Meet AWAI-Trained Writer:

Valerie Johnson

Valerie Johnson

Location: Chicago, IL
Professions: Copywriter
Specialties: Christian, Financial, Health, Self-Help

Professional Background:

President and Native-American Chief Executive Contracting Officer (NACECO) of Presents in the Holy Spirit Conglomeration and Christian Global Counseling, LLC. Master Hand-Writer, Master Hand-Knitter and Master Christian Global Counselor, Church Superintendent and Sunday School Teacher. In the market for helping people from all nationalities and backgrounds, particularly from various economic incomes on a Global Scale and Platform. Mass production/manufacturing of goods/services/products for the Presents in the Holy Spirit Enterprises, makers of "Treauries/Books/Journals/Stationery," Master Designer of garments, accessories and Estate/Mansion/Home/Residence--Home decor is my life goal to build my HEAVENLY 'ABBA FATHER' GOD'S Kingdom. I believe in building the Kingdom of GOD for AGAPE LOVE and not hate and war. There are no War Rooms in HEAVEN. Note: These Enterprises are based on the HOLY SCRIPTURES of COLOSSIANS 2:2-3 King James Version (KJV).

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