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How to Increase Copywriting Proposal Conversions

When working with a new client or on a new project with an existing client, you want to show them why you’re the right one for the job. Here are five ways to increase your proposal conversions and win that project.

3 Tips to Level Up Your Online Networking Game

Whether you're stuck at home because of a pandemic or just not a fan of live events, you can still make amazing connections online. Virtual conferences are using tech tools that have made it easier to connect with other attendees. These 3 tips will help you level up your online networking game.

How to Write a Powerful B2B Video Script for Your Client

Videos are now a B2B company’s second-most used marketing tactic. And that’s good news for B2B copywriters. Because a powerful B2B video script, written by you, will deliver big results for your client... and for you.

5 Metrics You Should Track for Your Freelance Writing Business

Instead of getting lost in data to track your freelance writing business, focus on these five key performance indicators to keep your finger on the pulse of your small business.

Take Control of Your B2B Copywriting Schedule

If you’ve ever wondered why you didn’t get your daily list done, you don’t want to miss this advice to take control of your B2B copywriting schedule.

Choosing a Professional Email Address for Your Freelance Business

One of the first things prospects see is your email address. Here’s how to choose an email address for your freelance business that presents you as a professional.

Why a CRM Is Useful for Freelancer Copywriters

Do you need a customer relationship management tool for your freelance copywriting business? Here’s when a CRM can be useful.

Replace Your Email Client with Gmail

Did you know you can manage all of your email with Gmail? Julia Borgini explains why you might want to and how to set it up.

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Create Your Own Infographic

If you're looking to create an infographic for your own business, or for one of your clients, Julia Borgini tells you how to create a great infographic that will be shared EVERYWHERE.

15 Link-Building Strategies that Google Will Love

Getting Google to notice your work is a major drive in many web writing careers. Julia Borgini has 15 quality link-building strategies you can use today.