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An Exclusive Invitation from Jen Adams, director, The Professional Writers’ Alliance

Saturday June 1, 2024

Dear Reader,

It’s my pleasure to invite you to join the only major professional organization for freelance copywriters and content creators — The Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA).

The Professional Writers’ Alliance is for you if you’re serious about…

  • becoming a well-paid freelance copywriter or content creator…
  • finding great clients who value your skills…
  • enjoying and being fulfilled by the projects you take on…
  • and living a life of financial freedom, with no limits on where you live or work, how you schedule your days, or how much time you spend “out of office.”


It’s simple…

Being a Professional Writers’ Alliance member is the difference between struggling to get by on the occasional writing gig, and having a solid writing business that delivers a steady flow of real income and interesting projects.

How do we make it happen?

It starts with PWA’s No. 1 priority… setting you up to successfully and repeatedly land great clients.

Many writers come to us wanting to make money, but without any idea how to get truly good clients, even if they have the writing skills those clients need.

PWA equips you with up-to-date, field-tested, proven-to-work methods and strategies to land paid writing assignments, regardless of your level of expertise.

You also get exclusive opportunities to land clients — with access to THOUSANDS of open writing gigs that need writers now — through our brand-new, members-only job board and directory of writers.

Next, we show you how to run your writing business efficiently.

Earning a great income as a freelancer requires you to treat your career like the business it is.

This doesn’t come naturally. Most people have never run a business before.

But it doesn’t have to be a roadblock to your success. We’ve helped hundreds of writers with no business experience start landing clients and making money. We can help you, too.

In fact, PWA will help you put systems in place that make running your business practically automatic.

You’ll save months of time and frustration with our ready-made forms, samples, templates, and checklists. You can use them to painlessly manage your marketing, invoicing, and client relationships.

With all these required business items already in place, you’ll have more time to write and far fewer unbillable hours. (We even have case studies on how to convert your current unbillable admin and research hours into paid work and new clients!)

And, joining PWA will give you a vast professional network.

We have members from all over the world… including places like Denmark, South Africa, Australia, and Ecuador… and of all experience levels. So even as a solo professional, you’ll never have to feel alone. You can have as much — or as little — interaction with the group as you want.

Having a network to turn to is invaluable if you hit a stumbling block or have a question about anything related to your writing or business.

Even if you just need a little encouragement, that can be hard to come by as a freelancer. But as part of The Professional Writers’ Alliance, you can talk with fellow members who understand the ups and downs of this path.

Now, all these things I just told you about — the guidance and support… tools and resources… exclusive job opportunities…

These are hallmarks of professional organizations in EVERY industry.

That’s why doctors, architects, teachers, actors, engineers, and professionals from many other industries consider it an obligation — and a privilege — to join a professional organization.

It establishes them as qualified professionals… helps them grow their skills… and raises their status in the eyes of clients and employers, so they gain prestige and earn more money.

You now have this same opportunity.

And when you take a closer look at the massive on-demand training library, the networking, and the job opportunities that will help you land clients and run your business effectively…

You’ll see for yourself how membership in The Professional Writers’ Alliance will help you take the next meaningful step forward in your career.

Here’s what happens for you when you join us:

Access WritersWanted — AWAI’s All-New Interactive Job Board (Over 2,000 Writing Jobs and Growing Every Day!) has quickly become the go-to hub for copywriters and content writers looking for their next — or first — paid writing opportunity.

You’ll find high-quality writing jobs… freelance assignments in all different niches… contract opportunities that pay a steady, secure income… in-house and remote positions… and so much more.

With thousands of open gigs listed, it’s never been easier to find the perfect writing job for YOU!

But WritersWanted is more than just a listing of some of the best-paying writing jobs in the industry — handpicked from around the world by AWAI for new and intermediate writers…

It’s also a place to showcase your expertise, your special skills, your accomplishments.

As a member of WritersWanted, you’ll be able to

  • create a beautifully formatted, user-friendly profile that highlights your skills and samples for prospective clients;
  • upload resumes, sample projects, images, and even videos to better introduce yourself to potential clients (and you can have multiple versions of your resume “on tap” so that you can go after different project types fast); and
  • highlight all your industry training as well as niche-specific skills so that clients seeking your talents can connect more quickly.

And something you’ll LOVE…

WritersWanted members can set alerts for preferred jobs in specific niches — so that whenever a new “job like this” is added to the system, you’ll be notified by email, allowing you to jump on it right away!

WritersWanted is a resource that freelance writers throughout the industry have wanted for a long, long time.

Access to this incredible new job board will require an annual subscription fee from new members who sign up for it separately — but you’ll get FREE access to it for as long as you remain an active PWA member when you join through today’s special invitation.

And that’s just for starters!

Check out all the rest of the amazing benefits you’ll get when you join PWA:

You take the guesswork out of finding YOUR ideal clients and landing them. PWA offers you exclusive guides to identifying high-quality clients in your niche… capable of paying you excellent wages and project fees… and compatible with the type of writer’s life you want to build. No more taking on whoever comes your way or struggling to find work – PWA helps you quickly level up your whole approach, which means less stress and the potential for much more income, fast.

You can put yourself “front and center” with the clients you want. As a member of The Professional Writers’ Alliance, you’ll get your own page in our exclusive AWAI Directory of Professional Freelance Writers. It’s like a “mini-website” — but without any of the hassle. You don’t have to worry about the design, the “tech stuff,” or driving traffic to your site. Just plug in your information and let us handle the rest. We’ll post your page where clients who are looking for writers are sure to see it.

You get insider secrets from successful PWA members who have been in your shoes. Our Member Spotlight series shines a light on what it takes to succeed — from dozens of real copywriters who are actively living the writer’s life.

“I’m inspired and motivated by the Member Spotlight feature. It’s a lesson in re-fueling to hear others’ stories, knowing that this life of writing from home is doable.”

— Jerry Bures

You’re invited to rub shoulders with expert copywriters and marketers. Our “Ask the Expert” interviews feature some of the top copywriters in the industry today. You’ll get field-tested secrets on the best ways to land clients and maximize your fees… how to manage your business more effectively so you can spend almost all your time on “billable” tasks… and many more topics that will help you make more money working on the projects you want to work on.

Renew your motivation as often as you need to. For most people, motivation comes and goes. But as a freelancer running your own business, you can’t afford to wait around for motivation. That’s why we include our popular “Motivational Minutes.” Pop in anytime for a burst of inspiration or a reminder of why you’re working toward the writer’s life in the first place.

You’ll discover the most in-demand copywriting projects — and always get paid what you’re worth. Discover the top 80 most in-demand copywriting projects clients are looking for today in our annual State of the Industry Pricing Guide. And get the standard industry range of fees for each one. You’ll always know how much to charge, no matter what project you take on.

Earn cash, bylines, and career-boosting publicity with our members-only competitions. Each year, The Professional Writers’ Alliance hosts private writing challenges for members with cash prizes. Winners get checks, bylines, and positive press from these competitions… and up-and-coming success stories like Ricki Linksman, Suzanna Fitzgerald, and Rebekah Mays have all used our writing challenges as career launchers.

Save big and never stop investing in yourself. Part of your growth as a professional writer is to never stop investing in yourself and honing your skills. That’s why we regularly highlight opportunities for you to save on special deals on different AWAI programs, certifications, and events to give you the chance to keep improving your writing, marketing, and business-building skills for pennies on the dollar.

Never have a question go unanswered. Your spot will be reserved in our PWA members-only LinkedIn group. This is a safe, comfortable place to turn anytime you have a question about working with clients… building your business… handling a tricky situation… or anything else that might come up in your freelance business.

And on top of all those resources at your fingertips, you’ll also get these items to demonstrate your status as a professional…

Show off your credibility 24/7. Get instant access to the digital PWA logo. Place it on your website right away and let it work for you all day, every day. No matter your experience level, this logo will show clients you’re the type of dedicated, growth-oriented, reliable copywriter they want to work with.

Confirmation of your professional status. Now you can print and frame your credentials and hang them on the wall, just like doctors and lawyers. We’ll email you a digital membership certificate perfect for framing — along with a digital wallet-sized membership card you can carry around or easily share — as part of your Welcome Kit. These proof pieces are great reminders that you’re part of the group and are a serious professional copywriter.

“I am happy to inform you that I received my PWA Membership Card and Certificate. You cannot imagine my excitement when I opened my inbox and lo and behold, here it was! I showed them off to friends and family. It was another accelerator to my urge to succeed as a professional writer.

— Christine Muleme

9 Places to Get Clients NOW. Here are nine of the fastest, easiest ways to start landing clients right away. Not only does this brand-new report walk you through each opportunity — many of which you can start working on immediately without even leaving home — it also gives you access to the best professional examples, article series, expert interviews, and webinars tailored to each method, taking all the guesswork out of landing clients.

Plus… 3 Free Essential Business-Building Gifts for You

And finally…

To ensure we’ve covered absolutely all the bases so you can run your freelance business efficiently… land the clients you want to work with… minimize your unbillable hours… and max out your income… we’ve handpicked three programs from the AWAI catalog that will fill in any gaps…

And we’re giving them to you for free when you join The Professional Writers’ Alliance today…

Save time and avoid frustration so you can get back to writing. To help you minimize those dreaded unbillable hours, you’ll get Freelance Writing Business Success: The Essential Guide to Starting Your Own Business. It’s packed with insights, tips, checklists, samples, templates, and action steps that will serve as your roadmap as you launch and run your own freelance writing business.

Build connections effortlessly. Even if you’re a total introvert — like most writers — you need to make connections. And there’s no one better at networking and making connections that lead to getting clients than Ilise Benun. She’s so good, in fact, that Bob Bly hired her to do his networking for him! But since you can’t hire Ilise personally, Effective Networking is the next best thing. She’s included all her best tips, techniques, and tricks for making new connections, making the most of the connections you already have, and landing clients — even your very first client.

Maximize your income by learning from an expert’s mistakes. Nick Usborne has seen and done it all in his 40+ years as a copywriter. He worked in direct mail for years before pioneering web copywriting. And in Profitable Freelancing, you’ll learn from all his business mistakes along the way. Get Nick’s hard-won advice on what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to getting clients and building your business.

As you can see, your membership gives you access to a massive amount of resources. And this on-demand library grows every day as we add new articles, interviews, webinars, reports, and training workshops.

Then there’s the career guidance and support… networking opportunities… exclusive access to the brand-new WritersWanted job board… valuable industry connections… wellspring of motivation… time you’ll save when running your business… convenience of knowing how to do things the easy way… and so much more.

And yet, we’re mindful that many people first come to PWA for help getting their copywriting career started — before they’ve started earning a great living from their writing.

That’s why we do all we can to keep our dues as low as possible. And whereas other professional organizations charge thousands, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised that the monthly PWA membership fee is just $58 a month…

Which comes to about $1.87 a day.

But if you join today, you’ll get the best deal we’ve EVER offered…


That’s right. Through this invitation only, you can join the Alliance right now for just a dollar…

And get immediate access to all the online components of your membership… including your three free gifts that will help you build and run your freelance writing business.

But that’s not the end of your savings…

Because once your first month is up…

When you remain a part of the group and continue to benefit from all the resources… the network of fellow writers… the bonuses…

You won’t have to do anything at all — your status will upgrade automatically and you’ll lock in a 50 percent savings every month for as long as you choose to remain a member.

Double the Power of Every Dollar

And here’s one more thing we’ll do for you as a PWA member…

We’ll help you further build your business and career while DOUBLING the power of every dollar.

What do I mean by this?

For every dollar you put toward your PWA membership, we will reinvest that same amount in a special account just for you.

We call these extra funds & Alliance Dollars. And you can use them to get any resource offered by AWAI.

This means any program or course… any book… or any live training event. You can even use these funds to help offset the cost of a ticket to the annual Copywriting Bootcamp, the industry’s most prestigious annual event.

So every time you pay your $29 monthly membership fee, we’ll match your investment and put 29 Alliance Dollars in your account. You can spend them right away if you like…

Or let me show you how quickly they’ll build up if you let them…

After six months, you’ll have 145 Alliance Dollars in your account. After nine months, you’ll have 232 Alliance Dollars.

And after 12 months, you could have 319 Alliance Dollars.

Plus, at the end of every full year of PWA membership, we’ll give you an additional 100 Alliance Dollars as a special anniversary gift.

So if you wait until your first year as a member is complete before spending your Alliance Dollars, you’ll have $419 to use on any AWAI educational resources or events.

Join The Professional Writers’ Alliance Now

If you join today for a dollar, and stay on with the PWA community, your discounted monthly dues (beginning in month two) will NEVER go up…

I say “choose to remain a member,” because membership in the Alliance is always on a month-to-month basis.

There’s never any obligation or commitment to continue.

You can cancel your membership at any time for any reason. Just let us know, and we’ll stop charging your credit card immediately.

You can KEEP all the benefits you’ve received…

And you can KEEP your Alliance Dollars, too!

If you join today but decide in the first month that PWA isn’t for you… that investing more deeply in your professional career isn’t your best move right now… I think you can agree I’ve done everything possible to minimize your risk.

You’re free to cancel, eliminate all future charges, and be “out” only one dollar. Simply call our Member Success Team at 866-879-2924 and you’ll be taken care of right away. No hard feelings… In fact, I wish you the best on your writing journey…

I sincerely hope though, that you won’t choose to go it alone.

With all the professional benefits you’ll gain from PWA, along with your fund of Alliance Dollars accruing month after month, there’s no reason for you not to give membership a try.

Get access to the training library… get set up on the brand-new WritersWanted job board… get your three free bonuses so you can network effectively and run your business efficiently… and get all the support, guidance, motivation, and insider opportunities to get in front of the right clients.

This is how you can set yourself apart from most copywriters trying to break into the industry…

This is how you can regularly land the clients you want to work with, who will pay you competitive fees…

This is how you can automate your business so it’s fun and easy to run…

When you join The Professional Writers’ Alliance, you’ll have all the tools to make the writer’s life anything you want it to be. And we’ll be right here with you.

Join The Professional Writers’ Alliance Today

To your success,

Jen Adams
Director, PWA

P.S. Two of AWAI’s most successful members point to PWA as a critical factor in everything they’ve achieved…

When Steve Maurer first started copywriting on the side, he chased down assignments on the content mills for $5 apiece. (In fact, his first paid freelance gig came from Craigslist and took him six hours — for a measly paycheck of $4.95!)

But starting in 2013, Steve doubled his copywriting income for a number of years in a row and now earns around $200 an hour, taking on only the projects he wants to work on.

He says, “The access to the incredible content on the PWA website gives me a place to go to get my questions answered and see what other copywriters are doing. The biggest benefit is knowing that others are writing professionally and making good money. This lets me know that it’s possible for me to do the same… and I am!”

And then there’s Daniel Rios…

When Daniel left Venezuela for Canada, he also left his old career behind. He needed a fresh start, and hoped that copywriting could be the answer.

But, he needed training and support getting clients. He found AWAI and then joined PWA.

PWA helped me realize — and gave me the confidence — that a writing career could be something real for me, and helped me take my first sure steps,” says Rios.

Now, the one-time refugee has settled into his new life in Toronto, where he is currently the Direct-Response Marketing Manager at CEM Benchmarking, an independent investment benchmarking company serving more than 350 blue-chip corporate partners and governments worldwide.

Steve and Daniel are just two more examples of copywriters whose PWA membership helped launch their careers. It’s amazing that such a small investment can lead to such outsized results.

Join The Professional Writers’ Alliance Today