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“I can now cross off one of my biggest and most dreaded ‘to-do's’
thanks to this seminar! Thank you once again, AWAI!!!”

— Fran Williams Estero, Florida

Why You Need A Professional
Freelance Website Now

Plus, how to easily get it up and running in just 4 days!

Dear Reader,

Do you really need a freelance website?

Yes. Yes. 100% Yes.

Maybe a few years ago you could have “gotten by” without one …

But even then, you would have been at a huge disadvantage.

And today — if you still don’t have your own website — you’re at an even bigger disadvantage …

Not only is your website THE place where prospects and potential clients go to learn more about you and your services — but it also heavily influences a client’s decision on whether to hire you or not.

In fact, 74% (of 200 buyers surveyed by reported that a provider's website holds some influence over their ultimate decision to buy services from the provider.

I’m not talking about small businesses here either …

The people surveyed are responsible for more than $1.7 billion in professional services purchased — including things like copywriting, marketing, advertising, public relations, and training services.

That’s a lot of money hinging on whether or not you have a website …

Be Recognized as a True Professional Who Deserves Professional Fees

By nature, marketers are skeptical people.

But having a professional freelance website will put them at ease, and show them the kind of quality they can expect from you.

Prospects will immediately see you as a professional who knows what they’re doing, and takes their career seriously …

Plus, your website will accurately set their expectations that you are a professional, and they should expect to pay you professional fees.

Yes — your website impacts your credibility, determines the projects you get, the clients you work with, and the rates you earn …

There’s just no getting around it.

Whether you’re selling a product or service, providing information, or marketing yourself as a resume writer, financial copywriter, B2B specialist, PR specialist — or especially if you’re offering any kind of web writing — you NEED your own website!

But, don’t worry, no matter what has held you back before, I’m about to show you the easiest way to launch your site in just 4 days …

“One of the best decisions I’ve made for my business …”

“The training series was wonderful — it gave me not only the confidence, but also the tips and tricks, to build my website on my own. From suggestions on hosting to detailed site design suggestions, this truly is a 'build your website in a box' program. You won't regret it — completing this program was one of the best decisions I've made for my business to date.”

— Laura LaChapelle
Joppa, Maryland

“Easy to understand and … fun, as well …”

“AWAI has taught me a great deal. I was struggling with building my own website for some time. I finally decided to hire a designer because the trial-and-error method was too time-consuming. When I learned about the Webinar Series, I went back to building it myself. I am enjoying the experience. AWAI makes it easy to understand the process and makes it fun, as well.”

— Loraine Degraff

Introducing the 2015 “Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days Webinar Series”

If you don’t have your own freelance website yet …

Or if the website you have isn’t as professional as you’d like … or if it’s not constantly bringing you qualified leads to do business with …

I want to help you!

From start to finish, I’ll show you EVERYTHING you need to build your professional freelance website!

Now, just so there’s no misunderstanding — this is not a webinar series on the “theory” of building a website. Its not a sit back and watch kind of thing.

This program — which we call, Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days — is very much a hands-on, instructional series.

You’ll follow along with me step-by-step and actually build your very own freelancer’s website!

At the end of our four days — just one hour each day — you’ll have your own website — launched, live, and ready to show to clients.

Let me repeat that because it’s so important:

You’ll be up and running with your site fast — not months or even weeks from now.

But in just a few days!

Not only that, but you’ll be excited and extremely proud to show off your new site to everyone.

And, more important, your website will be specifically designed to attract the kind of paying clients you’re looking for.

Now, before we go any further — let me assure you …

There’s Nothing to Be Afraid Of


“In a word? Amazing. I really enjoyed both the Webinar Series and the process. The Webinar Series was very practical, and also included plenty of bonus material, great support and encouragement, and best of all, Rebecca's coaching and enthusiasm! The best thing I can say? It works! My site is up. Through the Webinar Series, I was able to do it myself, which not only gave me a sense of accomplishment, but gave me confidence as well. Thank you!”

— Jim Wright

“Really inspired me …”

“This was an exciting and empowering experience. Although I had challenges, being almost 60 years old and a non-techie, I was able to meet them head-on and it was exhilarating to overcome most of them. It was equally exciting to watch as my attitude changed from a fearful one to a 'can do' attitude. My breakthrough moment came when Rebecca did the additional seminar on selling yourself. This really inspired me, and made me think about all the positive reasons for selling myself. Thank you, AWAI, for this Series and for giving me this opportunity to embrace change!”

— Anita Byrd-Petts
Knoxville, Tennessee

I promise you, this series won’t be too technical … and it won’t be scary — at all!

In fact, I bet you’ll be surprised just how easy it is with my step-by-step guidance …

You see, one of my greatest strengths, I’ve been told, is my ability to communicate highly technical information in a very non-technical and non-intimidating way.

If you know how to point and click with a mouse — we’ll be able to build your site together.

It doesn't matter if you're on a PC or a Mac — a laptop or a desktop … you can have your site up and running over the course of these four sessions.

You won’t have to pay thousands or wait for some “web guy” to build your site for you …

Instead, you’ll be able to do anything you want to your website!

Want to add a blog? No problem — I’ll show you that.

Need to have a form to collect leads? It’ll be “easy peasy” once I show you the simple steps.

What about adding a video to your home page? That’s simple too — just a few clicks and you’ll be done …

Then, once your new website is online … I’ll show you how to attract qualified clients to your site — and make sure people who should find you are able to.

And, that’s just a part of what I have planned …

Believe me when I say: With this series, you’ll have everything you need to build and launch a fully functional, professional looking, credibility-establishing website — in the quickest, most cost-effective way.

Curious about what each session will cover? I’ll outline this whole exciting four-day series in a moment.

But first …

Meet the Experts Who Will Help You Build an Impressive Freelance Website (In Just Four Days)

My name is Rebecca Matter and I run the “Web” side of things here at AWAI.

Easy to understand …”

“Rebecca, You made a complex subject, setting up a website, easy to understand. Plus, you smoothly covered all you had planned within the hour each day. Thanks so much for all you do.”

— Stefan A.

Over the years, I’ve put together dozens of websites — not only for AWAI, but also for friends, AWAI members, and myself.

Plus, I’ve taught hundreds of AWAI members to build and launch their own sites.

I’m also lucky to know a whole bunch of brilliant web experts … people who taught me to get through the “technical stuff.”

And I’ve asked a few of them to join me on these webinars to give you their best advice.

First, there’s Nick Usborne, who’s worked with dozens of major companies, including: Citibank, Apple, Chrysler, Franklin Mint, TV Guide,, Encyclopedia Britannica, The New York Times, Reuters, WebEx, Yahoo!, Intuit, John Deere, National Cancer Institute, Merck & Co., TextronWalt Disney Attractions, and many more.

It’s a long and impressive list to be sure …

But Nick has also helped hundreds of freelancers like you set up highly successful professional websites. With Nick’s help, your new site will be clean, crisp, and will look “like a professional did it” to anyone who visits it.

“Once I had a website … I started getting paying assignments!”

“It wasn't until I signed up for the Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days Webinar Series that my career really went into high gear. It had a competition (with a deadline), so I knew it was the perfect thing to push me to take action. In August, I won the 2011 Build Your Very Own Freelance Website Competition!

"I remember the way I felt when I launched that website. I was terrified someone would find it and want to hire me, but I knew I couldn’t hide forever. My site was live, and there was no turning back now.

"Once I had a complete website declaring I was a writer, I believed it myself. I started reaching out to clients and getting paying assignments!"

— Christina Gillick
Farmersville, Texas

But if you’re worried about the “technical” side of setting up your site … don’t worry, I’m not going to make you try and decipher it on your own …

Step-By-Step Directions —
In a Language You Understand

During this series, I’m going to teach you everything you need to know …

But in a way that’s very simple to grasp.

In fact, I’m going to assume you know nothing about setting up and launching your own website.

And I mean nothing: zero … zilch … nada.

I’m going to show you one baby step at a time what you need to do to have a beautiful (and professional) website up and running within a week.

Here are just a few of the things I’ll show you — no tech knowledge required …

How to get your site online, including the “platform” I recommend you use … how to choose a domain name … and how to decide which hosting option is best for you …

How to add new content, pages, and posts, whenever you want to — even scheduling them to publish in the future.

How to make your website your own — and customized to you — even if you know nothing about web design or the confusing terms you’ll hear from website “gurus.”

How to flip the switch and take your website “live” … and most importantly, how to make sure it shows up on the Internet for everyone to find — even if you know nothing about search engines or SEO.

Then, I’ll also show you how to update your website from anywhere — literally! It can even be updated from the beach, with a smartphone or tablet.

And, of course, I’ll walk you through exactly what to put on all those pages …

The Words on a Website
Can Make or Break It!

“Made it much easier to get up and running …”

“Thanks, Rebecca, for the very insightful and nugget-filled Build Your Website in Four Days Webinar Series. Wow! What a load of information to digest! You did a wonderful job, very complete presentation, and best of all, it is all recorded so I can play it back and make notes. Thanks for your kind attention to detail and for all the wonderful help in your webinar. It will make it much easier to get up and running now that your content was so clear.”

— Gary B.

A website just isn’t a website without words — especially if you’re a writer!

That’s why we’ll spend plenty of time coaching you on exactly what your website should SAY — no matter what niche you’re in.

In fact, you’ll learn:

What “content” will make your site stand out above all the rest.

Powerful strategies for writing website content that attracts prospective clients to your brand-new website.

What to do if you’re just starting out and have zero samples and little to no experience.

And, there’s a whole lot more, but we’ll get to those details in just a moment …

First, let me put your mind at ease about another thing:

The cost of building and maintaining your new site.

You Can Build A Complete, Professional
Website For Less Than $10 Per Month!

I can’t wait to show the world my site …”

“Thank you for the Webinar Series. Informative, simple, and above all else, inspiring. If someone can’t get up and running after that, then they don’t want it bad enough. I want it, and I want it bad.

"I can’t wait to show the world my site and start kicking some copy butt.”

Michael P.

Yes — building a website used to be expensive …

The software, design costs, a domain name, hosting every month, a developer if you needed one …

The expenses could really add up. And, for a freelancer who’s just starting out, that’s just not reasonable!

That’s why I’ll show you how to launch your own website for much, much cheaper …

And, I’m not talking about a “cookie-cutter” single page website …

I’m going to help you create your entire multi-page website — including an impressive design, your unique “.com” domain name, your choice of colors, pictures, and a whole lot more …

Yes, you’ll have everything you need to attract potential clients and convince them to hire you — all for less than $10 per month!

Plus, You’ll Save Thousands of Dollars …
And Months of Your Valuable Time

Web designers and developers are expensive … $500-$3,000+ for a website much less impressive than the one I’ll show you how to build.

And researching everything you need to know, and then teaching yourself how to do it yourself is time-consuming …

With so many options for building a website, you could easily spend weeks just trying to figure out the best route for you.

“I feel accomplished and richer!”

I thoroughly enjoyed the various media formats for instruction. The content was easy to understand, follow, and implement. I also got a kick out of how the process was chunked concisely into four days only. It put the pressure on thick and kept me accountable. I LOVED meeting the deadline. It feels like the first website that I have built correctly from start to finish. After trying to navigate it completely on my own, having this straightforward program really put the pieces together seamlessly. I feel accomplished and richer!”

— Megan Jenifer-Harris
Mesquite, Nevada

Then, add on a few months for learning how to set up the website.

Months you probably can’t afford to spend on searching the Internet and reading through books and guides trying to figure out what it takes to set up a professional-looking website.

Things like …

What makes an effective home page?

What do clients expect to see when they visit your site?

How should your design look?

What colors work best?

How often should you update it?

What should you write about?

And more …

With all this to figure out, I understand why you might be putting this off …

But, I’m about to erase every excuse you have.

And, it all begins with Session One …

Session One — The Look and Feel of Your Website

In this session, we’ll be joined by online copywriting expert, Nick Usborne, to learn exactly what a professional freelancer’s website should look like … and what clients expect to find when they get there.

Don’t forget, Nick’s a real web expert. Since 1998 — when websites started popping up on the Internet — Nick’s been studying effective website designs and structures.

“I’m thrilled …”

“I'm thrilled to finally have my website done. I've wanted to do it for a while, but the schedule and focus the Webinar Series gave me actually got me to do it.”

— Elisa Silverman
Jerusalem, Israel

That’s why I’ve asked him to show you — using real-life examples — what makes a good (and bad) website … including …

How to build a brand and a primary message that oozes authority.

How to ensure the design of your site looks bold and impressive.

The most effective design elements to use — including the pros and cons of photos and graphics.

How to optimize your website for social media and multimedia.

And even which colors attract the eye best and are proven to keep clients on your website longer.

Rest assured — everything you learn from Nick is tested, tried, and proven!

By the end of this session, you’ll know exactly what your freelance website should have and look like — including its structure, layout, and colors.

Session Two — Extraordinary Content for Your Website

Session Two is all about filling your website with extraordinary content!

That’s where I come in.

As I mentioned earlier, the content — the words and pictures you choose for your website — will be what sets you apart from other freelancers.

“I thank you from the depths of my heart …”

“Amazing to me as it is … is up and running! I NEVER would have gotten this far without your program and encouragement.

“The Series was challenging and so full of information that I know I will keep going back to the slides and videos. Plus, the forum is SO helpful as others encountered similar obstacles.

“All in all, this program and especially YOU are the best! You hand-hold us through scary stuff and make the monsters go away. I thank you from the depths of my heart.”

— Janet Grosshandler

In this session, I’ll explain all your content options — and even reveal a number of techniques for making sure you have plenty of “relevant” content for your site — without doing a ton of writing at first.

I’ll show you my proven exercise for writing compelling content that reflects you, your unique talents, and your unique skills. (Don’t worry if you don’t know what your talents and skills are — we’ll talk about how to uncover them.)

You’ll also learn what pages your website should have and exactly what to say on each page …

By the end of this fun session, you’ll have so many good, original ideas for credibility-building content, that your biggest problem will be deciding which of it you can cram into the site, and where!

Remember, you can always add more content later — after launch day.

The important thing right now is to get your website up and running with the basics — so you can start attracting paying clients!

Now, maybe you’re just starting out …

Maybe you don’t have any samples, clients, or even a whole lot of experience …

Let me put your mind at ease before I move on to the next session …

No Samples? No Problem!

There are plenty of ways to establish credibility even if you’re just now breaking into the business …

You could turn your practice exercises into samples …

Create writing samples by rewriting a sales letter headline …

Write a mock email campaign for a product you already use and love …

Re-write a website for a local business in exchange for the sample …

Even write articles for your own blog …

But, the truth is — your website will double as a living sample to show and impress prospective clients.

In fact, AWAI members who have already finished this program are landing jobs strictly on the strength of their website — without any samples whatsoever!

Session Three — “Tech Stuff” Made Easy

“I’m proud of the website I built.”

“AWAI’s Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days Express Webinar Series taught me everything I needed to know to build my own website. I worked on it part-time for 21 days. I followed AWAI’s step-by-step instructions and ended up with a working, presentable website. I’m relieved to have overcome procrastination and I’m proud of the website I built.”

— Joe Roy
Meredith, New Hampshire

“Feels like sitting in a classroom …”

“I'm not a tech person at all, but my brother is. The problem is that he has his own projects to deal with and bothering him for one more thing I'd like done on my computer just wasn’t in the cards.

"Getting the Series was a great move because it allowed me to make the website on my own on my time. It felt kind of like I was sitting in a classroom. All I had to do was follow the lectures. The difference was that I could pause the teacher. :)”

— Amanda Rosko

This is where we’ll take care of the technical aspects of building your website.

But — just like I promised — you don’t need to know ANYTHING techie …

You can trust me to lead you through — one baby step at a time …

Simply watch as the whole process unfolds on your computer screen.

All you have to do is follow along with me, point, and click!

In this session, I’ll cover:

The technology — also called a “platform” or “software” — that you should use to build your website and why. (Yes, there’s a free option!)

How to choose an effective domain name — also known as a “” name — and how to acquire it for your website.

Which hosting options are available, which is best for you, and how to set up hosting for your website.

I know, if you’ve never done this, it may sound complicated.

But, believe me, it’s not.

In fact, since I’m the one guiding you through this session, I guarantee I won’t use any confusing tech speak.

Session Four — Put It All Together and Go Live!

In this session, I’ll simply show you how to put it all together, move your content onto your newly built website, and make any necessary tweaks and fixes.

“Very empowering … I learned a lot!”

“The Freelance Website in Four Days Series was very empowering. I had been stalled on my website for months and decided that I needed some coaching to help me get it up and running. The webinar provided this beyond my expectations with practical tips and information as well as motivation. I learned a lot!”

— Debra Hilton
Balwyn, VIC

Then — when you’re ready — I’ll be there to show you how to “flip the switch” and take your website live!

When that happens, it’s time to celebrate because make no mistake about it …

This really is a big deal for you!

Not only does launching your website mean you’re “open for business” as a freelancer, but it shows the world you’re serious … and that you take what you do very seriously.

What’s more is you’ll gain valuable insight into the website-building process — a skill you’ll have forever.

Then, you can sell website building services to friends, family, business owners, or anyone who needs to do business online.

In fact, the market average for a baseline website is $1,000- $2,000 (according to InspiredMag). That’s just to build a website — not including the content.

To write the content, you could charge as much as $3,500 for the same style site we’ll build together in this webinar series!

This means — once you have your site up and running as a sample — do it again for another business owner and pocket $4,500-$5,500 per site!

So … what’s the cost to join this webinar series, finally get your freelance website finished, and learn a valuable skill you can use again and again?

I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

But, before I go into that, I want to quickly tell you about the other exciting things I have planned for you …

Every Website Question You Can Dream Up — Answered!

When you decide to build your freelance website with us, we’ll be there every step of the way.

Not only will we take your questions live at the end of each session, we’ll also be there for you “after hours” via the exclusive Build Your Freelance Website User Forum.

So, if you didn’t “catch” something, need something explained in more detail, or are looking for specific advice or direction — we’ll be there for you.

Simply write to us on the forum and we’ll get back to you promptly.

On top of that, I’m including a set of very special bonuses that will make your website even stronger — both now and in the future …

Bonus #1
Your Website Content Made Simple

“Truly amazing!”

“Happy Friday! Thank you so much for the webinars this week. They were truly amazing! I really wish I could bottle some of your energy! :)

“I've been holding off on putting a website together because I didn't feel that I had enough samples. Now that I am going through the bonus 'Content Essential Guide,' I realize I do have some samples. Yeah!”

— Monique P.

First up is the special “Content Essentials Guide.” In this guide, we’ll cover the different kinds of content you should include on your website.

Then, we’ll dive in deeper to look at specific content you need — depending on your freelance niche — and we’ll even take a look at some good sample websites you can learn from.

Here are just some of the niches we’ll cover: Copywriting, Web Writing, Business-to-Business (B2B), Internet Research, Resume Writing, Grant Writing, Photography, Social Media, and more!

By following the suggestions in this handy guide, you’ll have all kinds of new and exciting ideas for building up your website’s content, whether you have years of experience or are just starting out.

Bonus #2
Take Your Site to a Much Higher Level

“Geared toward the non-techy …”

“I found the Series to be quite complete and geared toward the non-techy. It is a step-by-step approach that ensures success and provides encouragement along the way. The hardest part was getting the content written.”

— Kurt Schwacke

Bonus #2 is what I’m calling a “Website Acceleration” Guide. This guide will help you take your website to a much higher level.

You’ll learn how to add extra functionality to your website — including things like a custom header, a contact form, a video player, mobile functionality and responsiveness, and an opt-in form for your mailing list.

We’ll also cover how to hook your site up with social media, protect it with automatic backups of your files, make it load faster, and even add a membership site — if you want to — and a whole lot more.

Remember, your website is an organic and ever-evolving thing.

There’s no limit to where you can take it — and what you can offer your prospective clients when it comes to valuable content as well as useful tools and information.

And, the more you enhance and update your website — the more of an “expert” you’ll be perceived to be.

But, as you may have guessed, that’s still not all you’ll get with the Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days Webinar Series …

You’ll also get …

A Professional Review of Your Website …
And Suggestions for Making It Even Better!

“Feels great!”

“It feels great to have learned WordPress in just days. I had been completely intimidated by the thought of tackling a WordPress website but with Rebecca's easy-to-follow instructions and encouragement, it was so simple. Rebecca's website review was so valuable and here I am with a professional-looking website and my freelance business ready to go!”

— Margie King

Bonus #3 is a free review and critique of your website’s design and content — complete with detailed advice for strengthening your site!

That’s right, once your site’s been up and running for a few weeks, feel free to request your free website critique simply by sending me your URL through the exclusive request form on myAWAI.

And, please don’t let the term “critique” intimidate you …

The idea here is to focus exclusively on the positives — show you everything your website is doing right … and give you some specific ways to strengthen what you already have — whether it’s a slight change to the design or some tips for boosting the effectiveness of your site’s content.

Let’s Mark This Important Item Off Your
To-Do List — Together

When you sign up for this webinar series today, you’ll be taking care of an important piece of business that’s long overdue …

“Feels like I have taken a quantum leap …”

“Can't fault the course in any way. The amount of information provided was like drinking from a fire hose. Knowing that, the creators of the Series provide a 90-day timeline to complete it. I'd been thinking about a website for quite a while and now that it has been published, it feels like I have taken a quantum leap.”

— Chris Wilder
Cloverdale, California

You’ll finally create a website you can be proud of …

One that professionally — and effectively — sells your services to your ideal clients … and instantly puts YOU “on the map” as a pro!

When you launch your website, you’ll know — and the world will know — how serious you are about your freelance business …

That’s why — if you don’t yet have a professional freelance website — NOW is the time to STOP everything else and get it done.

You’ll be up and running fast — in as little as four days! And, I promise to make the whole thing simple and easy to follow.

So — what’s your investment for this complete online experience?

Well, with everything we’ve packed into the Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days Webinar Series, we could easily charge a lot …

I mean, just consider for a moment what your professional, freelance website will mean to your career …

The confidence it will give you …

And the paying clients it will bring …

Some might even say finally marking this necessary item off your to-do list is priceless.

However, it’s important to me that every freelancer has a chance to take advantage of this career-boosting webinar series.

That’s why the Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days Webinar Series is normally $399 for everything.

That includes the four LIVE exclusive webinars where I’ll show you step-by-step how to build your brand-new, professional website — from start to finish …

“On the ‘must take’ list …”

“This was a GREAT program! The information provided was thorough and having it available in several formats is so helpful for those of us who are not techies. I may pick something up with one method that I didn't understand with another.

“It's so exciting that you'll be making this a Living Program! So many freelancers get stuck on the website-building part of building a business. All of AWAI's programs are outstanding, but this one ranks near the top of the ‘must take’ list.”

— Ann K.

The recordings of each session so you can watch them as many times as you want — even using them to build multiple sites if you choose …

The ongoing support — and every single question answered — live after each session and via the members-only forum …

The “Content Essentials Guide” where you’ll discover exactly what your site should say to attract paying clients … and the “Website Acceleration” Guide (which could easily sell individually for $399) …

The website critique after you launch — just to make sure your website is 100% ready to impress …

And, because this webinar series is one of AWAI’s “Living Programs,” you’ll get unlimited access to the entire series. Any time I do an update to the program, including bonus content and new features, you’ll get them for no additional charge.

Recent additions include several how-to video tutorials that make getting your website up even easier, a simplified step-by-step guide to using WordPress, and a complete webinar series on marketing yourself with your website!

(This will help you stay up-to-date and save you time when you’re re-producing the website-building process for your paying clients!)

There’s No Risk!

Get access to Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days Webinar Series today

Learn how to build an effective freelance website — even build your own site and launch it …

Use the forum, the content guide, even the website critique.

Then, in the very unlikely event you’re not completely thrilled with the experience, simply let us know within one year, and your entire $399 will be refunded to you.

No Better Time Than Right Now

If you ask me, this is an easy decision …

Especially if putting up a freelance website is on your to-do list this year.

Think how good it will feel — in just a few short days — to check that item off your list once and for all.

And I’ll be there every step of the way to help you …

“This provided the impetus I needed to get this done. It just seemed so overwhelming whenever I thought about it.”

— Raymound Mountz
Cuenca, Ecuador

Even if you’re just getting started as a freelancer, you need a website to put your best foot forward from day one.

Plus, launching your own site will motivate you to keep moving your business forward.

Or, if you’re already working as a freelancer and you either don’t have a website or you’re not sure about the one you have, I’ll help you create a website you have zero doubts about — one that convinces paying clients to hire you!

Sign up today and you’ll soon be up and running with a fully functional, professional looking, credibility-establishing website you can call your own.

Click here to sign up now!

Or, if you prefer, give Barb, Pat, Dee, or Leah in Member Services a call toll-free at 866-879-2924.

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
Co-Managing Partner, AWAI
Founder, Wealthy Web Writer

Register Now!

P.S. There’s just one more thing I need to tell you …

This comes from Nick Usborne — the web expert I’ve invited to help you with your site. Here’s what he said:

“99% of freelancer websites I see Do NOT make their owners look better than they are. Sometimes it’s very much the opposite …

“I know many freelancers who do good work. But most of their websites make them look like amateurs.”

That’s one of the main reasons I created the Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days Webinar Series … so you’ll have a website that instantly makes you look like a professional — even if you don’t quite feel like one yet.

And don’t forget, your site can grow with you …

Over time, you can showcase your successes as they happen by adding testimonials, endorsements (I’ll show you how to get a few of those right away), and even your best copy samples.

Very soon, you can begin establishing yourself as a niche expert if you like, by offering quality content to your clients (and prospective clients).

You can even grow your website into an active marketplace or membership website — if you want …

In short, the sky’s the limit!

And, we’ll talk about these longer-term possibilities over the course of this exciting four-day webinar series.

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Don’t waste your valuable time trying to do this alone.

We’ve already put everything you need to launch a professional freelance website in one place: the Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days Webinar Series.

P.P.S. Still have questions? Here are the most common ones I’ve received — along with my answers:

Q: What if I’m still in the beginning stages of my freelance career; is it too soon to build my own freelance website?

A: It’s never too soon, and having your website up and running will help you commit to starting your business now! Plus, it’s always better to get your website up sooner rather than later since it will take some time for the search engines to really start sending traffic.

And, since you’re learning how to do everything yourself with this series, once it’s up, you’ll be able to change it and update it any time you want! That means as you continue to gain more skills and experience, and have even better samples and testimonials, you’ll be able to easily edit your website yourself to showcase them and attract even more clients.

Q: I have a freelance business, but I’m not a copywriter. Is this series still good for me?

A: Absolutely! A freelancer’s website is their “21st Century Business Card.” Most of the elements are the same for all freelancers; it’s just going to be the specific copy that’s different.

We’re going to cover all sorts of freelance specialties in the series. And remember, with this webinar series, you also get the bonus “Content Essentials Guide,” so no matter what your freelance specialty is, you’ll have clear direction on the content you need. Copywriting, resume writing, design, B2B, publicity, grant writing … everything will be covered. And if, for some reason, your specialty isn’t covered, just ask for it to be added and I’ll make sure it happens.

Q: Will I just be learning more theory, which I’ve already taught myself thanks to Wealthy Web Writer?

A: No, this is a step-by-step, hands-on training program. You will be writing the copy and actually putting up the website during the sessions.

That being said, the first session will contain some “theory” since I want to make sure everyone participating really knows what makes a good website and what makes a bad one. That’s why I’ve asked Nick Usborne to join us for the first session. He’s going to show us examples of each, as well as explain why. After that, it’s all practical, hands-on application.

Q: When can I start asking questions about my website?

A: This is a very comprehensive training program. So, whatever questions you have right now about your website, there’s a good chance we’re going to answer them during the series. Plus, as soon as you get started, you can post questions in the exclusive members-only forum and we will answer them. The forum also has questions and answers from other members, so your question may already have been answered on the forum. It’s a great resource!

Q: Would you recommend I purchase a domain before I start the four-day webinar series?

A: Do not buy anything before you start the series. We’re going to go through everything step-by-step, including decisions on domains, hosting, and platforms.

Of course, if you already have a domain, hosting, or even an old website, don’t worry. You’ll still be able to re-use everything if you want.

Q: Will we be building our websites using WordPress?

A: Yes, we’ll be using WordPress since it’s truly the best platform out there for non-techies to use on their freelance websites. And just to be sure we’re on the same page, we’ll be using the content management system available at, not to be confused with the blog website at

Q: Will you be supplying templates for our sites we can use?

A: No, but I will give you a list of recommendations.

I don’t want everyone to have the exact same website. But I’ll make sure you have enough free and paid theme options to make sure you get exactly what you want.

Q: Will our website include the ability to have newsletter sign-ups, blog capabilities, and the other necessary marketing tools?

A: Yes ― because we’re using WordPress, you’ll be able to choose the “plugins” you want to use to add these things to your website.

Don’t worry — I’ll be covering all that during the series. :)

Q: How will I know my website is actually good when I’m finished with it?

A: As part of this special offer, I’m including a free custom critique of your website. That way, when you’re done, you can submit it for review and get specific feedback on how you can improve it to ensure it does the job of attracting new clients for your business.

I hope this answered some of your own questions ― but if you have others about the Build Your Freelance Website in Four Days Webinar Series, the Member Services team is standing by to answer them. You can reach them toll-free at 866-879-2924 or at 561-278-5557.

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