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Looking for the Fastest Next Step Up in Your Copywriting Career?

Become a “CVO Expert” in just 6 hours with Ryan Deiss’ exclusive at-home training, and you’ll be positioned to …

  • Easily get your foot in the door with new clients.
    Every marketer I know is constantly thinking about CVO — all you have to do is flash your “CVO Expert” badge and they’ll eagerly listen to what you have to say.
  • Double the fees you would typically charge them for your copywriting services. (I’ll show you why they’ll be more than happy to pay them.)
  • Provide fast, measurable results that give you leverage to transform “one-time” projects into lifelong commitments from your grateful clients.
  • Help your clients become “unbeatable” in any niche, industry, or target market, simply by keeping a steady flow of qualified new leads and revenue coming in the door, day or night.

Read on to find out exactly what a “CVO Expert” does … and how you can start using this in-demand but rare title to start landing new clients tomorrow.

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

Dear Copywriter,

Rebecca Matter here.

Right now, your current and future clients are all facing one HUGE puzzle:

How to increase revenue and grow their business.

Seems simple, right?

But the reality is … it’s not. In fact, it’s eluding thousands of your potential clients right now. And, here’s why I’m writing you today … they’re willing to pay big bucks to find the answer.

If you can solve this problem for them, you’ll have an “in” with anycompany you want to work for, regardless of your niche.

In just a few minutes, you’ll see how to do it …

The “key” to the puzzle lies in a relatively little-known but lucrative service that complements and magnifies the copywriting skills you already have.

And it’s hands-down the fastest way I know to (at the very minimum) double your fees with each and every client you take on … and have you pocketing three paychecks per project, instead of just one.

Plus, the up-front investment — in time, effort, and money — is very, very low. It only takes six hours to learn, but the rewards you’ll reap are enormous.

Once you have this in-demand expertise, you’ll be able to help your clients solve their puzzle …

The puzzle of Customer Value Optimization, or CVO.

Let me explain …

The Great Big CVO Puzzle Your Clients Are Constantly Trying to Solve —

Okay. Your client’s #1 goal is to increase revenue and grow their business, right?

There’s only three ways to do it:

  • Attract more new customers …
  • Increase the size of each sale …
  • And get customers to buy more often.

This is what’s known as “increasing customer lifetime value” … or what we call Customer Value Optimization (CVO).

And the best way to do it is with detailed, automated, multistep sales “funnels.”

You’re already very familiar with sales funnels, whether you realize it or not.

Smart marketers are using funnels every day to attract your attention, introduce you to their brand, and guide you down the path toward making a purchase (or multiple purchases).

Let me give you an example of a simple funnel …

Let’s say Blenderz, Inc. sells a high-quality blender called the Blend-o-Matic 6000. Jen is the company’s marketing director.

The sales funnel begins at the top, the widest part, and is designed to attract new customers.

Jen is a smart marketer, so she starts her funnel with an intriguing ad on Google, offering a valuable special report — called “10 Ways Your Blender is Out to Kill You!” — in exchange for a prospect’s contact information.

A prospect, Devin, clicks the ad. The report sounds interesting, so he gives Jen permission to email him the report.

Then, regardless of whether or not he’s read the report, Devin also receives a couple of emails offering a solution for his apparently homicidal blender …

The solution sounds interesting too, so he clicks through to a new web page where he finds a sales letter in the form of a video (also known as a Video Sales Letter or VSL).

The sales message in the video is powerful and agitates his “urgent blender problem” … and presents the Blend-o-Matic 6000 as the solution.

He agrees that the Blend-o-Matic is far superior to his own blender and purchases from the Video Sales Letter.

But the funnel (and the relationship between Devin and Blenderz, Inc.) doesn’t end there …

Jen continues to send Devin useful videos and valuable articles all about nutrition and the lifestyle Blend-o-Matic buyers tend to lead.

And, Jen also continues to send Devin offers for products or services that complement his blender — recipe books, special cups, cleaning supplies — or items she thinks he might also be interested in, like fitness books.

Devin enjoys the videos and purchases something new every few months.

This is a simple, but successful, sales funnel since both Blenderz, Inc. and Devin are getting value out of their relationship.

And since Jen has everything automated, the system handles everything from that point on.

In short …

Sales funnels are highly effective, automated systems that keep new customers coming down the pipeline and offer previous buyers new products … while reducing the amount of “hands-on” time required from the marketing team.

They are THE fastest way to increase revenue and grow a business.

Every company wants one.

In fact, they want several.

And making them better with new copy, products, offers, and emails is a never-ending game of testing, tweaking, and optimizing.

As a copywriter, you’re already an integral part of sales funnel creation …

If Jen hired you to help her create the funnel, you would’ve written the ad promoting the special report … the “squeeze” page that captured Devin’s email address … and possibly the report, too.

Jen may have also hired you to write the follow-up email that got Devin to the Video Sales Letter. She may have even asked you to write the VSL as well.

Plus, there’s all the copy needed to promote the other products and services Jen wants to offer afterward … as well as all the content that continues to bring value to Devin and other customers on the email list.

That’s a lot of copywriting projects … from just one client … and this is just one funnel.

But here’s the thing …

You’re “the Solution” …

By taking it just one step further, and developing the funnel yourself, you can DOUBLE your fees.

Great copy is extremely important — no business could grow without it — yet, as you just saw, it’s only one piece of creating the funnel.

Jen had to do a lot of planning and puzzling in order to come up with her successful funnel — and it took up a LOT of her time.

And, she’ll have to keep tweaking it to keep it fresh and “up-to-date” with what’s working on the Internet now.

No Technical Experience? No Problem!

You DON’T need any web design or development experience to do this. Your client’s tech team will be capable of setting up the infrastructure, usually using software or systems they already have.

Your job is simply to write the copy. Or take it a step further — if you choose — and plan the funnel for double the fees. You can leave all the technical stuff to the technical people!

But as an educated copywriter with professional training in sales funnels, you can both design and write the copy for your clients’ funnels … and get paid double what you’d charge for just the copy.

At the end of the day, being a CVO Expert gives you the chance to take care of this crucial business-building task for your clients — often, without them having to lift a finger.

You’ll create loyal (and grateful!) clients that keep coming back to you, month after month, year after year … because you know how to increase their bottom line without creating any more hard work for them.

Can you see how this makes you so much more than “just” a freelance copywriter?

  • You become a valuable part of the team.
  • You’re a respected professional who knows your stuff, and they’ll be happy to pay you accordingly.
  • You’ll have a constant stream of fresh, new ideas to bring to the table …
  • Copy that brings those ideas to life …
  • And endless opportunities to tweak your ideas, aka optimization, so their ads, web pages, emails, and offers are always getting better and better …

And, optimization is never-ending. There’s always something new to try. And as you get closer and closer to your client’s products, the more ideas you’ll have … which means even more additional paychecks for you.

To recap:

  • You get paid to design the funnel.
  • You get paid to write the copy and/or content for the funnel.
  • And you get paid to analyze the test results your client gives you to come up with new ways to tweak and make the funnel even better.

That’s getting paid THREE times instead of just once … which means each client is worth three times as much (and it means doing a lot less self-marketing!).

Personally, I’d be happy to pay a CVO Expert between $1,000 and $1,500 just to design a brand-new funnel for me.

Then, your standard copy fees apply for any ads, landing pages, sales pages, cart pages, or emails you’ll need for the funnel …

And as you have new ideas for testing and tweaking your funnels, you can expect to charge additional fees for the work it takes to implement your ideas … often in the ballpark of $1,000 (or more depending on how different your “new test” is).

That’s an extra $2,000 minimum … on top of your regular copy fees!

I think you can see why this opportunity is one you should strongly consider …

Before I show you exactly how quick, easy, and thorough your funnel training is going to be, though …

Let me introduce you to the man behind the funnels …

The man who’s spent $15 million over the past several years developing and perfecting the art of the sales funnel … testing them out on his own businesses in over 30 different niches …

And the man who’s about to give you his “permission and blessing” to completely knock off his ideas and give them to your clients …

Meet Ryan Deiss, the “Digital Marketer” Himself

If you’ve been around the web marketing world for a while, you may have heard of Digital Marketer — an Austin-based company that, essentially, teaches marketers how to make more money selling stuff online.

Through their own dozens of online companies … and running thousands upon thousands of online tests … Digital Marketer has taken the science of online direct-response sales to the next level.

From the “big picture” steps that persuade a customer to buy …

Down to the best shapes and colors for “order now” buttons …

They have tested and proven what works to get people to buy more often — regardless of the audience, niche, market, topic, or product.

In other words, they’re at the cutting-edge of online marketing … and people who listen to them instantly save themselves decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars on tactics that simply won’t work.

Ryan Deiss is the CEO and Co-Founder of Digital Marketer … a talented copywriter, author, and speaker … and prolific business-builder.

And he wants to teach you how to use his sophisticated sales funnel …

The same one he and his team have proven to work time and time again …

So YOU can implement it for your clients (or even sell your own products).

With Ryan Deiss’ 6-Hour CVO Expert Training,
You’ll Get In-Depth Training, Detailed Step-By-Step Blueprints, Case Studies, Templates, and More!

Yes, it only takes six hours to get the basics of sales funnels and autoresponders down.

But it’s not because they’re inherently simple …

It’s because of Ryan Deiss’ incredible ability to make a process like this approachable, exciting, and simple to learn.

There are plenty of brilliant marketers in the direct-response industry — but it’s the rare few that can really teach.

Ryan is one of those few … and he’s going to show you in thorough, exacting detail how to build sophisticated sales funnels for all of your clients, just like he does every day for his 30+ multimillion-dollar businesses …

All from the comfort of your couch.

You’ll get the same in-depth training other AWAI members have paid thousands to receive from Ryan at past Web Copywriting Intensives …

Along with the step-by-step walkthroughs, templates, and blueprints Ryan gave the live event attendees …

All for a mere fraction of the original price.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

First, let me show you exactly what you’re going to learn …

Part One
Ryan Deiss’ “Advanced Conversion Funnel Optimization”

In Part One of your training, Ryan is going to reveal his exact, step-by-step process for developing and optimizing a sales funnel for any client … in any niche … for any audience.

You’re going to learn the foundation of funnel building … and the five pieces the most effective funnels MUST have in order to succeed, including:

  • Piece #1: The “Magnet” That Attracts New Customers, Day and Night. This is the most crucial piece of the funnel, so Ryan spends a full hour detailing it … so you’ll be confident re-creating it for your clients.

    You’ll get Ryan’s critical tips for making magnets irresistible … and he’ll show you exactly what he did to get 43%, 53%, 55%, and as many as 60% of cold visitors to say “Yes!” to his Lead Magnet and join his email list.

  • Piece #2: The “Tripwire” That Instantly Increases Your Client’s Revenue — and instantly demonstrates your CVO expertise (and value) to your client. The vast majority of your clients will NOT have this in place. Show them how to convert “free names” into buyers, and you’ll not only immediately increase their revenue … they’ll think you’re a marketing genius.

    Ryan says …

    “Piece #2 is the biggest point of leverage because your client probably isn’t using it. If you can do this for a client, you will wow and amaze them. And usually, it doesn’t involve creating anything new — just re-positioning something they already had.”

  • Piece #3: The “Core Offer” that Increases “Flagship” Product Sales By Up to 80%. The good news is, this piece is the one your client has likely spent all his time thinking about … so it’s probably very well developed and tested.

    But, Ryan has THREE big tips you can use to make it even better, including the #1 way you can “re-organize” this piece to increase sales by 20%-80%.

    He’ll also show you 14 different, five-minute tweaks you can use to find the perfect offer for your audience … and, how to make sure your copy is optimized for the most impact. (Ryan did one particular thing with one of his pages, and it doubled his sales!)

  • Piece #4: The “Profit Maximizer” That Turns Buyers into Multi-Buyers. Ryan will show you eight different types of “profit maximizers” and his easy, two-step formula for crafting a winning one …

    The “$500,000 Three-Word Phrase” that can immediately increase the profit in every sale by 15%-30% …

    Plus, seven of Ryan’s favorite upsell ideas you can swipe and deploy for your clients.

  • Piece #5: The “Return Path” … The Pipe That Gives You Another Shot at Non-Buyers, and returns buyers to the top of the funnel for another round.

    Ryan will give you his four steps for bringing customers back to the top of the funnel (and how to guide them through) …

    And, he’ll show you the power of “the exit offer,” and what to do when people leave your site without buying.

    This “second chance” is a huge opportunity your client is likely missing out on … but after you build their funnel, it’ll be automatic, pulling in extra sales with ease.

It might seem simple at the surface …

But as you go through Part One of the training, you’re also going to discover TONS of golden tips, tricks, and insider’s strategies that Ryan and his team have spent decades and millions of dollars narrowing down.

He’s going to give you …

“Wow, Amazing!!! So many great takeaways.”

― Pam Foster,
2014 Web Intensive attendee

“Ryan is awesome! This was the first time I’ve heard him and the info was great! I can see how to translate this info for my own use and my own website.”

― Robbin Crandall,
2014 Web Intensive attendee

“Ryan’s session was the most valuable session for me at Bootcamp. Excellent material presented in an easy-to-understand way. Takeaway: Systematize your marketing with five simple steps and use this to give advice to clients.”

― Steve Roller,
2013 Bootcamp attendee

  • Multi-point checklists for creating super-powerful offers that visitors can’t resist. He breaks down each and every point into extreme detail.
  • Multiple examples of each piece of the funnel … why they work and how they could be stronger …
  • His detailed analyses of real-life case studies for each piece, from various niches and industries …
  • The “cheese and whiskers” rule for writing copy that can make or break the sale … and the “Starbucks trick” for boosting your client’s sales …
  • And MUCH more.

During Part One of your training, you’ll start to get the feel for the power you’ll have as a CVO Expert …

The power to, quite literally, change everything for your clients.

You’ll help them get “unstuck” … grow to the next level … and win new customers no matter WHAT their industry, niche, or market.

And once you have the funnel framework built, you could just stop there.

You’d have plenty of copy to write, since each piece requires its own supporting copy (which Ryan will explain, too) …

And, you’d have very happy clients who were amazed at your marketing genius.

But why stop there?

Let’s move right on to Part Two …

Part Two
Keep Prospects Moving Through the Funnel

All it takes to keep people moving through your funnel is, quite simply, follow-up emails.

Ryan says …

“This works for ANY type of client for any type of business that uses email (all of them). We have a guy in Arizona with a shoe store who fills up his stores on days no one would be there just by using these emails.”

Part Two is all about writing emails (aka autoresponders) that say “hello” to new customers … build a trusting relationship … ask questions … or offer new products … all without anyone having to push “Send.”

There’s five phases to the email follow-up … each one matches up to one of the pieces of the funnel:

Phase 1: The Indoctrination Series

Phase 2: The Engagement Series

Phase 3: The Ascension Series

Phase 4: The Segmentation Series

Phase 5: The Re-Engagement Series

I’m not going to get into too much detail about it here … because this part is going to be a piece of cake.

Not only does Ryan explain how to use each email series as thoroughly as he does the funnel in Part One …

He’s generously given you his proven, million-dollar templates for doing this!

I’m talking about fill-in-the-blank and hit “Send” templates …

And you’ll have his “permission and blessing” to use his templates as you see fit.

During Part Two, you’re going to learn …

“Ryan’s strategies are brilliant — a clear map to big profits for clients.”

― Peter Kavanaugh,
2015 Web Intensive Attendee

“Ryan Deiss is a hero of mine. His approach to become more than a copywriter was invaluable.”

― Ramona Sharp,
2013 Bootcamp attendee

“Ryan Deiss was my favorite presenter the whole four days at Bootcamp. He was incredibly entertaining and insightful.”

― Tim Matassa,
2013 Bootcamp Attendee

  • How to craft the automated, evergreen, and sophisticated multi-step email campaign that “oils” your funnel and quite literally makes your clients (or you) sales while you sleep …

    (It sounds hype-y — but this is exactly what your clients want. They don’t want to push “Send” every single time a new customer comes into their list. They want automated — and that’s exactly what Ryan will teach you to give them.)

  • The seven-day sequence that strikes a perfect balance between revenue-generation and relationship-building …
  • How to send less emails and make MORE money …
  • Where you should send ALL your clicks in virtually every promotion … and how to leverage this time-tested truth into more writing projects for yourself …
  • The “B x D + C Formula” that guarantees higher open rates, more clicks, and increased sales from your email list …
  • Plus, answers to commonly asked questions like, “How many times per week should we email our list?” “Should everyone receive the exact same email?” “Should they even receive the same amount of emails?” (Ryan will tell you EXACTLY how many!)
  • And, “What should we do with subscribers who haven’t opened or clicked one of our emails in 60 days?”
  • How to improve your clicks and opens by “dropping dead weight” …
  • And, the same detailed checklists … in-depth explanations of each series … and MUCH more!

If Any of This Sounds Technical, Don’t Worry …

It’s really not technical. You don’t need to have any web development or design skills in order to do this.

Sure, there are a lot of moving parts … but with Ryan’s incredibly thorough teaching, and the “swipe and deploy” templates and blueprints he includes for you, you’ll know exactly what to do, at any given time.

If you like puzzles of any kind — crossword, Sudoku, jigsaw, or logic puzzles — you’ll love this.

Heck, if you like creative, intellectual challenges of any kind, you’ll love this!

Because the crazy thing is …

Designing funnels and putting all these pieces into place is fun.


It’s a creative challenge to come up with exciting new offers, intriguing lead magnets, and valuable tripwires.

It’s enjoyable helping your clients develop an effective system that both makes their lives easier and makes them more money.

And it’s exciting to see the results — and get enthusiastic phone calls from your clients about your newest “tweak” that suddenly brought in tons of unexpected revenue.

And if you’re passionate about copywriting right now, this will only fuel the flame.

You’ll get more projects and you’ll guarantee you’re the go-to copywriter any time your funnel needs a tune-up — because you’ll know it better than anyone else.

Speaking of getting clients …

In just 88 seconds, Ryan shows you exactly how to get a brand-new client with less than 10 minutes of effort — no cold-calling required

Ryan says …

“This is one HECK of a client-getting tool!”

At minute 4:10–minute 5:38 of the second video in Part Two, Ryan takes a brief bunny trail from his prepared material …

He reveals a practically effortless, priceless trick for getting clients that bowled me over with value:

“If you just subscribed to 10 different marketers email lists … and responded to the first email they send with, Hey, I subscribed to your list and I noticed …

And then he writes an email for you on the fly that you can copy, basically word-for-word …

“I bet if you’ll send that email, you’ll get a client … or two. I bet you will. And it doesn’t require a whole lot of work, no cold-calling. If they don’t respond back, I’d be surprised,” he said.

And when they do respond?

All you have to do is plug their info into the email template Ryan gives you … and scale it up with the exact steps and instructions he shows you next.

It was just an 88-second bunny trail … but it was a golden bunny trail.

All it takes is subscribing to a free email list …

Writing out the email Ryan wrote for you off the top of his head …

And doing “work” that Ryan has already templated out for you …

And there’s an excellent chance you’ll have a brand-new client, eager to hire you to do the rest of your CVO magic for them.

You’ll have to check it out to get the exact details, but this is just one example of the “golden tips” I mentioned earlier.

Ryan hands them out like candy throughout his training, and any one of them could be invaluable to you.

I could go on and on, but I think this one specific nugget …

Literally 88 seconds out of the entire six-hour training …

Proves how quickly and easily you can not only recoup your investment, but start enjoying a flood of new clients, projects, and triple the number of paychecks … possibly just minutes after you finish your training.

Speaking of investments …

Your Investment Today …

I mentioned that funnel building is something I think every copywriter should be able to do.

It’s a truly priceless skill.

Once you take the six hours to learn it, this is a skill you’ll always have … and always be able to use to your benefit.

Being a CVO Expert gives you access to clients you may have never thought to approach …

It brings value to your existing clientele …

And it allows you to double your fees, while essentially getting paid three times for the same project.

That’s why I want to make this a “no-brainer” decision for you.

As you discovered, Ryan and his team have spent over $15,000,000 developing these sophisticated sales funnels and the emails that go along with them …

He charges between $1,997 and $2,364 JUST to get the five-phase email strategy … and you don’t want to know how much it costs to join his full-blown sales funnel training course …

Writers paid $5,000+ to hear Ryan present this information live at the Web Copywriting Intensive …

But, you won’t pay anywhere near $5,000 …

Or $2,364 …

Or $1,997 for the exact same information.

In fact, I think this is so critical to your career in both the short- and long-term …

Your investment today will be a mere fraction of what this information is truly worth:

Only $497.

Order Today!

And, You’ll Also Have My “Love it or Return it” Guarantee

I respect your time — and even though I feel sales funnels are an indispensable skill, I understand this might not be for everyone.

That’s why you don’t have to decide right now if this is for you.

I am so confident in the information Ryan’s giving you that I want you to go through the entire training, completely risk free:

AWAI’s “12x Industry Standard” Full Year, Risk-Free Guarantee

Most companies in our industry offer you only 30 days to get your money back. We understand it takes some time to really make sure a) that you like what you see, and b) the product fulfills all its promises.

That’s why I want you to take a FULL year to test out the CVO Expert Training.

Make sure you can really use Ryan’s funnels …

Get a feel for what it means to be a CVO Expert … and get that flush of pride when your clients get excited about your unique Digital Marketer training.

You can take up to day 364 if you like …

And if at any time, for any reason, you change your mind, all it takes is a five-minute phone call or email to AWAI’s Member Services and they’ll promptly and courteously refund every penny — no questions asked.

And One More Thing —
My Bonus Training Video Will Help You Pitch and Price Your Services With Confidence

As if this weren’t already an incredible deal with a lightning-fast ROI and an ironclad guarantee …

I’m going to make it even easier for you to get up and running by showing you exactly how to pitch and price your CVO service to future or existing clients.

I’ll give you tips from a marketer’s point of view, including how to explain what you do and how valuable it is to them … (just in case they’ve been running a business from a cave and don’t know the value of a sales funnel) …

What I would personally be looking for in hiring a CVO Expert and copywriter …

The fees I’d be more than happy to pay (and how to negotiate for them if it comes to that) …

How to structure the “continuous optimization” concept so both you and your client feel like you got the better end of the stick …

And much more!

With this step-by-step guidance … and Ryan’s detail-by-detail sales funnel blueprints … this is truly a “business in a box.”

Simply open it up, swipe, and start landing those lucrative projects!

It couldn’t be any easier.

Before I sign off, there’s just one more thing I have to say …

This Isn’t Just “Another” Copywriting Opportunity ― It’s a Chance to Become a Marketing Expert

Frankly, if you want to be a successful copywriter, you’ll have to understand the “bigger picture” of online marketing at some point.

If You ‘Get’ Funnels, You ‘Get’ Marketing

“I didn’t understand web marketing as a whole until I heard Ryan explain sales funnels at the 2014 Web Intensive. Thanks to Ryan, I now have a ‘big picture’ understanding of the whole game, and how my copy fits into it.

I understand my clients’ goals better than ever, and the individual steps they’re taking to reach them — and I can spot holes where they could be doing better. All it takes is asking, ‘Have you tried a lead magnet here? A tripwire there?’

Ryan is a smooth talker, a great teacher, humorous, and a pleasure to listen to. He’s gotten his hands dirty figuring all this stuff out … and it’s worth every penny to hear him teach.”

― Rae Robinson,

Learning about sales funnels from Ryan Deiss, one of the most dedicated funnel experts in the world, isn’t just knowledge that allows you to get three paychecks instead of just one.

It doesn’t just give you 10+ different angles to approach new clients with fresh, new ideas.

It’s not just “another service” to add to your copywriting arsenal.

It’s thorough training that transforms you into a knowledgeable web marketing consultant (with an insider “trainer” that everyone knows and respects) in just six hours.

It allows you to solve a major problem that ALL of your clients have.

And, it turns every single project you land into a long-term relationship with virtually unlimited income … (because Customer Value Optimization never stops … )

All while bringing valuable products and services you believe in to people who want to change their lives for the better.

Good marketing is about value, trust, and relationships …

And that’s at the heart of Customer Value Optimization.

Spend just six hours with Ryan, one weekend if you like, and you’ll find your marketing expertise expands substantially.

With his blueprints and fill-in-the-blank templates, in-depth case studies and examples from multiple different markets … and my bonus “Pitch and Price” Webinar …

You’ll feel confident approaching any of your dream clients, knowing your CVO expertise has the power to revolutionize their business … and significantly increase both your bottom lines.

Remember, it all comes down to being able to attract new customers and get them to purchase bigger ticket items, more often.

With Ryan’s sales funnel blueprints by your side, solving your clients’ #1 problem is a snap …

And as Ryan says, “You’ll never be poor again.”

Click here to order now.

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

Order Today!

P.S. As Ryan puts it …

“Copywriting is the most important skill I believe anyone can learn, period, end of story. If you know how to write copy … if you know how to get somebody to take out their wallet and give you money … you will never be poor.

“You’re a modern day alchemist. What you can do is amazing and you should be proud of it.

“Unfortunately … you need to recognize the difference between offering people what they WANT and what they need.

“What they need is great copy. What they WANT is a Customer Value Optimization Expert.

“The CVO Expert gives you a new title … a new badge … and a new message to bring to your clients.”

It’s a “badge” practically every marketer in the know is looking for …

Flash it, and they’ll immediately sit up and listen to what you have to say.

Best of all, this title is one you can earn in just six hours, thanks to Ryan’s in-depth CVO Expert training.

And with my full year risk-free guarantee …

It’s also THE safest and lowest up-front investment in your copywriting business — with the highest potential reward — that I know of.

P.P.S. Don’t forget to check out time marker 4:10 in the second video in Part Two for that practically effortless client-getting trick I told you about …

Ryan shows you in just 88 seconds how to land your first (and possibly second) CVO client …

And it’s as easy as filling in the blanks of two of the email templates he gives you.

This 88-second trick could — no exaggeration — be worth the entire price of the program to you, if you simply take the 10 minutes of “effort” required.

Order Today!

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