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Introducing Copywriting Made Simple!

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Katie and I will personally teach you the unique writing skill that has transformed thousands of lives.

And Your Success Is Guaranteed.

Hi Reader,

Rebecca Matter here.

Rebecca Matter

Every day, my business partner Katie Yeakle and I come to work with one mission in mind:

To introduce at least one more person to what we know to be the best way to make a great living as a writer.

It’s a great job — and we love it.

Katie Yeakle

For us, there’s nothing more rewarding than to show someone this lucrative “niche” of the writing world that very few people even know exists…

Teach them the skills…

Help them make the contacts they need…

Only to hear the great news that they’ve transformed their lives…

  • By making more money than they ever dreamed of…
  • Having the freedom they never imagined having…
  • Finding new purpose in life — waking up each day excited to learn and grow as a person and as a writer…
  • And by realizing a lifetime of security — knowing this newfound skill will let them generate thousands of dollars “on demand” whenever they need it.

Today, I want you to be the next person to discover this exciting world.

So I have a proposition for you.

I’d like you to dedicate three hours of your time to work with Katie and me (plus maybe another two hours on the writing assignments we give you for practice.)

What can you possibly learn in just three hours?


That’s because we’ll be focusing on the most important aspects of this fun and lucrative niche of the writing world…

We’ll tell you everything you need to know to be successful — right down to the secret structure of the kind of writing we do.

You’ll learn all about this $3.5 trillion industry…

Why the simple projects we write pay so much money…

And why there’s so much demand, especially in today’s “Internet-driven” world.

We’ll show you which clients and which writing subjects pay the most…

How to land paid writing assignments, even if you have no experience…

And how to build a successful, well-paying freelance writing career.

Then, you can spend some time putting what you’ve learned into practice — by writing a few simple practice assignments… exploring niches… and getting to know about all the opportunities that await you the minute you finish your training.

In fact, between the time you spend during the online training and the time you spend researching and writing… you could have everything you’ll need to be up and running in your writing career in as little as five hours!

And if after that time you decide this kind of writing isn’t your cup of tea?

No worries whatsoever…

Not only will you risk absolutely nothing, but…

You’ll come away with valuable knowledge that I guarantee will make you a much better writer and help you immeasurably in your current work and everyday life.

So you see, this is a win-win-win situation if ever there were one.

For you — because your eyes will be opened to a “persuasive” writing skill that can transform your life in so many ways…

And for us — because we’ll be doing something we love to do, which is showing people who love to write how to make a great living doing it.

Now, if all this sounds agreeable and exciting to you, stick around…

I’m going to show you how it all works…

Then give you an opportunity to sign up for our online training…

Where you’ll meet Katie and me… learn the very basics of persuasive writing… hear about the literally hundreds of subjects you can make great money writing about… and start mastering the secret structure of the letters we write.

But first, let me give you some important background…

Katie and I head up a company called American Writers & Artists Institute.

For the past 25 years now, we’ve been working to fill the HUGE DEMAND from businesses all over the world for the very special kind of writer I’ve been telling you about…

Someone who can sit down and write a very simple, conversational letter…

Much like this one, really…

That can persuade someone to take action — often writing about something they’re very passionate about.

We call these folks copywriters.

And not only are they in very high demand, but…

They’re also very well paid.

And there’s a very good reason for it, which I’ll get to in a minute.

But first, maybe you’re thinking…

What am I qualified to write about?

This is where it gets very exciting for you…

Because the answer to that question is — virtually anything you like!

Here’s why I say that…

As copywriters, we write the kinds of projects that offer solutions to everyday problems.

They might show people how they can lose unwanted pounds… get richer… become healthier… be better at their jobs… be more attractive… support a worthy cause… become better investors.

You probably see these types of communication every day — on the Internet, in your mailbox, and through your email.

If you’ve bought something online, chances are, there are companies sending you emails and letters all the time.

Companies also need copywriters to help them create “personas” and make offers to existing and prospective customers through their website and email communications.

So whether it’s writing copy for a company’s website… short emails to customers… ads you see on Google… banner promotions… sales letters or articles you see posted online…

They’re all written by copywriters.

Love it or hate it, this is what e-commerce is all about.

And it’s a gold mine for copywriters.

There’s almost no limit to the niches you can specialize in.

The demand for this writing is practically endless…

And best of all, you’re writing to people who have already indicated they’re interested in hearing what you have to say!

For instance, I know a woman who loves animals, so she writes mainly about exciting new pet products to other avid pet owners.

Another person we know is big into fitness — so he writes about nutrition and exercise to people eager to get into shape.

You can write about cars… sewing… computers… gardening… cooking… sports… hiking… martial arts… money…

There’s even a niche where you can parlay the skills you’ve learned in your current or past career — writing for the very lucrative Business-to-Business (B2B) market.

With B2B, instead of writing to consumers, you’re writing to companies looking for cost savings, increased productivity, and income-generating solutions. (This is a HUGE and lucrative market for copywriters!)

This is a great niche for people who are in a business and are looking for a career change, because you can use the skills you already have to move seamlessly into a B2B career within your own industry.

B2B writers can consistently earn between $50,000 and $150,000 — depending on how many projects you want to do.

And just like other forms of freelance copywriting, you write on your own terms… from anywhere… when you want.

Again, Katie and I explain the B2B opportunity to you in the online training we’ve created…

And I’ll let you in on a little secret…

There are writing niches that can be far more lucrative than the others.

Copywriters call these the “Big Five” — because of their ability to pay you $200,000… $300,000… even as much as $500,000 per year… if your goal is to become one of the top players.

There’s Health — where you show people how to live a healthier, longer life without toxic drugs or dangerous surgery…

There’s Self-Help — where you show people how to overcome obstacles and live better, more fulfilling lives…

There’s Writing for the Web — where you learn how to engage people on websites and through email…

There’s Financial Publishing — where you write about unique investment ideas, strategies, stocks, and other ways people can live richer and retire wealthy.

And then there’s Information Marketing — a HUGE market where publishers and marketers of all sizes and interests pay you to write about their books, courses, newsletters, seminars, websites, and more.

Are any of these interesting you?

If so, great!

I cover these in the online training — including the simple ways to determine which writing niche is right for you.

Now, new writers who hear about the kind of money you can make writing these letters tend to be skeptical…

And rightly so.

But there’s a simple reason anyone who learns how to write a properly structured persuasive letter can be paid so amazingly well.

It all comes down to one thing:


As a copywriter, you play an important role in the financial success of the company that’s hiring you to write a letter for them.

Because the letters you and other copywriters write serve a very specific function…

They’re meant to persuade the person reading them to take action.

That “action” could be any number of things.

It could be to sign up for a free e-letter or report, which gives the company a new prospective customer.

It could be to support a worthy cause… or vote for a specific candidate or ballot issue.

It could be to buy or try a product…

The point is, the more people your letter gets to take action… the more the company that hired you to write it benefits.

Let me give you an example…

One of my colleagues — a gentleman who co-founded AWAI and whose secrets you’ll be learning — is Paul Hollingshead…

His specialty happens to be one of the “Big Five” niches I mentioned a minute ago:

Financial Publishing.

Paul writes letters that introduce avid investors to new investment ideas, techniques, and strategies.

And it’s a very lucrative niche.

Here’s how it works for Paul:

When his client is ready to promote a financial newsletter or service, they’ll call him up or send him an email.

They’ll meet or talk on the phone to discuss the project.

They’ll go over ideas he can use to help promote the service.

They’ll settle on a fee and a final deadline…


Using the copywriting skills Paul’s learned over the years — and a basic formula that applies to virtually every sales promotion…

He’ll sit down and write a letter designed to persuade avid investors that the investment ideas from the advisory service he’s writing about can help them become richer, more successful investors.

It’s that simple.

I’ll tell you how Paul gets paid in a minute. (Make sure you’re sitting down, because the numbers will no doubt shock you… )

But first, here’s what’s very cool about the whole process…

Something I touched on a little earlier…

Paul and other copywriters can do their writing from anywhere.

These days, for instance, Paul has a house up on Lake Champlain, near Burlington, Vermont, where he likes to write from early in the morning until around noon.

Then, that’s it!

After that, he’ll take his two dogs for a walk…

Go play a round of golf…

Or take his boat for a run on the lake… maybe stopping by the marina for lunch on the pier.

Winters, he’ll spend most of his time at his home in Toronto where, again, he writes in the morning…

And the rest of the time he spends enjoying city life…

Taking in art films at the Bell Lightbox, home of the Toronto Film Festival…

Trying out new restaurants…

Or following his beloved Toronto Maple Leaf hockey team with season tickets he shares with a friend.

It’s really a “sweet” deal…

As a copywriter, you have the chance to live anywhere and enjoy life to the fullest — without anyone looking over your shoulder or telling you where to be or what to do…

And here’s where it gets exciting…

Because the letters you write serve such an integral role in the success of the business or group you’re writing for…

The money can be very good…

We know writers who are paid $3,000 to $5,000 to write letters for companies in the smaller niches…

Letters that can be written in a matter of a few days, once you know the basic formula to follow.

And they love it…

These “small niche” writers earn upward of $100,000 a year… writing a letter every two weeks… on topics they love… from the comfort of home (or anywhere)… with loads of time for themselves, their families, travel, hobbies, anything.

But it’s the “Big Five” where you can make the serious bucks.

Like Paul’s “niche” — financial copywriting.

In this niche, a client might ask you to write a letter that promotes a specialized financial advisory service that costs $2,000 a year for a subscription.

Now, you might be thinking, “$2,000 a year — for a newsletter subscription?!”

Yes! Avid investors routinely pay anywhere from $100 to $5,000 a year for specialized financial insights. So no worries there. People will pay it.

You agree to write the letter and negotiate an up-front writing fee. How much you get depends on your experience. (Paul charges $15,000, but some of his colleagues charge a lot more… $25,000 and up.)

Now, that’s just to write the letter…

But it gets better. I’ll explain…

Once your letter is finished…

You send it off to your client by email and he or she does another round of final editing… gets it to a design crew, who readies it for printing or posting on the Internet…

Then your letter is sent to a list of people who have signed up to see new financial letters like the one you’ve just written. (Important: Your letter is never sent as unwanted spam. These are people who have “opted in” and have agreed to see what you’re writing.)

A few days later, your client tells you that 1% of the people who saw your letter loved the idea you wrote about… and paid the $2,000 to subscribe to the newsletter you were promoting.

Again, I can almost hear what you’re thinking:

Only 1% — that’s 1 out of 100.

Boy, that must have been a pretty bad letter!

Okay, maybe it wasn’t the best letter ever written…

But here's what’s great about it:

It’s still enough to make you a lot of money. That’s because 1% of 100,000 means 1,000 people were persuaded by your letter to subscribe.

And at $2,000 each — that’s a cool $2,000,000 in sales.

Boy, is your client happy! Your letter just made $2 million walk through the door!

And here’s that “better” part I mentioned:

Copywriters often get paid a royalty on every sale — anywhere from 2% to 4%.

And remember — that’s on top of your up-front writing fee.

It’s like a commission… or a bonus.

So now let’s tally up what this one letter — that got a 1% response rate — ended up paying you.

You got your $15,000 writing fee, up front…

Your letter helped sell $2,000,000 worth of subscriptions. At a 3% royalty — that’s an extra $60,000 you’ll be paid.

Altogether, that’s $75,000…

Do just four of those a year and you’re looking at a $300,000 income…

Now, let’s say you wrote a really great letter… and the response was 2% instead of 1%.

So instead of $2,000,000 in subscriptions, your letter sells $4,000,000.

Now your “royalty” is $120,000 — for a total payment of $135,000!

Imagine you do four of these letters a year — one every three months.

$135,000 x 4 = $540,000!

Plus… if a letter’s successful, it doesn’t just get sent out once.

It could get sent to customers two, three, even five times — which means one letter could keep paying you for years!

So, while you’re enjoying your “months off,” you could still be getting paid BIG royalties!

Are you starting to see the big picture here?

And if you really hit a home run with a letter you write — the money can be almost obscene.

Recently, for instance, a colleague we know and work with here at AWAI wrote a letter that sold $10 million worth of financial subscriptions.

His potential share?


From just one letter!

Another gentleman we know wrote a letter that was used over and over again for over four years… and earned him in excess of a million dollars for about two months of work all told.

Imagine what it would feel like having a $30,000 or $40,000 deposit show up in your bank account — for a letter you wrote years ago…

And having it happen time after time after time!

That, in a nutshell, is the life you could potentially have as a copywriter.

But it’s not just writing high-octane sales letters that can make you great money as a writer.

These days, businesses EVERYWHERE — large AND small — need content and copy across all platforms.

They need regular blog posts… content articles… email series they can send to current customers… landing pages that attract new customers… web pages either written or updated… explainer video scripts… social media posts… ads for Google…

All projects that are PERFECT for the beginner writer…

And like sales letters…

It all starts with knowing the basics of how these copy projects are structured and where the opportunities are.

Which is why Katie and I are so excited to share all the details with you inside our online training program we personally created.

Now, here’s the thing…

Many, many AWAI members have come to us over the years, excited to learn as much as they could about copywriting…

Many have immersed themselves in our various specialized home-study programs…

They’ve taken advantage of our members-only job board,…

They’ve attended our annual Copywriting Bootcamps where we invite professional copywriters, aspiring copywriters, and marketers for three days of intensive learning and networking…

And thousands have been successful taking this path…

Like Joshua Boswell.

In April of 2005, he was dead broke after a company he started went bankrupt.

It was yet another failed venture to add to a string of things he’d tried in order to create a better life for his wife and (at the time) six children.

Worse still, he was over $200,000 in debt. He’d reached rock bottom.

Says Joshua,

“My company had just collapsed on me. We were behind on all of our bills, and the phone rang almost nonstop throughout the day with 'friendly' collection agencies. Worse than that, deep inside, I felt ashamed and like a miserable, worthless failure. It was a very ugly time.”

It was around that time that Joshua discovered AWAI and this secret world of copywriting, and he committed to learning this highly lucrative skill.

And it paid off.

In just 11 months, he hit the six-figure income mark.

From there, things just kept getting better for him. He paid off his debts…

Today, he earns over $300,000 a year writing for companies and organizations you’d recognize — like Google, Microsoft, Sony, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, and more.

Not only can he focus on what is most important in his life — spending time and taking long vacations with his wife and now 11 (!) children — but he says he’s changed as a person:

“All of this translates into enormous doses of peace, harmony, contentment, and happiness in my life and in the lives of my wife and children. In short, I’m a different man than the grumpy, stressed-out ogre that used to run around the Boswell home. We love the difference.”

Or how about the transformation in Starr Daubenmire’s life…

Before she discovered copywriting, Starr well entrenched in the “rat race.”

“Every Monday through Friday, I felt like I lived on a conveyor belt. My alarm went off at 6:00 a.m., I got to work by 7:30 a.m., grabbed a cup of coffee, and I spent the day at my desk cranking out company business until 5:00 p.m. Repeat again the next day… and the next week… and the next year.”

Then, her worst-case scenario came true.

After so many years of loyalty and service (and at almost 60 years old), she was called into the HR office… and fired.

She tried getting another job but was met with one rejection after another.

Frustrated, scared, and at the end of her rope, she learned about copywriting through a report like this one.

She learned the secrets to letter writing, studied up on our industry… and very quickly, a whole new world opened up for her.

“In the corporate world, you are a worker bee tied to someone else's schedule. Now I answer to my favorite boss — me! I have a measure of freedom I’ve never had before. I can take a two-hour lunch and go for a swim. I can run to the school and pick up a sick grandchild. And I can work from anywhere I like — home, the bookstore, while traveling. Absolutely nothing beats being your own boss!”

Starr finally had the income, freedom, and leisure she’d been searching for her whole life.

One of her dream-fulfilling adventures?

She packed up her bags and moved to Lucca, Italy, for three months where she wrote part of the day and spent the rest of her day painting or experiencing Italian culture.

Plus, she was able to take a week off to wander around Rome… spend a day in Montecatini on a spa excursion… and she even had her sister-in-law visit and take in the sights of Florence!

These are the kind of life experiences you can enjoy when you can generate a great income from anywhere in the world.

Starr, Joshua, and Paul are three of thousands who have used the power of copywriting to transform their lives…

But here’s the point I want to make…

Many of our most successful members have told us they would have been more successful much sooner had they known how to “test-drive” the copywriting experience first… so they could know whether it was right for them.

Which is what this online training with Katie and me is all about…

Instead of diving in headfirst and paying thousands of dollars to immerse yourself in copywriting over several months… you can know within a single day if copywriting is the writing career for you or not!

Not only that… right up front… within the very first hour… you’ll learn the “first and foremost” powerful secret you’ll ever know as a copywriter: the “secret structure” to a persuasive sales letter.

In other words, after just a few hours…

You will have a solid grasp of the core concepts that go into writing a million-dollar sales letter…

One that can pay you tens of thousands of dollars in writing fees and royalties…

And set you on a path to a freelance writing lifestyle where you have total freedom over all aspects of your life — when you work, where you live, who you write for, what you write about, and how you spend every waking moment in your life from this day forward.


No more bumper-to-bumper commutes…

No more time clocks…

No one looking over your shoulder…

No more “asking for permission” to take a vacation…

No more begging for raises… or limits set on how much money you can make.

But you won't just learn how to structure and write a successful letter.

We’ll also invite you into our corner of the “letter writing” world… tell you how it works… who the big players are… where the biggest demand for writers is… what you can write about… and how to land your first client (it could even be us!).

The point is…

By the end of the day — you’ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt if the life of a highly paid, in-demand copywriter is the life for you.

For many, it will be all you need to strike out and make your name as a freelance copywriter the very next day!

If you want more help, more guidance, or want to learn the deeper secrets to writing at a higher level, AWAI has the people and the resources to help you, for as long as you want or need it.

In a short moment, I’ll tell you everything about this exciting training program…

Including a very comprehensive “bundle” of powerful learning resources we’ll be sending you beforehand…

These are yours to keep and use to enhance your persuasive writing skills long after you go through the online training with Katie and me… and even if you decide freelance copywriting isn’t for you.

But before I get to the specifics of what I’d like to send you today, there’s a very important point I want to make…

Just so we’re all on the same page starting out.

It’s important that you know this is not a get-rich-quick proposition.

This is a serious opportunity for those who are eager to learn a financially valuable skill that can pay enormous dividends for the rest of your life.

The very fact that you are this far along in my letter today tells me you know nothing as big and life changing as this happens by chance…

The key is exploring the opportunity — and giving it an honest try.

Which is what this personal offer from Katie and me is all about.

The thousands of letters and emails we’ve received…

All of the success stories we’ve helped to turn out…

They’re proof positive copywriting is a skill that anyone with basic writing skills and a drive to succeed can learn and master.

Katie and I give you everything you need in the training…

At the same time, you’ll be entering a very special world…

One that can liberate you forever from the 9-to-5 rat race…

Give you the freedom to live and write from anywhere in the world…

Have all the time you want to spend with family, traveling the world, or pursuing your favorite sport or hobby.

Yet you can still make more money than a lot of doctors, lawyers, corporate managers, and other professionals make working long hours in highly competitive and stressful careers.

In short, you can live the life of a wealthy retiree at any age…

Mindy McHorse

Like Mindy McHorse… who not that long ago she worked a 9-to-5 desk job filling out spreadsheets all day in Albuquerque, New Mexico… in debt and stuck in a boring job with a two-hour commute and a bullying boss.

Today, Mindy makes more than $110,000 a year writing about 20 hours a week from home.

Best of all, she has all the free time in the world to spend raising her four young children.

Steve Coombes

Or Steve Coombes… the overworked IT professional who desperately wanted to be home with his family and have the income and free time to spend with his wife and kids.

He started dabbling in copywriting back in 2007. But his “break” came in 2009 when he was laid off from his IT job and dove into copywriting full-time. Today, he routinely makes six figures and can spend every single day with his family.

Steve, Mindy, Starr, Joshua, and countless others were able to change their lives — all because they discovered copywriting at crucial times in their lives… and because they had the resources of an organization like AWAI behind them.

Today, you can do the same thing.

And you can start right now… with our world-famous Copywriting Made Simple: A Crash Course in Persuasive Writing…

This is a very special online training program…

That Katie and I created over the course of 3 hours…

To take you by the hand…

And walk you step-by-step through what you need to know to launch a thriving writing career today

And give you the resources you need to be successful faster.

You’ll learn everything about the massive digital marketing and direct-response industry — over $3.5 trillion in size and still growing!

You’ll learn what you can write about… the types of business that need writers the most… the most lucrative niches…

And most importantly, how to write a powerfully persuasive letter, email, content piece, or web page.

Between the exciting online training program, and the bonus materials you’ll get immediately after signing up, you’ll have everything you need to get started.

It starts with IMMEDIATE access to possibly the most life-altering “writer’s manual” you’ll ever read:

Your Quick-Start Guide

This is your core guide to copywriting income — the “blueprint” Katie and I will take you through section by section.

You’ll learn the three fundamental rules of selling through the written word.

You’ll be walked through the process of “building” your first sales letter — from the crucial headline… to the all-important lead… right down to the final paragraph of your letter where you ask your reader to “take action.”

You’ll learn secrets for painting a positive picture in your reader’s mind… proven methods for establishing credibility… and techniques for building excitement with your reader with every paragraph.

These are all crucial elements of “persuasion through the written word” — everything you need to write a successful letter that can compete with the best out there.

But you’ll get more from this fast-paced Quick-Start Guide

Once we master the structure of a successful sales letter together, you’ll be ready for some of the deeper success secrets…

Like “The Rule of One©” — where we’ll show you the secret to building your letter around one strong, engaging “Big Idea.”

Then we’ll talk more about the “business” of copywriting… how the industry works… and how to start building a successful freelance business you can easily (and cheaply) run from the comfort of your home.

You’ll also discover the most popular, most in-demand, and most potentially lucrative “niches” to turn your focus on…

From each of the “Big Five” I told you about earlier, where, once established, you can earn a mid-six-figure income writing a few hours a day…

To lesser-known niches, where you can write about your passions and still make six figures while having all the time in the world to enjoy your newfound money and freedom.

The Quick-Start Guide is your launchpad for success… the working manual Katie and bring to life for you during the online training.

But there’s so much more you’ll get when you sign up today.

So many more powerful resources.

Such as…

“77 Profitable Niches”

One of the best reasons to explore copywriting today is the enormous number of products, ideas, services, and opportunities you can write about.

Thanks to the Internet and the explosive growth in e-commerce activity, there’s more demand than ever for copywriters who know how to transform stale, ineffective websites and sales messages into super-charged “persuasion” machines.

“77 Profitable Niches” is a constantly updated special report that builds upon the more than 20 niches you learn about in your Quick-Start Guide.

It really drives home the sheer enormity of the opportunity that awaits persuasive writers…

And thanks to the exponential growth of online marketing, it’s growing each and every day!

And don't forget…

During your training, Katie and I highlight some of the most lucrative and in-demand writing niches — so you can start thinking about what subjects you want to write about, and for whom.

There’s more we’ll send you:

“AWAI’s Modern Collection of Winning Direct-Response Copywriting Samples”

Including this all-powerful resource for beginning copywriters…

It’s one thing for us to show you how to structure and write a great sales letter…

But it adds an entirely new dimension to the learning process when you can see, study, and analyze "in the flesh" some of the best promotions ever written… including modern top-performing “controls” in direct mail, web copy, email, and more.

That’s why we’ve assembled some of the top sales- and lead-generating letters and website copy ever written in the past five years…

It’s persuasive writing at its best from a variety of niches — so you can model your projects off these all-time greats.

And we don’t just show you the letter…

We’ve broken all the elements down for you — from the lead all the way down to the offer and close.

That way, you know why and how each of the techniques the writer used worked so well — and can mimic that success when you sit down to write.

Of course, we’ll be analyzing several of these letters during the training…

And if you’re anything like other AWAI members who have experienced an online training event with Katie and me walking you through all the core elements… you’ll be amazed at just how quickly you “get it” — versus when you just read a home-study program.

In fact, we have hundreds of letters from happy AWAI members who say this training was just the thing they needed to gain a solid understanding of how our business works and what’s needed to write a persuasive letter.

Like Damian Morell-Perea, who told us:

“I like that you don’t read everything from a PowerPoint slide. You use them for the key points you want to present, but the entire time, you are conversing with us about the topic, explaining the important information and your trial and errors, which gives it a more personal approach because you are sharing your learning experiences. That’s the part I reeeeeally like and truly enjoy, it’s almost like a mini-mentorship program which you can't buy in a book. And for me, it has been extremely helpful because I’m just starting in copywriting and finding my way.”

And, this from Dr. Ruth Inglefield:

“I have been a university professor for over 50 years, and I know a little bit about structuring materials. This course was clear, substantive, well-sequenced, well-delivered, and targeted the most necessary skills in an extremely user-friendly format. Thank you so much.”

So many have told us this training was just the thing they needed to focus on the learning — from start to finish:

“Wow, it was incredible! The whole secret for me was that element of accountability, it kept me moving forward when otherwise it would've been so easy to succumb to life's other pressures!”

— Doug Van Nuys

“It helped me internalize many of the things I learned when doing the online course, and the feedback from other students and you has been invaluable. I really am happy that you and AWAI decided to do this.”

— Rick Hartman, Casselberry, FL

“Thanks for all of your help and for making it fun.”

— Richard Crandall

“I appreciate all the effort you went through to put this great course together. It put my feet to the fire. Thanks!”

— Michael J. Eis, M.D., Ph.D.

“It makes a huge difference to have the assistance of pros who can add suggestions.”

— Chris Allsop

“Thanks for your high energy and hard work!”

— Don Farrell

So, as you can see, this training makes a lasting impact…

And as so many have gone out of their way to tell us — it’s a lot of fun too!

Now, you may be wondering:

What’s It Cost? (I Think You’ll Be Shocked!)

What does a step-by-step instructional training like this one — with all the resources you get — cost?

As you probably know, online training can run into the thousands of dollars…

Even more when you’re supplied with hundreds of dollars’ worth of key resources that you’ll not only learn from now — but that will guide you as you grow and improve as a copywriter.

Of course, you won’t pay “thousands of dollars” today.

In fact, I think you’ll be both shocked and surprised when you see just how affordable we’ve made this life-changing education and introduction to our lucrative niche of the writing world!

But before I tell you the cost, it’s important you understand our motivation for offering you this opportunity.

You see, AWAI enjoys a unique “symbiotic” relationship with the direct-response industry.

That’s because after 20+ years of teaching new writers, AWAI has become the place companies and marketers come to when they’re looking to fill the never-ending demand for new copywriters.

That’s why it’s in our best interest — as well as the best interests of the industry — to introduce as many interested and eager people as possible to our exciting niche of the writing world…

After all, if AWAI trains and introduces a copywriter to a marketer whose writing helps that business grow… that marketer will come back to us for the next copywriter they hire…

And that’s not only great for new writers like you — it helps our business grow as well.

That’s why, if you’re interested, we don't want money to be a “barrier” that stops you from at least exploring this highly lucrative opportunity.

So, you won’t pay thousands…

You won’t even pay $500… or $300… or even $200…

Through today’s special offer pricing, you’ll pay the bargain price of $129 to go through the program with Katie and me…

The price you’ll pay for EVERYTHING I’ve told you about so far:

Three hours of online learning with Katie and me…

Your “77 Profitable Niches” report…

Your ultimate swipe file — “AWAI’s Modern Collection of Winning Direct-Response Copywriting Samples”

It’s all just $129.

But it’s about to get a whole lot better

Because there’s an entire Bonus Library of resources I’d like to send you — in addition to everything else.

At no extra cost.

These are powerful resources certain to make your learning experience even more relevant… and leave you with an even better understanding of the direct-response industry and the persuasive letter-writing process.

First off, let me send you:

Master Copywriter Presentation #1 with Jen Stevens

Better Words, More Money: The Graceful (and Sometimes Bloody) Art of Saying What You Mean — for Profit

Jen Stevens

Jen Stevens is one of our industry’s most respected copywriters, as well as the executive editor of International Living Magazine.

Adept at long-form copy, editorial content, and editing, she has a special talent for crafting compelling copy with her toolbox of storytelling skills.

As a regular instructor at AWAI Bootcamps (our huge yearly event), Jen has taught thousands of up-and-coming writers how to weave stronger verbs and language into their writing — to the delight of their clients.

In this presentation, Jen will give you fast fixes to turn dull and boring copy into exciting, effective, and especially persuasive words your clients will rave over.

We’ll also send you…

Master Copywriter Presentation #2 with Ilise Benun

The Only 3 Marketing Tools You Need to Get the Clients You Want

Ilise Benun

One of the biggest worries new copywriters have is landing that first client.

That’s why it’s important you hear from master self-promotion expert Ilise Benun.

Ilise has written seven books on the subject of self-marketing — and has worked with another of our industry’s Master Copywriters and self-promotion experts, Bob Bly.

In this special presentation, Ilise shows you step-by-step how to put a powerful self-marketing plan to work for you for virtually ZERO dollars — with three simple tricks you can start using right away.

“It’s all about sharpening your focus to your target market… your ‘niche,’” says Ilise, “so that when people need something specific written, they think of you.”

And something a lot of copywriters find out very quickly is that, very often, the first client you have to work to land is very often your last.

Once you’ve built a successful relationship with that first client, word spreads fast. And it can be literally a matter of hours before you’re getting calls and emails to write your next project.

Here’s something else you’ll get…

Master Copywriter Presentation #3 with Mike Palmer and Associates Patrick Bove and Justin Gershwin

How to Make Ordinary Ideas Extraordinary

Mike Palmer

AWAI’s 2009 “Copywriter of the Year,” and legendary head copywriter at Stansberry Research, Mike Palmer has sold more than a million newsletters and personally mentored over 20 copywriters who have made more than a million dollars — each.

Joined by his associates Patrick Bove and Justin Gershwin, in this presentation, he shares some of his team’s closely guarded secrets for taking an everyday, ordinary idea… and making it extraordinary.

“I would argue that this skill, and learning how to do this, is THE most important skill by far if you want to become a great copywriter.” — Mike Palmer

In less than an hour, you’ll be able to find ideas that resonate with a broad audience and attract the kinds of buyers your clients want — with ease.

And there’s another presentation you’ll want to see right away:

Master Copywriter Presentation #4 with David Deutsch

THE MAGIC COPYWRITING SQUARE: Instantly Transform Weak Copy into Winning Copy

David Deutsch

David Deutsch is a world-famous copywriter, having generated billions of dollars in sales working with Agora, Boardroom, and other powerful direct-response companies.

As a writer, marketer, and coach, David is gifted in breaking down seemingly complex writing topics into simple, easy-to-use methods.

To write truly persuasive copy, it’s important to know how to avoid two things: writing that’s boring, and writing that’s too hyped-up and unbelievable.

In this presentation, David shares his simple mechanism for combining a strong promise with believable phrasing to craft emails, sales letters, ads, newsletters… just about any kind of copy that WORKS.

With David’s method, you’ll instantly be able to transform weak or so-so copy into a strong, high-powered piece of writing that will make you sound like a seasoned pro.

So you see, we’ve jam-packed this Copywriting Made Simple with everything you need to get started right away…

All of the core strategies… and some more “advanced” secrets, just for good measure.

And remember the “game changer” aspect of this offer:

Your three-hour online learning program— where Katie and I walk you through everything you need to know to rocket-launch your career as an in-demand, “write from anywhere” freelance copywriter…

And just so you have ZERO REASON to turn down this extraordinary offer…

It’s all 100% guaranteed!

And it's simply this:

Sign up for this amazing online training program today.

Get all the materials you have coming your way as part of Copywriting Made Simple: A Crash Course in Persuasive Writing today.

Go through the 3 hour online training…

Once that’s over, take 60 more days to explore all the niches and put your newfound writing skills to work. (You can “re-take” the online event if you like… as many times as you want…)

Then if after everything, you decide copywriting isn’t for you — simply call or email us to let us know and we’ll give you a full refund of your money…

And you can keep everything we've sent you.

Speaking of which, here’s another bonus I’d like to send you the instant you sign up.

The entire AWAI family wants you to be successful as a writer… so that you, too, can experience all the rich lifestyle and income benefits that come with a strong writing career.

That’s why we’ve put together the ultimate guide to finding your first paid writing assignment, called Getting Your First Client: The New Copywriter’s Shortcut to Landing Clients FAST.

It’s based on the experiences of thousands of successful AWAI members, and every page of Getting Your First Client is dedicated to one goal:

Helping you get clients — FAST.

The moment you sign up to be a part of Copywriting Made Simple, this special guide (which sells for $297 in our catalog) will appear in your bonus library — for FREE!

Which means you can go through it at your leisure — as soon as you’re ready to reach out and land that first client.

The proven strategies in this guide are designed to lead you to your first paid client in 90 days or less.

And you can use the same strategies to snag your second client… and your third… until you’re fully up and running as a paid writer.

And while I’m at it, there is one more thing I want to send you…

It’s called “The Seven Daily Habits of Successful Copywriters.”

We created this fun and informative report to give you some insight to how some of the best copywriters in the world go about their daily business.

We started by polling the most successful copywriters we knew — as well as some AWAI members who achieved fast success — and simply asked them:

What are the most important habits you attribute your success to?

The answers were both fascinating and useful. You’ll learn:

The best hours to do your writing…

The best way to set up your workspace…

Insights on why and what you should read every day…

What you should do before you start writing…

And a whole lot more.

Now, I realize there’s a lot happening here — a lot of perks and bonuses…

So here’s a quick recap of everything.

First and foremost:


Plus all your special bonuses and reports I’m including with today’s offer:

  • Your Smart-Start Copywriting “Blueprint” Guide
  • Your “77 Profitable Niches” Report…
  • AWAI’s Modern Collection of Winning Direct-Response Copywriting Samples” Report…
  • Jennifer Stevens’ Better Words, More Money: The Graceful (and Sometimes Bloody) Art of Saying What You Mean — for Profit
  • Ilise Benun’s The Only 3 Marketing Tools You Need to Get the Clients You Want
  • Mike Palmer, Patrick Bove, and Justin Gershwin’s How to Make Ordinary Ideas Extraordinary
  • David Deutsch’s THE MAGIC COPYWRITING SQUARE: Instantly Transform Weak Copy into Winning Copy
  • Getting Your First Client: The New Copywriter’s Shortcut to Landing Clients FAST
  • The Seven Daily Habits of Successful Copywriters

… All accessible to you online within minutes of placing your order…

So you can actively take that all-important first step toward a life of wealth and freedom you never thought possible, writing fun, simple, conversational letters like this one.

You get everything —

For one payment of $129!

AND your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

Don’t delay…

Full details are on the sign-up page here.

Sign up to be a part of our very special Copywriting Made Simple: A Crash Course in Persuasive Writing today.

Learn the simple writing skills that have changed the lives of thousands of AWAI members over the years…

And let Katie and me help you transform your life in ways you never thought possible!

I want access to this training

Until we meet online…

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

P.S. Even at the low $129 price I insist that you experience this on-demand learning event under the risk-free terms I told you about.

If after seeing and experiencing everything associated with this version of the Copywriting Made Simple Training you decide copywriting isn't for you — request your refund from us via email or telephone and we’ll send every penny of your $129 back to you, no questions asked.

Sign up for the Copywriting Made Simple Training today!