We Want to Help You Achieve Your Writing Goals in 2022 …
How Can We Best Serve YOU?
With marketing spend soaring, and the demand for writers at an all-time high, 2022 is going to be a HUGE year for writers.
We want to help you take full advantage!! So, what do you need help with right now?
Choosing a niche?
Writing better?
Picking up a specific skill set?
Landing a client?
Gaining confidence?
Getting feedback on your writing?
Let us know how we can help push you forward …
So you can achieve YOUR version of the writer’s life … making money doing what you truly love … from wherever you want to be … on your own schedule!
Just leave a comment below, telling us what you need …
And let’s get this year rolling!

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter
The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
I have a niche already. Has to mindfulness meditation. Discovering the inner Self.
But I need someone to help me work on dealines and orderly manner prrsent material
Guest (Shoshana) –
I would like to see a financial assistance program started at AWAI to assist those who cannot afford many of the high-priced programs AWAI has to offer. (All it takes is someone from AWAI writing a proposal to a foundation to receive grants)
Or, if AWAI cannot do that, then please let me know when these prize money winning contests and opportunities to obtain a scholarship will be happening.
DCRamsey17 –
Hey DCRamsey17 - The AWAI scholarship opportunity for 2022 just opened up. You can find the details here...
Guest (Jeremy) –
I understand that I need to better myself in the writing world. Can I get a job in the courses I've taken already? I have 5 months of experience in direct response with Carline Anglade- Cole's class and experience with blogging.Is there a starter job for a newbie like me? I'm volunteering with blogging also.
Guest (Kea) –
I feel overwhelmed by so much information from AWAI. That’s not a complaint. However, I feel like I keep hoping to discover a road map that can steer me through it all, and help me identify and follow a good path for me.
Guest (Trina) –
My freelance agency is still very new so I am still in the process of choosing a niche. The main issue I am having is lead generation.
Guest (Tucker D Wulff) –
How do you reach out to broader markets to find businesses who employ larger small businesses who employ 100-150 employees? What messages are used to attract larger small businesses to write for?
Also, how do older writers combat age discrimination when seeking clients???
H James Hulton III The Write Stuff North Wales, PA 19454
The Write Stuff –
With all of the info I've accumulated, I feel I need a coach
Guest (Peggy) –
I have a niche and want to build a money making website. The niche is men’s self improvement do I start with a blog or a website?
Guest (Richard Noss) –
Hi there,
I love how you've incorporated more focused - 'take action' programs.
There have been too many times where many of us spend most of our time learning, but not enough doing.
Can we have a 'bit-sized' program, (similar to Ilise Benun's) focused on getting out of your own head,(confidence building).
One that incorporates taking action by writing with feedback as well.
Maybe using a challenge framework - great for building community and confidence!
Thanks so much!
Jenn B –
Encouragement and help boosting confidence. All of the success stories are nice, but for someone with low self esteem they just prove even more that it can’t be done because someone else can do it better (see success stores for proof). All the stories talk about how fast they can go through the programs when some of use have been on the same program for over a year and a half and still have not been able to complete (see lack of confidence and ten hour work days in a factory setting on second shift).
Guest (Tina) –
It's time for me to move forward. I'd love help with landing a client, writing better, gaining confidence, getting feedback on my writing and getting better organized.
Even though I start working early on assignments, I still tend to be rushed when it's time to submit.
I'm not sure what I can give back, but I'm sure I can find something. Thank you.
StanleyP –
I am new to AWAI & have just been exploring everything, including getting back into writing after many years. I have been a student, originally an English Linguistics major I have always been interested in writing and how to get me there, successfully. I can't buy everything; I know I can invest. It's all kind of overwhelming; lots of emails to filter through. I'm not sure immediately what I need, but maybe to slow down on showcasing all the products. I have to explore it at my own pace
I am one who thrives in well-structured processes and programs. I can write. I need direction, a step by step “guide” to assist with the entire process; written and graded assignments, financial & real time support and assistance with business structure(s).
Feedback: I was losing momentum as these emails were made chipping away at my resolve. Your canned emails lack sensitivity and compassion. Please be reminded we’re still in the throes of this pandemic.
This should’ve bn extended sooner.
Guest (Jackie ) –
I landed my first paying writing job at age 18 and am now 83, having experienced a wonderful writing career in newspapers, magazines, books and now short stories. My style has remained the same, acclimatizing itself to the guidelines required by each venue.I now draw from my life experiences, which includes living off the grid and traveling the world.
Guest (faybaby) –
Im doing great working my way through your 90 day accelerated copywriting program. I now find myself critiquing the various types of copy I receive in my own mail box. But when trying to attract a client I often find I need to provide a portfolio of copy I have written. I don't have that yet and I can't accumulate a portfolio until I do get a client. I know I will get there so my focus now is on completing the accelerated program where I am learning everything I will need.
Guest (Julian Axon) –
I want a forum that is not fb! Some of us simply don't use it particularly because of the many ethical qusetions raised regardng Facebook's record a long time now - and more keeps emerging almost daily.
In addition to more affordable offers, could we also have a direct deposit option for payments for those who love in jurisdictions where debit - and credit cards are simply out of reach of many of the everyday Joes n Janes?
Guest (David) –
Thank you so much, AWAI, for opening my eyes and educating me about the vast world of opportunities that exist for writers. I hope to enroll soon.
Guest (Mike ) –
I know that I can write but copywriting is a whole new ballgame for me! I need help and guidance to reach my goals, it's important to me that I have someone to 'hold my hand' as I progress through the stages. It would be great to get feedback as I need to find more confidence in myself and my abilities and strengths moving forward. I feel excited about my future!
Karen J –
I'm taking the 8-week DR/CW course. I'm enjoying the opportunity to stretch myself in a new arena. I've been a Holistic Nurse for decades and my present NEED is support @ Ground Zero --- as a newborn writer! I need the Nuts and Bolts in order to effectively write well. BUT --- my learning preference is to get an easy smeasy synopsis that I can expound on with my upcoming 4 assignments. Thank you for asking this great question.
💚💜🌄💜💚 Rosemary
Guest (Rosemary ) –
My first thought when the present of “Nike” shoes came up, was, “great, you are giving the present of a slave in a sweatshop creating stuff for you while receiving next to nothing to support themselves and their families.” Our purchases have an impact, good and bad.
I’m not sure there is a place for me in the copywriting world, because I believe we create the world we want by voting with our pocketbooks, our feet and how we (not the government, it is not their job) help each other.
Guest (DarbyW) –
Thanks for the great Method course, I learned a lot! I would like help on how to now turn this into paying clients. From watching various webinars and reading through books and blogs, I have an idea of what should go into a cold email, but I'm really struggling to find email addresses for potential clients.
Emily I –
I am currently saving to purchase your program for beginning copywriters. I anticipate a change in employment within the year which will allow me to put serious effort into becoming a successful copywriter. So all I need is for AWAI to continue to update me on its programs and offers.
Guest (Kathleen) –
I'm a published writer with a substantial portfolio but still haven't made any money. Most companies already have an editorial staff or marketing team.They don't need freelancers. Joining the team requires a degree. I will soon need to return to hard labor. I'm 59 years of age!
Guest (Terri) –
Hi Rebecca, My major goal for 2022 is to establish a profitable Copywriting Business and make thousands of dollars doing.
And I have discovered that CIRCLE OF SUCCESS will enable me achieve this.
I look forward to signing up for it soon.
This is what I want this year.S
Guest (Ed Ojebuovboh) –
1-21 Thanks for giving me this opportunity to express what I think I need here! And thanks for AWAI!
I have been taking advantage of the free-bees and the offerings they provide just in my thinking processes; getting my juices flowing. I'm more inclined to begin with the idea of no clients; at least at first and my niche going with the non-profits, worthy causes, and writing for good. I need help I think with "focus & momentum." I'm also enjoying the crash course so much!
Desert Rose –
I have no question that I will be a top producer in writing when I get started. I am also a caregiver for 3 persons at this time. Soon as I can commit to at least one hour per day, I am in. Thank you for your time, considerations and continued interest and powerful encouragements! Regards, Edmundo
Guest (Edmundo) –
I have a niche and a blog for Pets...have been writing a post weekly since 7/20..my problem is not understanding SEO...which I have tons of material to go thru on plus I just want to do blog posts for my particular niche area and/or product recommendations for those as well...usa made and sourced pet product mfrs and pet svcs in the western usa area...now family health issues going on....hoping to get seo going before start of summer or sooner be be best! Then time for clients!
Guest (Pat Perry aka Nikki FRie) –
I need some ROI from the courses in which I have mastered and become certified. Nick's Digital apprentice:
3 trials, not picked up. Steve's Sales Enablement CW: 9 apps, no bites, no offers. These are all done with revised, targeted C/V's. No fault of the instructors. They are all superior.
Guest (Steve Solomon) –
Honestly, I want more time at home to do my school work and take care of my home... but I'm afraid to step out into this venture. I work 50 hours a week and with school work I barely have time to sleep let alone e write.
I don't know what to do.
Guest (BrandiJoFort) –
I would like to initially know more about doing research for writers. I do much of this and proofreading in the JOB that I getting ready to leave. My other goal is to complete and jump into the UX field. UX excites me. I will appreciate any suggestions that you may offer. Thank you.
Mickee49 –
I’ve started this journey with really no idea how to do this. I’ve tried a few of the programs that I can afford but honestly it didn’t take me anywhere because I felt like I’m hopping all over the place. I’ve realised that I need focus to be successful. Something that can really help when you start out the journey is perhaps a program to help you get focused and not run around in circles. I know everyone’s time is valuable, but a 101 perhaps at an affordable rate, not talking freebie, for new writers to speak to someone would really help. I would definitely have done it and it would have saved me a lot of time and money.
Guest (Jeanette Botha) –
I am so new to this. I know I love to write and I feel this will be a good fit BUT I own and run my own business, which is a gaming store. Oddly enough, go figure, I want to copywrite for the the gaming industry. I feel overwhelmed and not sure what or how to do this.
Dragons Hoard –
Like someone else mentioned, I would love if there was a private forum that's not on Facebook. Several times last year, Facebook locked my account so many times when all I tried to do was access the AWAI group(s)! It was infuriating! I don't really use Facebook for anything else other than the AWAI groups and a career group but I was always getting locked out. I would much prefer a private forum/private membership message board like Mighty Networks.
RP –
I really enjoy the thought of your shoes, like everything else I have found with AWAI it really is welcome. I think I have found the niche that I'm going to persue I am a little slow getting started but still plugging.
Guest (Dan) –
I want to be one of those few writers who write to express. Write with clarity of thought and precision of expression. I want to wow my readers all the time! I want to write like the late John O'donohue.
E Chester Addotey –
Thanks for sending the info through bundle of emails for the awareness about AWAI, the Writer's Life & Barefoot Writer ...... which I found interesting.
For the time being I am preoccupied in various other professional engagements & hardly getting time to concentrate on other specific concerns.
In fact the membership was necessary to comment, but I would like to go through all these details at my own pace & convenience then it will be more easier to land somewhere with someone!
MA Hussain –
I hope to finish the course I paid for in the next 60 days instead of 90. Even though I use persuasion every day, and Marketing,I need to follow this course carefully; not skipping anything. Copywriting is a new learning curve from writing prose.
Guest (Toni ) –
I have always loved to write. I dreamed of being a writer, traveling the world. Then life happened and that dream was all but forgotten. With AWAI, I have revived that dream. It's a slow start as learn to dream, imagine and flow again without fear of failure, confident in my God-given abilities. I have always been encouraged to write by teachers, friends and colleagues. I have always done really well on writing assignments. Yet, I'm struggling with confidence. What I need is encouragement.
Guest (Laura Walker) –
I would love to get started with training this year, but the bank account is empty. So I've been watching all the free-bees offered by you and your members. Most recently, I watched one on needing copywriting samples. Which was helpful. They mentioned getting a webpage started, and I found this site called... websitesetup dot org. It doesn't cost anything, and it works with beginners. I've even thought of some possible catchy ideas for my title, so I guess I am getting started. But until I can afford to register for a course, I'll keep watching the free videos until I can afford a class. Thanks for checking in!
Guest (Trina) –
I need a guide that assumes nothing.Many times you are told to do this & that. You are not SHOWN how it's done on the computer. I need this. A well assembled plan to follow.
Should include all steps & employers.
Guest (Larry) –
I want AWAI to help its students who complete the courses to get a 'leg up' to land clients in their field of expertise. We spend a lot of time (and money) learning only to find out afterward that it's challenging to find, delight, and close a client. Giving us a chance to get in front of a client, to help write/assist in a campaign, would be of tremendous value. Win-win. We help support AWAI writers while getting actual, on-the-job experience.
Dina-Spin Capital PRMA –
1. I want to expand on my "UX" skills and bring this unique perspective to my Sales Enablement Content.
2. I have started learning about newsletters. Started Pam Foster's inhouse training.I must master this skill in 2022.
Guest (Emerson Smith) –
In my previous career I did a lot of documentation,which is all fact based, and no imagination. Previous to that I would write for fun, poetry and short stories mostly, none of which I have anymore.I also help friends with resumes and cover letters. Also some grant writing. I am looking for my niche and mojo...HELP
BeckBeck –
I am a Thought Leader and Mastermind with a perspective on the journey of life and all of it's amazing wonders and functions. I believe that the Leadership abilities, communication and expression that God has bestowed upon me are some of the greatest. I am ready to rock the world with those unique powers of expression through writing, speech, etc...
Guest (Johnny Ishmel Henry ) –
Hi all, thanks so much for taking the time to find out and all of the support i've received over the very short time i've become a B2B Member. I need assistance with choosing a niche but i purchased the B2B Crash Course and due to start it tomorrow. I suppose it should help me and since I am new to writing, copywriting etc, when i do start writing I would definitely need assistance with feedback on it. But for now, gaining confidence is really my challenge. Thanks again guys
Guest (Alicia) –
I want to be a travel writer, but don't know what topic or magazine to pitch. I want to be able to take my wife and our cameras and get paid full time to travel.
nypen43 –
Yes! I too feel email overload from AWAI. It's good information, however, it seems I'm being "sold" to... every single time I check my email.
My humble advice is, to choose what you want to have, be and do, and explore your options from there.
I chose an introductory course with AWAI membership and B2B
Blesses to you
GMoore –
I would really love to see more chances for newbie's projects. Just to put some clients together to give fresh creativity a chance at a project.
Guest (Jennifer Barnes) –
This is a very powerful statement,& im glad to be given the opportunity to comment.im 59,& Im at a turning point in my career of sorts.i am an artist,cartoonist but I love to write& take pictures,I've been told I should be a photographer.but I have been hearing so much about copywriting from online sources& I need to take the plunge because I do want better,in terms of not only money,but more freedom,the ability to travel more,as well as do something that I know if I apply myself,I can be successful at it.& Maybe convince my ladyfriend to try this too because she loves to write!
Vic T –