B2B Writers:
4 Ways to Use ChatGPT as a Tool
(Not a Crutch.)
ChatGPT didn’t write this article. That’s important. Because as a B2B writer, you should never surrender control of your work to an AI. That’s akin to a home improvement contractor handing over the renovation plans to a drill, saying, “Take it from here.”
AI is a powerful writing tool that can help you in a myriad of ways. But if you treat it like an app to delegate critical tasks to, your work won’t reach the level of excellence that B2B clients expect.
So, how do you use ChatGPT as a tool and not a crutch? Here are four practical ways.
1. Smash through writer’s block
Picture this: you’re tasked with crafting a product description for a client’s website. You’re staring at the blank page, cursor blinking mockingly, and you’re stuck.
Classic writer’s block.
How can ChatGPT help? Well, the last thing you want is to get the AI to write a draft for you. As appealing as that may seem, all you’ll be doing is farming out the strategy, creativity – and humanity – to a bot.
In an article on ChiefMarketer.com, Jason Dea points out that, in the B2B world, “No one wants to feel like the conversation they’re having with a business is actually just an enactment of a script created by AI.”
I couldn’t agree more. B2B marketing relies on making authentic human-to-human connections.
So, don’t ask ChatGPT to write a draft for you. Instead, a much better way to smash through writer’s block is to ask it for a list of ideas.
Try a prompt like this one.
You’re a B2B copywriter writing a product description page for a website. Generate a list of 10 ideas for the headline and the opening few sentences of the body copy. Below is the information you need on the product and its target market.
ChatGPT will then produce a list of headlines and leads. Chances are, at least one will inspire you and be worth developing further.
2. Tell better stories
B2B writers are storytellers. When writing persuasive copy, we tell stories about product features and, especially, benefits. The more compelling those stories are, the more effective the copy will be.
But sometimes coming up with ideas for communicating features and benefits can be a challenge. It’s all too easy to default to the standard “feature, benefit, feature, benefit” approach.
That’s where ChatGPT can help. You can ask it for ideas for communicating features and benefits in more compelling ways.
Here’s an example of such a prompt:
You’re a B2B copywriter writing a product description page for a website. An important feature of the product is [insert feature], which enables the customer to [insert benefit.] Generate a list of ten copy ideas, no more than a paragraph in length each, for describing this feature and benefit in a compelling way. Include ideas that feature an example or scenario – in a way that helps the customer visualize the benefit. Below is information you need on the product and its target market.
Notice the second last sentence. Examples and scenarios are an effective way to bring benefits vividly to life. But if you don’t ask the AI to come up with those types of ideas, it may not.
Once the list is generated, go through and select one or two that are likely to work well in the piece you’re writing. You may be able to use the wording as is or, more likely, you’ll need to rework and rewrite it.
That’s okay. You’re the writer. (Not the AI.)
3. Get suggestions for improvement
Have you ever wished you had a colleague in your office you could pass off a draft to and say, “Hey, Diane. Would you please read this and give me some suggestions for making it better?”
Unfortunately, for most freelancers, we don’t have that option. We work alone.
But ChatGPT can be that “writing buddy” who can review your drafts and generate specific recommendations for improvement.
Here’s a sample prompt.
You are an experienced editor. Review the following blog article and come up with specific recommendations for improvement. The audience for the blog article is real estate agents. List your recommendations as a table with the following columns: word choices and phrases; examples and scenarios; enhancing clarity; other suggestions. Here is the article:
ChatGPT will then generate a list in a convenient table format.
Most of the suggestions generated may not be useful to you. But a few might. And if just one recommendation helps take the quality and effectiveness of your content to the next level, that’s a win.
4. Brainstorm more content topics
Brainstorming can be hit or miss. Especially when developing topic ideas for a client’s blog, social media posts, or newsletter. Some days, the ideas flow effortlessly; other days, it’s a struggle.
That’s where ChatGPT shines. It can help you brainstorm dozens of topics in just a few seconds. Sure, not all will be gems. But a few might. And the ideas generated can kickstart your own creativity, helping you come up with even more great topics.
Here’s an example of a brainstorming prompt:
You are the B2B writer for Almo Corporation, a leading wholesaler of brand name appliances to retailer. Come up with 20 topic ideas for the company’s blog. The audience is retailers of kitchen appliances. Ensure the topics meet the following criteria: One, the topic is relevant and valuable to the audience, and two, the topic helps to position Almo Corporation as the go-to wholesaler.
ChatGPT will quickly generate a list like this one.
Out of a list like that, you’re bound to find two or three ideas you can explore.
The Bottom Line: Stay in the Driver’s Seat
Those are just a few of the many ways to leverage AI to write B2B content faster and better. Remember, the goal isn’t to offload the writing onto an AI – it’s about enhancing your strategic thinking, creativity, and writing prowess.
Never forget: You’re the writer; AI is simply a helpful tool in your writer’s toolkit.

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