building relationships.

5 Steps to FOCUS (Follow One Commitment Until Successful)

If you want to achieve a big goal, you need to FOCUS – Follow One Commitment Until Successful. Make a serious commitment to yourself and your success.

High Paying B2B Copywriting Jobs

$500 per project and up for these easy-to-do copywriting jobs in the B2B niche.

How to Create a B2B Buyer Persona and Write More Engaging Copy

Creating a B2B buyer persona helps you target your message to customers. B2B copywriting expert Steve Slaunwhite shows you how to do it.

Why is Copywriting Like Spaghetti Sauce?

Learn about targeting a specific customer base from, of all places, a study about spaghetti sauce. It’s an important lesson about appealing to clients.

“What If I Don’t Believe in the Product I’m Selling?”

Do you have to believe in the product you’re writing about to craft effective copy? AWAI’s Executive Director Katie Yeakle has the answer…

Interview with Barefoot Writers: Katie Yeakle and Rebecca Matter

Never-before-shared insights from Barefoot Writer Publishers, Katie Yeakle and Rebecca Matter, on what makes AWAI so effective at helping writing dreams come true.

The 4 Pillars of Success for Your Freelance Copywriting Career

Build momentum for your freelance copywriting career by following the four pillars of success. Pam Foster reveals how you can achieve your goals faster.

COS Membership Brings Copywriting Jobs

Elizabeth Blessing enjoys the support of fellow COS members, as well as the high-paying copywriting job she’s offered when contacting clients.

Finding Marketing Stories in Your Everyday Life

Stories are a fast way to connect with your audience and earn their trust. Here are four steps to finding and using marketing stories in your writing.