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A special message for people who love to write …

Get Paid Hefty Fees Using The Single Writing Skill
That Never Becomes Obsolete

Dear Reader,

Ever since I was a young girl, I’ve wanted to be a writer.

At 12 years old, I remember sitting outside in our backyard with my older sister and coming up with “novels” I divided into real chapters.

I’d read each page out loud to her as she hung on every word. So, naturally, my family assumed when I grew up, I’d become an author.

And, that’s exactly what I did. But, it’s not as easy as you think.

For one thing, writing a novel takes lots of time and effort. (Much more than when I used to make them up as I went along for my sister!)  You might spend weeks developing a plot. Then, when it comes to the actual writing, that might take you months… or even years.

There are times when you have to give up on ideas, because they just aren’t good enough, or… even worse… the manuscripts you think are “ready for prime time” can get rejected by your publisher.

And, even then, when your manuscript is accepted, contracts can get delayed. When that happens, you don’t get paid, which means there’s no money coming into your bank account. 

But, I never gave up on the idea of being an author, and eventually my persistence paid off. I now have 15 titles published and have earned numerous awards and recognition for my work.

It’s just that, along the way, I had to fill in the gaps in my income. The last thing I wanted to be was a “starving artist.”

So, for a few years, I worked in the corporate world. But that left me with little time to spend on my passion, which of course was writing my own books.

I needed something that would give me time to work on my novels while still managing to earn a reliable and steady income. And, I’m happy to say…

I Found the Solution

It’s a unique form of writing that pays me very well for everything I write!

This newfound writing skill allows me to have a secondary writing career… one in which I never have to worry about where my next paycheck is coming from. My bank account is full, and I have plenty of spare time to work on my novels.

You, too, can live the writer’s life of your dreams… because, unlike the ups and downs of being an author, learning this writing skill is…

The Surest Path to Making
It As a Paid Writer

Hi, my name is Pat McCord.

Pat McCord Author and Paid Writer

My secondary writing career started 12 years ago, when I got a call from a prospective client who needed to let prospective students know about an online course he’d developed.

At the time, I was working on Chapter 26 of a novel for teens and had gotten stuck on the ending.

I needed a break, but not the kind that would take me away from my novel for more than a day or two.

The client and I talked for a few minutes, and then we exchanged a couple of emails. Two days later, I was working for him in between chapters.

We both won. I made a very respectable fee, he got his materials written in a reasonable amount of time, and my novel got a breath of fresh air.

And, it’s because of the new writing skill I had just mastered. This skill has given me the kind of freedom I was looking for… and keeps money coming into my bank account.

When I worked in Corporate America, that kind of triple win was just not possible. I was, in effect, owned by my employer, which meant I couldn’t work on side projects, or I was scared stiff because I wasn’t earning enough money to make ends meet.

Maybe you’ve tried a few things that just didn’t pan out, or you simply aren’t sure how to get your writing career started?

Well, that’s why I’m writing to you… to let you know you could launch your writing career in just 30 days from today.

That’s because the path to becoming an in-demand and high-paid writer isn’t about having a college degree in English, or being a “gifted” writer, or even how much prior writing experience you might have.

Instead, it comes down to two important factors:  (1) the desire to write, which you already have; and, (2) the willingness to learn a writing skill that’s in demand today more than ever and can pay generous fees… sometimes as much as a few thousand dollars for projects that might take just a few hours to complete.

And better yet, once you learn this financially valuable writing skill, you can use it to:

  • Make extra money on the side, possibly earning a few thousand dollars in one weekend
  • Make it your full-time writing career, eventually earning your way to a six-figure income
  • Build your own business writing on subjects you love
  • And so much more

While these statements might sound like pie in the sky, I’m living proof it’s entirely possible to do all of these and more.

In this letter I’ll show you how easy it is to become an in-demand writer, working from the comfort of your home, while setting your own hours … and even determining how much money you want to earn.

That’s because you’ll be writing for an industry that can’t find enough qualified writers to handle the backlog of writing projects they need today… tomorrow… and well into the future.

So what is this amazing writing career that could provide you with a lifetime of income?

The Writing Skill That
Never Becomes Obsolete

Every day you read emails at your computer and mail that arrives on your porch. You read articles on websites along with banner ads that pop on your screen.

You read magazines with full-page ads tucked inside the pages. You scan through the newspaper and see ads of various sizes for all kinds of products.

Heck, you even read the words on coupons.

These are marketing materials businesses use to let readers know about their products or services. Without these marketing messages, business could not happen.

This quote from business management guru Peter Drucker sums up the importance of marketing:

There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer. And because its purpose is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two and only these two basic functions: marketing and innovation.”

Mr. Drucker said that back in 2008.

Today the world has more innovative products, services, technologies, and business models than ever. But, innovation alone can’t sustain a company… it has to rely on marketing to get the word out to consumers about its products and services.

That’s why businesses are spending tons of money on marketing.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, the amount of revenue businesses allocate to marketing has increased steadily over the past 10 years. These days it’s not unusual for companies to dedicate as much as 15.9% of their overall budgets to marketing.

On a global scale, the amount of money companies spend on marketing is mind-boggling. For instance, Zenith Media predicts the total amount businesses spend on marketing will grow by 5.6% this year to an estimated $620 billion.

To put that in perspective, if you were to travel 620 billion miles, you could take a round trip to the moon 1,297,614 times.

But, here’s what few people realize:  All of these marketing messages and materials have to be written by someone.

This means every business, in every city, needs people who know how to write powerful, response-driven marketing messages.

And folks who know how to write these kinds of messages are called copywriters.

Copywriting Is Needed Everywhere

When I started out as a copywriter back in 2009, most of what I wrote were letters that were printed and sent the old-fashioned way. By that I mean sent to your mailbox.

But, thanks to the Internet, most anything that can be done in print can also be done online.

It’s known as digital marketing (also referred to as e-commerce), and it’s expected to reach $146 billion in value by 2023.

And, companies that use digital marketing to get their marketing messages out to potential customers wind up with 2.8 times higher revenue growth than those that don’t use it.

To a business, digital marketing means more money. And it’s because that’s how consumers shop these days. Think about it. You can buy almost anything online from groceries to eyewear to clothing… even cars.

Plus, because of the pandemic, consumers are shopping online more often as stores and restaurants close or have had to reduce their capacity due to social-distancing guidelines. 

All of this online shopping activity means copywriters are needed to write lots of things, including:

  • website content
  • social media posts
  • YouTube videos
  • email
  • digital ads
  • opt-in pages
  • product descriptions
  • customer stories
  • promotions
  • direct-response letters
  • and a whole lot more!

Just think of it like this…  

Every product that’s sold, rented, or traded must first be written about, and that requires someone who knows their way around words.

No Experience Necessary

But, being a copywriter isn’t writing in the classic sense.

It’s not about how good you are at grammar, and it’s not writing like you were taught in school.

It doesn’t require a degree in English.

There’s no vocational training required.

That’s because copywriting is about having a conversation with a reader about a product or service, and then getting that reader to take action… whether that’s making a purchase or signing up for more information.

But, writing in a conversational tone is just one element of a proven formula all copywriters use to write marketing messages that get read.

When you know this formula, you’ll be worth the rates you charge, because the right words used in the right order can make an enormous difference in any company’s bottom line.

To them, you are money in the bank.

Your Bottom Line — How Much Can You Make?

As crazy as this might sound, the reality is, as a copywriter, you can make as much money as you want.

Some writers like to keep their day jobs and do copywriting on the side.

Like Steve Maurer. He works a full-time job, but he’s also a well-trained copywriter who specializes in marketing messages for the business-to-business (B2B) industrial-manufacturing industry.

And, he writes those messages in his spare time, either at night or on the weekend. Steve earns hefty fees for everything he writes, too.

From his B2B copywriting projects alone, he’s already made over $94,000 this year… putting him within striking distance of making a six-figure income from his secondary writing career.

And, that doesn’t include what he gets paid from his 9-to-5 job.

Then there are copywriters who write full-time, making a healthy six-figure income year after year. Like Paul Hollingshead.

Paul likes writing copy for the financial industry. Usually, he gets paid a flat fee around $30,000 to write a single letter, which could be up to 40 pages long. And, he writes about four letters a year for his client. That means he earns about $120,000 a year.

But, copywriters also often earn royalties or a commission on top of their flat fee.

A royalty works like this…

Each time the client mails the letter Paul wrote, he gets paid a royalty fee, similar to getting paid a commission. The royalty he earns can be anywhere from 2% to 5% of the total sales his letter generates. And, he gets paid that royalty for as long as the client mails it, whether it’s online or put in the mail.

And, let me tell you, those royalties can really add up!

Let’s say a letter Paul writes generates $1,000,000 in sales for his client. And he gets paid a royalty of 5%. That’s an extra $50,000.

It doesn’t matter when he wrote the letter; every time that letter gets sent out, he still gets paid a royalty.

It could be for a letter he wrote last year… the year before that… or even a decade ago… which is why Paul’s annual income has remained well into the six-figures for over two decades now… just for writing a handful of letters each year!

Some clients prefer to hand out bonuses instead of royalties. But, this can be just as lucrative.

Take my friend, Richard A., for example.

He likes to write about wine. One of his clients is a wine-of-the-month club that paid him $15,000 to write a letter inviting people to join the club.

Richard’s letter wound up exceeding the goals of the membership drive, so he got paid an extra $40,000 bonus. That’s $55,000 for writing a single letter!

Just imagine what you could do with that kind of money coming into your bank account on a regular basis?

The Freedom You Deserve

Besides the money you can earn, another big benefit to being a copywriter is the freedom it provides.

Now, don’t get me wrong… when you’re working on a project, you’ll have deadlines and people to answer to.

After all, copywriting is a real job.

But, unlike a regular job, copywriting puts you in control of your time.

You no longer have to punch a time clock and show up to work when the boss says to. And, no one’s looking over your shoulder, making sure you’re working hard to make them money.

As a copywriter, you — and not some overseer — decide how hard you work, where you work, and when you work.

If you’re a night owl, you can do your writing at night, leaving your days free for your favorite leisure activities or spending time with your family.

If you’re an early riser, you could start writing at 6 a.m. and finish up by early afternoon.

Then, you’ll have the rest of the day to do whatever you feel like doing. Go golfing, play tennis, play with the kids, shop — it’s entirely up to you.

Plus, you can do it from anywhere in the world… sitting poolside or in your home office in your PJs.

And, there’s almost no limit to the “niches” you can specialize in.

I mentioned earlier that Steve M. writes for the B2B industrial-manufacturing niche, and Paul Hollingshead writes for the financial industry.

Well, those are just a few of the many niches you can build a thriving freelance-copywriting business around.

Pam Foster started her copywriting career in 2009

For example, there’s Pam Foster who loves animals. So, in 2009 she started her copywriting career writing mainly for the pet and veterinary industry.

She even set up a website, where she posted articles and shared samples of her writing portfolio. By 2013, she became one of the “go-to” copywriters for the pet industry, with Pet Ed being one of her biggest clients.

Then in 2017, she “cashed out” and sold her website to a veterinarian.

And, there’s Tomaz M., who turned his writing passion into a thriving business writing about vacuum cleaners. It started out as a small project to help consumers find the right vacuum cleaner.

Initially trained as an electrical engineer, Tomaz used his technical skills to test and analyze different brands of vacuum cleaners. Then in 2006, he started writing about his findings on a website he created.

Within three years, his spare-time writing business was averaging $400 a day. That’s over $12,000 a month.

The thing is, as a copywriter, there’s almost no limit on the topics you can write about… including cars, sewing, computers, gardening, cooking, sports, hiking, martial arts, money… whatever suits your interests.

Both Pam and Tomaz were able to launch their writing careers by learning the proven copywriting formula I told you about earlier.

The Go-To Company for Becoming a Well-Trained Copywriter

The truth is there aren’t lots of places you can go to learn copywriting. Schools don’t teach it. You can’t learn it from a book.

And, unless you know a copywriter who’s willing to be your personal mentor or coach, it’s not so easy to master the formula for writing persuasive marketing messages on your own.

That’s why back in 1997, a small group of people — a mix of marketers and successful copywriters — got together and created the first ever organization dedicated to teaching aspiring writers the formula for becoming an in-demand copywriter.

Today that company has grown into the industry’s premier resource for teaching ordinary folks how to get paid for everything they write. That company is known as American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI).

To date, the program those master copywriters and marketers developed for AWAI has changed the lives of thousands of people who took the leap and learned how to write effective marketing messages… allowing them to live their dreams and earn a great rate of pay doing something that’s actually fun.

I’m talking about former secretaries, engineers, pilots, bankers, builders, salesmen, stay-at-home mothers, grandfathers, retirees and new college grads unable to find work. Some were in deep debt.

Joshua Boswell made six figures in just 11 months

Like Joshua Boswell. In April 2005, he was dead broke after a company he started went bankrupt. He was over $200,000 in debt and reached rock bottom.

It was right around this time Joshua stumbled across AWAI’s copywriting-training program. And he was hooked. He had the desire to write and the commitment and dedication to learn the formula behind writing persuasive marketing messages.

His willingness paid off. In just 11 months, he hit the six-figure mark. From there, things just kept getting better.

He paid off his debt, and today he earns a regular six-figure income every year writing for companies such as Google, Microsoft, Sony, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and many others.

Other people had high-paying jobs in the corporate world that provided plenty for them financially but left them unfulfilled. Like Jon Stoltzfus.

Jon Stoltzfus spent 18 years of his life in the U.S. defense industry as an aerospace engineer working for a software company.

Now, you’d think an aerospace engineer wouldn’t have much to worry about, right?

But for Jon, it was the complete opposite.

Jon Stoltzfus has generated over $500,000 since becoming a copywriter

Although he was making good money, he was constantly stressed out.

That’s because every year he had to deal with the uncertainty of massive budget cuts, government contracts that didn’t get renewed, and the very real possibility of losing his job.

Jon was miserable. He sat in a cubicle in front of a computer running complex mathematical calculations. He was working 60 to 70 hours a week.

Things got so bad, he dreaded going to work. So, he decided it might be time to start looking for a new career.

Well… that happened sooner rather than later, because in May 2013, without warning, he was laid off. In the blink of an eye, Jon lost his job and his comfortable six-figure salary.

Now he had to scramble to find a replacement job, just so he could feed his family and keep a roof over their heads.

Luckily within a few months, Jon found a similar position with another defense contractor, but it didn’t pay nearly as well. Plus, he had to work even longer days… putting in up to 80 hours a week, which left him very little time to spend with his wife and three children.

He hated his job and his life. He yearned for something greater in his career… something more rewarding and a lot less stressful.

So, he turned to the one thing he had always dreamed of being… a writer.

Now Jon spends his days writing from the comfort of his home.

And, he’s a heck of a lot happier, too. He no longer worries about being laid off or having to look for another job.

That’s because he’s the boss of his career.

He decides whom he wants to work with and what projects to take on. And, he determines how many hours he wants to work.

It’s not unusual for him to spend as little as four hours a day writing… sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more.

Jon loves what he does, because it doesn’t feel like work at all. And, his income… well, ever since he made the decision to become a writer, it has skyrocketed.

In the five years he’s been a copywriter, he’s earned well over $500,000.

Stake Your Claim to Financial Freedom NOW

AWAI has made a dramatic difference in the lives of so many people who are no longer financially dependent on someone else.

And, many are earning six figures writing from every corner of the world.

  • Like Susan Nickerson who earns a six-figure income writing from exotic places such as Honduras, Greece, Italy, Turkey and Croatia.
  • And John Forde who says, “I’ve been lucky enough to work a few months in London … a couple of months in a French farmhouse … beach side on both coasts of the U.S … in a large, rented flat in Barcelona … in an enclosed garden enclave with a pool in Portugal near the Algarve … under a grape arbor each morning for a couple of weeks in Greece.”

If you’d like to get paid handsome fees for everything you write, while transforming your life and your career, then I have some exciting news to share.

AWAI has launched a brand-new initiative that has the power to change your life forever… especially if making it as a paid writer has always been your dream.

It’s a way for you to learn everything you need to launch your writing career in the fastest time possible. In fact, you could be up and writing in 30 days.

The Fast Track to Paid Writing

You are about to enter a very special world…

One that can liberate you forever from the 9-to-5 rat race…

Have all the time you want to spend with family, travel the world, or pursue your favorite sport or hobby… or finally complete your first novel.

The program AWAI has put together “fast tracks” you through the entire process… giving you a complete overview of our industry… showing you where all the opportunities lie… and explaining what clients are looking for and how to land the ones you want.

In a matter of just 30 days, you can have the knowledge and the skills to write good, solid, persuasive copy…

The kind of writing that can generate hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for you, if you decide to make it your career — like so many AWAI members have.

Starr Daubenmire finally has the income, freedom and leisure she’d been searching for her whole life.

Like Starr Daubenmire. It wasn’t that long ago that she was well-entrenched in the nine-to-five “rat race.”

Then, her worst-case scenario came true.

After so many years of loyalty and service (and at almost 60 years old), she was called into the HR office … and fired.

She tried getting another job but was only met with one rejection after another.

Frustrated, scared, and at the end of her rope, she learned about copywriting through a letter AWAI sent her, similar to the one you’re reading right now.

She took them up on the offer to learn the secrets to writing persuasive marketing messages, studied up on our industry… and very quickly, a whole new world opened up for her.

Starr finally had the income, freedom, and leisure she’d been searching for her whole life.

And, in one of her latest adventures, she packed up her bags and moved to Lucca, Italy, for three months, where she wrote part of the day and spent the rest of her day painting or experiencing Italian culture.

Plus, she was able to take a week off to wander around Rome… spend a day in Montecatini on a spa excursion… and she even had her sister-in-law visit and take in the sights of Florence!

These are the kinds of “life experiences” you can enjoy, when you can generate a great income from anywhere in the world.

Proof Positive Anyone Can Become a Copywriter

My story, along with all the other ones I’ve shared with you in this letter, are proof positive copywriting is a skill anyone with basic writing ability and a drive to succeed can learn and master.

And, here’s the great part — you don’t have to spend a fortune to jump in with both feet to see if copywriting is for you.

That’s because AWAI has put together an amazing package — at a great price — designed especially for new writers.

It starts with AWAI’s Smart Start for a Successful Writing Career Guide

This is where your journey to copywriting riches begins.

With this program you’ll learn how to use the proven formula for writing persuasive marketing messages clients need and are happy to pay you handsome fees for.

Or, you can use it to start your own business just like Pam and Tomaz did.

The truth be told, copywriting is your ticket to a better, more satisfying life.

I’m talking about creating the kind of life you’ve always wanted … a life of financial and lifestyle freedom, on your own terms, your own schedule, with the flexibility to be anywhere in the world you choose.

With this guide in your hands, you’ll:

  • Be guided step-by-step through the secret structure and framework used to create persuasive marketing messages, so you can start writing them yourself.
  • Learn the structure behind informational pieces businesses use to attract their best customers and get them “primed” for the sale.
  • Know the details that go into writing powerful sales messages and sales letters, including how to write an eye-catching headline… to the all-important lead… right down to the final paragraph of your letter, where you ask your reader to “take action.”
  • Understand how to paint a positive picture in your reader’s mind… proven methods for establishing credibility… and techniques for building excitement with your reader with every paragraph.

These are all crucial elements of “persuasion through the written word” — everything you need to write a successful letter that can compete with the best out there.

But, you’ll get more from this fast-paced Smart Start For a Successful Writing Career Guide

Once you know the structure of a successful sales letter, you’ll be ready for some of the deeper success secrets …

  • Like “The Rule of One©” — where you learn to build your letter around one strong, engaging “Big Idea.”
  • You’ll learn more about the “business” of copywriting… how the industry works… and how to start building a successful freelance business you can easily (and cheaply) run from the comfort of your home.
  • You’ll get a deep dive into the buyer’s brain. You see, your success as a copywriter boils down to how successfully you can convince your reader to do what you want them to do. And that all starts with understanding your reader’s core desires, needs and wants… the real reasons a buyer makes a purchase decision.
  • You’ll also learn how to make the product you’re selling stand out from the competition by focusing in on the unique selling proposition (USP). Done correctly, you’ll have your reader drooling over every word you write, anxiously waiting to hit the buy button.
  • You’ll also discover what it takes to capture the reader’s attention and hold it throughout your sales letter. People are bombarded with thousands of marketing messages every day. To break through, your writing has to quickly capture their attention. There are a variety of ways to do this, and in this guide you’ll learn about each one.
  • You’ll also discover the most popular, most in-demand, and most potentially lucrative “niches” to turn your focus on — from what we call the “Big Five,” where, once established, you can easily earn a mid-six-figure income writing a few hours a day…
  • To lesser-known niches, where you can write about your passions and still make six figures, while having all the time in the world to spend enjoying your newfound money and freedom.
  • Throughout this guide, you’ll see first-hand dozens of examples of well-written sales letters and marketing messages, each broken down bit by bit, so you fully understand what copywriting is all about.

The Smart Start For a Successful Writing Career Guide is your launchpad for success… and, sold separately, it would be worth $129.

But, there’s so much more you’ll get when you sign up today.

9 Additional Power Resources — Yours Free


77 Profitable Niches (A $19 value)

One of the best reasons to explore copywriting today is because of the enormous number of products, ideas, services, and opportunities you can write about.

“77 Profitable Niches” is a brand-new special report we just added that builds upon the more than 20 niches you learn about in your Smart Start Writing Guide.

If there’s one thing we want to make certain you understand when you begin your copywriting journey, it’s that you have no shortage of opportunities upon which you can focus your newfound letter-writing skills.


AWAI’s Modern Collection of Winning Direct-Response Copywriting Samples (A $19 value)

It’s one thing for us to show you how to structure and write a great sales letter — but it adds an entirely new dimension to the learning process when you can see, study, and analyze some of best promotions ever written “in the flesh,” including modern controls in direct mail, web copy, email, and more.

That’s why we’ve assembled some of the top sales- and lead-generating letters and website copy ever written in the past five years …

And we don’t just show you the letter. We’ve broken all the elements down for you — from the lead all the way down to the offer and close. That way you know why and how each of the techniques the writer used worked so well — and you can mimic that success when you sit down to write.

SMART START POWER RESOURCE #3 Barefoot Writer Magazine (12 Months Free)

We’ll also give you access to 12 complimentary issues of a very special “industry-specific” monthly online publication we call Barefoot Writer.

What’s “Barefoot Writer”, and why did we name it that?

It’s because we think it perfectly describes the lifestyle you can have as a writer:

You never have to “be” anywhere for work …

Which means you never have to dress up …

You can throw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt (no shoes) … grab your laptop, mosey down to the beach or outside to your favorite lawn chair … and earn a very good living as a writer!

Each month, Barefoot Writer Magazine will bring you a wealth of little-known, fun, and easy writing opportunities — including “non-copywriting” ones — that could help you earn extra income each month.

For example, in past issues, we’ve covered these valuable topics:

  • How to make great money by writing about travel and taking snapshots …
  • How to make a six-figure income by chatting with happy customers — and writing up short “reports” about them …
  • You’ve heard of personal chefs? How about becoming a “Personal Writer” for CEOs and top-ranking executives …
  • How to make money by helping companies improve their online presence and move higher in search engine rankings …
  • Do you have a favorite big-time catalog company? We’ll show you how you can make money by writing for them …
  • There’s even a way to make a very nice living by showing schools, nonprofits, and community organizations how to get free money for worthwhile projects!

In all, you’ll get 12 issues delivered to you via password-protected email the first Friday of every month.

And as I just mentioned, we’ll cover all things writing, including special perks Barefoot Writers enjoy … details on exciting Barefoot Writing opportunities … productivity secrets to help you make money faster … success stories to inspire (and teach) you … businesses you can start for little or no money using your new writing skills … the free stuff we get as writers … and much, much more.

Normally folks pay $49 for Barefoot Writer Magazine. But, through this special offer and as part of AWAI’s Smart Start For a Successful Writing Career Program, you’ll get a full year absolutely FREE!

SMART START POWER RESOURCE #4 The Writer’s Life (Free for Life)

In addition to your 12 free issues of Barefoot Writer Magazine, you’ll also receive a complimentary subscription to AWAI’s daily “The Writer’s Life” e-newsletter — for life.

AWAI created “The Writer’s Life” to give much needed inspiration and motivation to help you live whatever your version of the writer’s life might be.

Maybe it’s being able to quit your job and work from home.

Perhaps you’d like to take a year (or two) to travel the world — and write to pay your way as you go.

Or maybe you have a dream of living in a beachside villa … or a slope-side ski chalet … or an exclusive golf course community, where you can write half the day and indulge your passions the other half …

“The Writer’s Life” will help you keep that all-important spark and drive alive until you get what you want.

Every Monday-Friday, you’ll hear from other folks just like you, who are now living the writer’s life. They’ll share their stories, their struggles, their failures, and their successes.

You’ll get actionable advice you can use to move YOUR journey to the writer’s life forward.

Every issue will inspire you and give you the tips, insights, and deeper “secrets” that could help you succeed in no time flat.

You’ll also learn copywriting secrets that’ll help you get more clients, earn more per writing project, open your eyes to writing opportunities you didn’t know existed, and a whole lot more.

Plus, often we’ll bring in top pros to share their secrets with you! These are guys and gals who are earning well over six-figures a year, writing from anywhere in the world they call home.

And, once you’ve invested in AWAI’s Smart Start For a Successful Writing Career Program, making you a lifelong member of the copywriters’ community… you’ll never have to pay for your subscription to “The Writer’s Life.”

For you, it will always be FREE!

It’s just one more way we’re committed to helping you succeed.


Freelancing Rocks: A Unique Framework to Help You Develop and Grow a Successful, Meaningful, Freelance Business (A $19 value)

Nick Usborne web copywriting expert

Copywriter Nick Usborne is one of the busiest and most successful freelance copywriters in the industry.

From his home in Montreal, Canada he’s written copy for some of the biggest names in the business:

Citibank, Apple, Chrysler, Franklin Mint, TV Guide, Diners Club International, J. Paul Getty Trust,, Technogym, Encyclopedia Britannica, The New York Times, Country Financial, Adorama, Reuters, and WebEx, to name a few.

And he’s helped hundreds of up-and-coming copywriters around the world launch successful, thriving freelance businesses.

In this succinct presentation, he shares with you his “Freelancing Rocks” secret to establishing, maintaining, and growing a successful freelance writing business from day one.

We’ll also send you …


The Only 5 Marketing Tools That Get the Projects You Want … (A $19 value)

Ilise Benun Master of Self Promotion

One of the biggest worries new copywriters have is landing that first client.

That’s why it’s important you hear from master self-promotion expert Ilise Benun.

Ilise has written seven books on the subject of self-marketing — and has worked with another of our industry’s Master Copywriters and self-promotion experts, Bob Bly.

In this special presentation, Ilise shows you step-by-step how to put a powerful self-marketing plan to work for you for virtually ZERO dollars — using social media and other people’s websites.

“It’s all about sharpening your focus to your target market … your ‘niche’” says Ilise, “so that when people need something specific written, they think of you.”

And, something a lot of copywriters find out very quickly is that, very often, the first client you have to work to land is very often your last.

That’s because, once you have your first successful letter — word spreads very fast. And it can be literally a matter of hours before you’re getting calls and emails to write your next project.

Here’s something else you’ll get …


The Top 10 Secrets I Wish I Knew BEFORE I Became a Copywriter (A $19 value)

Richard Armstrong, One of the Inustr’s most successful copywriters

Richard Armstrong is another of our industry’s most successful writers.

He’s a millionaire several times over, thanks to his copywriting …

And just last year, he wrote a single sales promotion for a client of mine that paid him enough in royalties he was able to take an entire year off to write a fictional book he’d been dreaming about writing.

In this funny, lighthearted presentation to a group of fellow AWAI writers, Richard reveals the 10 things he wish he knew before he became a successful copywriter.

Some are about writing itself — like his important advice about making your letter “valuable” to your reader, so your reader feels “indebted” to you for making their life instantly better.

Others are more practical “life lessons” — like resisting the urge to spend all this newfound money you’ll be making as a successful copywriter… and you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll have all the money and freedom you could ever want.

I promise you… take an hour or so to soak in Richard’s highly entertaining presentation and you’ll be a wiser and smarter writer because of it.

And, there’s another presentation you’ll want to see right away from Million-Dollar Copywriter Clayton Makepeace:


40 Headline Idea-Starters: How to Write Stronger Headlines Faster (A $19 value)

Learn from legendary copywriter Clayton Makepeace

Every successful sales letter must start with a headline that grabs your reader’s attention and makes them or her want to read or hear what you have to say.

Headlines are so crucial, in fact, that they can make or break your promotion. And it’s no surprise that great headline writers are usually the best and most successful copywriters.

So not learn from one of the best headline writers who ever lived — Clayton Makepeace?

Clayton is one of the legends in our business. He’s responsible for some of the most successful health and financial sales letters ever written. And he’s one of those copywriters I told you about earlier who made over a million dollars a year from writing fees and royalties alone on many occasions. Our industry lost Clayton in March 2020, but his legacy and influence live on.

In this amazing presentation, you’ll learn 40 private techniques he used for creating powerful headlines — using real-life examples from some of the most successful blockbuster promotions ever mailed.

You’ll learn and see:

  • “The Breaking News” headline strategy …
  • The “Proposition” headline …
  • The “Juxtaposition” strategy …
  • The “Burning Question” approach …
  • The “Sweet Revenge” technique …
  • The “Debunk a Myth” method …

… and much, much more.

Also included is Clayton’s “15-Point Checklist” you can use for ensuring every headline you write hits all your reader’s emotional hot buttons.

So you see, we’ve jam-packed this Smart Start For a Successful Writing Career Program with everything you need to get started right away…

All of the core strategies… and some more “advanced” secrets, just for good measure.

As you can see — when you add them all up, it’s a $242 value!

But, today’s not about charging you full value…

Like I said before — writers are in huge demand right now…

The industry needs new, skilled writers, and as the leaders in training copywriters for over 24 years now, the industry looks to AWAI…

So today, it’s not about the money…

It’s about introducing you to this amazing world and letting you see if copywriting is for you or not.

So, that $242 value…

Well, your deal is much better.

But, before I tell you YOUR price today, there’s one more bonus I know will help you — because it was “heaven sent” for me when I was starting out…

The Seven Daily Habits of Successful Copywriters.

It’s been said that imitation is not only the sincerest form of flattery, it can also be one of the surest paths to success… if you imitate the right people.

For example, if you want to be a great pianist, you’d study what Count Basie or Glenn Could did every day to master their instrument. You’d want to discover and imitate their professional habits.

And, if you want to be a great golfer, you’d follow Tiger Woods’ life and delve into what he did every day to become number one in his sport.

So, it only makes sense, if you want to be a great copywriter, you should study the habits of the very best in our field. And, that’s exactly what you’ll find in The Seven Daily Habits of Successful Copywriters.

We surveyed and researched some of the top copywriters in our industry to discover their daily success habits, including Bob Bly, Clayton Makepeace, Nina Camp, John Forde, Don Mahoney and David Deutsch, to name just a few.

Knowing what they did that helped them up the ladder of copywriting success will be invaluable to your career.

Valued at $19, you’ll find this guide invaluable to launching your writing career.

Everything You Receive

Now, I’ve talked about a lot of stuff here.

So, let’s recap what you’ll receive when you sign up for AWAI’s Smart Start For a Successful Writing Career Program:

  • Your Smart Start for a Successful Writing Career Guide ($129 value)
  • Your “77 Profitable Niches” Report ($19 value)
  • Your “AWAI’s Modern Collection of Winning Direct-Response Copywriting Samples” ($19 value)
  • The next 12 issues of Barefoot Writer Magazine ($49 value)
  • The Writer’s Life” every Monday-Friday, as well as over 1,000 archived issues

Then, soak in the invaluable free presentations from top writers in our industry:

  • Nick Usborne’s Freelancing Rocks: A Unique Framework to Help You Develop and Grow a Successful, Meaningful, Freelance Business ($19 value)
  • Ilise Benun’s The Only 5 Marketing Tools That Get the Projects You Want ($19 value)
  • Richard Armstrong’s The Top 10 Secrets I Wish I Knew BEFORE I Became a Copywriter ($19 value)
  • Clayton Makepeace’s 40 Headline Idea-Starters: How to Write Stronger Headlines Faster ($19 value)
  • The Seven Daily Habits of Successful Copywriters ($19 value)

In all, that’s $311 worth of writing resources…

All designed to open your eyes to the opportunity… get you writing… and grow your skills…

But again, I’m here to introduce you to our exciting new world — and to give you everything you need to kickstart a successful writing career.

So, I don’t want you to pay $311.

Or, even half of that …

Your price today?

Just $129. And, even at that low price — your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Backed by AWAI’s 100% Money Back Guarantee

Take 60 days to go through it all, start writing, explore all the niches, and put your newfound writing skills to work.

Then simply shoot us an email or give as a call within 60 days of placing your order, and we’ll refund every penny of the special price of $129 you paid for the program.

I don’t know how much fairer I can make it…

Except maybe to leave you with ONE MORE parting gift… something every up-and-coming copywriter should have on their desk… A Roadmap for Getting Your First Client (a $297 value).

Landing a paying client is the first step toward having the writer’s life you really want and deserve. This is the ultimate “go-to” guide on finding clients who value your copywriting skills and talent and are happy to pay you handsome fees. 

This guide makes it easy to find clients and land high-paying writing gigs. Here’s just a sample of what you’ll learn:

  • The single most important thing you can do to start your career as a paid writer. (It’s not what you think.)
  • A special client-getting technique with almost irresistible appeal. Use it now to get noticed.
  • What to say to make hiring you a no-brainer for clients, even if you have no experience, portfolio or writing samples. This simple phrase will make clients say YES to working with you.
  • The secrets of in-person meetings… even for introverts. They’re super easy to learn and use… and they work every time!

And so much more.

Order Now

The longer you delay, the longer you’ll be putting off the kind of ideal life copywriting can offer you …

Remember, everything I’ve promised you is available to you within minutes of signing up.

And because the program has been especially designed to get you up and running FAST, you could be well on your way to an exciting career as a freelance writer within hours.

You can order now by clicking here …

And remember …

This entire offer comes with our 60-day “Test-Drive” guarantee. If you’re not thrilled, every penny will be returned to you in a timely fashion — no questions asked.

So, let’s get started.

Within minutes, you can be taking that all-important “first step” to a life of wealth and freedom you never thought possible writing fun, simple, conversational letters like this one.


Pat McCord
Author and Copywriter

P.S. Now is the perfect time to launch your career as a well-paid copywriter. Almost every business you can think of needs copywriters more than ever. This is your chance to life the writer’s life of your dreams. Remember, you have nothing to risk and everything to gain simply by giving AWAI’s Smart Start For a Successful Writing Career Program a try.

Order AWAI’s Smart Start For a Successful Writing Career Program today.

Order Today