10 Little Things to Be Grateful for About The Writer’s Life
Being a freelance writer gives you plenty of big things to be grateful for.
There’s the scheduling freedom.
You get to set the hours of your day. And that means, you can carve out time for the most important things. For me, it meant being able to homeschool my children during their elementary years.
There’s the financial possibility and security.
When you’re starting out, financial security can seem pretty far-fetched for a freelancer. You might be scrambling for jobs. One month you might be flush, and the next month you might be counting every penny. But as you get the hang of your craft and of the business side of things, you’ll learn how to line up clients, negotiate, and manage your time. When those pieces come together (and they do), then financial security becomes par for the course.
There’s the mobility.
Want to take a trip to Hawaii and work while you’re there? Easy. Want to travel to Europe and maintain a part-time schedule? Totally doable. Heck, you can even work from your RV while exploring some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world. Being a freelance writer lets you go places in a way you just can’t when you’re tied to a job.
But I don’t want to focus on the big things today. I want to look at the little things — the overlooked things — that also bring so much gratitude to me, and for many other writers I know.
10 Small Perks That Come from Living The Writer’s Life
1. Sleeping in when you want to. When I first became a freelance writer, I vowed to never get up to an alarm again. Years later, I broke that vow when I realized I feel better and more productive when I get up at six … and I need an alarm to do that.
But there are times I want to sleep in. And I’m grateful that I can.
2. Staying up late when you want to. When you’re in charge of your own schedule, you can choose to be flexible in the moment. That means, if you decide that you want to stay up to watch a meteor shower or a total eclipse of the moon, you can do that. I’ve done both, and still managed to show up to work the next day (very late in the morning) and get things done. I’m grateful for that flexibility.
3. Learning new things, all the time. In so many jobs, you learn the tasks and the topic that you need to do your work and do it well. When you’re a writer, you’re constantly challenged to keep up with the changing landscape that is digital marketing. That means you get to learn things like social media and how to write a video script. And if you work for a variety of clients, you’ll constantly learn about new topics as well.
That’s an aspect of my business that keeps me smiling and full of gratitude.
4. Catching a midday movie. Most days, I have a plan for my work, and I stick to it. But some days, I spontaneously drop everything and go do something just for fun, like catch a midday movie or grab some sushi with a friend or go play Scrabble with my mom. I like to plan ahead, but I’m grateful that I don’t have to be married to those plans all the time.
5. Writing in all sorts of wonderful places. One day, it’s a coffee shop. Another day, a lovely little spot at a local park. Some days, it’s the local library. Or the art museum. Even the zoo.
When you’re a freelance writer, you can have a change of scene whenever you choose … and that’s definitely something to feel grateful for.
6. Skills you can harness in so many ways. Whether you write to persuade or inform, when you write for clients, you learn how to write in a way that earns attention and prompts action from your readers. And when you can do that, you can open a lot of doors.
You can use those skills to build a side business and start earning a passive income. You can use them to launch a passion project … to help a friend or family member get their business off the ground … to lend a hand to an important cause. This one can leave you overflowing with gratitude.
7. Getting a “great job” email. Getting a message from a client letting you know that your work got a good response, that they appreciate you, and that you’ve made a difference for them … that’s something that happens a lot when you’re a writer. And it will leave you with a grateful glow every, single time.
8. Time for hobbies. Now, I’m not saying that a traditional job doesn’t leave time for hobbies. Plenty of people work a 9-to-5 and still manage to pursue things they enjoy. But when you’re living the writer’s life, it’s just so much more convenient.
For example, I’m learning to boulder right now. Because of my job, I can go to the rock-climbing gym in the morning, start my workday an hour later, and plan to finish up an hour later … or just plan to work an hour less that day. It’s up to me, and I don’t have to ask anyone permission or let them know my plans. I love that about freelancing.
9. Getting into the flow. Did you know that getting into “flow state” on a regular basis improves both health and happiness? That’s that place where you become unaware of the passage of time as you focus deeply on the work you’re doing. It’s almost an out-of-body experience. When you’re in the flow state, you don’t notice hunger or thirst or anything, other than what you’re working on. And writing is one of the activities that can put you into a flow state. So, your chosen profession comes with a path to health and happiness built-in. How cool is that?
10. As many walks as you want. I love being outside. I like to see the seasons changing. I enjoy the sun, the wind, or the rain on my face. And so, I love going for walks. The truth is I don’t walk as much as I’d like to. But the truth also is that I can take as many walks as I want. And that’s something else to be grateful for.
As I write this list of “little” things to be grateful for, I realize that most of these are pretty big things. They’re all about building the life you want, tailor-made to your interests and needs. When you can do that — and the writer’s life will help you get there — gratitude becomes a normal state of being. And, in terms of mindset, that is a great place to be.
What are you grateful for this year? Share with us in the comments.

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I am thankful for all the positive and upbeat leaders at AWAI. They put out tons of inspiration and encouragement. AWAI is such a great tribe to be a part of. Thanks.
Guest (Gordon Peterson) –
Being Grateful:
I am grateful for what I already have. I am grateful for the family that my wife and I raised over the 57 years that we have been together. I am grateful for being a part of AWAI. I am grateful for the people I meet daily. I am grateful that I am able to walk and still get around because of injuries sustained. I am grateful for God and our daily walk in life.
Johnboy5484 –
The skills I see in your sales pitch are well crafted, informative, and motivating! Your "hooks" are concise and keep the reader turning the pages. I will put further thought into your offer and see how I feel about it. Thank you!
Guest (Bruceprinceofdan) –