I’m looking for a few eager, up-and-coming copywriters to become my next…
Digital Copywriting Apprentices
This is your chance to work directly with me.
Over our 12 weeks together, you’ll gain the tools and knowledge you need to become an in-demand digital copywriter…

From the desk of Nick Usborne, America’s #1 Digital Copywriting Coach…
Dear Reader,
This is going to be TOTALLY different…
I’ve done in-house training with digital copywriting teams in major companies all over the world.
I’ve done live webinars by the ton.
I’ve devoted years of my life to teaching the craft of online copywriting.
But all of that pales in comparison to the intense 12-week training program I’ve put together for you.
This is going to be a real head rush of an experience for you, a select number of other copywriters… and myself.
I’m going all in on this.
I’ve pretty much cleared my calendar for 12 full weeks. No easy task!
And my plan is to take you from where you are now to a place where you have the knowledge, strategies, and techniques to have a fulfilling career as a digital copywriter.
I have everything on the line here… both my time and my reputation as an online writer and a teacher.
Does that sound interesting so far? Are you up for a 12-week adrenaline surge?
Then get ready, because your training begins Thursday, January 30, at noon ET.
I’ll be your mentor and coach. And your success as a digital copywriter will be my top priority.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve never written a word of copy in your life.
And I don’t care if you’ve bought other copywriting programs before and not finished them.
I’ll take you under my wing. And teach you the skills you need to go from new or aspiring digital copywriter…
… to confident, well-paid pro.
More importantly, you’ll know what it takes to command great fees for completing popular digital copywriting projects like these…


Subscription Pages

Information Pages

Lead-Gen Landing Pages

Page Sequences

Stand-alone Emails


Blog Posts

(These are the latest project price ranges as published in AWAI’s Copywriting Pricing Guide.)
In short, by the time your apprenticeship is up, you’ll have the tools and knowledge you need to start earning income as a digital copywriter.
Now, of course, your success depends on you and your situation… how much time you have to commit to taking action each week… and how much effort you put in.
And most importantly — it all depends on how well you implement the strategies and techniques I’ll teach you.
After all…
There’s a lot to cover.
Which is why we’re going to do it over the course of 12 intense weeks.
And yes… this will be work.
Because in addition to our laser-focused weekly training sessions, you’ll get plenty of hands-on experience through specially designed practice assignments I’ve prepared for you.
These assignments are meant to simulate a real client situation.
Just as pilots train on a flight simulator before they earn their wings, you’re going to have a similar experience with the most common types of assignments you can expect to come across.
Best of all, I’ll be answering every question you may have along the way.
This is the best way for you to fine-tune your strengths… and develop the areas that are weaker.
As you can imagine, it’s going to take a serious commitment on your part.
But if you stick with me through the entire Digital Copywriting Apprentice program, you’ll emerge 12 weeks later as a skilled digital copywriter who can write for the web.
You’ll have confidence in your abilities. That’s something nobody can take away from you.
And if you follow along, take action on the writing exercises I give you, and give it your best effort, you’ll have a portfolio of high-quality digital copywriting samples you can show potential clients that proves just how skilled you are.
And you’ll be well on your way to living the writer’s life. Because the fact of the matter is…
Your Income Potential Has Never Been Greater
Just think:
As a digital copywriter, you can write so many different projects that pay GREAT:
The industry “going rate” for writing a homepage is between $1,500 and $3,000.
A simple and fun series of promotional emails often fetches $3,500.
Then, you’ve got a simple page sequence — which can command up to $750 per page, and with at least two pages in a sequence, means a $1,500 payday.
Another popular project — a lead-generation page — can pay up to $1,500.
An email newsletter pays anywhere from $800 to $2,000.
And the beauty of these types of projects? Clients don’t just need one and then their done. In most cases, it’s a matter of “rinse and repeat”!
Which brings me to an important point…
Many copywriters fear the thought of going out there and having to “hunt down” clients.
I get it. It can be absolutely terrifying.
That’s why during your apprenticeship, I’m going to show you my own proven strategies to get clients to come to YOU.
In fact…
We’re going to devote an entire WEEK to showing you how to find your first potential clients.
So not only will you know how to write digital copy — you’ll also know my best strategies for landing one project after another.
Best of all, I’m going to show you how to do it all in a low-risk way where you don’t have to chase after clients.
Instead, they’ll be the ones finding you!
Getting this part of your digital copywriting career handled is a MUST. And it will ensure you have the tools to succeed in a big way.
Which is why at the end of our 12-week apprenticeship together, you’ll get the opportunity to receive a Certificate of Completion, to show potential clients you really know your stuff.
It will be well deserved.
It will represent all the hard work you’ll have put in…
… and more importantly, it will be a constant reminder that there isn’t a digital copywriting project you can’t handle from start to finish.
So Why Am I Doing This?
It’s simple.
The demand for web copy (i.e., digital copywriting) has absolutely exploded in the past few years.
Yet the number of digital copywriters hasn’t!
There’s far more demand than there is “supply.”
Businesses large and small (from the Fortune 500s to your local mom-and-pops) know that if they’re going to prosper now and in the years to come, they’re going to need copy to sell their products and services online.
That’s why they’re hungry for copywriters who know how to write it.
And here’s the thing…
Every day, more and more companies go online to reach a larger market.
But with hundreds of millions of websites already out there, it’s tough for an online business to set itself apart. These days, even a local mom-and-pop business can whip up a professional-looking website.
The only way for them to get a competitive edge is with their copy.
Just think: With words alone, an online business has to attract website visitors through pay-per-click ads, email campaigns, articles, banner ads, and landing pages.
In the past, webmasters and other “techies” wrote most of this content. But marketers now recognize that it really has to be done by people who specialize in writing words that sell online. That’s why digital copywriters are in such high demand.
And get this: They’re willing to shell out big money to get it done right.
Case in point: 2024 was historic, in that U.S. companies spent over $300 billion, which is more than ever before, on digital marketing.
And since then, there’s been no slowing down, with EMARKETER reporting that companies are planning to spend nearly $350 billion by the end of this year.
Not surprising. Especially when you consider that small businesses (like many in your local area) are among the largest group to jump on board with online marketing.
It’s no shock then that online ad spending has overtaken ALL forms of print AND television advertising (source: EMARKETER).
But this trend isn’t happening only here in the U.S.…
Businesses around the globe are pouring more money than ever into online advertising.
It’s why global ad spending is expected to reach a whopping $965 BILLION by 2028!
What does this mean to you?
Your opportunity to make your living as a writer… living life on your terms… is greater than it’s ever been before…
And in 12 weeks, I’m going to show you how to tap into this massive market.
I’ll take you by the hand and show you how to approach clients… how to talk to them… and how to get the fees you want and deserve.
Even better:
As my digital copywriting apprentice, you’ll discover how just a few clients can mean steady, ongoing work. And potentially hand you a predictable income you can count on, month after month.
This means funding your life of freedom and fulfillment just got A LOT easier. All while working the hours you want.
But there is one catch:
You’ve got to commit. You need to agree to put in your best effort. I want you to succeed.
So if you want in…
If you want to become my digital copywriting apprentice…
If you want to experience the writer’s life sooner than you ever thought possible… by becoming a part of a massive market that is desperate for skilled digital copywriters…
I encourage you to not wait and join me today.
First, let me give you an inside look at what we’ll cover over the fast-approaching 12 weeks.
Your Lucrative Digital Copywriting Career Is Within Reach
My name is Nick Usborne. You might recognize from when I was awarded the prestigious honor of Copywriter of the Year by AWAI.

I’ve been a copywriter for over 43 years now, over 23 of which I’ve dedicated solely to online copy. I’ve worked with and been a digital copy consultant to companies like Microsoft, Disney, Yahoo, Apple, Chrysler, and The New York Times.
I’m the guy these large companies bring in to train their in-house web teams on how to write top-notch digital copy.
For example, the CEO of a major U.S. insurance company paid me $24,650…
Just to train their web team to write better online copy.
I gave them just a small fraction of the digital copywriting techniques and strategies I’ll be showing you over the course of our 12 weeks together.
Which means you’ll be well versed in the kind of copy your clients will want and expect. Effective digital copy that attracts more traffic, engages visitors, and makes more sales.
And to do that, I’m going to give you hands-on training in all types of digital copy… homepages, landing pages, squeeze pages, subscription pages… all of the essential pieces you’ll need to make your clients’ websites shine.
You will finish this training with 5 critical advantages:
- The skills to write good digital copy your prospective clients want and need (and will pay top dollar for!)
- The confidence in knowing you’ve received the best training available ANYWHERE on digital copywriting
- A complete portfolio of samples you can use to hit the ground running
- The proven techniques and tools to attract high-quality clients and keep them coming back
- A chance to earn your Certificate of Completion and show prospective clients you’re a true professional
Introducing… “Digital Copywriting Apprentice: 12 Weeks to Well-Paid Digital Copywriting Pro”
It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new or already a working digital copywriter.
This program gives you the foundation you need to either get your writing career off the ground or simply accelerate your current career.
And don’t worry…
There are no special requirements you need to take part in this.
The only thing you need to make this program work for you is a desire to succeed.
That, and the willingness to take action on what you learn.
They say money loves speed.
So as we go through the 12 weeks together, I encourage you to implement what we learn as fast as possible.
Don’t try to be perfect at first. It doesn’t have to be.
You just have to take action and get started.
Even imperfect action will get you great results when it’s grounded in proven digital copywriting techniques.
Then, as the training progresses, you’ll naturally get better and better… and you’ll be a bona fide pro before you know it.
And remember, I’m going to be by your side every step of the way. Ready to share my 23+ years of experience as a digital copywriter with you.
So if at any point during the course of the program you hit a snag, I’ll be there to help you out.
Now, since you’re already an AWAI member, you’re automatically eligible to secure one of the spots we’ve made available for this high-level Digital Copywriting Apprentice training program with its one-on-one attention.
One more thing…
I’m making a big time commitment in order to be available for you and give you as much personal attention as I can.
I don’t know when I’ll be able to take out another big chunk of my schedule to do an intense mentoring program like this again.
So if this is something you think could help you start living the writer’s life sooner, I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity while it’s available to you.
All right, now let’s dive in and look at what we’ll cover over the coming 12 weeks.
Your Digital Copywriting Apprenticeship Starts Thursday, January 30,
at Noon ET.
Here’s What to Expect…
I’ve designed this apprenticeship to give you a progressive path to digital copywriting success.
That means we’re first going to build a solid foundation. And then each week, we will add to it, layer upon layer.
And then by the time 12 weeks is up, you’ll have a deep knowledge of what it takes to write copy prospective clients need for their businesses to thrive.
By doing it this way, your skills will grow with every passing day, as will your confidence in your own abilities.
Now, what you’ll be learning are the same strategies and techniques I use when I write copy for clients. And it’s also what I teach Fortune 500 corporations when they hire me to train their in-house web teams.
So in order to make sure you get the most out of this training, I encourage you to spend as much time as you can practicing and doing your homework assignments.
These will be key for your growth as a digital copywriter in this short period of time. And of course, send your assignments in when asked to do so.
I explain this in greater detail — along with how you’ll get direct access to me throughout this program — ahead.
Right now, I want to walk you through what we’ll be learning each and every week.
Week 1: Why Writing for the Web Is Different
When it comes to writing for the web, there are key distinctions you need to know.
Because writing for the web is NOT the same as writing for the “print” world. Your prospect’s mindset is completely different when they go online.
That, and when it comes to writing digital copy, you don’t always have to “sell, sell, sell.”
In fact, you’ll discover how writing for the web is first and foremost about giving plenty of value. It’s about helping your prospect in every way you can — before they even consider buying from you.
So in this first week, we’re going to give you a solid understanding of all the basics you need to know.
We’ll also get into the “inner game” of digital copywriting success. We’ll cover the mindset you need, along with why you don’t want to label yourself as just a “copywriter.” (You’ll understand why later, when we get into the “client-getting” portion of the training.)
Foundations & Frequently Asked Questions Webinar
I want to make sure you SUCCEED.
So, to that end, I want to make sure you’ve got a VERY solid foundation on which to build on over the next 12 weeks.
That’s why I’m including this live webinar where I’ll cover the FIVE key things that made the biggest difference in my career.
These are five insights you won’t get from any other working digital copywriter… because they’re what helped me accelerate my own success in this business.
If I could go back in time — to a younger Nick Usborne — I’d shake him and tell him to simply do THESE five things… so he wouldn’t have to go through all the trial and error!
And if you can follow these five tips, you’ll be setting yourself up for massive success with the material we’ll cover over the coming weeks.
Then, I’ll open things up for a little “group coaching” — where you can ask me questions directly, and I’ll do my best to give you detailed, specific advice for that particular situation or challenge.
Finally, I’ll also dispel a lot of the myths out there… explain why the opportunity is so huge for you as a writer, and cover any remaining “foundation”-level items before we move on.
Like I said at the beginning of this letter — this will be an intense experience.
But I designed it this way so you actually LEARN and come away from this with the knowledge you need to succeed as an in-demand digital copywriter.
So make sure you attend this training, and if for any reason you can’t make it, please be sure to watch the replay before our next session!
Week 2: Know Your Audience
Now that we’ve laid the groundwork, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of digital copywriting. And it all begins with knowing your audience — who your prospect is and what makes him or her “tick.”
This will be critical moving forward. Because you can’t expect to write great copy without knowing who you’re writing to!
So in this week’s training, I’m going to reveal every trick and technique I know of to get the critical information you need. Make sure you take plenty of notes and re-watch the replay of this training at least once more before we get to Week 3.
Here’s just a small taste of what’s in store in Week 2:
- The six essential audience research tools you MUST use to gather all the data you need…
- How to discover the language your prospects use themselves (this makes it a LOT easier to write powerful copy)…
- Why you should ask your client for THIS before you write a single word of copy (nine out of 10 copywriters NEVER think to do this, so you’ll stand out in your client's’ eyes as a real pro!)…
- How to discover the phrases people use to find your client's website…
- A simple way to get your client’s website visitors to practically write your copy for you (HINT: You've just got to find out THIS about them)…
- What the world’s 11th most visited website can tell you about your prospects…
- How to know what a visitor's “intent” is when they land on your client’s webpage…
- And much more.
In this week’s homework, you’ll get a chance to practice doing all this research yourself. Make sure you visit all the sites and resources I tell you about… understand how they work… and make sure to ask me any questions at any point in the process if you get stuck.
Week 3: Search Engine Optimization
This week, we’re going to learn a very critical part of writing for the web: search engine optimization (SEO).
Don’t worry if this sounds really technical. It isn’t. It’s actually very simple to understand, as you’ll see in this week’s training.
Just a few of the things we’ll cover:
- Why search engine optimization is SO important (most of your clients overlook this, but you’ll absolutely floor them with all your knowledge and SEO skill)…
- Keywords: What they are, why they’re important, and how to work with them when you’re writing copy…
- The only two ways you can optimize a webpage…
- The top SEO writing mistakes you need to avoid…
- What your goal is when writing SEO copy for a webpage…
- How to use the law of "supply and demand" and how it makes the whole process easier…
- The "Golden Rule" for writing search-engine-optimized digital copy…
- What the "long tail" is and why it’s important for you to know to become a top copywriter…
- What ALT tags are and what to do with them…
- And much more.
You’ll also get your first writing assignment. You’re going to practice writing a page for a potential client. And you’re going to use all the tips we’ve covered to optimize it for better search engine rankings.
This is going to give you the hands-on experience you need to hone your craft and gain confidence in your skills as a digital copywriter.
Week 4: The Online Copywriter’s Mindset
At this point, you’ll have a very solid foundation on which to learn everything that comes next.
So now we are going to start transitioning into how to write the different projects themselves. But there is still one more thing we need to address before we do that: Your “writing” mindset.
In short, this week is all about getting your head “right” before you sit down to write copy. This will ensure your copy is clear, persuasive, and engaging.
And most importantly, it will ensure your clients LOVE it!
Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn:
- The number one cardinal sin of writing digital copy… and what to do to avoid it…
- How to understand the context and purpose of every page you write…
- How to change your message and copy depending on what needs to get written…
- A simple series of questions to ask before you write a single word of copy…
- How to avoid the common trap so many digital copywriters fall into (this will definitely put you head and shoulders above the competition)…
- The one thing you need your visitors to mentally say to themselves when they land on your webpage…
- And much more.
As you can guess, after this week’s session, you’re going to get another practice writing assignment to implement everything you learned.
Putting 100% effort into these assignments is how you’ll start building that digital-copywriting muscle. Then, when the 12 weeks are up, you’ll be ready to hit the ground running and start landing your first few paid assignments.
Week 5: Writing Webpages That Do Their Job
Congratulations! By this point, you’ve got a VERY solid foundation that will set you up for huge success over the next few weeks.
You’re well on your way to living the writer’s life as an in-demand digital copywriter.
And now, it’s really time to shift things into high gear. You’re going to learn how to write the “bread and butter” of our profession:
The Homepage.
It’s absolutely critical you get this right, as it's often the very first page a prospect will see. So this week, we’re going to look at all the tips and strategies I’ve learned over the years to make sure you can write effective homepages.
You’ll discover:
- How to create a simple, visitor-centric homepage…
- Why you’ll want to use my “text box” method to have a good idea of what the homepage will look like when it’s designed and laid out…
- How to write headlines that engage and retain your readers…
- Seven key points to writing a homepage like a total pro…
- A MAJOR insight that helps you write homepage copy much faster (it’ll practically write itself once you figure this out)…
- The "tell them what's in the can" secret…
- Your number one goal as a digital copywriter with the homepage…
- And much more.
Because writing homepages is such an important skill, I suggest you do this week’s practice assignment at least twice. Maybe even three times.
And when you’re ready, make sure you submit this one for review. It’s that important.
Week 6: How to Write a Product Page That Sells
Now it’s time to move on to the second-most common type of assignment you’ll be asked to write as a digital copywriter:
The Product Page.
That’s why this week, you’ll get my step-by-step process for writing product pages that sell. And don’t worry. Just because the goal of a product page is to sell, you don’t have to write a full-on sales letter or pages and pages of copy that just “sell, sell, sell.”
It’s a lot simpler to understand and easier to write than that.
You’ll discover:
- The most effective layout and “flow” for the body of your page…
- How to catch the attention of “skimmers and scanners” and make sure they read your copy…
- Secrets to writing product page copy that connects, compels, and drives the sale…
- How to prepare before you write a product sales page…
- Working with a product page template: DOs and DON’Ts…
- The one major transition you need to make with your product page copy…
- The SIX key sales “triggers” to use in your copy…
- And much more.
Of course, this week you’ll get more practice writing time. You’re going to write your first product page using the techniques I share with you.
And by the time you’re done, you’ll have two of the most common digital assignments under your belt: homepages and product pages.
If you only wrote these two kinds of pages for clients, you could earn a VERY nice income. But we won’t stop there.
As my digital copywriting apprentice, I’m giving you every bit of knowledge I have.
Week 7: How to Write Subscription, Information, and Landing Pages
From time to time, you’ll find that clients want you to write one of three pages:
An information page, a landing page, or a subscription page.
(Many times, they’ll want all three!)
So it’s critical you know how to write these. They will round out your digital copywriting skills.
This week, we’ll cover:
- The purpose of an information page… and how to make sure it’s content rich…
- What subscription pages are, what they look like, and key insights you need to write one that converts cold traffic into leads for your client…
- Why landing pages are critical to your client's bottom line… and how to make sure you “ace” this assignment when your client asks for it…
- Three questions to ask before writing a subscription page…
- One simple tweak that increases sign-ups by 25%…
- Yet another simple tweak that increased leads by 2,069.4% (you can bet your clients will LOVE it when you suggest running this simple test)…
- Why you must NOT sell when writing an information page (and what your four goals should be instead)…
- One thing you need to add at the end of all your pages…
- What great landing page design looks like… and how to make sure your pages look great…
- And much more.
You’ll also receive a practice assignment so you can write all three of these pages and have the confidence to say “YES!” when a client asks if you can write them.
Week 8: How to Write Effective Emails
At this point, we’ve covered the MAJOR kinds of digital-copy assignments your clients will want you to write.
And again, focusing on these alone could make a substantial income for you…
But from time to time, you might want to supplement your income or simply go for a change of pace by writing effective emails for your clients.
Again, these are typically very short assignments that are simple to complete. And often, you can charge a few hundred dollars per email.
Given how many clients need literally dozens of emails every month, it can add up quickly once you know my proven method for email writing.
This week, we’ll cover:
- How to understand email as a distinct medium (and what the rules of the game are)…
- How to write sales emails…
- How to write “welcome,” informational, and customer-service emails…
- The one thing ALL email communications hinge on (and what you can do to make sure you align your copy with this, for maximum impact)…
- The writing style you must master for crafting successful emails…
- The one kind of email to BEWARE of (please, whatever you do, never write this kind of email)…
- How to choose the appropriate format for your emails…
- The one email that offers untapped opportunity (and a chance to really impress your client)…
- How long to keep your subject lines…
- And much more.
You’ll also get practice writing each of these kinds of emails… so you’re prepared for anything that might come your way once you let clients know you’re a digital copywriting pro.
Week 9: How to Write Powerful E-Newsletters and Blog Posts
The last step in rounding out your vast knowledge of digital copywriting is knowing how to write e-newsletters and blog posts.
These projects are fantastic “add-on” services for your web clients… projects that most marketers need on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
This is also a great kind of project to master so clients keep coming back to you time and time again. Do this for two or three clients, and your monthly “paychecks” could really start adding up.
And again, just like with emails, these projects aren’t long to write. They can often be done in a single day. As you get better and faster, you may even be able to complete them in just a few hours’ time and have the rest of the day to do as you please.
You’ll discover:
- The secret to creating blog posts that avoid becoming trivial “McContent”…
- The one thing you need to make sure your e-newsletters deliver…
- Why e-newsletters are different from any other kind of digital copy you'll write… and what makes them one of the most valuable projects to your clients…
- The one element you should always include when writing an e-newsletter…
- The type of content you need to include in your blog posts (most copywriters never think to do this)…
- The 80/20 rule when it comes to writing e-newsletters…
- And much more.
By the time this week is complete, you’ll have also practiced writing a full edition of an e-newsletter and a blog post.
Week 10: Writing for Social Media
We’ve covered a LOT of ground. Now it’s time to switch gears and learn how to write for what is, without a doubt, one of the biggest opportunities for digital copywriters today: social media!
I’ll walk you through how to write social media copy for your clients in a way that generates engagement, goodwill, and most importantly — RESULTS.
You’ll discover:
- The top opportunities for making money with social media…
- 13 steps to create profits for yourself as a result of offering social media writing to your clients…
- How to think of “niches” when it comes to social media…
- The secret structure of a good and engaging social media post (so few writers know this!)…
- What to say when talking to a potential client to get them clamoring to hire you for social media work…
- 9 easy questions you can ask to add a social media component to any project…
- And much more.
This completes the “skill-building” portion of your apprenticeship.
Now it’s time to put those skills to use… and start landing your very first paid assignments!
Week 11: Getting Clients
For most copywriters, this is the one area that holds them back from ever achieving their version of the writer’s life.
That’s why I’m devoting an entire week to getting this part of your digital copywriting career handled once and for all.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
- How to set yourself up to WIN and master the “inner game” of client-getting…
- How to get your first online copywriting clients within just a few weeks…
- The best way to get clients to come to you…
- How to drill down and find your true vision of who you are as a copywriter…
- What the "gap" is and how it can help you find clients…
- How to find the courage to market yourself — even if you hate the idea of it!
- How to find a message you LOVE and your prospects love too…
- The types of clients you need to go after…
- How to build your perceived value…
- Tips and techniques for pricing your projects so clients say “yes” more often…
- How to write a good creative brief…
- The client call: What to say…
- You landed a client: NOW WHAT!? (tips for managing projects with clients)…
- And much more.
At this point, you should be ready and raring to get out there and start living the writer’s life.
But just in case, I’m including one more training session.
Week 12: Bonus Q&A Session
This week is all about you and answering any remaining questions you might have at this point.
We’ve covered PLENTY of ground, so naturally you might have some sticking points or be wondering about some of the stuff you’ve learned.
This is your chance to get the answers you need to finally move forward.
YOU: An In-Demand Digital Copywriter!
All your training… all your hard work… and all your dedication throughout the 12 weeks… leads to this:
Your Certificate of Completion!
Your certificate will show you’ve completed this specialized training, and you’re a professional in writing digital copy.
With your certificate in hand, you can take a moment to congratulate yourself. Be proud!
Because it means you’ve got what it takes to go out there and start landing clients.
And make no mistake about it:
Having this certificate gives your prospective clients peace of mind. It tells them you’ve received professional-grade training in digital copywriting, and that you have the skills to do great work.
And ultimately, it paves the way for you to earn higher and higher fees.
Feel free to brag about your certificate on your website, marketing materials, and more. It shows the hard work you’ve put into learning your craft, and you deserve it!
I’ll Be There with You, Every Step of the Way
Wow! This is one detailed, information-packed program. The digital copywriting knowledge and guidelines I learned are priceless. I loved Nick Usborne's easy-to-comprehend style of teaching and organized program layout. It's jam-packed with key points, definitions, numerous images used to help demonstrate what Nick is explaining, links to more information and examples, steps to write attention-grabbing copy for webpages (and emails, e-newsletters and blogs, too), online access to webinars and videos. It's amazing! My program notes sit only an arm's length away for quick reference plus I downloaded the program so I always have it available with a click of my mouse. Two thumbs up!
Gina Marie Long
Highland, IL
No doubt, the Digital Copywriting Apprentice training program is the most in-depth digital copywriting training in the world today.
Absolutely everything you need to get up and running is there for you. And during our time together, I’m going to help you develop the skills you need to succeed.
And because I will be your mentor and coach during this time, you’ll get direct access to me via our private Digital Copywriting Apprentice page.
If you’re stuck, have questions while you’re working on an assignment, or don’t understand something completely, simply send me a message or post it in the group.
And of course, my team will also be part of this group, and they’ll be there to answer your questions regularly, too.
So you’ll have PLENTY of support throughout the entire process.
You’ll also get access to your Digital Copywriting Apprentice members-only page.
If for any reason you can’t make any of the training sessions, no problem. All the training sessions will be recorded and posted on your Member Page to view at your leisure.
And even after the 12 weeks are done, you’ll have “forever” access to the recordings and supporting materials.
Exclusive Access:
The Digital Copywriting Apprentice “Bonus Library”
Nick's program is very thorough and a completely detailed step by step approach teaching how to become a Digital Copywriting Expert. He carefully and precisely educates how to start from square one — knowing nothing, to building an excellent web site that will convert.
Leslie Ehrin
Collegeville, PA
As my apprentice, I want to make sure I give you absolutely EVERYTHING I can to help you succeed.
So here’s what I’m doing:
I’m setting up a special “Bonus Library” on your Member Page that will have supporting materials you can refer to whenever you need it.
These extra trainings will enhance everything you learn in the core training weekly sessions.
And again, you get “forever” access to these bonuses, too — well after our time together has ended.
Here’s what you get:
Four priceless volumes that will help you get your writing done better, and faster…
BONUS #1: 36 Tips to Write Top-Notch Digital Copy — Every Single Time!
This powerful training video that gives you 36 tips will serve as a handy “reference” each time you sit down to write digital copy for your clients.
You’ll discover:
- Two things your digital copy should be, every single time…
- What to do with your text links…
- How you should always start your copy…
- What to avoid in your emails…
- And what to DO in every email instead…
- What you should be doing with ALL your email subject lines…
- The simple test you can do yourself to see if your copy is up to par…
- What your copy needs to do for your visitors IMMEDIATELY…
- And much more…
BONUS #2: “Writing Rituals”
Here you’ll receive my personal writing “blueprint” to help you meet deadlines with ease, get more writing done in less time (which could mean a bigger income for you), jump-start your creativity, and never be at a loss for words.
The entire system is broken down, step-by-step. By the time you go through it, you’ll feel completely in control of the writing process. You’ll never worry about writer’s block or procrastination rearing their ugly heads and slowing you down.
BONUS #3: “Words of Wisdom”
These are some of the best tips I’ve discovered during my over 23-year career as an online copywriter. And they’ll give you added insight into key concepts covered in the core 12-week training.
Plus, this comprehensive, exclusive series to enhance your knowledge…
BONUS #4: A 12-Video “Look Over My Shoulder” Training Series
These 12 training videos show you the ropes, as if you were in the same room with a top digital copywriter, looking over their shoulder. Again, these videos will reinforce everything you’ve learned and give you a new layer of understanding of everything we’ve covered.
The videos can also be a VERY handy reference for when you land a client project and need a quick “refresher.”
Thanks again for providing this wonderful and insightful training opportunity! So far, it has been one of the best I have ever taken.
J Biggs
Even better: If you’re an “overachiever” you could watch this video series before we start your apprenticeship in order to really prepare yourself for what’s to come.
Either way, here’s the bottom line:
It’s all here.
Everything you need to get the skills and confidence… find, win, and work with clients…
Everything you need to build a complete digital copywriting business.
But since you’re my digital copywriting apprentice, I want to give you one more little “extra” I think you’ll find priceless…
You Also Get a “Lifeline” for a Full 30 Days AFTER Your Apprenticeship Ends
Nick Usborne is by far one of the best teachers in AWAI. Thank you very much.
Millie Martin
Lantana, FL
I want to reward you for taking action with all the material we’ll be covering.
Because like I’ve said, I want to see you succeed.
So to that end, I want to extend a “lifeline” to you for a full month after our time together ends.
Thank you for your evaluation Nick. The feedback you gave on my site and on everyone's sites was very beneficial.
Anastasia Kile
Pacifica, CA
Use this lifeline for anything you want, digital copy related.
For example, maybe you land your first client and start to panic.
No worries, just reach out to me with your situation and I can help you through it.
Or maybe you are unsure what to charge a client. Or maybe you run into a stumbling block when it comes to managing a project through to completion.
Just use your lifeline and I will be there to help for those 30 days.
Like I said, I want to see you succeed. And that’s what being a digital copywriting apprentice is all about — helping you really start living the writer’s life in just 12 weeks.
It’s Time to Hold Your “Feet to the Fire”
Nick’s program is so thorough and so detailed, it's a lot of information to digest. But Nick translates all the techie talk so that a new copywriter who's never written for the web can follow with ease.
It's rather ironic that I applied everything I learned from his online copywriting program to write the spec challenge for How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites, another one of Nick's programs, and it won me the $1,000 prize from AWAI.
Chase Canyon
Nova Scotia
If you’ve been wanting to live the writer’s life but just haven’t taken the first, real committed step…
Or if you are ready to ramp up your current writing career…
Then it’s time to act.
This 12-week Digital Copywriting Apprentice program will help you learn and internalize all the core concepts to becoming a successful digital copywriter.
And it will hold your feet to the fire… holding you accountable… encouraging you to take the next step… and the next… and the next one after that.
Before you know it, 12 weeks later, you’ll have the knowledge and skills you need to go out and make your dreams of the writer’s life a living, breathing reality.
And, it will always be there for you, to serve as a resource you can turn to again and again as you come across different projects with your clients.
One more thing:
All you need to get started is a desire to succeed. And the willingness to act on what you’ll learn during this training.
Those two things will take you far in building your successful digital copywriting business.
“Okay, Nick, I’m Ready!
How Much Does the Digital Copywriting Apprentice Program Cost?”
As soon as you claim one of the spots for my Digital Copywriting Apprentice program, you’re getting the keys to the kingdom.
You get all my very best strategies, secrets, tips, and techniques for succeeding as a digital copywriting pro as quickly as possible.
Plus, you get 12 weeks of training, practice assignments, the chance to earn a Certificate of Completion, and even direct access to me and my team members.
(And let’s not forget, you also get full access to the Member Page where you’ll find ALL the recordings… along with the Digital Copywriting Apprentice “Bonus Library.”)
And considering this program could easily help you go on to create a lucrative writing career for yourself, even at $10,000 it would be a bargain.
But my motivation in creating this program isn’t money.
It’s to help a new generation of digital copywriters meet the exploding demand that keeps growing like wildfire every day.
Which is why I believe half that — $5,000 — would be more than fair.
Remember, I’m devoting my time to you for a full 12 weeks… Plus, you’re getting direct access to me, and I’ll answer every question you have along the way.
You also get a lifeline for a full 30 days AFTER the program ends.
You could easily make back the cost of this apprenticeship with just one or two digital-copy assignments.
A homepage can pay up to $3,000.
A subscription page can pay up to $4,500.
Heck, you could make back three times the $5,000 or more in just a few weeks of completing the program.
But after thinking about it quite a bit, I wanted to make this more accessible to those serious about their success and who are committed to making this the year they finally live the writer’s life.
That’s why right now, I settled on $2,995.
I think it’s a MORE than fair price for such a comprehensive, live apprenticeship where you get top-notch training on how to be a digital copywriting pro in record time.
But here’s the thing…
The fact that you’re still reading tells me you’re one of the few who are committed to making the writer’s life a reality.
So today, you can join the Digital Copywriting Apprentice program for just $1,995.
Can’t Pay in Full?
$399 Today Secures Your Spot INSTANTLY… With ZERO Risk to You!
If you want my help becoming a confident, well-paid digital copywriter…
I don’t want anything standing in your way to take advantage of this opportunity right now.
Because like I mentioned, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to set aside 12 weeks to do this training again.
So if you can’t pay the full $1,995 to be a part of my apprenticeship today…
… no worries.
You can pay over time and lock in your spot right now for just $399.
There’s no extra fees, no contracts, or anything like that.
We’ll simply split up your payment over five months, starting with your first payment today.
That secures your spot… and ensures you’ll be ready to join me for Session 1, so we can start building your path to digital copywriting success together.
What’s more, I want you to make this an easier decision for you…
Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed
I urge you…
If this apprenticeship calls to you… and you’re ready to make your writing career a reality, then secure your spot now.
This is an investment in your career… in your future.
And because it’s a serious commitment — when you enroll, you’ll be covered by AWAI’s ironclad guarantee:
If, after attending the first live training session on Thursday, January 30, at noon ET, you decide that digital copywriting isn’t for you for any reason, simply call or email AWAI’s Member Success Team before the second session and they’ll close out your registration and refund every penny you’ve paid.
No questions asked.
Claim One of the Available Spots Today… All Enrollment in the Digital Copywriting Apprentice Program Closes SOON
If you feel like you’ve been floundering for a while… wanting to get your copywriting career moving forward, but just can’t seem to make it happen…
… or if you want the structure and support to help you achieve your goals…
… then the time to act is now.
For 12 weeks, together, we’ll help you succeed.
You’ll get everything I’ve learned during my 23-plus years of writing digital copy.
You’ll have the confidence and skills to take on client projects.
And, you’ll be tapped into an enormous market that’s projected to grow to $965 BILLION by 2028.
The doors that open… and the opportunities that present themselves once you’re a bona fide digital copywriter are endless (and can be very lucrative).
It’s one of the most rewarding and fulfilling ways I know to earn a great living that provides the freedom to do what you want, when you want to do it.
So if you’re ready, and want to be my apprentice, simply click the button below to get started.
You’ll be taken to a sign-up form where you’ll have a chance to review everything you get.
But please hurry…
Once enrollment closes, that's it… No extensions or exceptions.
And remember — I don’t know when I’ll do an apprentice training like this again.
Get started now… Simply click the button below:
Click here to reserve your seat.
And remember, you don’t even have to make your final decision right now.
You are backed by AWAI’s no-questions-asked guarantee.
I hope you’ll join me.
An exciting new world awaits!
To your success,
Nick Usborne
America’s #1 Digital Copywriting Coach
P.S. FAST-ACTION BONUS! As soon as you secure your spot as a digital copywriting apprentice, you’ll also receive immediate access to a very special training series I did on the four most common web projects you’ll tackle as an online copywriter.
You’ll watch as I pull out assignments from my own personal portfolio that delivered exceptional results for my clients.
I’ll then share with you the actual project brief, so you can first try to write the project yourself. Then I’ll show you my version and go through it, element by element, explaining how I wrote it and why it worked so well.
Claim your spot with me right here, right now.
P.P.S. One More Bonus: A $597 Value, Yours FREE

When you secure your spot today, you’ll ALSO get a bonus copy of my popular Digital Copywriter’s Handbook program.
This is THE program that’s quickly become a kind of “industry standard” when it comes to writing digital copywriting.
Having this program will give you an additional resource you can turn to that will help you reinforce and internalize all the concepts we’ll cover during the 12-week Digital Copywriting Apprentice program.
Again, this is all yours, a $597 value, absolutely free of charge when you secure one of the available spots today.
Yes! I want to be your Digital Copywriting Apprentice.
American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924