Monday Morning Jumpstart –
Leaving A Legacy as A Writer
To start living the exact life that you want as a writer, you need to have a clear vision of what you want your life to look like.
In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about the first in what Ted calls his Five Pillars of Vision.
And that first pillar is: Legacy.
You may or may not have already considered what kind of legacy you want to leave behind. And, as Ted points out, this is less about money and more about how teach, influence, and touch others’ lives – whether they’re members of your own family, friends, or even people you’ve never met.
Considering your legacy will help you as you envision the life you want to live – and ultimately help push you in the direction you want to go with your writing.
Watch for Ted and Jade’s take on this first Pillar of Vision … then, stay tuned as Ted reveals his next 4 “Pillars” in coming episodes.
Join us every Monday Morning for a boost of writing motivation, plus tips and strategies to make sure you're staying on track and moving towards your goals all year.

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Guest (Linda Hahn) –
Legacy. I think about it but that is as far as it has gone. I will take note of your words. Thanks
DeeJay –
I've always thought in terms of what I could contribute to others, to make they're life better NOW.
I guess that's actually about legacy, but only in terms of my thinking that I'm glad I'm that way. I've never thought that I would be that way so that I would be remembered. I just enjoy making people's lives better or more meaningful.
Now, when I look back, I'm glad that I've done things that way... But I never actually planned it to be that way, it's just the way I am.
I do thank my dad, because I feel like he helped to point me in that direction, or at least he saw that trait and helped me to develop it.
I believe he's largely responsible for molding my personality, in that he modelled it for me.
Guest (Jeff Jackson ) –
As I'm aging, I worry that I am/will be losing my ability to think and perform well. My goal is to use my writing skills and abilities to write for my life.
I've worked as a technical, training material, and grant writer. I want to reclaim thet part of my life that I miss, that is writing useful and interesting material. I have ideas and projects, but let them float away.
This challenge may help me take my new and old ideas and put them into words for myself and for others.
Annetta –