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See AWAI President Rebecca Matter’s
important message about Bootcamp 2024
— and why it’s crucial you be there!

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2024 Copywriting Success Bootcamp Now!
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Why AWAI’s 2024 Copywriting Bootcamp Will Be the Most Important, Enlightening, and Consequential Event You’ll Attend in Your Entire Copywriting Career… Period!

You heard Rebecca say it…

2024 has been a year of massive change in our industry — the biggest “disruption” copywriters and marketers have seen since the emergence of the internet…

And AI is only part of the story!

It’s also about Google’s new rules on what “quality content” really means…

It’s about heightened client expectations… and how they’re looking to YOU to help them create campaigns that impact their bottom lines…

It’s about the massive shift to new marketing channels like social media…

All of this (and more) is at the center of digital marketing now!

But here’s what’s important to remember…

With disruption comes

And in this case, the opportunity is enormous.

By coming to Bootcamp and hearing what the best writers in our industry are doing NOW…

  • You’ll know how to work smarter and faster using AI…
  • You’ll be able to explain to clients why Google stopped ranking their content — and deliver copy that all the search engines love…
  • You’ll be empowered to “lean in” and help clients leverage the hottest and fastest-growing marketing channels — like social media, which has DOUBLED in growth since the pandemic…
  • You’ll be better equipped to bring greater VALUE to clientsby moving beyond “writer for hire” and into the much more lucrative realm of prescriber/consultant…
  • And much more!

And because you recognized and seized this opportunity early…

Not only will you leapfrog miles ahead of the competition in terms of skill and up-to-the-hour knowledge, but…

You’ll be poised to make more money with better clients than you ever have before!

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2024 Copywriting Success Bootcamp Now!
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But this year’s Bootcamp is about more than ratcheting up your skills and earning more money…

We believe there will be a clear division among copywriters as 2024 ends and 2025 begins.

Group A will be those who understand and embrace these changes.

Group B will be those who don’t.

As an organization that’s been training copywriters for over 27 years now, we’ve never been more certain:

We want you in Group A!

Which is why we’re going VIRTUAL… And dedicating our entire 2024 Copywriting Success Bootcamp to prepping you for this landmark “shift.”

For all the reasons here and that Rebecca shared with you in her video…

It’s more imperative that AWAI members be at Bootcamp this year than any other year.

That’s why we don’t want anything stopping you from attending.

We don’t want the cost of airfare, hotel rooms, meals, added time away from work, or anything else to make you think twice about experiencing all that Bootcamp has to offer.

And as an organization, we don’t want to have to charge you more to cover the rising costs of securing a venue, offering obligatory coffee and snacks, and flying experts in from all over the world in addition to hefty speaker fees.

And with “virtual” technology improving every day…

We can actually offer you a more immersive learning experience with greater access to our experts than ever before…

With virtual meeting rooms, real-time reaction to expert insights, the ability to ask questions anytime, fun games, and much, much more!

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And speaking of experts…

Meet the Experts… Who Will Prepare You for the “Next Chapter” in Direct Response!

We’ve gathered some of the top people in our industry who are on the leading edge of all the exciting changes happening in direct response today…

Starting with not one, but two THREE amazing “keynote” speakers:

Neil Patel

Neil is a bona-fide digital marketing powerhouse, co-founder of Crazy Egg and Hello Bar, and a New York Times bestselling author. With unparalleled expertise in SEO, content marketing, and social media strategy, Neil has helped countless businesses scale and succeed. His data-driven insights and innovative approaches make him an essential voice in the digital marketing landscape.

As our opening “keynote” at Bootcamp 2024, Neil will share his insights into the current state of marketing in terms of Google, AI, and social media… its impact on clients… and how you as a copywriter can help them.

Ann Handley

Ann is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author and chief content officer at MarketingProfs. Renowned for her expertise in content creation and digital marketing, Ann’s book Everybody Writes is a go-to guide for writers. Her ability to simplify the writing process and emphasize authenticity makes her a vital resource for thriving in today’s AI-driven world.

Ann will kick off Bootcamp’s second day by sharing her highly valued views on creativity and being a successful writer in today’s AI world.

Terri Trespicio

Aside from being a dynamic speaker, writer, and brand adviser, Terri is known throughout the industry for her expertise in helping businesses and individuals craft compelling content. With a keen understanding of audience engagement and storytelling, Terri’s insights empower writers to create effective messages that resonate.

— Also Joining our Virtual Stage —

Ryan Deiss
Just Added!

Ryan is the Founder and CEO of The Scalable Company (Scalable.co), DigitalMarketer.com and a Founding Partner at Scalable Equity, LLC, a venture equity accelerator that builds and acquires B2B media and software brands.

He is the creator of the “Customer Value Optimization” methodology, and has introduced and popularized many of the digital selling strategies that modern companies now take for granted. His company, DigitalMarketer, is the leading provider of digital marketing training and certifications. Its community has over 15,000 paid members, and over a half a million subscribers.

Brian Clark
Just Added!

Brian Clark is a writer, traveler, and entrepreneur. He’s the founder of the pioneering content marketing website Copyblogger, the personal growth newsletter Further, and Unemployable — a resource that provides smart strategies for freelancers and entrepreneurs.

In January 2006 when Brian started a one-man website called Copyblogger, it which quickly evolved into an influential digital trade magazine for the content marketing industry. It never took venture capital and made it to eight figures in annual revenue and high profit margins without advertising. The company created software-as-a-service, web hosting, WordPress themes and plugins, courses, and conferences. The Guardian and Advertising Age have recognized Copyblogger as one of the most powerful and influential blogs in the world.

This level of success, plus Brian’s early adoption of online content to fuel startup companies, makes him a recognized pioneer of the now $44 billion content marketing industry.

Dan Nelken
Just Added!

Dan Nelken is the author of the international best-selling book A Self-Help Guide for Copywriters—a book many are calling a modern classic. He’s now a speaker and educator for many of the world’s most famous brands and creative ad agencies. As a professional creative, his work has appeared in award shows nationally, internationally, and on his mother’s fridge.

Bob Bly

For decades now an AWAI member and Bootcamp attendee favorite, Bob is a legendary copywriter with over four decades of experience and more than 100 books to his name. He’s known for his mastery of direct-response copywriting, and Bob’s expertise in crafting high-converting copy has made him a sought-after mentor and industry leader.

Laura Belgray

Laura is the founder of Talking Shrimp, an award-winning copywriting expert, and an unapologetically lazy person. She’s written TV spots for clients like NBC, Fandango, and Bravo, and now helps entrepreneurs and creatives cash in on their unique personalities, become binge-worthy, and get paid to be 100% themselves.

Steve Slaunwhite

Also a longtime favorite of AWAI members, Steve is a renowned B2B copywriting expert and author who is embracing AI in the B2B world with both arms. With decades of experience, Steve specializes in helping businesses communicate their value through clear and persuasive copy. His practical strategies and proven techniques make him a trusted authority in the industry.

Marcella Allison

Marcella is a celebrated copywriter and mentor, known for her high-level connections within our industry and her exceptional ability to guide writers to success. As the founder of Titanides, a community for female copywriters, Marcella’s expertise in direct response and marketing strategy is unmatched.

Nick Usborne

Among the first to embrace AI before it was “a thing,” Nick is a web copywriting pioneer with over a quarter century of experience helping companies large and small with all elements of their online marketing. His expertise in writing for the web and optimizing digital content for engagement and conversions makes him a leading voice in the industry.

Guillermo Rubio

Like Nick, Guillermo is an early adapter of AI who writers copy, content, emails, sales letters, and video scripts for some of the largest direct marketers in the world, generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for his clients. With his focus on integrating AI into the process of writing persuasive copy and creating effective marketing campaigns, Guillermo’s insights are not to be missed.

Ilise Benun

Known for helping hundreds of AWAI members land their first clients and grow their writing businesses, Ilise is a marketing consultant, speaker, and author who specializes in helping creative professionals of all kinds build successful businesses. With her extensive knowledge in marketing strategies and client acquisition, Ilise’s practical advice is invaluable for freelancers and entrepreneurs.

Russ Henneberry

Another innovator in the digital marketing space, Russ co-authored Digital Marketing for Dummies with Ryan Deiss and, along with Ryan, was instrumental in growing DigitalMarketer into the world’s leading authority on internet marketing for businesses everywhere. With extensive experience in content marketing, SEO, and social media, Russ provides actionable strategies that help businesses grow their online presence and drive conversions.

Pauline Longdon

Pauline is a direct-response copywriter and marketing strategist with a focus on emotional connection and storytelling. Her expertise in crafting compelling copy that drives action has made her a respected authority in the industry.

PLUS all your AWAI favorites:

Katie Yeakle
Rebecca Matter
Ted Capshaw
Jade Trueblood
Pam Foster

Let All the Experts at
AWAI’s Copywriting Success Bootcamp 2024 Make 2025 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER as a Writer!

Bottom line:

AWAI’s 2024 all-virtual Copywriting Success Bootcamp is a MUST-ATTEND for any serious copywriter.

It’s your one opportunity of the year to catch up and hear what the best writers in the world are doing right now to propel their success.

It’s your chance to hear writing secrets and business-building strategies you won’t find online or anywhere else…

As well as engage with top experts and connect with fellow members — and ask the questions YOU want answered…

It’s the ONE EVENT where you’ll gain clarity on the monumental changes happening in our industry right now and find out the steps you need to take to be ready.

And you can register today for…

Just $2,495!

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2024 Copywriting Success Bootcamp Now!
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Do Members LOVE Bootcamp? You bet they do!

Over the years, first-timers have come to Bootcamp not quite knowing what to expect…

Only to be blown away by all the knowledge, insights, and copywriting wisdom they leave with!

Here’s a taste of what past attendees have said about the experience:

“Don’t think about it, just do it. You will learn so much. What you will learn could elevate your writing business in ways you haven’t thought of. It will leave you inspired and fired up!”

Chris Boroos

“Whether you’re a total newbie or [have] been writing for years, there is something for you. I’ve been attending AWAI Bootcamps since 2007 — and I still get something every time I attend. I leave feeling rejuvenated and inspired — and you can’t beat the welcoming, helpful community. It’s like getting a big hug you didn’t know you needed — that squeezes out all the doubt, fear, or other negative feeling you might be experiencing and sends you home ready to tackle the world.”

Cindy Cyr

“Bootcamp is a space where people get pumped up on copywriting steroids and get all the tools to succeed.”

Angie Hummel

“If you are serious about your writing journey and you’ve invested time and money — this event is THE KEY to opening up a wide world of opportunity and valuable information you will NOT find anywhere else. Priceless each year I’ve participated.”

Krista Adduci

“Definitely attend! [You] will be using this information for days, weeks, months, and years to come. The growth I’ll see from this Bootcamp is unbelievable. This is the gift to yourself that keeps on giving.”

Sandra Gonyier

“I landed my first paid copywriting assignment two months after I attended AWAI’s Copywriting Success Bootcamp. Six months later, I had all the work I could handle.”

Krista Jones

“Bootcamp was a single investment that has paid me back more than 33 times what I spent on it! I went from a laid-off corporate worker bee to a freelancer with a set-my-own-hours income of $60,000… in one year.”

Starr Daubenmire

“Now I know — and have experienced — why my mentor highly recommended attending Bootcamp to me. The energy, the learning, the tribe, the love, the success stories… Wow… Just WOW!!! Before AWAI, making $5,000 in a year sounded impossible to me. But after joining AWAI, I made $5,000 in less than three months.”

Lynelle Suan

“Since Bootcamp, I’ve secured 45,000 (AUD) in writing gigs and AWAI was the sole reason it happened.”

Max Latimer

“When I went to Bootcamp, it was like a rocket. I took off in this business and I have not slowed down at all.”

Steve Coombes

“Bootcamp has given me the tools and connections I needed to launch my career from ground zero to well beyond the goals I set for myself.”

Julie Hassett

“I didn’t really know what to expect out of this going into it, but it was more than I would have guessed. I’m so glad I was able to attend! Since I’m brand-new to copywriting (I only discovered AWAI a few months before Bootcamp), it was such a wonderful experience to meet others who are on the same journey, some just starting, some further down the road, to know I’m not crazy for wanting to jump into this.”

Erica Bartlett

“When I attended my first Bootcamp on September 18, I really didn’t know what to expect. But I did know one thing… I wanted to be a copywriter. And in just THREE days’ time, I was… By September 21, I had my first REAL copywriting project in the health field. By December, my sales letter was in the mail. By the end of January, I had my very first control and a nice paycheck to show for it! And things were about to get even better. By February, I received a surprise bonus check for that first control and landed two more paying projects. Within just six months, I had enough work to walk away from my full-time job at a Los Angeles television station and start living the life of a copywriter!”

Susan C.

“Fresh from Bootcamp, I just got hired as a regular writer for a top B2B online firm. Can’t wait to start churning out B2B content for this great company. Just goes to show that AWAI Bootcamp DOES do what it claims. It helps you make connections in your industry.”

Shawn D.

“Just a few weeks after attending, the holy grail was mine — a full-time copywriting position with Agora! Attending AWAI’s Copywriting Success Bootcamp was the best decision I ever made for my career.”

Ryan C.

“I almost didn’t go to that first Bootcamp. I had just purchased the basic copywriting program and didn’t feel ready for the ‘big time,’ but I went anyway — and I’m glad I did.”

Pat McCord
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2024 Copywriting Success Bootcamp Now!
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More raves about “virtual”
Bootcamp specifically:

“It was like being there. The only difference… no jet lag, sleep in my own bed, dogs allowed and sleeping at my feet, and great music pumping out of my home office during the breaks! Being able to connect with people through FB between the sessions was so much fun — and made the experience more personal. I got great tips from other members, the AWAI team, and speakers. I got a few virtual business cards from people I really connected with… so it was a win-win!”

Serena Bahe

“I loved being able to participate without having to leave my house!!!!! If you don’t like to travel, or can’t, this is such a great way to ‘be’ there!”

Lauren Gayl

“It was great! Did not miss a heartbeat. I felt I was there physically. Great interaction, with the videos and the live walk-throughs. There is nothing you are going to miss. A great cost saving in time and money, plus the feeling of being there in person.”

George Thomas

“I really enjoyed that I could attend the Bootcamp ‘live.’ It is an absolute gold mine for ideas and the latest trends in copywriting. Another benefit is to see and get to know the acclaimed presenters. AWAI is a premium training academy with superior student assistance. Every single representative on every interaction has been super nice, cheerful, and helpful. It has kept me around for 13+ years. It has changed my life.”

Don Farrell

“The Virtual Bootcamp gave me a real ‘boot in the butt’ to get this copywriting thing off the ground. I found the content and speakers to be wonderful! They were inspiring and helped me gain some clarity on how to make this transition in my career.”

Gyna Cole

“This has been an amazing experience and beyond what I’d imagined. It’s especially ideal for anyone whose life just doesn’t currently allow for travel.”

Nan Hughes

“The speakers were all so generous in sharing their knowledge and experience. Each really took seriously the role of mentor. It’s amazing how a shared experience even virtually can unite a group of diverse people throughout the world! Thank you!”

Lyn Herne

“It is a great option if you can’t make it to the live event. Everything was very inspirational and made me feel like I can do this. One step at a time.”

Shelly Biggs

“It was life changing from day one. I finished watching the replays today. Awesome! Feel the energy, make new friends, listen carefully, then write. Take action and do whatever it takes. You can create a new life starting today — Stop talking about being a writer. Be a writer. You can do it!!”

Wendy Friston

“My first Bootcamp and WOW, it was a super event!”

Mary Vosika

“AWAI did a great job in making us ‘virtual’ attendees feel part of the big event. We had live access to all the presentations as well as all the handouts. The roving video reports made us feel like we were right there in the thick of things! It was the next best thing to being there! The virtual Bootcamp Facebook group was awesome! A very friendly and supportive group.”

James Bonner

“I would do it again. It’s the next best thing to going in person.”

Sandra Almonte

“Virtual Bootcamp is what I needed to get moving in the right direction. All of the sessions that were provided and the camaraderie that was established with all of the other virtual attendees was priceless.”

Ursula Burroughs

“It was so gratifying to be included by all Bootcampers each day, and to be able to participate to the degree you made it possible to participate! Thank you! At the end of the four days, I felt that I had the tools and the confidence to call myself a copywriter. Every effort is made to include virtual attendees in as much of this highly organized and valuable Bootcamp as is possible. I felt like I was ‘there’!”

Susanne Tomaschek

“These are lessons from those who’ve been where I am now (new) and have made it to the top… Being able to participate virtually has been a dream come true. Whether you’re someone like me trying to retire (finally!), or a younger newbie, this event is the most motivating and inspirational place to get the knowledge and boost you need to get started.”

Jessie McPeeke

“By midday on day one, I had already gotten my money’s worth. The breadth of the material presented was amazing. I was (and continue to be) blown away by the openness, friendliness, and complete availability that the presenters and staff constantly displayed. Where in the world did you find so many experts who are such great teachers and great people?”

Robert A.

“I have a medical condition that would prevent me from sitting through all the presentations at once, so being able to stop, rewind, and watch when I was feeling up to it was great! Thank you!”

Matthew Troncone

“Absolutely great! Next best thing if you can’t be there in person! Encouragement and so much more. Still going through replays. Thank you for the opportunity.”

Beverly Polson

“I have learned so much from Bootcamp in a short period of time. I am grateful it was recorded… because there are a lot of gems dropped at one period of time. Trying to fit them all in your pocket would have been difficult… I love that you are connected to a community that is willing to listen… it definitely helps in lighting a fire under your butt, but you will love the burn.”

Quiana Footman

“Since I could not physically attend the AWAI Bootcamp, I was so grateful that I was able to attend my first Bootcamp virtually. I would highly recommend anyone attend the Virtual Bootcamp if they can’t make it there physically. It’s the next best thing to actually being there.”

Rebecca Ramos

“Always amazing to be able to attend this way!… I had an even better experience this year than last! For those of us that cannot easily travel (I have a special needs son at home) it makes it extremely valuable… and the ability to get in on specs is really the best!”

Pam Cobbs

“This virtual experience was awesome. The interaction and attention we got via the group really made us feel a part of it still. And I’m very impressed with the lineup of speakers, as always. I’m also going to go through the replays and make extensive notes as they pertain to my career.”

Diana Cacy Hawkins

“Fantastic — it was the next best thing to being there to see all the sessions streamed — plus having the Facebook site to communicate with other virtual attendees! Fellowship, support, and learned a lot from each other.”

Ricki Linksman

“Bootcamp was not only informative, it was also inspirational and motivational. The sense of community was tangible. The Facebook group was an important aspect of the Bootcamp adventure. I take a renewed confidence from Bootcamp.”

Cynthia Fromm

“I got a lot of clarity on my path but also on some complex concepts. My newbie questions were answered, and I received confirmation that even at my level, work is available. I made lots of friends and definitely got encouraged! Thanks!”

Elisa Rockholt

“If you seriously want to turn your writing dreams into reality… and you don’t want to wait an entire lifetime… I strongly suggest you attend the AWAI Bootcamp this fall in Florida… If you’re sitting on the fence wondering if this event could really boost your freelance career — I urge you to see for yourself just how powerful it is!”

Bob R.

“Bootcamp is the best place to learn from the best! Virtually gives you that experience, without leaving home. I’m part of an accountability group that meets on the phone weekly… Four of us were there, two of us were online. We were able to watch one of our peeps on stage (Steve), and it made me feel as though I was still supporting him. And I don’t feel I was left out — which means this Tuesday, our meeting will catapult all of us forward in our writing careers. Bootcamp recharges and pushes me to the next freedom!! Thank you!!”

Jan Davis

“If you can’t be there in person, virtual Bootcamp is a must.”

Yvonne Bernard

“I’ve been a ‘copywriter in the making’ too long. I figured this year I do something about it or give up. I needed to get to Bootcamp — but I couldn’t. When the virtual option was offered, I jumped at the opportunity and am so glad I did. It was invigorating, motivating, challenging — and so informative. I felt I was actually there and participating. I came away from it with a reality check and new perspective. I discovered I am a copywriter. Now I am Just Doing It! Valuable? Worth every penny and every minute — and more.”

Judith Blaeske

“It was a godsend for us. We have just started marketing, and the motivation was great. We knew Bootcamp was a next step, but financially not possible until we start earning. Then the first-ever Virtual Bootcamp opportunity! Wow.”

Neil and Nancy Stubbs

“It was awesome. I caught about 90% of the festivities live. Also, I did not experience any technical difficulties. I participated from computers in the public library and from my computer at home. The live Facebook chat was also valuable. Asking questions and offering feedback. Total A+ experience. Bummed out that it’s over.”

Christopher Pollak

“More interesting, practical information than in any other event I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to quite a few. It’s a great way to help get your business started on the right foot. Lots of interaction, most of which I missed out on because I was glued to the livestream.”

Beverly Burney

“With so many other obligations popping up one after the other at home, going away for a week would have been too much. Staying home and attending virtually, even though I couldn’t attend every session right at the time, was exactly what I needed to balance out everything else that hollered for my attention. It gave me some professional ‘me’ time and kept me on track with my own goals. Attending virtually gave me a good introduction to Bootcamp and the real people involved not only as presenters, but also as leaders in the world of copywriting. It was also good to hear the stories of other AWAI members — where they started, why they joined, and what they have accomplished.”

Karole Hough

“I felt like I was a real part of the event from start to finish. The live speakers acknowledged the online learners at various points, our questions were answered, moderators were always quick to point out when something would be posted to our Member Page, etc. There was even a running book list on Amazon based on the recommendations made by speakers.”

Tom Oakley

“Not only did we get to see the presentations in real time, we were able to chat with our Virtual Bootcamp participants at the same time. I felt like I was watching a critically acclaimed movie with fellow enthusiasts. If I’d known how riveting… how entertaining… how amazing the experience would be, I would have set out a bowl of popcorn before the kickoff. I heartily recommend Virtual Bootcamp to everyone who can’t be there in person.”

Cara Flett

“Virtual Bootcamp gave me the information (and a subtle kick in the pants) to finally go after my writer’s life dream! Definitely would recommend the Virtual Bootcamp to any aspiring copywriter. You can study all the manuals and courses, but hearing stories from people who are actually making a living copywriting was so valuable! It was beyond my expectations! The live video streams made you feel like you were actually part of the action. Everyone in the group was very friendly and supportive, and I ended up with several new FB friends in the process! AWAI’s virtual support team was awesome, giving feedback on comments and questions on a real-time basis. I could sense they really wanted to make this special for us, and they did. Thank you all!”

James Bonner

“I found it to be of great benefit. I am in the process of putting the final touches on my business activity, and several speakers gave me some great insight. Everything was well done. I followed all of the speakers during the event.”

Richard Bierut

“I have two small kids at home, and I loved the opportunity to jump in before they woke up, during nap time, and when they were just being quiet! Having the super-active Facebook page helped me socialize and meet new people in my newfound club. The only way my experience could have been better was if I were there in person! Everyone was super-responsive. I certainly didn’t feel like the ‘lesser’ attendee because I was at home.”

Jen Hunsaker

“This was an incredible experience! I would not have been able to attend otherwise. There was a wealth of incredibly useful information that was provided. It truly was the next best thing to being there in person. There was a lot of give and take between members on the site, and there was a great deal of live interaction going on. I felt more connected to the event and was able to get answers to questions right away.”

Jerrie Kalenda
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Your Questions Answered About AWAI’s Copywriting Success Bootcamp…

Who Should Come to Bootcamp?

Bootcamp is where writers of all ages, backgrounds, experience levels, industries, and niches come to hear the latest writing secrets from top experts… learn up-to-the-minute industry trends… discover the hottest writing opportunities… and make lifelong connections with marketers and insiders who can impact their careers.

Bootcamp is for you if…

You’re new to the industry… and you want to connect with important players and industry influencers… learn the basics and broaden your writing skills… explore lucrative writing niches… and see, firsthand, the sheer scope and vastness of this exciting opportunity before you.

You’re an aspiring writer… and you want to deepen your understanding of the writing process… learn new skills… start building your success network… make invaluable contacts… and connect with copywriters who were once in your shoes and are happy to help you lay down your own path to success.

You’re already a writer… and you want to learn the latest in what’s working NOW in our industry… expand your professional network… get to interact and connect with A-level copywriters… get a deeper understanding of the higher-paying projects… and more.

What Can I Expect Each Day?

We’ll start each morning at 10 a.m. (Eastern Time) and be active in our virtual “meeting room” until late in the afternoon each day.

Speaker sessions and panel discussions range between 45 and 90 minutes… with a break built in to stretch and get some lunch. (Another great benefit of being online — you can soak everything in right at your desk, without missing anything!)

There WILL be a lot to absorb each day, so we’ll be helping you get as much from each session as possible, via a “key takeaway” recap at the end of each day.

You’ll have plenty of opportunities to ask our speakers questions either during their presentations or immediately afterward through the easy-to-use interactive Q&A feature of the meeting platform.

Most experts will have supporting materials to go along with their presentations — templates, copy samples, and other handouts. You’ll find them on your “Bootcamp 2024” Member Page in advance of every talk.

You’ll also have plenty of opportunities to meet and connect with your fellow writers through fun social activities — like happy hours! — and group conversations each day.

What If I Miss a Session?

No problem…

Bootcamps are very “busy” and known to be a “fire hose” of information, so there may be times when you need to step away and catch your breath.

No worries if you do…

Because unlike “live” bootcamps where you have to wait days for recordings… every session of AWAI’s 2024 Bootcamp will be recorded and made available, often within 24 business hours!

So yes, you can catch up on any presentation — in its entirety — at any time!

Do I need any special technology? How will I view Bootcamp virtually?


Just your laptop or desktop computer.

You can even experience Bootcamp on your smartphone if you wish, although we don’t recommend it, given the sheer number of presentations… not to mention how much easier it is to message and interact using a mouse and keyboard.

Once you’ve registered, you’ll be sent all log-in information and passwords, along with simple instructions on how to use Zoom, which is the digital platform through which we’ll be delivering Bootcamp.

What’s the Bootcamp refund policy/guarantee?

We want you to be 100% satisfied and comfortable with your 2024 virtual Bootcamp experience.

That’s why we encourage you to…

Sign up today…

Attend the ENTIRETY of the Copywriting Success Bootcamp event and experience ALL of what Bootcamp has to offer…

If you’re not completely satisfied…

If you don’t think 2024 Bootcamp will have the powerful impact it’s had on countless others…

Simply let us know by end of day Friday, September 27… and we’ll issue you a FULL CREDIT of every penny you’ve paid…

A credit that never expires…

And one you can use toward any AWAI resource… including any self-paced training program, any partner program, any business-building resource, any of our mentored learning programs, any “live” event — even next year’s Copywriting Success Bootcamp!

— Don’t Wait —

“Lock In” Your Spot at AWAI’s
2024 Bootcamp Today!
Save my Spot!

American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924

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