Monday Morning Jumpstart:
Benefits of Being a Solopreneur
Thinking about becoming a solopreneur? Focus on the benefits of working for yourself …
This week’s Monday Motivation for Writers session goes deep – as Success Coach Ted Capshaw and AWAI Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, discuss why you need to focus on the “true benefits” of what being a writer means to you.
The benefits could be having more time, unlimited earning potential, financial security, or working from anywhere you want (as long as there’s a Wi-Fi connection). When you have a clear picture of the benefits, it makes it easier to take the first steps toward your writer’s life.
Join us every Monday morning for a boost of writing motivation, plus tips and strategies to make sure you're staying on track and moving towards your goals all year.

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- My life, my time
- I earn exactly what I want to earn not a cent less nor more
- I still have time commitments but they are my time commitments
- Any situations that arise are mine to deal with no need to wait for others to make time to discuss
- No interruptions that are 'others' created
- Live where you want to, van, RV, Apartment, Beach, Villa, Alaska...
- IF you are not motivated enough by your "why" you can become disheartened, make your 'why' super strong.
- Not paying proper taxes, be the boss, learn the systems
- Allowing distractions to become the squirrel, shoo away the squirrels
Guest (steve) –
* Time - for family, my grandma is turning 94 soon and my daughter, who's in the Navy, will soon be deployed. Time for family & friends, singing or bass lessons.
* Better Health - exercise and meditation.
* Success - for making a difference in the world.
* Confidence - in my abilities.
* Financial Security - knowing I can always use my skills to survive.
* Travel - see the world.
* Joy - living life on my terms.
* Happiness - feeling successful and accomplished.
Michele E –
My benefits as a solopreneur:
My business is my life.This is who I am and what I do.
Learn to be creative...Let the walls fall away.
Use my time with purpose.
Create success as defined by me.
Help other people succeed doing what I believe in.
Be part of a larger community I chose.
Create financial success.
Live a life of generosity.
Life has a way of sidetracking me.
Be focused yet flexible to experience all the ways life has of rubbing up against me.
Trials always create opportunities.
Cynde Jackson –