Thea Sheldon Article Wins AWAI’s
“Get Published–Get Paid”
LABS Workshop
Congratulations to Thea Sheldon, a winner in our program for new freelance writers — AWAI’s “Get Published–Get Paid” LABS Workshop.
This training program is for aspiring professional freelance writers learning the ropes of effective content writing through American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI).
Participants were challenged to write a unique article specifically for AWAI readers, who are aspiring and working marketing copywriters and content specialists.
The challenge was to write an 800–1,000-word article that puts a fresh spin on the idea of writing articles that get published. Participants followed along as AWAI President Rebecca Matter explained the five-step process AWAI has been using for decades. They also scrutinized an article template along with a variety of articles from different writers, industries, and audience types. And they were encouraged to submit their best effort for the chance at a $400 prize.
The AWAI editorial team chose Thea’s winning post titled “How a (Parenthesis) Helps You Avoid Overwhelm and Achieve Your Writer’s Life.”
In this short video below, AWAI Learning Chief Pam Foster explains why Thea’s article stood above the rest.
When Thea received the news that she had won, she said, “Daily distractions can easily push and pull us to the point of feeling overwhelmed, unfocused, or stuck. As a professional life/career coach, I know people can benefit from steps or structures to get on track and stay there. The ‘parenthesis’ approach puts you in charge of your time, intentions, and productivity. It also defines a clear beginning and end for your work sessions. When the work is done, it’s done. Then you’re free to do the other things that help bring balance to your writer’s life.
“When I signed up for AWAI’s ‘Get Published–Get Paid’ experience, I was at a point familiar to many of you. I successfully completed The AWAI MethodÔ course (plus about 10 other AWAI courses or webinars). Clearly, I had enough training to get started, but I hadn’t yet received a paycheck for my writing. The ‘Get Published–Get Paid’ class reminded me again that I already have the skills. All I had to do next was write and meet the deadline, and I did.
“This experience of getting paid for the first time is exactly the boost I need to confidently continue my marketing. Now that I know for sure my writing is worth paying for, I’m unstoppable! Thank you, Rebecca and AWAI, for nudging me into my paid writer’s life.”
Congratulations to Thea and to everyone who took the time to submit an entry. All participants who completed an article now have a finished sample of an in-demand project for their portfolio.
It can be your turn next! To enroll in our “Get Published–Get Paid” LABS Workshop, check out the details here.
To discover more opportunities to get paid as a writer, be sure to read our daily e-letter, The Writer’s Life, and visit AWAI to browse through our many copywriter training programs.

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