Congratulations to Samuel Oluwoyo, Winner of AWAI’s Spring 2024 White Paper Challenge —
Awarded with $5,000

On Wednesday, May 15, Samuel Oluwoyo received the big news that he has become our latest champion of AWAI’s $5,000 White Paper Challenge.

As part of our training program White Paper Mastery & Certification, participants had the chance to become an AWAI Verified™ White Paper Specialist … and were eligible for the class prize if their paper was selected as the top submission.

Participants in the live eight-session program followed a step-by-step method for writing a 10-page white paper on Effective Copywriter Training sponsored by American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI) and its corporate training program for in-house writers.

This program was taught by Pam Foster, AWAI learning chief, along with teaching assistant Lisa Christoffel, managing editor of B2B Writers International. Pam is an experienced copywriter and trainer on white papers and many other AWAI copywriting programs.

Class members were given the challenge of turning in a complete, 10-page white paper that made them eligible for a $5,000 prize. They also took a rigorous test to demonstrate their understanding of white paper principles and earn their AWAI Verified™ White Paper Specialist certification.

Of all the entries we received, one stood above the rest. In addition to meeting all the requirements and scoring 98 out of a possible 100 … Samuel’s paper went above and beyond expectations. According to the reviewer, “This is the standout. It’s very well written, covering all the bullets with good visuals, good sourcing. The tone was highly readable and engaging. Great job.”

Here’s what our winner had to say when he learned that his white paper was the top choice.

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👏 Samuel Oluwoyo 👏

He added, “I’m happy I saw this through. It wasn’t easy. I almost gave up and nearly didn’t submit my assignment, because it was very difficult for me to restructure my paper at the last minute.

“The executive summary feedback from Lisa made me have a deeper understanding of what was required. I had to go through the classes again, and I realized that I could write this [my executive summary] in a different way … and I’m glad I did. This made all the difference.”

Congratulations to Samuel and to all White Paper Mastery & Certification Round 6 participants who submitted a report!

The AWAI Method™

The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter

The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals so you can take on ANY project — not just sales letters. Learn More »

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Published: May 22, 2024

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