Where You Can Earn $1,000 in a Single Day with More than Half a DOZEN Fun and Fast Writing Projects to Choose From…

  • It’s BIG — part of a $6.8 trillion industry…
  • It’s GROWING — online searches from companies wanting help are increasing by 51% a year
  • It’s READY — the number of prospective clients who are ready to hire qualified writers has quadrupled
Get your step-by-step ROADMAP for setting yourself up to profit from this new “genre” of writing FAST!

From the Desk of Rebecca Matter, President, AWAI…

Hi there,

Today, I want to show you how you can set yourself up to make $1,000+ per project — and give your writing career a HUGE head start.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been paid to write a single word before…

And it doesn’t matter if you’ve tried other kinds of writing and haven’t hit your stride yet…

Because what I’m about to introduce you to today is an entirely new “genre” of copywriting.

You’ve likely never heard of it.

Yet right now — the demand for writers who know how to do it is blowing up.

Every day, more and more companies are going online and searching for help with this. And the number of prospective clients for you to choose from has quadrupled.

Because of the high demand… and how easy it is to get started with this… I can confidently say that if you really wanted to…

…… you could set yourself up to start landing your first few clients in a matter of weeks — and kick off your writing career with a bang!

Because with this “genre” of writing, the projects are short and simple.

If you can follow a simple template and formula, you can do this.

What’s more…

With this “genre” of writing, you can choose from more than half a dozen fast and fun projects that pay $1,000 or more.

It’s why I believe this new “genre” of copywriting has the potential to launch thousands of new copywriting careers in short order.

And if you’re ready, I want yours to be one of them.

Ahead, I’ll share with you what this new “genre” of writing is…

Give you a glimpse into some of the fast and fun projects you’d write (and why they pay so much!)…

Show you the pent-up demand for this — and why oftentimes “landing clients” is as simple as telling them you specialize in this…

And explain how you can get started right away — and be ready to start charging $1,000+ per project before the end of this summer!

This Is Growing by Leaps and Bounds

As I mentioned, what we have here is an entirely new “genre” of writing.

One that is now firmly cemented in what is part of a sure-and-steady $6.8 TRILLION industry.

One where clients are actively looking for help — and you can be the one to fulfill that demand.

Just in the last few years alone, we’ve seen a 343% INCREASE in adoption across the board.

That means the number of companies who are now making this a priority has more than QUADRUPLED. That’s a LOT of companies who could be your potential clients.

I can’t think of any other writing niche with that kind of growth.

And get this —

Google searches from companies looking for help with this is increasing by 51% a year!

That’s active companies that can use your help and would likely be HAPPY to hire YOU!


Because writers like you play a key role in all this… and it’s why it’s become a writing “genre” unto itself.

And you want to know something that’s even crazier?

Hardly any writers specialize in this form of writing, simply because they don’t know about it!

THE MOST Beginner-Friendly
“Genre” of Copywriting EVER…

It’s called sales enablement copywriting.

I know — it sounds very formal and a little scary.

But I promise, it’s one of the simplest ways to make money as a writer available today.

It’s WHY I’m so confident you could be up and running in record time!

And despite the name — “sales enablement”…

… you won’t be doing any selling.

Let me explain…

Your Fast Track to High-Paid Writing

Sales enablement is part of the business-to-business (or B2B) market.

If you’re not familiar with B2B…

It’s where one company sells its products or services to another company. Think consulting, technology services, training — anything designed to help a company cut costs and increase productivity and revenue.

In order to make that sale, though, a B2B company needs good marketing and a great sales team.

The marketing department is responsible for generating interest in the company and attracting prospective clients and customers, also known in the B2B world as leads.

Marketing Dept illustration

Marketing departments traditionally do this with materials like white papers, case studies, brochures, ads, articles, and more. These are your bread-and-butter projects as a B2B writer.

Then there’s the sales department.

Their job is to get on the phone or travel in person to talk to the leads the marketing department generates.

Sales Dept illustration

Think of it like playing baseball.

You’ve got a pitcher and a batter.

The marketing department pitches the ball…

Baseball batter and pitcher illustration

… It’s the sales team’s job to knock it out of the park, so they can run through the bases and score the sale.

Now, because in the world of B2B most products and services are often very expensive (in the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars)…

… closing a sale takes a lot more time than in the consumer world — where you simply find what you want and enter your credit card details, and stuff gets shipped to your house.

And because of the high product prices and complex B2B buying processes, these sales departments need a LOT of written materials to help them bring the prospect closer to a sale.

You: The Hero

A salesperson at a B2B company needs things like prospecting emails, call scripts, presentation slides, customer success stories, and more.

These are all materials they can use “in the field” while they’re talking to their prospects.

Traditionally, the marketing department created these materials for the sales department to use.

The only problem?

The marketing department is good at one thing — marketing…

They don’t do any one-to-one selling, so they don’t have that experience to guide them when creating materials for the sales team.

So that’s why oftentimes the materials they create for the sales team to use “in the field” can be ineffective — especially because a salesperson might find themselves in different situations the marketing department didn’t foresee…

As a result, salespeople are telling their managers:

“Give me better tools! Give me better scripts, follow-up emails, and valuable content pieces I can use with my prospects!”

And the managers and vice presidents of sales at these huge B2B companies are saying, “YES, we will.”

They want to give their sales team better tools, because the whole idea of sales enablement is to create the written materials that help the sales team SELL MORE.

The better tools the sales team has…

… the more they’ll sell.

Which is why…

Getting Clients Is Far Easier
Than in Other Writing Niches

The demand for sales enablement writers is only growing.

Over the last few years, we’ve been seeing the beginning of a massive shift toward sales departments actively looking to hire good writers.

They’re willing to pay good money if you know how to create these sales enablement materials. Because at the end of the day, it helps them make more sales.

And frankly, the projects are far simpler to complete than bigger projects like white papers, sales letters, or anything else like that.

Because the most commonly used sales enablement materials are short — often just a couple hundred words or at most, two pages.

It’s why it’s such a massive opportunity for any aspiring writer.

Once you learn how to create these “formulaic” pieces, the sky’s the limit.

And the great thing is — you DON’T need a background in B2B or even the corporate world to write these pieces. (If you do have that kind of experience, great… but it’s not a requirement at all.)

The materials you write will all be based on existing content your client has already created… and from any interviews you do to get what you need.

This is exactly why, with the right roadmap, you could be charging $1,000+ per project faster than you ever thought possible.

Now, to truly take advantage of this massive opportunity, it’s important to understand how sales enablement works…

The “Sales Game”

Each of the sales enablement pieces you’ll be hired to write serves a strategic purpose at each stage of the customer-buying journey.

That’s simply the journey a prospect takes from not knowing anything about the company’s products and services… to getting interested in them… to ultimately making the purchase.

And when it comes to the traditional B2B selling process, there are three steps every prospect goes through:

  1. Discovery
  2. Assessment
  3. Consideration

Going back to our baseball analogy, think of it like a baseball diamond:

Sales Dept Illustration

The first base is discovery.

That's where the prospect is discovering the product or service the salesperson is offering, and they’re learning how it might solve their problems or challenges.

Second base is assessment.

The prospect is interested and is now reviewing a lot of information on how the product or service can benefit their company — and evaluating if the solution is a right fit.

Third base is consideration.

The prospect is very interested and is now wanting to know “How much will we have to invest in this product or service?” It’s at this stage the salesperson would present a proposal for the prospect to consider.

And of course, home base is the SALE.

This entire “B2B buying journey” can often take weeks, sometimes months before the prospect is ready to make the purchase. And it’s why…

Your Words Play a Pivotal Role

For example, let’s say a client is at first base — discovery.

During this stage, the salesperson NEEDS a lot of emails — to book initial meetings and follow up at each point in the process.

This is probably one of the most common projects you’ll get hired to write. And honestly, it’s a pretty easy project to tackle.

After all, you already know how to write an email — even if you’re just used to writing an email to a friend. The process is exactly the same here, you just have to know a few subtle differences that make it effective for this first stage of the B2B buyer’s journey.

Let me show you.

This is a “typical” example of the kind of email a salesperson might write to a prospect:


I know you’re busy. This will only take a minute and could help you cut costs…

With insurance fees for warehousing operations going through the roof, leaders in e-commerce distribution are under enormous pressure to make cuts.

Our new line of forklift trucks, with COB technology, are so safe that distribution facilities can often negotiate better insurance rates.

To reserve a private, customized online demo:

  • Use this Calendly link to schedule, or
  • Reply to this email with three desired dates and times.

Lower insurance rates for your facilities are awaiting your response. Don’t wait!

Let’s talk soon,


So at first glance, it’s not a bad email.

It’s polite.

It has benefits for the prospect.

And it has a nice call to action.


The problem is that it sounds like hundreds of other emails this prospect has received from other sales teams.

So more often than not, this kind of email gets ignored.

When you’re a sales enablement copywriter, your job is to make sure that doesn’t happen.

So you just make a few tweaks here and there… and you end up with something like this:

Hi Jill,

I just read about your promotion to VP, Logistics. Congratulations!

If you’re like many new leaders in e-commerce distribution, you’re feeling the pressure to reduce insurance costs.

Did you know that safer forklifts can help?

In fact, our new line of forklifts (featuring our groundbreaking COB safety system) is cutting insurance costs for our clients by 12%-18%.

Would you be interested in finding out if you can get similar savings?

If so, here’s a suggestion: Let’s hop on a quick Zoom call where you can ask questions and get the answers you need.

Looking at my calendar, I have Thursday 2:15 p.m. and Friday 8:45 a.m. free. Or, use my handy Calendly link.


Do you see how this is more effective?

It has a more personal touch. It shows understanding of the prospect’s challenges… and gives a solution with a simple call to action.

Now, one more thing I want to mention:

That entire email is just 113 words.

Tell me…

How long would it take you to write those 113 words?

And more importantly — would you like to get paid very well to write those 113 words?

This is why I’m SO excited about this opportunity — and can’t wait to show you how you could be up and running in record time.

Okay, let’s take a look at one other kind of project you could easily charge $1,000 or more to write:


Now, once the salesperson has passed first base (discovery), the next base they’re trying to secure is assessment.

As the name implies, it’s where the prospect is evaluating the product or service the salesperson is selling.

And one fun and well-paying project you might get asked to write for this stage is known as a battlecard.

I mean — even the name is fun.

What they are is a single sheet that contains ALL the key points a salesperson might need when on the phone or face-to-face with a prospect…

They need to know quickly, specifically, and easily exactly why their product or service is the best. Why the competition doesn’t hold a candle to them. Why their solution saves money and time… and more.

And they’ve got to be able to know all this “on the fly.”

That’s why on the day of the meeting, the salesperson will grab one of the battlecards created by a skilled writer like YOU.

It contains ALL of that great information in a single sheet — where it’s easy to read and understand.

Like this:

You can see how it’s broken up into small chunks of copy. Each section is a key point for the salesperson to use, depending on the situation they find themselves in.

And again — because this helps lead to a sale, writing these pays well too!

Plus — you can see it’s not a lot of copy here. You could write one of these in a few hours and call it a day.

You Could Probably
Write This in No Time Flat

Once the prospect has gone through first base (discovery) and second base (assessment), it’s now time to help close the sale.

That means the salesperson is on third base — consideration.

This is where the prospect wants to know “how much” it’ll cost and what exactly they get.

So to that end, your clients might hire you to write a pitch deck and a proposal.

A pitch deck is just that — a PowerPoint presentation with slides going over the main parts of the offer.

Something like this:

As you can see, it’s just a series of slides.

Oftentimes, you could get hired to write 50 or even 70 slides at once.

Now, a salesperson doesn’t need all those slides. Instead, what they’ll do is customize their final slide deck for that prospect. They’ll choose the slides that fit best for the situation.

And don’t worry — even 50 slides may sound like a lot, but it really isn’t. As the writer — all your client is expecting is the text for each slide.

Which as you know, isn’t very much text per slide.

So it’s a fun project that is highly valuable to your client and pays well.

Another project during this stage you’ll typically get hired to write is a proposal. Something like this:

Again, nothing fancy here.

What you’re creating is a nice template the salesperson can customize to their prospect.

But you’ll create it in a way that helps move the sale forward. Each section of the proposal flows as a subtle, yet powerful, sales pitch that ensures the prospect instantly understands why spending the money on this product or service is valuable to their company.

Which is why your client will hire you to create this kind of template, instead of just creating something on their own. Because it’s critical to closing the sale.

And yes, it can pay $1,000+ to write each one of these, even though it’ll just be a page or two of copy.

That’s how valuable all these materials are — because they’re used at every single stage of the buying journey.

In fact, once you dive into the world of sales enablement copywriting, you’ll have access to…

More Than Half a DOZEN Fast and Fun
Writing Projects That Pay $1,000 and Up

Sales enablement gives you access to a LOT of different projects you can write for your clients.

And the great thing?

The majority of these projects are formulaic. If you can follow a template, you can do this.

Which means even if this is your first encounter with B2B, or with sales enablement, this is DEFINITELY something you can get into.

Of course, you’ll need to learn the best practices and how to apply the formulas for the projects sales directors need written.

But once you learn them, it’s off to the races.

Clients are expecting to pay $1,000+ for projects like these:


Competitor battlecards




Sales proposals (two pages)


Call scripts


Sales decks and scripts


Templates for prospecting emails


Templates for follow-up emails


Customer success stories

Now, we’ve covered some of these already. And you’ve probably heard of a few of the others — like customer success stories.

But they are actually different in this context — for sales enablement — because they’re specifically written to move the sale forward versus offering content or educational information.

For example — a customer success story won’t be your run-of-the-mill customer success story.

Instead, you’d write it in a way that a salesperson can use in a specific sales situation to increase their chances of making the sale.

But again — if you know the frameworks and can follow a general template — finishing these projects in a way that benefits your client is pretty straightforward.

Remember — with sales enablement copywriting, the stuff you’re creating will get used and tested in real time, “in the field,” by these sales teams.

So unlike most other “genres” of copywriting, you’ll know right away if it works or it doesn’t — and then you can make tweaks for them.

It’s a great way to land clients that want to continually work with you.

One Just Isn’t Enough!

Another great thing about sales enablement writing is that you typically don’t get hired to write just one project.

Instead, your first assignment from a client will include a lot of materials they need you to write. So it ends up being more of a package.

Because of that, it's not unusual to get a $3,000–$5,000 gig right out of the gate because the client wants you to write all these different pieces — and wants them to be cohesive.

And if you think about it — it makes a lot of sense.

Why would the sales director want to go out and hire 10 different copywriters to write 10 different sales enablement pieces?

It’s much easier to hire one good writer and pay them well to write it all.

And when it comes to the really short projects like email templates — where each email is only 125 words or so — you don’t get hired to write just one email.

You’ll get hired to write 10 or 20 of them at once. And you could charge anywhere from $2,000 at the low end to about $3,500… just for this one project.

But of course, as we just saw, it doesn’t stop there…

You’ll also probably get asked to write a battlecard… a one-sheet… a few call scripts… and more.

Do you see the opportunity here?

And the great thing is — again — there is no having to come up with a Big Idea… be a creative genius… or anything like that.

Because you’ll typically have existing materials to work with so you can see “what” messaging needs to go into these sales enablement pieces.

And of course, you’ll interview your client to get any other information you need.

You do that once, and you can go ahead and write ALL of these sales enablement projects for your client. Which means writing fun, short copy and getting paid thousands of dollars to do it!

How to Get Started with
This Lucrative “Genre” of Copywriting — and Give Your Writing Career a HUGE Head Start

By now, you know what sales enablement is…

… why there’s such huge and growing demand…

… you’ve seen the kinds of projects you might be expected to write (and how much you could get paid to write them)…

… and how it all fits together into the bigger picture of the “sales game.”

Even better:

You understand that you’re well positioned to get in early on this — and become an authority in a space where good, qualified writers are hard to find.

That’s why to help you learn the best practices… the formulas… the templates to get you up and running…

We’ve created a fast and powerful way for you to learn the ropes and become a CERTIFIED Sales Enablement Copywriting Specialist.

AWAI’s Sales Enablement Copywriting Mastery & Certification Training!

This training is where you’ll get the keys to the kingdom.

You’ll get all the formulas for writing these sales enablement projects… all the templates… and all the “best practices” for completing these quick and fun projects like a pro.

This way, you’ll be able to work with any B2B company’s sales department and deliver sales enablement materials that get REAL results!

By the time you’re done, you will:

  • Understand the world of sales enablement…
  • Know the projects and how to write them…
  • Sharpen your B2B writing style…
  • Be able to apply the latest techniques in writing sales enablement content that gets results…
  • Have writing samples to show prospective clients…
  • Know how to handle a sales enablement project like a pro…
  • Know how to land sales enablement writing projects…
  • And more!

And at the end of every session, there’s an assignment for you to apply everything you just learned, so you’re not just learning “theories” — but grasping the concepts and practicing how to apply them immediately.

Meet Your Sales Enablement Mentor

To show you the ropes and get you client-ready, we’ve brought in Lisa Christoffel!

Lisa Christoffel B2B Copywriting Expert

Lisa is a longtime AWAI member, the managing editor of the global membership group B2B Writers International, an MBA holder, and a highly experienced B2B and sales enablement writer.

She’s worked with Eastman Kodak Company’s Advanced Materials and Chemicals group and high-level software-as-a-service (SaaS) clients, and is now focused in the B2B training and educational niches, where she writes for top clients every day.

An “attention to detail” perfectionist by nature, Lisa worked closely with one of the top B2B writers in the world, Steve Slaunwhite, to make this sales enablement training possible for you.

In addition to being a skilled and sought-after B2B writer, Lisa is a phenomenal teacher — which is what drew her to the B2B training space as a writer.

Plus, as an AWAI member herself, she has an innate understanding of what it’s like to take on a new skill and an appreciation for the challenges new writers have…

All that to say…

You couldn’t ask for a better teacher and guide to help you thrive as a Sales Enablement Copywriting Specialist.

You’re in good hands!

Here’s how the training works:

Phase 1

4 Key Phases to Get You Up and Running

You’ll meet with Lisa for two sessions per week, for a total of four weeks.

In this very first session, Lisa will take you behind the scenes and give you a complete and fundamental understanding of sales enablement.

This foundation is critical to have, before you learn anything else.

You’ll learn who the players are… you’ll take a deep dive into why it’s so in demand and why it’s so valuable to these B2B companies… and more.

You’ll take a look at the “client” you’ll be writing a sales enablement package for throughout this journey.

You’ll see what they need, why they need it, and know exactly how you’ll help them. You’ll get an inside look at the typical projects you’ll work on and what they look and feel like — so there are no surprises on your journey ahead.

Also, and this is VERY important —

You’ll get access to a BONUS “quick-start” guide on writing B2B copy. This is in case you’re brand new to the space and need to get quickly up to speed. It will ensure you understand the overall B2B industry, along with some of the best writing “practices” for it.

Now, with Phase 1 complete, it’s time to get you moving fast…

Phase 2

Master the SIMPLEST (and Most In-Demand)
Sales Enablement Project —
So You Can Work with Clients ASAP

Now that you’ve got a solid foundation, it’s time for the next phase (Sessions 2 and 3).

In these two sessions, you’ll hit the ground running. Lisa will show you how to write the MOST in-demand sales enablement project today. It will form the bulk of your writing income…


Over the course of these two sessions, you’ll see examples, writing formulas, and best practices for crafting the kinds of sales enablement emails that work and will make your clients HAPPY to pay you high fees…

This is important, because your prospective clients need a LOT of sales enablement emails!

For instance, clients will need emails for…

  • Getting an initial meeting
  • Following up on requests for more content
  • Following up on a quotation or proposal
  • Following up with a webinar invitee
  • Following up with someone they met at a conference or trade show
  • And more…

Lisa will show you a proven approach for all these kinds of emails and you’ll also learn the highly profitable “RAP” formula for writing them quickly.

EVEN BETTER: Lisa will PERSONALLY REVIEW your emails after you’ve written them! (You’ll find all the instructions on how to submit your emails to Lisa on your Member Page once you’ve enrolled.)

This is, hands down, the fastest way to learn and level up your writing skills. You’ll know exactly where you stand, where your strengths lie, and what you can do to improve — before you go out and land your first client!

Phase 3

Rounding Out Your
Sales Enablement Writing Skills

You now know how to write sales enablement emails for entire sales teams.

With this one skill alone, you could create a nice revenue stream for yourself.

But we’re not stopping there.

Lisa’s making sure you’re armed with everything you might need when it comes to writing a full-on sales enablement package for your clients.

That’s why in this third phase — which covers Sessions 4, 5, and 6 of your training — you’ll round out your knowledge by learning the rest of the keystone projects you’ll be asked to write:

One-Sheets and Call Scripts

You’ll learn what a one-sheet is and see how simple it is to gather all the information you’ll need, organize it, and write it all up on a single sheet of paper. Then, you’ll move on to the call scripts salespeople typically use to call on their prospects. Lisa will even show you how to manage a call script project from start to finish AND review your call script to let you know you’re on the right track.

She’ll point out where you’ve shone… and the areas where you can still improve, to ensure you have a finished and polished portfolio piece.

And since you’ll be learning how to write call scripts, Lisa will ALSO cover creating scripts for product feature and/or product demo videos. These are explainer videos the sales team can use to quickly convey their product’s or service’s main features and benefits to their prospects.

They also keep potential buyers engaged, helping them visualize how the product can be used in their company to help them solve a problem.


Next up — Lisa will show you how to get the crucial information you need from your client for these key sales tools… She will give you simple templates to make the writing go much faster, including the four key components of a battlecard, and shows you the key pieces of copy you’ll need to write for each of the sections. Lisa will even give you example “starter lines” you can use, so you’re never at a loss when it comes to starting these projects for your client.

Sales Decks and Proposals

This can be another lucrative income source for you. Lisa will reveal what sales decks are all about… the three parts to a pitch… how to use the “before, bridge, after” technique to make the writing process go smoothly… and more. Then you’ll look at the parts of a winning proposal and the formula for writing one for your client.

In addition to all of this, Lisa is including a copy of a client questionnaire — a simple set of questions that ensure you get ALL the information you’ll need to write all of these great projects for your own clients.

Phase 4

Clients and Project Management

This is where all your hard work so far will pay off in spades.

Because remember — after each training session, you’ll have an exercise to work on. These exercises will develop your sales enablement writing skills… They’ll help shape you into a great writer clients want to hire.

Now in this last phase (Sessions 7 and 8), you’ll learn everything you need to know about attracting clients and working with them!

You’ll discover:

  • The three types of clients you'll come across for sales enablement projects and why it matters…
  • The three most effective ways to attract clients to you…
  • How to turn a "discovery" call into a new, high-paying client…
  • The "50 Coffees" technique for getting clients referred to you on a regular basis…
  • The basic project management process and a step-by-step system for successfully doing each part of the process (nothing is left to chance)…
  • How to ensure you provide a top-notch experience so you get hired again and even get referrals…
  • What information and materials to ask for once you land the project…
  • The "Golden Question" framework to use to get exactly the kind of information you need to deliver a high-quality project…
  • Tips for submitting your copy (make sure you follow this!)…
  • The one thing you should NEVER assume about your client — and how to make sure your final submission is as professional and high quality as possible…
  • And much more…

Lisa will also have a special guest joining her for Session 7…

The same man who helped her make this training possible…

One of the top B2B experts in the world…

Steve Slaunwhite B2B Copywriting Expert

Steve Slaunwhite!

Steve’s been helping B2B companies for more than 20 years. He’s worked with clients like UPS, Hewlett-Packard, Sprint, 3M, and Yahoo, just to name a few.

He’s won multiple awards for his copywriting and marketing works, and is one of the most sought-after corporate trainers in the business on the topics of copywriting and content writing.

Around AWAI though, he’s known for being one of the best teachers and mentors, and is willing to do whatever it takes to help new writers break into the world of well-paid B2B writing.

He’ll be on-hand to cover what you need to know about handling sales enablement projects like a pro, so be sure not to miss this session!

Get DIRECT Access to Lisa
and FEEDBACK on Your Writing

Lisa will be there with you every step of the way. As soon as you enroll, you’ll get access instructions for joining the private community for this training group.

You can find Lisa there, along with some of the AWAI team, to help you along the journey.

You’ll be able to ask her questions directly in the group, meet your fellow sales enablement copywriters, and really immerse yourself in this fun and lucrative niche.

Plus, this is a great way to stay accountable and motivated as you go through the training sessions to help you get up to speed in the shortest time possible.

But I think the best way to use this access is to reach out to Lisa with your questions between each of the sessions.

So if there’s something in the lessons you didn’t quite understand or want some more clarity on, reach out.

You’ll Have a Complete
Sales Enablement Portfolio

By the time you’re done with this training, you’ll have a polished sales enablement portfolio.

That’s because each step of the way, Lisa has you writing and implementing what you just learned.

If you follow along, you’ll end up with a number of sales enablement pieces you can proudly post on your site or provide to clients when they ask if you’ve got any experience.

And speaking of clients…

Landing Paid Assignments Will Be Easier with The Sales Enablement Specialist Promotional Tool Kit!

One of the most important things you can do after going through this certification training comes down to this:

Taking action!

You’ve got to connect with prospective clients to start landing assignments and making money.

The good news is that now it’s far easier with the Sales Enablement Specialist Promotional Tool Kit.

This kit contains what you need to set yourself up as an expert. You’ll get a complete guide on what to write on your LinkedIn profile, to make it as compelling as possible for prospective clients…

You’ll get an expertly written “lead magnet” you can tweak and use as your very own — a great way to give value to your future clients and show them you know your stuff…

And, you’ll get two beautifully designed sales decks you can tweak and customize as your own to send to your prospective clients once they’re interested and you want to move the sale forward.

In all, it’s everything you need to get set up and ready to start landing sales enablement clients!

Oh — and once you get certified, feel free to add your AWAI badge to all these materials, too, for added credibility (so clients know they’re dealing with a true professional)!

Sales Enablement Copywriting Mastery & Certification Badge

And as if all that wasn’t enough, we have…

One More “Perk” for You

Another thing you get as part of this training is the chance to win a $3,000 payday from AWAI!

That’s right.

I know how exciting sales enablement is… and I want to reward you for choosing to take part.

So here’s what will happen:

You’ll go through all the training sessions with Lisa…

You’ll do the exercises and get feedback along the way…

And then you’ll submit your final assignment by the deadline.

At that point, we’ll go through all the submissions, along with Lisa.

We’ll narrow them down to the folks who’ve impressed us the most… and choose a winner.

That winner will receive a $3,000 check from AWAI!

What this can do for your confidence goes without saying.

Everything You Need to Become
a CERTIFIED Sales Enablement PRO!

With what you’ll learn from this training, you’ll be ready to step in and meet the insatiable demand for sales enablement content… and make a great living as a writer.

Remember, you’ll have Lisa in your corner.

She’ll guide you, step-by-step, and show you the ropes so you can completely master this all-new kind of writing.

You’ll learn what sales enablement is and why it’s one of the fastest-growing business trends in the universe… You’ll understand who the players are and why they need you so badly…

You’ll learn who does the hiring and gain a thorough understanding of why your writing skills are critical to helping these companies ramp up their sales in record time…

And of course, you’ll gain the skills:

  • You’ll know how to write seven of the most in-demand sales enablement projects that pay $1,000+ and can be completed quickly and formulaically…
  • You’ll know how and where to find clients who will say “YES!” when you tell them you specialize in sales enablement copywriting…
  • And you’ll know what to charge, how to handle the entire client relationship from start to finish, and so much more.

With the Sales Enablement Copywriting Mastery & Certification, you’ll gain everything you need to be a go-to sales enablement copywriter for the huge sea of businesses that desperately need your skills NOW.

Here’s a Recap of
What You Get by Enrolling Today

When you enroll to go through this exciting training, you get all this:

  • A total of eight LIVE training sessions with Lisa. You’ll learn how to meet the rapid and growing demand for sales enablement content that helps companies around the world increase their sales.
  • A Quick Course in B2B Copywriting, to give you a solid foundation in writing for the B2B market (even if you’re a total beginner).
  • You'll get to “zero in on” (and quickly master) the specific knowledge you need to build a strong foundation as a sales enablement copywriter.
  • You’ll learn the SEVEN PROJECTS you can offer right away to your prospective clients (at premium fees).
  • You get DIRECT access to Lisa via the private, members-only Facebook group. This is your chance to get the personal guidance you need, connect with your fellow Sales Enablement Copywriting Mastery & Certification trainees, and share your wins!
  • The opportunity to be certified as an AWAI Verified™ Sales Enablement Copywriting Specialist as soon as you pass your certification test and final assignment. You’ll want to “wear” this badge proudly, because it’s a serious accomplishment. It’ll put you on the path to earning better fees, having more confidence, and giving your clients confidence in your ability — even before they’ve hired you.
  • The Sales Enablement Copywriting Specialist Promotional Tool Kit. This contains your complete set of tools, templates, and resources you can use to begin attracting high-quality clients. It’s all set up to just “plug and play” with a minimal amount of tweaking, so you can hit the ground running!
  • You get the chance to WIN $3,000 simply by submitting your final assignment. This alone could pay for your investment today in the Sales Enablement Copywriting Mastery & Certification

In all, you get what amounts to a “franchise in a box” — where you’re given everything you need to get up and running as a sales enablement copywriter.

By the time your certification training is complete, you’ll have a financially valuable skill that’s highly in demand and part of a huge industry (B2B).

One where each sales enablement “package” you get hired to write could mean a $2,000… $3,000… or even $5,000 payday.

Imagine what that could add up to over the course of a few weeks… months… or even a year or two!

That’s why $5,000 to go through this powerful training is more than fair.

After all, there aren’t many places where you can invest $5,000 and end up with years of income that completely supports your entire lifestyle.

In the world of sales enablement, though, it’s possible.

But because this is such a new “genre”… such an exciting area of writing… I don’t want money to be a factor in your NOT taking this training.

That’s why through this special offer, you can enroll in the Sales Enablement Copywriting Mastery & Certification training for just $2,500.

Click the button below to get started!

And to make it even easier…

You Can Enroll Today for
Just $500 and Pay as You Go…

I know that things are kind of crazy out there right now.

So I wanted to make sure it’s even easier to take part in this all-important training at a time when securing your financial future is more important than ever.

That’s why you can enroll today and secure your spot for $500.

Then, simply make four more monthly payments in the same amount.

That way, you can start now.

Start learning the skills.

Take action and put yourself out there so you can land a client or two.

Start earning sooner rather than later — and create the freedom and flexibility you want for your life and career.

Click the button below to secure your spot:

No Risk to Try It Out

In addition to making it super easy for you to enroll today…

100% guarantee

… I also want you to know I’ve got you covered if you decide to change your mind…

So here’s what I propose:

Sign up now and secure your access to the Sales Enablement Copywriting Mastery & Certification training.

Attend the first training session with Lisa.

If after that first session you don’t feel sales enablement is right for you, no problem.

Just call or email our Member Success Team before the start of Session 2, and let them know. They’ll give you a prompt and courteous refund of every penny paid.

Act Now and Take Advantage of
What Is Part of a Burgeoning $6.8 Trillion
Opportunity for Writers

Sales enablement copywriting is here — and it’s BIG.

This is an all-new and exciting must-have skill for writers who want a sure and fast path to high-paid writing.

The demand is only getting started, in what is part of a burgeoning $6.8 trillion B2B market.

So if you are serious about becoming a high-paid writer in the fastest time possible…

… with writing projects that are easy to learn, short, and fun…

… and in an exciting and relatively new niche where clients are desperate to find good writers and are actively looking for qualified writers…

I invite you to learn from one of the best in this area of expertise.

Remember — just one or two sales enablement projects could easily pay for your training.

What’s more, getting clients to say “YES!” to hiring you is very simple, since there’s practically zero competition from other writers who know how to do this well.

So if you’re ready… and you want a fast path to becoming a well-respected, highly paid writer…

And you want to get in early on this new “genre” of writing — where you can become an early adopter and pioneer…

Then the time is now.

Click the button below to get started:

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

P.S. BONUSES! Enroll now through today’s special offer and get the following bonuses to help you succeed with sales enablement writing even faster!

  • The Sales Enablement Content Questionnaire. You’ll use this pretty much every single time you land a project. These questions are vetted and have been meticulously crafted for maximum impact. Get the answers to these questions and you’ll have ALL the information you need to write sales enablement content that significantly BOOSTS your client’s sales!
  • The Sales Enablement Copywriting Fee Sheet. Know exactly what to charge for more than half a dozen sales enablement projects. Use this as a guide as you’re starting out, and then increase your fees as you gain confidence!
  • An Example Battlecard. Since this is such an important piece that can help make or break the sale, you’ll get a fully fleshed-out example of a battlecard. Feel free to use this as a template or guide when your client hires you to write a battlecard for them.
  • An Example Call Script. Any time you land a call script project, just open up this example — all the hard work’s been done for you. Use this as a guide and template to writing call scripts that actually work to increase appointments and sales.

P.P.S. We just got this AMAZING story in from Jeff Stasiuk, who has had a ton of success since becoming a certified Sales Enablement Copywriting Specialist:

“I thought I'd send you an email and fill you in, about how I've used your suggestions and a particular tool, to complete a recent project. As before, I figure you'd like to hear some feedback about how your training is working out, oh great Jedi (sorry, too much airplane movie watching during a lot of recent travel…) In short… your training works AWESOME.

“I just finished a massive (for me) sell sheet project for a client. 31, 2-page sell sheets for an industrial b2b company (billing: over $20k). I was able to work at it part time over 2 months, fitting it into my other project schedules.

“The company needed a serious revamping of their sales tools… most of their existing stuff was created by various salespeople on an ad hoc basis. Some was pretty good. Most was horrible.

“So to the point of my reaching out…

“a) Your sell sheet creation methodology worked great… they loved the result. In fact, there wasn't a single re-write or edit needed.

“b) That MS Word based table-formatted form you provided… was efficient AND super professional (their words, as well as mine).

“c) I had to interview SME's and others in the company to get what I needed, and your drill-down methods worked really well ("So What?" and "Sell it to me").

“That's it, no more to say but Thanks.”

And Jeff is just one of the many success stories we’ve seen come out of this training.

So if you’d like join him and his fellow certified Sales Enablement Copywriting Specialists, seize this opportunity today!

Enroll Now!