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American Writers & Artists Institute
AWAI is the World’s Leading Provider of Copywriting Training Programs
and so much more …

As an AWAI member, you’ll not only find exceptional copywriting, content writing, and graphic design home-study programs… but the critical skills and connections you need to quickly land freelance writing jobs and earn a good living.


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Helping people develop skills to acquire financial security, independence and freedom – that’s been American Writers & Artists Institute’s (AWAI) mission since we opened our doors in 1997. And since then, we’ve helped thousands of people discover how to become a highly successful copywriter and business owner so they can live their dreams, on their terms.

Achieve your goals with AWAI: our copywriting training programs, events and exclusive communities are all about helping you live the writer’s life!

Welcome From
AWAI Executive Director, Katie Yeakle

Dear Visitor,

Hi. My name is Katie Yeakle. As Executive Director of AWAI, it’s my pleasure to welcome you to our fold!

Since 1997, we’ve seen so many people improve their lives through our copywriting training programs, events and other offerings.

  • Mindy M., a former corporate employee who was just starting her family, had thought about writing but thought, “A career in copywriting seemed too good to be true; I didn’t think I could make money at it” She invested in AWAI’s The Accelerated Program for Seven-Figure Copywriting and immersed herself in learning about the field. Then the breakthrough occurred in her new career: in a span of two weeks, she landed three clients. Find out how she turned this into a clever career path.
  • Steve C., who always wanted to run his own business, had tried a few ventures but none were the right fit. When he came across AWAI, he couldn’t stop thinking about copywriting. But with a wife and six children at home, he couldn’t make an instant leap from a regular paycheck to a copywriting business. He got his big break after attending AWAI’s FastTrack to Success Copywriting Bootcamp and Job Fair, where he wrote a successful spec sales letter for The Healthy Back Institute. “When I went to Bootcamp, it was like a rocket. I literally took off in this business and I have not slowed down at all.”
  • Chris A. had been steadily studying AWAI’s The Accelerated Program for Seven-Figure Copywriting to transition from University Development Officer to full-time copywriter. But her career really took off when she answered AWAI’s call to submit copy for two industry leaders — Dan Kennedy and Clayton Makepeace. Thanks to her newfound copywriting skills, BOTH leaders took notice! Her work led to a testimonial from Dan, and she beat out four dozen other copywriters to win a contract worth $12,500 plus royalties (and mentoring with Clayton) with one of Clayton’s clients, Weiss Research Inc.

Plus there are hundreds of more copywriting success stories just like these lining the walls of the AWAI office… with more coming in all the time!

I’d like very much to help you do the same. If you want more freedom, more wealth, and a greater quality of life – I hope you’ll take a moment to browse our website and look over our entire line of programs to help you reinvent yourself.

I’m 100% positive that these programs can change your life, if you will let them. And, there’s nothing I’d rather see happen… nothing at all… than to see you succeed.

You’ve already taken a huge step toward achieving your personal-growth goals… so keep the momentum going by taking advantage of the many resources AWAI has to offer.

To Your Success,

Katie Yeakle,
Executive Director, AWAI

P.S. If you’d like see how others have made the leap into lucrative freelance writing jobs through AWAI programs, browse through all our AWAI Member Testimonials, which includes success stories, more case studies, heartfelt comments and much more. We’re truly changing lives, and we’d like to help change yours.

AWAI’s Products and Services:
Copywriting training is our core, but we’re so much more

While copywriting programs are the cornerstone of AWAI’s offerings, they are, in fact, just one category of several respected success programs AWAI has developed, all with the shared goal of helping you enjoy financial security, independence, and freedom.

AWAI’s other offerings include programs in graphic design, self publishing, internet marketing, resume writing, freelance writing success, and many more.

See All of the Writing and Success Programs AWAI Offers

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

All of our programs come with a No-Risk, Money-Back Guarantee. Try any AWAI program for a full 30 days. If for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted with what you receive or the information we provide – or if you decide that the program is just not for you – simply return the unmarked materials to us within 30 days of receipt, and your entire purchase price will be promptly refunded. No questions asked.

Vital Resources for Marketers, Creative Directors, Business Owners, and More …

AWAI is known in the industry as the go-to resource for Marketers, Creative Directors, Business Owners, and others like you looking for the right copywriter to help you build your opt-in mailing list, get your targets to open your emails, drive organic traffic to your website, convert your website visitors to buyers, and increase the response rates on all your promotions.  Let AWAI help you skyrocket your company’s success!

Discover 4 Vital Resources to Positively Impact Your Bottom Line

Advisory Board:
Expert Copywriters, Marketers and Business Owners

AWAI is proud to boast an Advisory Board of some of the world’s top experts in every area it publishes. Experts in skills like copywriting, marketing, and content writing, as well as experts in changing careers, building a freelance business, achieving wealth, setting goals, and more.

Meet the Members of AWAI’s Prestigious Advisory Board


These People Have Changed Their Lives
With the Help of AWAI’s Programs…
You Could Be Next!

Hundreds of people just like you have changed their lives for the better just by taking advantage of these work-from-home business opportunities.

Take a look at what AWAI members and industry experts
have to say about AWAI’s programs…

“This is the best course for copywriting I have ever seen anywhere in any form. Anyone who wants to get into direct-response copywriting would benefit enormously from taking it.

Robert Bly,
Author of The Copywriter’s Handbook

“AWAI’s The Accelerated Program for Seven-Figure Copywriting program includes solid information, excellent exercises and terrific resource material. Anyone who applies himself to the program will learn copywriting formulas and techniques for the specialized world of direct-response marketing.”

Marcia Yudkin,
Author, Persuading on Paper,
6 Steps to Free Publicity and 9 other books

“My resume-writing business is ‘exploding’ with over $750 in sales for one week, and it’s not even Wednesday yet (not to mention $500 for last week)! I now have eight testimonials in my file already!

“This is in an economy where jobs here ‘are TIGHT!’”

John K., Lexington Park, MD

“Signing up for AWAI’s Graphic Design Success program is the finest career decision I’ve ever made. After less than a year, the program is already paying substantial dividends.”

Cherie Rohn, Fort Myers, FL

“I often get emails from people asking if it is really possible to build a successful copywriting or graphic business. My answer is unequivocally ‘YES!’ if they’re willing to work at it, and surround themselves with knowledgeable people who challenge and encourage them.

“Not only can you succeed… you just might be able to help someone else follow their dream!”

Kammy Thurman, Laurel, MT

Read More of AWAI’s Testimonials

AWAI Affiliate Program

Join AWAI’s Free Affiliate Program and You’ll
Find Yourself Making Money Online In No Time
It’s Easy and It’s FREE to Join

Learn More

How to Contact Us

Corporate Office:
American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444

Phone: (561) 278-5557
Fax: (561) 278-5929

To order AWAI products and services: (866) 879-2924

Contact Us Online