Monday Morning Jumpstart –
How to Prevent Writer Burnout
Starting a career or side-income as a freelance writer changes your daily rhythm and can lead to writer burnout. Especially if you’re not crystal clear on your goals and aware of the choices you make every day.
Burnout happens. But it is preventable! And if it does happen, it doesn’t have to stop you, and you don’t have to live in that space forever.
In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about what burnout feels like … how to deal with it when it arrives … and what to do to prevent it.
So you can continue pursuing your paid writing success – without sacrificing your health, wellness, and quality of life!
Join us every Monday Morning for a boost of writing motivation, plus tips and strategies to make sure you're staying on track and moving towards your goals all year.

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The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »
The video on burnout was excellent, touching on pertinent points! However, we would all benefit from actual detailed examples or tips regarding how to overcome burnout!
Guest (Alexis Skriloff James) –
Yes, it is a good question of mental or physical burnout. Its also a good question of whether it comes from the choices we make. I sure agree “oh ya, it is self-made”, BOTH burnouts. Been there and hopefully learned when to curb it so it is not all consuming. My most fun thing to do is take a day off and go to the movies. That stops me from getting up and doing something else when it’s a “time out” Thanks for the reminder because I am there!
Guest (DeeJay) –
Yeah,it is very useful for writers!I tried and I was very amazed how hard they try to understand certain things!Even if it is in infancy,it has a future and can develop and bring in more specialists!It will relax you,teach you things,you probably didin”t know if you were very old but if you are young,this app will help you grow and grow yourimagination to learn new things and if you want to teach your friends!It will teach you how to be a writer if you want to do this in the future!I highly recommend it!
Guest (Octav) –
Set time aside each day to switch off. Go for a walk, do a bit of gardening, read a book, do some cooking. Whatever helps you to unwind and relax.
But you must actually plan this as part of your day. Not something you'll do if you have time.
Alan Long –