— Your Host —
Young boy with thick glasses and team jersey fist pumping with excitment at hockey game
Rebecca Matter — President, AWAI
Be the first to know WHO our
keynote speakers and expert guests will be…
Learn WHAT they’ll be talking about…
Hear the issues crucial to copywriters NOW that
we’ll be shining the brightest spotlight on…
And much more…
— PLUS —

Your Exclusive ABSOLUTE LOWEST Early, Early Bird “DAY-ONE” Pricing!* (*Available ONLY to those who are here Friday!)

If you’ve been to an industry-famous AWAI Bootcamp — you know…

It’s THE live, multiday event copywriters around the world wait for all year long.

With an amazing star-studded lineup of A-level writers, marketers, and freelance experts…

  • Sharing their secrets…
  • Teaching their unique skills…
  • And speaking to issues paramount to copywriters TODAY…

Bootcamp is the most anticipated MUST ATTEND event of the year.

If you’re new to AWAI and copywriting — and you’ve never experienced Bootcamp, just know…

You’re in for an eye-opening, mind-blasting, career-rocketing treat!

So many of AWAI’s most successful members credit Bootcamp as that “moment in time” when their careers truly took off…

AWAI member Anne Hill told us this:

“My first Bootcamp I was working full time in retail management and thinking a copywriting career was a far-off dream. Now, four years later, I’m making a great living as a full-time content writer, and I’ve been full time since just a few months after that Bootcamp experience.

“I consider Bootcamp to be the launching pad to living my dream writer’s life.”

This from Starr Daubenmire:

“Bootcamp was a single investment that has paid me back more than 33 times what I spent on it. I went from a laid-off corporate worker bee to a freelancer with a set-my-own-hours income of $60,000… in one year!”

Steve Coombs wrote to say this:

“When I went to Bootcamp, it was like a rocket. I took off in this business and I have not slowed down at all.”

And one more, from AWAI member Ryan Carr:

“AWAI’s Copywriting Bootcamp was the best decision I ever made for my career. Just a few weeks after attending, [I landed] a full-time copywriting position with Agora!”

And make no mistake:

The same great things can happen for you!

That’s why it’s imperative you’re here FRIDAY for “THE BIG REVEAL”

So you can know everything you need to know about this year’s biggest and best-ever Bootcamp 2024.

PLUS, be assured of the ridiculously low “Friday-only” price we’re offering for the full Bootcamp experience

Including access to all three days of workshops and presentations… direct “breakout room” access to experts… all support materials… access to recordings… and more.

So don’t miss it…

Use an Electronic Calendar?

Click the icon of the calendar you use below, and the date and time of your big “Reveal” event will be automatically saved for you!


… you’re likely dying to know who the BIG NAMES coming to AWAI’s 2024 Copywriting Success Bootcamp are… and we can’t wait to reveal them to you on Friday and give you a small taste of what they’ll be sharing with you.

But if you’re looking for an idea — a tiny hint — about the magnitude of talent we’re talking about…

Here’s a list of recent past AWAI Bootcamp keynote speakers and special guests:

Bob Bly The “Copywriter’s Copywriter”
Ryan Deiss Digital marketing innovator
Mari Smith The Queen of Facebook Marketing
Mark Ford Copywriter, master of wealth-building strategies
Dan Kennedy The “Godfather” of Direct Marketing
Drayton Bird Legend of British direct marketing
Mike Palmer Financial copywriting expert
Donald Miller Author, StoryBrand creator
Russ Henneberry Digital marketing educator
Ann Handley Content marketing pioneer
Brian Kurtz Boardroom’s marketing guru
Terri Trespicio Brand messaging specialist
Bill Bonner Founder of The Agora
David Deutsch Direct-response copywriting coach and guru
Guillermo Rubio AI content and prompt expert
John Forde Direct-response copywriting master
Steve Slaunwhite B2B copywriting leader
Brian Clark Founder of Copyblogger
Carline Anglade-Cole Direct-response
copywriting specialist
Yanik Silver Maverick entrepreneur and visionary
Clayton Makepeace The “Million-Dollar Copywriter”
Ben Settle Email marketing maverick
Gordon Graham The White Paper Guy
Richard Armstrong The Copywriting Coach
Joe Vitale Hypnotic marketing specialist
Andrew Davis Author of Brandscaping
Scott Stratten Brand engagement specialist
Ryan Levesque Creator of the ASK Method
Ted Nicholas Direct-response
copywriting legend
Henry Bingaman Health and financial
copywriting specialist
Jon Morrow Leading blogging authority
Mark Everett Johnson The “Copywriting Craftsman”
And many, many others…

Don’t miss your chance to meet, connect with, and learn from experts who can transform your copywriting career almost instantly…

See you right here Friday at