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December 2013

Don’t Make This Mistake on New Year’s Day

This year set goals – not resolutions. Come up with a systematic way to implement your most important writing goals for the coming year and take tangible action steps.

5 Questions to Launch Your GFS

A Goal Fulfillment System is different from just setting goals. It takes you one step beyond voicing your goals and gives you actionable steps for following through on them.

The Real Story Behind "The Nutcracker"

Originally published in 1816, the original Nutcracker story was a complex world of intrigue, adventure, and true love between a girl and her nutcracker doll.

Write an E-Book Without Writing Anything

Repurpose content you’ve written and researched over the years for other projects. You may be able to get your e-book together in record time!

9 Ways to Increase Your Name Recognition

Christina Gillick helps you find opportunities to market your freelance business.