Monday Morning Jumpstart:
The Power of Reflection
When was the last time you sat down and reflected on where you are with your writing and where you’re going? Are you making the progress you want? Do you know why, or why not? Are your goals still the “right” goals for you, right now?
In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, talk about the benefit of slowing down and reflecting. They also dig into some questions many writers have, like when it’s time to “give up” on a goal.
Join us every Monday Morning for a boost of writing motivation, plus tips and strategies to make sure you're staying on track and moving towards your goals all year.

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I just did this over the weekend! OMG did I find clarity! Why the heck I couldn't decide on a niche for the past 4 years is beyond me. I started my AWAI journey to be a travel writer. I am going back to my passion now. Watch out world! :)
Michele E –
I found myself free of my life
Guest (Christine Miranda) –
I'm just switching gears to doing more writing in general. Watching this jumpstart and having to re-evaluate career paths over the pandemic, I realized that I have already achieved many of my goals with my previous passion. Perhaps reflecting on what has already been accomplished is helpful as you said. Thanks for the affirmation.
Guest (Kathryn) –
After BC 2023 I reset my goals, set up my “buckets” - All on my current vision board set up for 2024. Of course I am not waiting for January 1st. I am getting a “jumpstart” for the new year. Goal setting moves me forward. Thank you.
June Kellogg –