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Mandy Marksteiner

Articles by Mandy Marksteiner

How an Overworked Court Reporter Got Her First Paid Writing Gig in the Health Market

With a huge aging population, there’s a lucrative opportunity for people who can write health copy. Here’s how one woman get her first health writing job.

3 Ways You Can Leverage Your Copywriting Skills for Bigger Income

You can earn money offering your copywriting skills to clients or you can leverage your copywriting skills to increase your income in other ways.

Overcoming Proposal Anxiety

Sending proposals should not be a nerve-wracking experience; it should be a normal part of how your business operates.

Waste Not, Want Not

Ideas are something that can easily be repurposed. Mandy Marksteiner provides some ways to make old ideas new again.

How Chad Molyneux Used Content Marketing to Build a Six-Figure Fitness Business

Use content marketing to build your business — and your client’s — when you follow the steps Chad Molyneux used successfully. Here are some of his methods.

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