Monday Morning Jumpstart:
When to Start Your Freelance Writing Business
Are you struggling to start your freelance writing business? What’s stopping you from taking that first step?
This week’s Monday Motivation for Writers session goes deep – as Success Coach Ted Capshaw and AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, discuss why you need to “put foot on path,” as Ted says, and start your freelance writing business with very small, simple things.
You don’t need to know everything before you start, just take the first step and you will learn as you go. Let your writing journey evolve by taking one step at a time.
Join us every Monday morning for a boost of writing motivation, plus tips and strategies to make sure you're staying on track and moving towards your goals all year.

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
I love Ted! He's always straightforward, authentic and deep. He's also gratefully present, the best place one can be. Thank you, Ted!
Guest (Bohemian Writer) –
Hello Jade and Ted. I really enjoy your Monday Morning Jumpstart programs and look forward to them every week. You are providing valuable wisdom and encouragement and I want to thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I am fairly new to this arena and need this gentle nudging to keep moving toward my dream of becoming a highly paid writer. I have put foot on path and am establishing my business thanks to you and AWAI. Keep up the good work!
jjcaretaker –
As someone who turned 50 at the start of May, let me say that Ted looks GREAT! My dad will never let me forget that I was born on Mayday, and in a town whose name is the Spanish word for "help," no less! I'm always happy to hear about successful writers, and knowing that you're close to my age is a nice bonus.
Wendy C –
Not sure, why I don't know this is a regular Monday Morning happening?...sounds good- I just came from joining INFINITY and trying to navigate this decision, OMG--- Infinity... now that's a very long time and I'm so ready to be Writing, writing, and writing for Infinity.
Katie, Rebecca-I want to make you proud.
Happy Monday - see now that's new?
Im usually saying that on Friday Dj Segovia
Dj-Wellness-Wealth-Wisdom –
Concentration and focusing is necessary. As we are looking for projects and paying clients to start solopreneur, you had better show them how to catch them as soon as possible. No other introductions or recommendation may be helpful. Just introduce projects or clients, please.
Youngtae Kim –