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The Heartbeat of Powerful Copywriting

Will Newman goes over some basic differences in verbs to breathe life into your copy.

Your Real Prospect is Closer Than You Think

Will Newman has three strategies for getting “up close and personal” with a potential prospect without getting in his face.

The "Hidden" Component for Killer Sales Letters

What is the big Idea? And how do you find one? Will Newman is here to help you make your copy better than ever.

What a Soapbox Derby and a 14-Year-Old Means to Your Success

Will Newman helps remind us that no matter how far off track we have gone, there is a path to get back.

When You Absolutely, Need to Capture Your Prospect’s Attention

Will Newman explains the simple reason why your promise is so crucial to capturing your prospect’s attention.

How to Talk Your Way to New Clients

Will Newman reveals how public speaking can give you huge advantages for landing potential clients whether you’re just starting out in copywriting or trying to build your existing business.

Keep It Simple For the Biggest Punch

Will Newman shares a simple tool that will tell you how readable your writing is, to ensure your copywriting succeeds.

Eight Steps to Finding Your First Clients

Will Newman shares eight steps to finding your first clients to build the portfolio you can use to get more, larger clients quickly.

Want More Clients? Harness the Pebble Effect

Will Newman shares how developing solid relationships with potential clients will help you to gain even more.

How to Write Catalog Copy So a Client Wants to “Buy” You

Will Newman demonstrates how to turn run-of-the-mill feature/simple-benefit catalog copy into “must-have” copy.

“I Am a Copywriter!”

Will Newman reveals four simple words that can transform you into a bona-fide copywriter … today!

Quick Tip: Speaking a Common Lingo With Copywriters

Will Newman shares some of the common lingo used by copywriters.

Quick Tip: The AWAI Peer Review System

An explanation of the peer review system Michael Masterson recommends.

4 Secrets for Writing Compelling Catalog Copy

Will Newman fills you in on 4 secrets of writing compelling copy for one of the most lucrative niches in direct marketing.

An $11.9 Billion Niche

Will Newman outlines a growing niche that needs skilled copywriters.

Quick Tip: Avoid Using “Literally” and “Virtually,”

Will Newman reveals two words that can make readers take you less seriously.

The Secret of “The Golden Thread,” Part 2

Will Newman finishes the great series on The Golden Thread and how to make tight copy that pulls the reader to the end and finishes with a purchase.

The Secret of “The Golden Thread,” Part 1

“The Golden Thread” is not just the name of this e-letter. It's a Master's technique used by the very best and most successful copywriters. Will Newman starts with part 1 of 2.

Creating an Enemy

Will Newman tells us the how and why when using an enemy in your sales letter. Get the bond for your client and the prospect.

Using Lift Notes to Give a Lift to Your Sales

Will Newman reveals how lift notes can boost your sales.

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