Rebecca Matter’s Blog

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How Do I … ?

Rebecca tackles a common question she hears from people who want to make a living as a writer but don’t know how to get started: What’s my first step?

The Truth About Making Six Figures as a Copywriter

The path to six-figure copywriting isn’t an easy one, but it’s definitely doable! Here you'll read about writers who quickly reached the six-figure mark.

How to Know When You’re Good Enough

Afraid your writing skills aren't "good enough?" Rebecca explains why a foundation in persuasive writing automatically makes your copy better.

Biggest Copywriting Myths Revealed

Rebecca Matter takes over The Writer’s Life this week to dispel a few myths about the best opportunity for writers to make a living - copywriting.

How to Write Follow-Up Emails That Get Responses

Rebecca Matter gives you five tips you can use to make sure your follow-up emails to clients get read – and are easily understood – to give you a better chance of getting a response.

Clients Not Responding?

Rebecca Matter reveals three reasons why your potential client hasn’t responded to your proposal … and it has nothing to do with your ability!


Rebecca Matter explains that there are many benefits that come with knowing how to write persuasively, beyond the revenue you receive from working with other people - it's called Glicken.

Writing Your Self-Promotion Letter

Rebecca Matter shares how a self-promotion letter will help you engage with potential clients so that you can land even more.

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