Juan Ortiz is AWAI Verified™
(Please contact AWAI’s Member Services if you have any questions.)

AWAI Verified™
Your Reassurance That Copywriters Know
What Works Today

The AWAI Verified™ seal indicates that a copywriter has …

AWAI Verified

Copywriters who receive the AWAI Verified™ designation have clearly grasped the concepts of writing sales-generating copy, such as …

AWAI Verified™ – The Accelerated Program’s “Final Exam”

Since 1997, AWAI’s Accelerated Program For Six-Figure Copywriting continues to be the industry standard when it comes to teaching up-and-coming copywriters the core components that go into a successful sales letter: the big idea, the headline and lead, proof and credibility, offer and close.

AWAI Verified™ is a “final exam,” as it were, that tests Accelerated Program writers on all the key components of sales letter composition, as well as knowledge of the direct response industry and the role of the copywriter in the marketing process.

Any AWAI copywriter displaying the AWAI Verified™ has not only successfully completed the entire “Accelerated Program,” but has also demonstrated they have mastered all the core concepts and is ready to begin his or her career as a professional marketing writer.

We’ll be happy to verify that a copywriter displaying the AWAI Verified™ seal has taken the test. Contact us for verification.