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Fear and Greed: Two Overrated Emotions - How to Become a Smarter and More Powerful Copywriter

Michael Masterson tells you to break one of the oldest “rules” of copywriting… and shows you what to do instead.

The Power of One — One Big Idea

Today, Michael Masterson gets at the very heart of powerful, persuasive writing.

How to Write Well: The World’s Simplest Formula

Michael Masterson’s definition of good writing can be applied to every sort of non-fiction writing like books, magazine articles, direct-mail sales letters, business correspondence, telemarketing scripts, and speeches. Learn this simple rule that will help you write well.

Using Daily Task Lists to Accomplish Your Goals

Michael Masterson explains how a daily task list can help you achieve your goals.

Boost Your Sales by Having a Contingency Plan

Michael Masterson shows you how a contingency plan can boost your sales.

Marketing Insight: Michael Masterson on Fear and Greed

Michael Masterson tells you why fear and greed aren't the most powerful motivating emotions in your copy.