Results for ilise benun

Showing results 41-50 of more than 100 (help):

How to Find the Pain Points of Your Ideal Clients
Your self-promotion for copy services should not be about you. Instead, it should be about something very important to your ideal clients. Find out more...
Should You Get Your Ducks in a Row?
If you want to make money as a copywriter, having a solid structure for your business can be the confidence-builder you need. Here are three reasons why…
4 Negotiating Tips for Copywriters to Get the Best Deal
Clients will try to negotiate. But if you follow these four simple guidelines, you’ll learn exactly what to say so you get the best possible fee.
The Real Way to Build Confidence
When you use your business as a laboratory for growth, you can experiment, try out new things, and practice. And what you learn will make you better at business. See how this can impact your long-term success…
When Is It Time to Call Yourself a Copywriter?
Find out what self-sabotage habits hold you back and get tips on overcoming them so you can move forward in your personal and creative goals…
Having Pricing Challenges? 8 Things to Try
Knowing what fees to charge prospective clients is an ongoing question for beginning (and advanced) writers. Here are eight options to test to find the best solutions for you.
Is This What You’re Afraid Of?
If you want to make money as a copywriter, but you feel stuck in a loop of preparation, you may have a hidden fear holding you back. Here’s the solution…
What to Do When… The Client Doesn’t Like the Copy You Deliver
It happens to every copywriter at some point… the client doesn’t like the copy you deliver. Learn three different ways to handle it.
How to Confidently Convert Your First Prospect Into Your First Client
Here are a few lessons you can use when you find yourself talking to a prospective client. Follow these three steps and you’ll know exactly what to say to them.
Your Clients Are Not Your Business
Developing the right mindset to succeed in business means you need to take it seriously from the beginning. Do the three things outlined here to build a solid, steady writing career.

Documents 41-50 displayed.

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