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Online Video Marketing

Research firm eMarketer reports this cutting-edge niche is expected to grow to $2.3 billion by 2011 …

Why Companies Will Pay You As Much As
$500 Per Page to Write for the
Biggest Marketing Niche Since the Internet!

From the desk of Rebecca Matter, AWAI’s VP and Director of Online Marketing …

Dear Reader,

This is the biggest marketing (and copywriting) opportunity since the Internet.

And companies are clamoring to get on board.

What’s more, they’ll happily pay you as much as $500 per page to write copy for this thrilling, rewarding, and highly lucrative niche!

Simply put, there’s never been a better time to be a copywriter. And your opportunity to build your income while doing work that’s both fun and rewarding is bigger than ever before …

Here’s What It’s All About …

The Internet single-handedly revolutionized the way the whole world does business.

And every day, advances in technology and faster connection speeds are creating new possibilities.

The biggest among them: online video marketing.

With online video, businesses have a tremendously effective and cost-efficient way to reach millions of prospects. So it’s really no surprise … online video marketing is a niche that’s on the verge of exploding into a multi-billion-dollar industry.

Research firm eMarketer estimates that by 2011 advertisers will spend $2.3 BILLION on online video marketing efforts. That means this niche will quadruple in size in just two years!

With so much money being spent on video marketing, these companies are in desperate need of copywriters who know how to write truly compelling video scripts.

After all, an online video is only as good as its script. If it’s not written in a compelling, persuasive way, viewers won’t be motivated to take the action you want them to.

This means a gigantic opportunity for you to cash in and quickly establish yourself as an expert in an exciting, here-to-stay niche …

Why You Can Get Paid $100-$500
Per Page of Copy You Write!

Why are companies willing to pay so much?

Because online video works like gangbusters!

One study published in the online journal MarketingExperiments found that video marketing increases click-through rates by 750% over traditional banner ads.

That means online video is more than seven times more effective at getting your online prospect to take action.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The Online Publishers Association did a study to find out how good online video is at converting to sales. They followed 1,241 Internet users.

The result?

40% clicked a link or visited a website mentioned in the video ad. And 8% of the 1,241 web surfers made a purchase.

That translates into an 8% response rate! And as you probably already know, that’s phenomenal in an industry where 1%-2% is considered a “home run.”

Without question, the marketing potential of video is HUGE.

How to Profit and Have Fun Writing
for the Online Video Marketing Niche

A successful video marketing campaign isn’t much different from a traditional direct-response marketing campaign …

... Its purpose is to get the viewer to take a specific action.

That’s why the video script is so important. It’s the lynchpin that determines whether or not the video will convert viewers to sales.

That’s why as a copywriter you become vital to the success of any online video marketing campaign.

Companies know this. And they know the value a good script writer brings to the table. Starting pay for most video scripts starts at $100 per minute of video and can go as high as $500 per minute.

Since every minute of video translates into one type-written page (with lots of white space), that means you could easily knock out a 5-minute script in just a few hours.

Write three “quickie” 5-minute scripts a week at $100 per minute and you could be raking in $1,500 per week. That translates to $6,000 per month … $72,000 a year … just by adding short, fun-to-write video scripts to the services you offer.

And that’s on the low end of the pay scale!

Your income only builds once you’ve gained experience and can command $500 per page. The amount of success you can create for yourself as a copywriter in this niche is practically limitless.

And quite frankly, it’s an area of expertise every copywriter – new or experienced – should become competent in. It’s that important. Because pretty soon almost every business out there is going to need and want the affordability of online video to reach more of their prospects.

That’s why AWAI has partnered up with one of the most experienced, knowledgeable, and respected online video marketing experts in the industry – to bring you the quality training you’ll need to succeed in this exciting, cutting-edge niche.

Her name is Jessica Kizorek, and she’ll lead you by the hand to video marketing profits in AWAI’s new program titled, Marketing With Video Online for Profit.

Access Marketing With Video Online for Profit Now!

Become an Online Video Marketing Specialist
With the Help of an Award-Winning,
Featured-on-CNN Filmmaker!

Now you can easily make your way to earning as much as $500 per page writing copy for this lucrative niche.

With Jessica’s help, there’s no question you can get there.

Jessica is a highly sought-after industry speaker on the subject of video marketing and the Internet. She’s a gold-medal winner of the prestigious “Vision Awards for Excellence in Video Production.”

She’s also been featured on CNN for her work in film.

Needless to say, you couldn’t ask for a better person to unlock the potential that’s waiting for you in the world of online video.

And in this brand-new program, Jessica will take you by the hand and show you step-by-step how to become a successful Online Video Marketing Specialist.

If you’re an up-and-coming copywriter, this program offers you a complete education in an exciting niche you could quickly establish yourself as an expert in.

If you’ve already got your freelance business up and running, this program can help you expand your business and earning power in two ways:

  • You can offer to write video scripts for your clients.
  • Only if you choose, and for added fees, you can offer to handle other aspects of the video production, such as editing, post-production … even filming and directing.

Either way, this program can help you earn more in a niche that’s only going to continue to explode in size.

How can I be so sure?

Because online video is used in every market imaginable. From health and financial, to self-help, manufacturing, fundraising … even business-to-business.

That means that, no matter what industry you’re in, you can safely bet your potential clients will want to add online video to their marketing efforts now or in the near future.

Fortunately, Marketing With Video Online for Profit will give you everything you need to know in order to succeed …

Access Marketing With Video Online for Profit Now!

Quite Possibly the Fastest Way to Start
Making Money With Online Video

“I was an engineer for two decades and lost my job, so I decided that I needed to take matters into my own hands and start a business. Thank you Jessica and AWAI for the serendipitous and timely arrival of the idea I needed. I'm starting out as a one-man band from script to delivery and I have a couple pro-bono projects in the works. It’s only been a month since I got the program, but I'm learning quickly, and I get a little better with each video.”

Rick N., Scottsdale, AZ

Online video is here to stay.

Bob Myers, president of, says, “Video is a critically important element to sales. The sites which engage and entertain customers will be winning here in the near future.”

And with Marketing With Video Online for Profit you’ll be prepared.

You’ll learn everything you need to know, including how to:

  • Plan a video from start to finish
  • Write a video script
  • Storyboard a video script
  • Shoot a video and make it look professional
  • Edit a video and make sure it’s persuasive and compelling
  • Distribute a video online for maximum marketing exposure
  • Contract your services

Plus, Jessica will give you a simple process you can use to start lining up clients for your video script-writing services!

Now, don’t worry if the thought of filming and editing scares you. You DON’T have to deal with every aspect of the video-marketing process. Just having an understanding of what goes on “behind-the-scenes” is enough.

Remember, it’s up to you how much or how little you’re involved. Either way, you’ll give your income a big boost and create more sales for your clients. Because after all, it’s the words you use in your video script that give your clients the edge over their competitors.

Immerse Yourself in the World of Online Video
With AWAI’s First-Ever “Fully Interactive” Program

AWAI’s Marketing With Video Online for Profit is not something you’re going to just passively read. You’re actually going to be doing.

Whether it’s the dozens of exercises Jessica has you do at the end of every chapter (she gives you your first assignment right after the introduction!), or the exercises you’ll find in the accompanying workbook, you’re going to get plenty of experience.

But here’s where it gets even better …

Since this is a program teaching you how to do online video marketing, Jessica just HAD to include training videos as well!

So throughout the entire program, there are 19 specific video-training sessions with Jessica. And with each video session, you’ll be one step closer to becoming an Online Video Marketing Specialist clients are begging to do business with.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

  • Why people expect more from the marketing materials and advertisements they see, and what you can do to deliver on their expectations.
  • What it takes to persuade someone to take a desired action, and how that translates into your video script and shooting.
  • How to measure the success of your video.
  • The legal considerations to keep in mind when shooting and distributing video. Consider these upfront, and you’ll limit your headaches later on.
  • Business models that you can use to build a successful video-marketing business.
  • Video-marketing techniques for marketing your services, including a “vlog” (video blog). Vlogs, according to, are one of the fastest-growing and hottest ways to build your reputation and engage visitors on your website.
  • How you can make sure you have a never-ending stream of clients ready to pay for your services.

And if you want to go into the production side, you’ll learn …

  • The equipment you need to get started. Should you buy or rent your equipment when you’re starting out … or do you actually need any equipment at all?
  • What steps you should take to prepare every time you produce a video. This information will reduce your overhead and make you a more efficient and successful video marketer.
  • How to direct a video that is engaging, moving, and effective.
  • What happens after you shoot a video … from editing to distribution.
  • And much, MUCH MORE!

In short, you’re going to learn everything you need to know to use video marketing to build your existing business or to make video marketing your new business.

Access Marketing With Video Online for Profit Now!

Get Started As an Online Video
Marketing Specialist Today …
It’s As Easy As “Lights, Camera, Action!”

Online video is on the verge of exploding into a multi-billion-dollar market. And it’s only going to get bigger from there.

Companies large and small will need and want online video. Advances in technology have made it affordable … and incredibly powerful at reaching millions of customers at once.

It’s the wave of the future. And it provides a great way to increase your income while doing work that’s fun, profitable, and rewarding. After all, just offering simple video script writing services to your clients could pay you as much as $500 per page of copy!

Just writing three 5-minute video scripts a week could boost your income $6,000 a month (assuming you’re just starting out at $100 per minute of video) …

Once you’re well-established as an in-demand video script writer, there’s no limit to how much you could make.

That’s why I wanted to make sure this opportunity was accessible to ALL of our members. I can’t stress how important it is to learn this.

So here’s the good news …

You can get started with Marketing With Video Online for Profit for only $199.

And don’t forget, as with every AWAI program, you’re covered by our 30-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.

Online Video Is Here to Stay …
and You Get to Profit From It

Online video is only going to become more popular.

And like every ground-floor opportunity, those who recognize this and take action early reap enormous rewards.

By writing online video scripts, you can expand your business and boost your income to a new level. And don’t forget the potential pay: $100-$500 per page of copy.

Plus, finding clients won’t be hard. After all, companies are scrambling to get on board with online video, before their competitors do.

No doubt about it, businesses of every shape and size are going to capitalize on online video, the biggest marketing opportunity since the Internet.

The question is, will you?

I hope so. Get access today. Or call Barb, Pat, Jacqueline or Debbie at 1-866-879-2924.

Here’s to your video marketing success!


Rebecca Matter
VP and Director of Online Marketing, AWAI

Access Marketing With Video Online for Profit Now!