Sign-Up Now! And Be the First to Receive Information on
AWAI’s Be A Sought-After Internet Researcher

This new business could be
the perfect freelance opportunity for you!

  • It requires no capital outlay.
  • It requires no expensive tools. A computer with an Internet connection is all you need.
  • It is easy to learn.
  • There is a great demand for this service, but little competition.
  • You can start out small and grow as big as you want.

Becoming a professional researcher entails doing online research for the information-publishing industry.

You can charge by the page, by the hour, or by the job. It's up to you.

The information industry is growing by leaps and bounds. Thousands of new copywriters and editors are coming on board every month, and many of them desperately need help in researching their subject matter.

Whether its business, finance, health, travel, sports – you name it – there are millions of pages of information being published every day on the Web. You can provide a very valuable service to all those writers out there who have more work than they can handle. Just offer to do the research for them and they will happily pay you a fair fee.

“I discovered this niche just last week while reading an essay by a well-known copywriter who churns out more copy in a month than most copywriters put out in a year. Her secret, I found out, is that she has a researcher who does all the background work for her. The researcher spends her time on Google, sorting through articles and journals and locating the facts and figures the copywriter needs.

I can think of a dozen busy writers and copywriters who would love to have a researcher helping them. Maybe you could be that person!”

-Michael Masterson

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American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924

Copyright ©2015 American Writers & Artists Institute

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