Heather Lloyd-Martin:
SEO Copywriting Pioneer
“Yes, I’m a geek. But I’m a geek who can help make you more money. In short, I thrive on SEO copywriting education and consultation. I love helping clients unlock their search positions and boost their conversions. And I love helping writers understand the art and science of SEO writing.”
HEATHER LLOYD-MARTIN describes herself as a “fast-talking, high energy and tell-it-like-it-is redhead.” When she first started her SEO copywriting career, Google didn’t exist, PPC wasn’t around and people were using dial up modems.
She’s been doing this a long time. Forbes has even described her as the “pioneer of SEO copywriting.” Her 19+ years of experience has helped her safely steer companies through the choppy search engine waters. She knows when you should carefully watch the latest algorithm change and when you can relax. She can explain complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. Plus, she can pinpoint new content opportunities and teach you how to leverage them.
She’s worked with top companies all around the world — from search engines and television networks, to Fortune 50 companies and major publishers. Over the years, she’s presented at hundreds of conferences, including SMX, PubCon, SearchFest, AWAI’s Web Writing Intensive, Search Engine Strategies, MarketingProfs and more. She’s also been a guest lecturer at the Darden School of Business and keynoted a Direct Marketing Association (DMA) event. Additionally, she has trained hundreds of writers worldwide through her SEO Copywriting Certification training.
Career highlights include:
- Profiled in the book Online Marketing Heroes as the pioneer of SEO copywriting.
- Mentioned as a must-follow online marketing genius in the book The Complete Social Media Community Manager’s Guide: Essential Tools and Tactics for Business Success.
- Past-chair of the Association of Internet Marketers Search Marketing Council and the DMA’s Search Engine Marketing Council.
- Advisory board member for AWAI and SEMpdx.
- Developer of the SEO Copywriting Certification program, the only industry-endorsed training program teaching SEO Copywriting best practices.
- Voted one of 2012’s Top Women in SEO, and nominated again in 2013.
- Quoted and cited in many publications, including Forbes, The Huffington Post, Target Marketing Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine and others.
Most importantly, she loves to make SEO writing accessible, easy-to-understand and fun. Heather shares the latest SEO writing tips in her weekly newsletter – here’s how you can sign up now.
Heather Lloyd-Martin Articles
- 10 Common Questions about SEO Copywriting — and the Answers
- 6 Ways to Handle It When a Client Changes Your Copy
More Articles By Heather Lloyd-Martin …
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AWAI Programs by Heather Lloyd-Martin
Your solid foundation for SEO Copywriting — directly from an industry pioneer!
Make EVERYTHING You Write Online More Valuable to Clients… and More Lucrative for You.

As an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) content writer, you’re not only writing good, persuasive copy, you’re practically guaranteeing that more “ready-to-buy” customers find your clients’ websites.
Imagine the power of helping clients get the right customers — at the right time. It’s a business owner and marketer’s dream!
If you can do this for them, you can easily and quickly earn as much as $350, $500, $750 per page of web copy.
Why is that? It’s easy…
When you’re a knowledgeable SEO Copywriter who understands how to blend persuasive copy with SEO skills, you’ll have a distinct advantage over all other writers, including many self-proclaimed SEO writers.
That’s because most writers don’t understand the need for this critical blend. But clients do!
Businesses — in EVERY niche — desperately need content writers with this ability. And there simply aren’t enough skilled SEO Copywriters to meet the demand.
You can become their go-to SEO Copywriter by gaining these valuable skills in under eight hours.
The new program, SEO Copywriting Success: Grow Your Business by Driving Targeted Traffic to Clients, is the only foundational program of its kind — designed to teach you how to master SEO copywriting in the quickest amount of time possible so you can get going and earn a large income writing SEO copy.
Industry pioneer and world-class SEO Copywriter Heather Lloyd-Martin shows you exactly what to do NOW… so you can present your services to the 81% of companies who intend to outsource these projects to writers like you!
You’ll discover…
- What really makes SEO copywriting profitable — and how that puts you in a desirable position.
- How to improve your clients’ rankings by putting certain key elements in the right place on the page. It’s easy, but most copywriters miss it!
- The “mind-reading tool” that reveals what your prospects are thinking so you can write SEO copy that instantly draws them to your client’s website.
- How to almost guarantee a higher click-through rate for your clients — simply by fixing this one line of copy. (Even your client will be amazed!)
- SEO Copywriting examples — like home pages, services pages, and product pages — that show exactly what should be included on each of these common web pages.
And so much more!
Heather even guides you through the “how-much-do-I-charge” minefield. She’s broken it down so well, you’ll be able to figure out your fee range in no time flat!
Get your solid foundation now, so you can launch your successful career as an SEO content writer.
SEO Copywriting Success: Grow Your Business by Driving Targeted Traffic to Clients: $497.00
For More Information, click here …