Monday Morning Jumpstart:
Efficiency and Focus
Are you being efficient with your time and with your day? Or do you have trouble focusing on getting tasks done?
In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, AWAI Chief Success Officer, Ted Capshaw, and Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, tackle efficiency. They provide tips on becoming more focused, discuss the importance of eliminating distractions, and the “domino effect” that can happen if you are inefficient in your work as a writer.
Ted shares a tactic that will help you get more critical tasks done so you “move the right chains” on what’s important to you.
Join us every Monday morning for a boost of writing motivation, plus tips and strategies to make sure you're staying on track and moving towards your goals all year.

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Setting aside distractions involves happy discipline and routine. One involves maturity; the other requires commitment.
Guest (echievements) –
Focus is important in everything. Some other words are mindfulness, being present etc. Just this morning, I was practicing my new double harp. I was transferring my old arrangements from the single harp. I realized that my thoughts were wandering. "What if I am not ready for a gig, if I can't do this, will I be able to do this if there's someone watching?" Every time I had a thought outside the music, I made a mistake. Then when I let my muscle memory take over, the music flowed out.
Katetheshy –
To this point, Ted and Jade, something that Jim Rohn once said: "Wherever you are, be there."
Guest (Nat) –
Just watched the MMJS...THANK YOU Ted and Jade for the insights. I'm just starting out with AWAI and am trying to establish an efficient way to make use of my time and ensure that I achieve significant progress daily on studying my programme.
Monika Mutuma –
I needed this jump start on Friday... and it was, as usual, terrific.
In made me reflect on meetings (with so much waste of time) and how to incorporate efficiency and focus into management of meetings and agreeing to attend them.
Wes Andersen –