Are You Ready to Become a “Rainmaker”?

Hey there,
Rebecca Matter here, with a unique invitation for you to join a special group of writers.
These writers have a skill their clients desperately want… and are more than willing to pay top dollar to get.
How important is this skill?
In a recent study, 91% of B2B marketers said it was directly linked to their most important marketing goal.
And it’s directly tied to a key problem facing EVERY business in the world.
Yet the vast majority of B2B writers aren’t focused on this skill at all.
They’re focused on creating content. And they can make a good living writing high-quality articles, white papers, and case studies.
But the writers who do focus on this special skill?
They make an outstanding living — with very few clients…
And now, you can join them…
Life at the Top
of the B2B Food Chain
Life at the top is different…
Take B2B copywriting legend Ivan Levinson. His reputation of excellent results stretches over more than two decades.
As a result, he can pick and choose his projects, focusing only on the type of work he likes best.
And that work is very lucrative. His clients have paid thousands to get even a single message written by him.
Why so much money?
Ivan has a reputation as a “rainmaker”…
In the B2B world, that means he’s among the best-of-the-best when it comes to writing copy that gets significant business results. Anything he writes — even a short note — can bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars in new sales.
So his clients happily pay his fees. And they hope he’s always available when they need him…
It’s the same for Bob Bly.
His clients come back to him again and again because they know he can get them the sales results they need.
Thanks to his rainmaker reputation, he has complete freedom from doing anything he doesn’t want to do.
And it could be the same for you…
All you need to do is learn the special B2B writing skill Bob and Ivan use to set themselves apart…
The One Skill Every B2B Client Wants — But Very Few Copywriters Know!
So why, exactly, is being a rainmaker one of the BEST ways to make a fantastic living as a B2B copywriter?
Because rainmakers help a B2B company get the one thing they absolutely need to survive — LEADS!
Let me explain…
Your B2B clients all share one major problem: To grow their business, they need to connect with more potential customers.
These potential customers — known as prospects or leads — represent the future sales of the business.
And it’s definitely a numbers game. The more leads a business has, the more sales they are going to make.
In fact, many B2B marketing managers can tell you exactly how many leads they need to make one sale.
For example, say it takes 19 leads to make one sale… and they need to make 10 sales this year… then getting 190 leads (or more) is their top priority.
The process of hitting that target is called “lead generation,” though everyone in the B2B world abbreviates it to “lead-gen.”
And a writer with the ability to generate leads? That’s someone with the one skill every B2B client wants.
You’ll Have Their Undivided Attention, Right from the Start
When you tell a B2B client you can help them generate more leads, you’ll immediately have their attention.
After all, you’re talking about their #1 business challenge. This is what keeps them up at night… what they worry about all day long… and the one thing they know directly impacts their bottom line.
But it’s not just about the success or failure of the business. For individual marketing managers, being able to get more leads means hitting their targets… earning bonuses… and maybe even getting that big promotion.
So lead generators are worth their weight in gold. And writers who create lead-generation copy — known as Lead-Gen Specialists — are treated with reverence and respect.
As a Rainmaker, You’re the Hero
Marketing managers are measured by their ability to get new leads. Yet many of them aren’t writers… which is why they need you.
You may write every word of their next lead-gen campaign. And they’ll happily bask in public acclaim from their bosses when you deliver a great promotion, taking all the credit for the work.
But they’ll know you were the real power behind the results…
That means you’ll enjoy a big payday. And, you’ll be treated as that marketing manager’s personal hero… the one person who could really come through for them.
This “hero status” translates into lots of new projects and money flowing your way. You’ll be respected, in demand, and as busy as you want to be. In fact, once you hit your stride as a rainmaker, you may never want for work again.
They’re viewed as a rare kind of writer… and they’re constantly in demand. In fact, most Lead-Gen Specialists I know have all the work they care to do.
These rainmakers enjoy great, lucrative relationships with their clients. After all, for businesses, leads are money. And the more leads you can help them generate, the more money you'll make them.
And when you make your clients money, you become indispensable to them. They won’t even think of hiring anyone else.
As a result, you stand to make a lot of money.
Imagine checking your email in the morning and seeing that every new message is from a client looking for your help…
Clients who are practically begging for your help so they can bring in the leads they need to stay in business…
And ready to pay big for your lead-gen “magic.”
But… and this is a bit of an insider’s secret… what rainmakers do isn’t anything magical… and certainly isn’t rocket science.
It’s the same no-hype copy you see elsewhere in the B2B world. Rainmakers have just learned to arrange this copy in a specific way to get prospects to respond to specific business offers.
It’s a formula. Tried-and-true. And, this formula is a lot easier to learn than you might think…
The Formula Isn’t Hard to Learn… Yet the Rewards are Huge
Succeeding as a Lead-Gen Specialist… making yourself over into a rainmaker for B2B clients… is something anyone can learn.
That’s because what makes lead-gen copy work is a well-known formula.
Or I should say… it’s a well-known formula to anyone who’s been taught the secret recipe for doing it right.
And with the right teacher, you can learn all the fundamentals of lead-gen copy for the B2B world in just a few hours…
Typical Lead-Gen Projects Include:
- Emails (singles and sequences)
- Landing pages
- Webinar promotion copy
- Online brochures
- Banner ads
Plus dozens of other short, simple projects you can complete in just a few hours.
Plus, once you’ve learned the secrets of effective lead generation, you can increase your B2B writing income substantially.
That’s because Lead-Gen Specialists are treated like valued consultants… and their copy can easily be tied to the bottom line.
So, while a B2B content writer might make $1,200-$2,000 for a traditional case study, a Lead-Gen Specialist could charge twice as much for a lead-gen piece of similar length.
It’s a very fast way to send your income up over the six-figure mark… and your path to that level is about to get easier than ever.
Your Guided Journey of the Lifestyle a First-Class Rainmaker

Finding a great lead-gen teacher for you wasn’t hard — I knew exactly who to ask.
Steve Slaunwhite is known for two things in the B2B world — his incredible track record of success, and his skill as a teacher.
He’s worked with hundreds of top B2B companies, and consistently makes six figures, year after year. His clients love what he can do for them, as you can see here:
"We recently asked Steve to coach us on marketing our business better online. In just six weeks, his advice helped us more than double the amount of qualified leads we were generating with our website. In addition, the follow-up emails and scripts he wrote brought in two new big clients. Steve’s coaching is easily the best investment in our marketing we’ve ever made."
— Brent Haskett,
President, North Shore Consulting
"The sales letter Steve wrote for us generated a ton of leads for us. He's a real find. I highly recommend him when you need marketing strategy and copy that works like gangbusters."
— Mort Weisberg,
Triangle Marketing Group
"We had a record-breaking response from the email message you wrote and are very pleased!"
— Kelly Lyons,
VP Marketing, The Professional Services Group
Plus, over and above the recognition Steve’s received from individual firms, he’s also been recognized with multiple industry-wide awards.
“Steve is more than just an award-winning Business-to-Business copywriter. He is genuinely passionate about copywriting as a field (which he knows inside-out), and genuinely devoted to helping his fellow copywriters take their careers to the next level.”
— David Fideler, Principal, Concord Communications and Design
He remains one of the only B2B writers to ever be profiled in Inside Direct Mail magazine for a lead-gen campaign. The Promo! Marketing Association gave him their gold award for best direct-mail campaign, while the Circulation Marketing Association has awarded him their prestigious ACE award for Circulation Excellence for his outstanding lead-gen campaign results.
No wonder Steve is such an in-demand speaker and seminar instructor, appearing at some of the world’s most exclusive training events.
He’s also the author of several AWAI programs, including our bestselling Modern B2B Copywriting.
He can tell you, quickly and in plain English, exactly what you need to do to become a Lead-Gen Specialist. He knows all the “rainmaker formulas”… and he’s willing to share them with you.
Step-by-Step Instructions…
Plus Tools, Templates, and a Portfolio You Can Start Using Right Now
In a program created exclusively for AWAI members, Steve reveals everything you need to know about the fundamentals of writing lead-gen copy.
His Become a Lead-Gen Specialist: Earn Top Fees Writing B2B Emails, Landing Pages, and Ads That Sell program is a step-by-step tutorial in becoming a rainmaker.
He’s going to show you his exact system for writing great lead-gen copy. By the time he’s finished, you’ll be able to market yourself as a professional Lead-Gen Specialist and start winning clients who will love to have you as their personal rainmaker for life.
Here’s a taste of what’s inside:
Part 1 An Overview of Lead-Generation
Steve takes you right back to the earliest days of lead-gen… and then shows you how the core fundamentals have been proven to work for decades. He reveals:
- How the multi-step nature of business buying makes lead-gen an essential part of the B2B sales process… and makes you absolutely indispensable to clients.
- What it means to nurture a lead… plus why that means multiple paychecks for you and an increasingly close relationship with your clients.
- The three key parts of the lead-generation process… and how to excel at each one right from the start.
By the end of this overview, you’ll have the inside track on exactly how lead-gen drives the business world. This is something few B2B writers understand… and it will help you quickly take a priceless step forward in your career.
Part 2 The Basics of Writing
Lead-Gen Materials
Here you’ll focus on your #1 task as a Lead-Gen Specialist… and Steve’s got tons of insider tips to help you win repeat business by delivering on this key part of lead-gen copywriting. He’ll show you:
- Secrets of understanding the prospect better than anyone else… and when you do this, your copy is both easier to write and more effective.
- The tried-and-true lead-gen writing recipe developed by B2B legend Bob Bly and technical writing expert Gary Blake. Plus, Steve dives into each of the five ingredients to show you how to use them to your advantage as a copywriter.
- A special “B2B Headline and Subject Line Tip Sheet” to have you creating high-performing lead-gen headlines in just minutes.
This session with Steve is so packed with details and hands-on techniques it could easily be a stand-alone training program. In fact, there’s so much great content here, you’ll want to listen to it again and again.
Part 3 Project-Specific Tips and Tricks
Steve guides you through the little details that trip up other writers… details you won’t have to worry about once you’re done with this section. He’ll tell you:
- What to think about before you even start to write so your copy truly gets inside your prospect's head and convinces him to take your offer now.
- Where you should spend 60-70% of your time when writing B2B lead-gen copy to get the best results. (Hint: It has nothing to do with the offer!)
- His personal "copy hacks" to find the most captivating benefits to show your prospects to hook them on "instant benefits" and drive your response rates through the roof.
- The lead-gen projects that break the rules… and how to handle each one in a way that delivers results and burnishes your reputation as a lead-gen expert.
- How to win with every kind of lead-gen project… even cutting-edge projects like animated landing pages, banner ads, online video, and search engine advertising.
You’ll want to keep this session from Steve by your side as you do all of your lead-gen writing projects. It’s all hands-on, real world stuff… and listening to it is just like having Steve next to you while you work, coaching you through every single step.
Part 4 Suggesting Offers
Offers are the core of a lead-gen campaign… and by being able to suggest offers to your clients, you can significantly increase your per-project income. Steve walks you through how to get involved and reveals:
- The “Top 10” lead-gen offer types… plus writing tips based on decades of market surveys so you don't just understand this Top 10, you know exactly how to turn each one to your clients’ financial advantage.
- How to get your clients to reveal the most valuable unique selling point of their offer to you in less than five minutes so your copy is always on target.
- A foolproof five-step formula you can use to create a great offer for your clients in any niche, any time.
Offer creation and consulting is where the really big checks are born in the lead-gen world… and by the time you finish working through this part of the program with Steve, you’ll understand how to make offer suggestion a major payday for you.
Part 5: Managing a Lead-Gen
Copywriting Project
Managing a project well and giving your client a great experience dramatically increases the odds they’ll work with you again… and here, Steve walks you through every step in a professional project. He shows you:
- How to signal to the client you're their best choice for a partner in any lead-gen campaign… plus the seven steps to success you must follow to ensure a great impression from start to finish.
- The secrets of handling feedback and revisions like a pro… and how to make changes in a way that reassures the client, makes them happy to work with you as a collaborator, and keeps them coming back for more.
- His step-by-step guide to creating a "Portfolio One Sheet" to showcase your skills, so you can build your own in just minutes!
Consider this your “capstone” experience. When you finish here, you’ll be ready to start the next stage of your career as a Lead-Gen Specialist.
Everything You Need to Set Your Rainmaker Reputation… And Earn the Fees That Go with It
Of course, the tips and tools in each training session aren’t all Steve’s going to give you.
In addition to dozens of copy examples and insider tips, he’ll also provide:
- An exclusive fee schedule so you can give clients quotes quickly and easily (Steve will even tell you the exact program he uses to deliver quotes to his clients within 24 hours).
- A real-world simulation project. This will give you the chance to create a realistic lead-gen copy package you can use as a sample for clients before you ever book your first project. It’s based on an actual client of Steve’s and includes all the original notes and instructions. Consider it the ultimate “practice run” for your first client… plus, with Steve’s “Portfolio One Sheet” step-by-step video tutorial, you’ll know exactly how to make your work look great to prospective clients.
With everything that’s included, you’ll be up and running as a Lead-Gen Specialist in a very short amount of time.
While others are still trying to figure things out, you’ll be finding, quoting, and delivering lead-gen copy that gets results.
But it won’t just be your clients who benefit…
Step Into a Very Special,
Very Highly-Paid Club
As a Lead-Gen Specialist, you’ll be a part of a select group of B2B writers.
These writers never have to worry about where their next project is coming from… they have clients seeking them out, and clamoring to work with them.
And, since lead-gen work is so well-paid, even a few hours of work a day can give you the kind of writer’s life you’ve always wanted to enjoy.
Plus, with all the rainmaker secrets, best practices, and tools Steve’s going to show you in Become a Lead-Gen Specialist, your success in this field is virtually guaranteed.
How to Get Started with This Valuable Training
I’m so excited about bringing Steve’s program to AWAI members.
It fits perfectly with my goal of helping our writers take their success to the next level… especially since that next level is the very top of the B2B writing world.
But I also want to make sure opportunities like this are affordable for all writers…
So to make it as easy as possible for you to quickly become a rainmaker for your clients…
And for you to start earning the incredible fees that Lead-Gen Specialists command…
When you order Become a Lead-Gen Specialist: Earn Top Fees Writing B2B Emails, Landing Pages, and Ads that Sell today, your price for everything is…
Just $497!
This is an absolute steal when you consider that you’re likely to cover the full cost of it with your very first assignment.
And in Become a Lead-Gen Specialist, Steve is opening the door to a world most B2B writers never even see.
He’s revealing how to enter the innermost circle of success in the B2B universe.
And he’s not holding anything back…
You’ll get everything — EVERYTHING — you need to master the fundamentals of lead-generation and start solving the #1 business challenge for every company in the B2B world.
The faster you get started, the faster you’ll be able to connect with desperate B2B marketing managers who need you to help them get more leads… and will gladly pay you to help them get results ASAP.
Oh, and one more thing…
Absolutely No Risk to You
I want to let you have a chance to experience the way becoming a Lead-Gen Specialist could change your life at absolutely no risk to you.
Order Become a Lead-Gen Specialist now, and you’ll have a full 30 days to try it out. Go through all the sessions. Put them to use. And see for yourself just how different life is when you’re the rainmaker in the room.
I know you’re going to love it… and be very impressed at the size of your new paychecks. But, if for any reason you decide that lead-gen isn’t for you, just give our Member Success Team a call to get every penny of your money back.
Start Living the
Rainmaker’s Life Now
Choosing to become a Lead-Gen Specialist opens the door for you to have a very different kind of writing career…
One where you’re well-paid… well-respected… and often, a flat-out hero to your clients.
They know what you do impacts their bottom line and exactly how it speaks to their #1 business challenge.
And when you can get results for them, they’ll never want to let you go… and even if your fees are sky-high, they’ll happily pay them to keep you on board.
So why wait?
Don’t delay your success as a rainmaker… especially when there are so many B2B companies out there who are hungry for your help.
They’re starving for new leads… new business… new income.
And as I’ve told you… they’re willing to pay top dollar to get a lead-gen expert like you on their side.
That’s why there isn’t a better opportunity for success anywhere in the B2B world than learning lead-gen… and with Steve’s exceptional guidance, there’s no better time than now to get started.
To your success,
Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI
P.S. There’s one other special twist to the rainmaker’s life I want to be sure you understand…
And it has to do with how you’re perceived by potential clients.
Remember when I said Lead-Gen Specialists are at the top of the food chain when it comes to B2B writing?
B2B marketing managers know content writers are good at writing content. But they assume they’re not any good at lead-gen, and automatically go out to find a rainmaker to take on their lead-gen projects.
But the reverse isn’t true…
Marketing managers automatically assume Lead-Gen Specialists can also write great content.
Do you see how that could change your life?
Instead of fighting to get your foot in the door to do all kinds of projects, you’ll find that by starting with lead-gen, your clients will assume you are a one-stop shop for all their copy needs.
That means more income for you… without any additional work to land more clients.
So if you’ve got a dream client you’ve got your eye on… or you just want to make getting clients of all kinds easier… then you’ll want to be sure to learn the skills of a Lead-Gen Specialist so clients always have you at the front of their mind for everything they need.