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Everything Copywriter’s Need to Know About MARKETING!

There’s a bit of a myth that copywriters work alone, in solitude.

Luckily for you, that’s not always the case.

Instead, there’s often a vast, well-oiled “marketing machine” made up of skilled professionals working behind the scenes whose #1 goal is to make copywriters like you SUCCESSFUL!

That’s why marketers love working with writers who not only know and understand marketing — but are able to work in unison with marketers to reach the goals the marketing team has set out to achieve.

And with so many campaign strategies…

So many platforms and channels…

So much “noise” clattering across the digital landscape…

And so many different copy projects that you can write and marketers can use to break through this noise (over 80 and counting!)…

It’s more important copywriters understand marketing than ever!

That’s why The Copywriter’s Ultimate Guide to Marketing is a “must have” resource for all copywriters.

The Copywriter’s Ultimate Guide to Marketing It’s the first and only fast-paced, easy to follow, comprehensive “everything marketing” training we’ve seen specifically aimed at copywriters.

You learn everything you’ll ever need to know — from the various roles your marketing teammates play, to all the ways they can help you write better copy.

You’ll understand how and why they create the campaigns they do… how to strategically attract, win over, and sell to prospects and customers at every stage of awareness along the customer journey.

There’s also the entire language of marketing you’ll learn… copy and offer testing strategies marketers use to boost results… the various metrics and KPIs marketers use that you need to know… and so much more.

Once you’re finished with The Copywriter’s Ultimate Guide to Marketing — and all eight amazing bonus reports and templates — you’ll not only know everything a copywriter needs to know about marketing…

But you’ll be able to “hold your own” in any marketing meeting… because you’ll know the lingo.

That’ll give you more confidence and a “bigger view” of the opportunity for copywriters in today’s digital world.

And there's an added bonus — a potentially HUGE one:

You’ll understand the principles of digital marketing so well — you’ll be able to walk into any business and help them create revenue boosting campaigns many non-marketing savvy business owners don’t even know about…

And in the process, write more projects and command larger “consultant-level” fees your clients are happy to pay you!

So bottom line…

Not only is understanding marketing a MUST for copywriters these days…

It’s the one thing you can do right now that will have the biggest impact on your overall knowledge… the value you bring to clients… and the money you can make as a writer!

Learn more about The Copywriter’s Ultimate Guide to Marketing here!

The Copywriter’s Ultimate Guide to Marketing: How to Impress Clients, Attract Bigger Projects, and Command Higher Fees: $497.00

Order Today!

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