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FREE WORKSHOP: Leveling Up as a Copywriter: How to Make the Shift to Working with Long-Term, High-Ticket Clients

As a copywriter, you have a financially valuable skill. But how do you take that skill to the next level? How can you leverage it to work with premium, high-ticket clients who want long-term partnerships? Join us on Friday, September 20, at 11 a.m. ET for a LIVE WORKSHOP with top marketing expert Russ Henneberry.

How to Create Samples for Starting a Freelance Writing Career — Free Webinar and Q&A

Join us for this FREE webinar to learn how to put together a portfolio of professional samples — even if you’re just starting a freelance writing career and you’ve never worked with clients.

13 Web Writing Marketing Seeds You Can Start Planting Now

If you want your web-writing business to grow, you need to begin planting your marketing seeds now. This will lead to a steady stream of clients later.

The Writer’s Information Packet Challenge

Take this challenge and put together your freelance writer’s information packet. Then whenever a prospect asks for more information, you’ll be ready.

Choose a Marketing Method to Try for Your Business

When it comes to marketing your writing business, doing some trial and error is useful. Here, you’ll find five different marketing methods you can try.

9 Marketing Experiments You Can Use to Grow Your Business

Do you avoid new marketing strategies because you fear they’ll fail? Try doing experiments instead. Here are 9 marketing experiments to get you started.

Building a List of Prospects for Your Web-Writing Business

Consistent marketing is easier when you have a list of prospects. Learn a smart system for building a list of prospects for your business.

5 Ways to Use Case Studies to Market Your Web-Writing Business

Looking for creative ways to market your web-writing services. Case studies build your credibility and demonstrate your expertise. Get creative with them.

Create an Ideal Buyer Persona for Your Business

Do you know who your ideal buyer is? When you create an ideal buyer persona, you’ll give yourself a number of marketing advantages.

Developing Affinity Marketing Partnerships

Affinity marketing partnerships give your marketing leverage when you work with other businesses that also serve your clients. See how it’s done.

Is Guest Blogging a Good Strategy for Web Writers?

Guest blogging for web writers? Is it a strategy that makes sense? When you guest blog on other people’s platforms, you can accomplish two important goals.

How 5 Thriving Copywriters Found Riches in Their Niches… and How You Can, Too

In these interviews with five niche copywriters, you’ll see how choosing a niche can set you on the path to earning a better freelance income.

How to Be Everywhere in Your Niche

Want to attract the attention of prospects within a certain niche? Learn how to be everywhere in your niche. You’ll build your authority and your contacts.

Expand Your Services to Existing Clients for an Income Boost

When you expand your services to existing clients, you’ll land more projects with less effort… and see a big boost to your web-writing income.

How to Stockpile Content for a Rainy Day

For your freelance business, it helps to create future content when you have a little extra time. This can help you be more consistent in your outreach.

Defining Your Own Unique Selling Proposition to Attract Clients

Defining your unique selling proposition helps you make connections with people you’ll enjoy working with and who’ll go out of their way to work with you.

Kaizen in Action: 8 Types of Micro-Commitments and How You Can Use Them in Your Sales Process to Increase Conversions

Ryan Levesque shows how sometimes the biggest successes happen not by thinking bigger, but by thinking smaller.

A Lead Generation Landing Page for Your Web-Writing Business

What if you could start attracting clients even before your professional website is ready to launch? You can with a lead generation landing page.

Three Steps to Finding Your Perfect Unique Value Proposition

Do you know the difference between your unique selling proposition and your unique value proposition? It could make a big difference in your business.

Two Techniques for a Winning Elevator Pitch

“What do you do?” Having a solid elevator pitch as your answer is key to impressing potential prospects. Here are two techniques to help.

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