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How to Tell the Difference Between Good Sales Copy and Bad Sales Copy

Using this “A-list” proven 12-point copywriting checklist will help you write winning sales copy every time.

Benefits that Sing and Soar
 — in Five Simple Steps: Part 2

It's not enough to use benefits. You must connect benefits to your prospect's real emotions. In Clayton's words, your benefits must be “fully dimensionalized.”

Benefits that Sing and Soar — in Five Simple Steps: Part 1

Do you use “Faux Benefits” instead of real benefits in your promos? Clayton Makepeace shows how to avoid this success-killing mistake in five simple steps.

Make Your Product’s Benefits SPARKLE

Many copywriters don't understand this essential secret to copywriting success: Don't sell your product! Why? Let Clayton Makepeace tell you.

8 Ways to Spot Dominant Emotions Your Prospects Already Have That Could Drive Your Response Rates Through the Roof - PART 2

We’re visiting with Clayton Makepeace again this week, so he can reveal the last 4 of his 8 secrets for pinpointing your prospect’s dominant emotions.

8 Ways to Spot Dominant Emotions Your Prospects Already Have That Could Drive Your Response Rates Through the Roof - PART 1

How do you know what your prospects are feeling? Clayton Makepeace starts answering this frequently-asked question.

Clayton Makepeace on the Astonishing Power of Fear

Clayton Makepeace shares his expert view on using fear in your copy… and tells you how to avoid five blunders copywriters make when using fear.

Know Thy Prospect

Clayton Makepeace discusses the importance of knowing your prospect, and provides tips for crafting messages specific to them.

The Art of the Irresistible Offer

Clayton Makepeace explains the eight factors that go into crafting an offer that’s too good to pass up.

Grab Your Prospect by the Eyeballs

When it comes to sales copy, your headline is the most important element. Here are the world’s three most powerful headline techniques.

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free

Research is critical for any copywriter who wants to be successful. Here’s one of the best ways to get billions of dollars in marketing research, for free.

Dominant Emotion Copy Wins Every Time

Why dominant emotion wins when it comes to sales copy. Plus, five dominant emotions that can explode your response and make you a more successful copywriter.

Benefits That Sing and Soar – In Five Simple Steps

Master copywriter Clayton Makepeace shares his 5-step exercise that will help you find new themes and adding power to your promotions.