SAVE 90% on Our Groundbreaking Email Writing Certification Training —
Complete with Personalized Feedback on Your Writing, Valuable Bonuses, and More!
(Or Read Below for All the Details)
How to Write Emails Clients Need
Every Month…
You already write and send emails to friends, colleagues, and family… Why not learn how to get PAID great money to write them?
Hi there,

Rebecca Matter here.
I’ll just come right out and say it.
If you still haven’t learned how to write emails that sell…
… you’re missing out on the fastest way to make a great living as a writer!
I mean, think about it:
You already write emails.
To your friends. To your family members. To your work colleagues and clients. The list goes on.
So all you need is to learn a few “tweaks” to what you already do.
Then you’re off to the races. Making big money for what is a small and simple project.
It’s why when an aspiring writer asks me,
“What’s the fastest way to earn a living as a writer?”
My answer is always “email!”
After all, it’s far easier to build on a skill you already have…
… than it is to learn something from scratch — like writing sales letters, white papers, or even case studies.
And if you’re at all worried about artificial intelligence (AI) writing tools like ChatGPT?
The kinds of emails I’m talking about are something AI still can’t do (and probably never will) — giving you plenty of career “insurance” as a writer in today’s fast-paced world.
In fact, I’m so confident about that…
… in just a moment I’ll tell you about a special training we’ve put together. It’s designed to get you quickly up to speed on how to write emails that clients constantly need (now and in the future!).
And, here at AWAI we pay anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 every single month to email writers, despite all the buzz surrounding ChatGPT. Because we know based on experience that AI can’t come close to producing the same quality of emails a writer can.
And we’re just one company.
Literally thousands of companies NEED these kinds of emails. The ongoing demand is sky high, which could mean a nice and steady income for you.
But that’s not what excites me the most about this opportunity.
Here’s what does:
Your Fast Track to the Writer’s Life
By learning to write emails, you could have a skill that pays you for the rest of your life.
One that gives you the power to work when you want… and with whom you want.
You’ll have the ability to create your own schedule… whether that’s working just an hour or two in the morning and then having the rest of the day to yourself…
… or spending a few more hours on projects, so you can increase your monthly income.
Because to write the kinds of emails clients desperately need, all you need is a laptop and an internet connection.
Oh — and I almost forgot to mention…
It's Some of the Easiest Copy You’ll Ever Write
Because emails are typically very short, the projects you’ll write for your clients are, too.
Think about it:
Do you struggle with writer’s block when writing an email to a friend? To a colleague? To the customer support department of a business you just bought from?
Of course not… Usually you start typing away and the words just flow.
It’s the same with writing emails for clients. There’s hardly ever any struggle or scratching your head, wondering what to write.
This is why you can get an assignment, complete it in just an hour or two, and then invoice your client.
Total time from start to finish? Less than 24 hours.
Compare that with the weeks it takes to write longer projects like sales letters…
You get the assignment. You have to spend a few days (or more) researching your big idea. Then you need to craft a winning headline and a great lead. Then you’ve got to write all the body copy… the offer section… the list goes on.
By the time you’re done with the project, send an invoice, and get paid, weeks have gone by.
Which is why sales letters pay very well.
If you’re looking to make a solid income in the shortest time possible…
… writing emails provides you with a fast and simple way to make it happen.
Mainly because of what I need to say next:
Clients Are Happy to Give You a Shot — Even if You’re Brand Spankin’ New!
One of the biggest obstacles any aspiring writer faces is getting clients.
And I totally get it.
It can be scary.
Especially if you’ve never been paid to write before.
But here’s why email writing takes the “scary” away from all of this.
What do you think it costs a company to send an email to its list?
That’s right — it’s practically FREE!
This is why a prospective client is often more than happy to say “yes!” when you offer to write a few emails for them.
It doesn’t cost them much — if anything — to give you a shot.
Compare that with paying an untested writer thousands of dollars (or tens of thousands of dollars plus royalties) to “test out” a sales letter that may or may not work out…
If you were in the client’s shoes, which would you prefer?
As someone who hires writers, I guarantee it: Taking a chance on a new and untested writer is much easier with email and a far more attractive way to start the working relationship.
Plus —
Do a good job and you’re golden. Because more often than not, your client will ask if you’d like to work on a different, higher-paying project once you prove yourself with emails.
So if you’re looking to really ramp up your income, email is a great way to get started.
An Endless Income Stream You Can Tap Into “On Demand”
The other great thing about knowing how to write emails that your clients need is that you’ll have a practically endless income stream you can tap into anytime you want.
That’s because the number of emails most companies need is nearly infinite!
With more people online than ever before, email is by far the best way to develop a relationship with prospects and customers.
It’s why companies turn to email, and why they need emails on an ongoing, never-ending basis.
I mean — just here at AWAI alone, we send literally hundreds of emails every month. And we pay thousands of dollars to the writers.
In fact…
Out of all the projects we hand over to the freelancers we work with…
… one of the biggest shares of the pie goes to email.
Simply because we send out so many.
And again, we’re just ONE company.
You have tens of thousands of clients to choose from. In every market or “niche” imaginable.
Think about it:
Companies that sell pet products send emails.
Companies that sell gardening supplies send emails.
Companies that sell board games send emails.
Companies that sell jewelry, musical instruments, camping gear, and more — ALL send emails!
Any company doing business online has either (A) a customer list or (B) a prospect list. (Or both!)
And you better believe they’re sending emails and hiring writers to write them.
It’s the BIG reason why…
You Could End Up with a Monthly Retainer of $1,000… $2,500… or More
Because of the sheer volume of emails needed on a weekly and even monthly basis…
… companies typically hire writers “on retainer” to write all those emails for them.
It’s just easier that way, instead of going back and forth any time they need an email or series of emails written.
So what they’ll do is simply pay you each month, and you write an agreed-upon number of emails for them.
Not many projects out there offer writers the opportunity to get paid a steady income like this.
Email is one of the few, because there’s so much ongoing demand.
And it’s never just a one-off project… New emails are needed again and again and again.
Which is nice for you, because as you work more with a client, you’ll get faster and faster at writing emails.
Meaning you could end up with a nice steady income — while working what amounts to “part-time” hours.
Why AI Doesn’t Cut It for Your Clients’ Email Marketing Needs
Now let’s address the elephant in the room…
If emails are so simple and short and easy to learn how to write…
… why don’t businesses use AI instead of hiring human writers?
The answer is that AI can’t write an entire email marketing campaign.
You can’t simply go to ChatGPT and ask it to write a 14-day product launch email sequence to promote a new product that’s about to be released.
How could it?
It can’t do research and learn everything there is to know about a product or service…
It can’t craft the strategy that goes behind WHAT to write for each email of the sequence (arguably the most important part!)…
It can’t get creative and offer a new insight for one of the emails in the campaign, which could end up generating massive engagement and response.
Same with a welcome email sequence…
Or a webinar attendance sequence…
And on and on.
That’s why email writers are so in demand.
It requires a human on the other end to know the nuances… the emotions and stories that need to be told… and to have a deep familiarity with the product or service being promoted, so you know what benefits to highlight based on the audience.
So although AI can certainly write a single email that’s great (with a lot of hand-holding by a human)…
… it can’t instantly create an entire email marketing sequence at the press of a button (that’s usable and would make your client money).
That’s why I’m SO excited to let you know…
We’ve put together one of the best ways for you to get up and running with all of this, so you can stand out from the crowd and get earning right away with a skill that’s in demand NOW and will continue to be for years to come.
Your Official Invitation to… The Ultimate Email Copywriting Mentorship & Certification
This is your chance to get the step-by-step guidance you need to quickly gain the skill of writing email marketing campaigns that clients will pay you big money for.
You’ll learn directly from a top email writer about how to turn this skill that you already have into a lucrative writing career for yourself.
You’ll learn how to write the kinds of email marketing campaigns clients want (and will happily pay for)…
You’ll understand what it takes to get the emails you write opened, read, and clicked…
You’ll develop confidence in your ability to map out entire email campaigns for your clients…
Best of all, you’ll know how to reach out to clients in a low-risk way and land paying email-writing projects!
Get Ready for a QUANTUM Leap in Your Writing Success
Email writing is such a quick and simple skill to pick up…
It can truly transform your financial future as a writer.
And to help you do that, we’ve brought in one of the top email writers I know and work with on a regular basis: Guillermo Rubio.

Around here, we call him G.
And for the past few years, G’s been quietly writing winning copy for some of the top direct-response companies around, including Money Map Press, Weiss Research, International Living, and (you guessed it) AWAI.
And even though G prefers to stay OUT of the spotlight, he’s had a hard time doing that.
Because his email-writing skills have produced some amazing results:
I know he’s the real deal, because his email campaigns for us here at AWAI have broken records and produced some of the biggest results we’ve ever seen!
That’s why G has been under retainer with up to four different clients at one time — all to simply write emails for them!
What’s more, he’s not just a great email copywriter…
He’s a great teacher.
So much so, we’ve started having him mentor our freelance copywriters.
“I never understood the power of ‘pre-framing’ until G explained it to me, and it’s made a huge difference in my copy. And that’s just one of many things he’s taught me. Every time he reviews my copy, I grow and improve. On top of that, he’s fun to work with, explains everything clearly, and is really invested in helping others succeed. By far my favorite copy chief.”
— Freelance copywriter Bonnie FanningAnd now, he’s agreed to teach you his method in The Ultimate Email Copywriting Mentorship & Certification.
So get ready, because this is your one chance to learn directly from one of the best in the industry.
Secrets to Writing Emails Like the Pros
One of the things you’ll learn is that G is committed to helping TRANSFORM your writing career.
The goal is to turn you into a successful email writer. So to that end, as soon as you register, you’ll be able to “dive in” to your training through a series of three “pre-training” modules.
These modules will give you the solid foundation you need to hit the ground running and master this lucrative skill.
You’ll discover…
- how email writing can enhance every other writing skill you’ll ever learn as a copywriter or top-earning writer…
- the critical mindset shift you NEED to make if you want to become a successful email copywriter…
- how to develop confidence as an email writer and show that to your clients…
- what a “sideways” sales letter is and why it is one of the most important email-writing concepts you’ll EVER learn…
- the basic components of every email and every email marketing campaign…
- the simple (C+B+P) formula for writing irresistible subject lines your readers just HAVE to open. (Your clients will be floored when they see their “open rates” soar!)…
- and much more.
If all you did was go through the three “pre-training” modules G has included for you, it’d be worth the price of admission.
Because armed with what you learn in these three modules, you would probably have enough knowledge to start landing one or two clients and getting results for them.
But G’s just getting started…
Direct, Personalized Feedback on Your Writing
One of the things that makes this training unique is that G will be giving you a writing exercise… after every module.
The goal is to get you writing an entire email campaign. So you'll get plenty of practice writing the kinds of emails clients will pay big money for.
Once you complete your exercises, you’ll have the opportunity to take what you’ve learned and apply it to your final assignment — which you’ll submit for direct, personalized feedback.
You’ll also watch G’s screen as he makes edits to other people’s copy submissions. You’ll see his thinking behind why he’s making changes. And in the process, soak up the principles that will turn you into a strong email writer.
Getting this level insight is rare. So be sure you take full advantage and level up your own ability!
Now that you have a good idea of how the certification training works…
… let’s take a look at what you’ll be covering week to week.
Here's What You’ll Learn
G has prepared six powerful training modules for you, where you’ll learn all the core concepts that you need to succeed as a professional email writer.
You’ll go through the certification material at your own pace, so it’ll fit your schedule (no matter how busy you might be right now!).
Module 1 — It all starts with an incredibly valuable experience! In this first session, you’ll get to watch as G interviews a practice “client” in real time. It’ll be as if this client hired G to write an email campaign for one of their products… and you’ll get to be a fly on the wall as you watch him ask the right questions to write the most successful email marketing campaign he can. G will then explain why he asks the questions he does and how the process will help you write an “A-level” email marketing campaign.
Module 2 — You’ll hit the ground running and learn the secret structure of a successful email and email marketing campaign. You’ll learn how to map out an entire campaign (so you’re ready if your client wants one), and you’ll even learn how to write your very first email.
Module 3 — By this point, you’ll have written your first email. Now it’s time to learn how to write the rest of the emails that are typically found in a full email marketing campaign. You’ll also learn how to harness the powerful secret of “pre-framing” so that you write one winning email campaign after another (making your clients want to hire you again and again).
Module 4 — Congratulations! At this point, you’ll have written an ENTIRE email campaign. (Told you it was simple!) And in this module, you’ll learn the other types of emails a client might ask you to write and gladly pay you for, giving your income a nice boost!
Module 5 — You’re almost a full-fledged email-writing expert! In this module, you’ll get a “crash course” in email marketing (so you can be even more valuable to your clients) and then learn a powerful method for landing your first email-writing client.
Module 6 — You’ll finish things off by learning one more client-getting method that works like gangbusters… offering to do an email marketing audit! Audits are a powerful way to get your foot in the door with any client. G will show you his process for doing this kind of audit, so you can leverage it to move your writing career forward, FAST.
And like I mentioned earlier, after each of the core training modules, you’ll leave with a writing exercise to be completed — as well as examples of G reviewing selected submissions and giving direct feedback on them…
Giving you plenty of practice before you tackle your final assignment.
Use AI 🤖 to Give Your Email Writing Skills an INSTANT BOOST! 🤖
In addition to pre-training materials and the six core pre-recorded modules…
G’s adding an exclusive bonus for Ultimate Email Copywriting Mentorship & Certification members…
In this bonus module, you’ll get exclusive training on how to harness the power of AI to dramatically “enhance” your email copywriting skills.
Let me explain…
In addition to being one of the top email writers around…
… G also happens to be our resident AI expert!
He’s been interviewed by and featured in The New York Times, Le Monde, and CBS Evening News for his thoughts and insights into AI-assisted writing.
Plus, he’s the creator of our bestselling program on AI — How to Use the Power of AI to Become a Better, Faster, and Higher-Paid Writer!
In this bonus module, you’ll take a deep dive into how to use ChatGPT to take your email copywriting game to the next level.
For example, G will teach you how to generate endless subject line ideas, find creative new ways to structure your emails, “train” AI to write in your own (or your client’s) “voice,” maximize engagement, and more.
This bonus module alone could dramatically improve your writing career for the better, so don’t miss it!
Your Certification

By the time your training with G is complete, you will have ALL the knowledge you need to go out and land clients.
What’s more, you’ll have the opportunity to become certified as an AWAI Verified™ Email Copywriting Specialist.
This coveted certification shows you KNOW your stuff. Once you pass the certification exam and final assignment, you’ll receive a badge you can show prospective clients to let them know you’re serious about your career and stand out above all other writers they may be considering hiring.
So “wear” and show your badge proudly, because it represents all the hard work you’ve done up to this point through G’s mentorship.
It represents your understanding of email marketing campaigns at a DEEP level.
Past Trainees RAVE About The Ultimate Email Copywriting Mentorship & Certification…
“Guillermo Rubio… The available words to show appreciation for your care and the extent of that care for us in this course are just not enough. They should be put to pasture. So I can think of no words. I know words are a copywriter’s currency, but they all fall short. In other words, I wish I had other words to do justice to what you brought to this amazing program.”
“It's exhilarating because I've never earned money as a writer before, not even for a small project.
“AWAI's Ultimate Email Copywriting Mentorship & Certification is the first and only course I've ever taken as a copywriter. I've learned nothing else yet, which really demonstrates the power and impact of this training.
“This is unbelievable!
“I want to thank you, Guillermo Rubio, You are a great mentor and have taught me well. Thanks to you, I am now able to live my dreams.”
— Niv Ashton“Thanks — just finished your Email Copywriting Mentorship & Certification. G, you are a GREAT teacher!”
— David Robert Lambert“Just wanted to thank all of you for being part of one of the best training experiences ever! Like others, I seriously thought I wasn’t going to make it at all, as I almost quit halfway through the course! But I decided I wasn’t going to quit, and things ended up being better as I went along.
“Guillermo (‘G’)… You were right. The more I enjoyed the process of learning along the way, the better I got. Things just started making sense. Learning to change and adapt my mindset from previous experience helped a lot, too. I learned more about sales letters from this course than from any other. The mindset was the biggest challenge.”
— Robin Fry“I do want to thank Guillermo, Dennis, and the rest of the AWAI team for putting this certification together. It is a different way of looking at emails, as email campaigns. Thanks again for your expertise and sharing all that you have learned in your past.”
— MJ AtinSharkThe Guidance You Need Every Step of the Way
One of the neat perks of The Ultimate Email Copywriting Mentorship & Certification is that you get exclusive access to a private Facebook group full of fellow email writers.
This is where you can post your successes, encourage others, and share your ideas related to email writing.
Bonuses to Make You a Faster, More Profitable Email Writer
In addition to all the training modules… the feedback… and the members-only Facebook group…
G is including a handful of bonuses designed to help you make even more money as an email writer — sooner.
You get…
BONUS #1: “Done-for-You,” Proven Email Campaign Templates
This is a huge time-saver and a great way to kick off your career FAST!
That’s because G’s including templates of the most profitable email campaigns you can write for your clients.
This way, you can easily go to a client and say, “Absolutely, I can help you with that.”
Then, just open up your campaign templates and select the campaign you think is appropriate for your client. After that, it’s just a matter of following the principles you’ve learned to write the emails.
BONUS #2: “Subject Line Magic”
One of the most important parts of ANY email you’ll ever write is the subject line.
That’s because if someone doesn’t actually OPEN your email, you’re dead in the water.
So the better you can get at writing intriguing subject lines, the better your email campaigns will perform (because more people are opening them and reading them all the way through).
That’s why G’s including this handy reference called “Subject Line Magic.”
It gives you dozens of subject line examples and structures, so you’ll never have to stare at a “blank page” again.
You’ll want to keep this one close by at all times, because you’ll refer to it again and again and it will become a great source of profitable ideas for you.
BONUS #3: “Your WINNING Email Swipe File”
Every good copywriter worth his or her salt has a swipe file.
That is to say, a collection of proven and winning copy examples that help spark new, creative ideas to create blockbuster campaigns.
That’s why G has generously taken many of the most profitable email campaigns he’s written for AWAI and included them here in this collection.
In addition, he’s including plenty of other email examples he thinks are very good and can help you whenever you feel “stuck” on a project or just need some inspiration.
This resource alone could help you make your clients (and you!) a LOT of money.
BONUS #4: “11 Questions to Ask Every New Email Client”
Getting off on the right foot with your client is critical to your success as an Email Copywriting Specialist.
It’s also critical to how well your email campaigns perform. That’s because the information you get from your client will determine how you write those email campaigns.
That’s why G’s including this series of questions… to ensure you get the info you’ll need to write a kick-butt email campaign.
FREE Instant Access to G’s Bestselling How to Write High Impact Emails Program (a $497 value, yours FREE!)
What you’ll learn through your certification training with G is how to write entire email marketing campaigns. This is what clients are looking for — especially when considering you for a retainer deal.
But even though G will focus mainly on teaching you things like email marketing campaign structure, strategy, and more…
… it’s still critically important for you to understand the anatomy of a SINGLE email.
You’ve got to know what makes a great, single email “tick.”
Because after all…
The emails you write for your email campaign to get certified need to be GOOD!
That’s why G has asked us to give you his BESTSELLING course — How to Write High Impact Emails — absolutely FREE (normally $497!).
This is your opportunity to master the core skills you need to write effective STAND-ALONE emails for almost any situation a client throws at you…
Because between writing entire email marketing campaigns, there will be times when a client wants a single “one-off” email or two.
Whether it’s an email “lift note” that leads to a sales promotion… a special event… a landing page…
A welcome or thank-you email — thanking customers for buying something or registering with a company…
Or an email that “nurtures” a potential customer by helping to build trust and credibility.
High Impact Emails was created from the standpoint that the most effective emails make real connections with real people — by offering to take them to information they’ve asked to see that’s relevant to their needs, wants, and desires.
Never is it about spam or clickbait or anything intrusive or unethical.
Emails that work are that all-important link between what you have to offer as a company — and what your customer needs to make his or her life better.
And How to Write High Impact Emails is the only course AWAI offers that is 100% focused on writing stand-alone emails proven to work in today’s digital world.
This will complement everything you’re learning in your certification training, and will help you make your email marketing campaigns that much better and more effective at generating real, tangible results!
This sells every day on our site at $497… but you get it FREE when you enroll in The Ultimate Email Copywriting Mentorship & Certification training!
Because this is such a fast way to get up and running as a well-paid, in-demand email writer…
We’ve put together a CRAZY deal just for AWAI members…
But first, here’s a recap of what you’re getting:
- Six powerful, self-paced modules by email-writing pro Guillermo Rubio…
- The BONUS training module on how to use AI to BOOST your email copywriting skills instantly…
- Three amazingly insightful “pre-training” modules that you can begin watching as soon as you secure your spot…
- An opportunity to get certified as an AWAI Verified™ Email Copywriting Specialist at the end of your training…
- BONUS 1: Email Campaign Templates so you can instantly know WHAT campaign to write for your clients and won't have to second-guess yourself…
- BONUS 2: “Subject Line Magic” — a handy reference guide packed with dozens of winning subject lines proven to get your emails OPENED and read (this will be a great source of inspiration and prevent writer’s block from this day forward)…
- BONUS 3: “Your Winning Email Swipe File” — a collection of some of the most profitable email campaigns G has written, along with examples of emails he thinks are darn good and a great “model” for you to follow when writing emails for clients…
- BONUS 4: “11 Questions to Ask Every New Email Client” — the 11 most important questions you can ask your client to ensure you get the information you need to write a winning email marketing campaign…
- MEGA-BONUS — Access to AWAI’s bestselling How to Write High Impact Emails program (normally $497, yours FREE!)…
- Access to the private Facebook group — this where you and your fellow email copywriters can post your successes, encourage each other, and share your ideas related to email writing.
Given everything you’re getting, it would be fair to ask $5,000 to be a part of this certification training.
Remember, with what you’ll learn, you’ll have the knowledge to let potential clients know you have this skill they need… and are happy to pay for.
Which is why even just one or two clients could make back your investment.
But right now, during this BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL — you won't pay anywhere near that…
Or the discounted rate of $2,500 members paid when we offered this training live.
Instead — you’ll SAVE 90% instantly — and pay just $495.
This is the lowest price you’ll EVER see (on ANY certification offered by AWAI!).
You won’t find an offer like this anywhere else…
So click the button below to take advantage of this Black Friday deal:
Try It Risk-Free
I know for a fact that my team and G have poured everything they have into making this the BEST email training certification program available ANYWHERE.
So I want to make it very easy for you to secure your spot today.
You can try the program completely risk-free.
Just secure your spot now — and take advantage of the instant 90% savings with our BLACK FRIDAY DEAL.
Take the training… go through all the advanced lessons with G… and do the assignments…
And if you’re not thrilled with the training, just let us know before you take your certification test and we’ll issue you a full credit for the amount you paid toward any AWAI training resource or future live event.
That way you can give it a shot without having to worry about a thing!
How Fast Do You Want to Live the Writer’s Life?
Businesses today are in real serious NEED of good email writers.
It’s one of the few skills that opens up a world of opportunity for you. And can quickly flip the switch for you from aspiring to professional writer.
Better yet — you’re already writing emails.
You just need to learn a few core principles and “tweaks” to what you’re already doing, so that clients will want to pay you to write them!
With G as your mentor and guide, you’ll be hard-pressed NOT to succeed.
What’s more, you’ll have the chance to earn the prestigious AWAI Verified™ Email Copywriting Specialist Badge and be among the few writers in the world to ever get this certification.
So if you want the fastest path to living the writer’s life (especially as a new or beginning writer)…
Simply click the button below to get started (and SAVE 90% instantly with our BLACK FRIDAY DEAL!).
To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI