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September 2014

The Most Important Direct Mail Copy You Will Ever Write

Remember that your cover letter is also a form of direct mail copy, and is probably the most important as it’s the first copy a potential client sees.

How Do I Set and Negotiate Writing Fees?

Here’s some practical advice for making sure you get paid as much as possible, and get paid what you’re worth, without overpricing yourself out of the running.

A Copywriting Lesson from the “Godfather” Himself [audio]

Bootcamp speaker Herschell Gordon-Lewis is known for two things: direct-response marketing and gore. Check out Robert Rice's interview with this copywriting legend.

How Do I Find Clients and Land Paying Assignments?

Rebecca Matter answers the question she’s most often asked by writers who are just starting out: “Where do I find clients, and what do I do once I find them?”

How Do I Get Experience and Writing Samples?

Rebecca Matter helps move you past a potential roadblock on your journey to living the writer’s life, by giving you three great ways to show off your skills.

How Do I Know What To Do Next? (And Then?)

It’s hard to put together a roadmap if you don’t know your destination! Rebecca Matter helps you with your roadmap here.

How Do I … ?

Rebecca tackles a common question she hears from people who want to make a living as a writer but don’t know how to get started: What’s my first step?

Never Deceive Your Prospect…BUT…

Will Newman explains why your clients and long-term successes depend on being able to develop a trusting relationship with your prospect-turned-customer.

Do You Have a Question About Freelance Copywriting? Ask Rebecca!

Rebecca Matter will host a live Facebook Q&A session on Friday, September 5th. Get all of the details here!