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40 Booming Niches for B2B Copywriters in 2024

Despite the lingering aftereffects of the pandemic and the burden of inflation, there are many good things happening during these challenging times.

5 Ways to Improve Your Copywriting

AWAI success Tammy Powell shares the five simple strategies she uses to keep her skills sharp as she continues to build her copywriting business.

40 Booming Niches for B2B Copywriters in 2024

Tammy Powell shares the top niches (in alphabetical order) that have excellent potential for copywriters to grow with them…

6 Web Writing Trends for 2022, and How Copywriters Can Take Advantage of Them

Digital copywriting is in big demand and offers a variety of opportunities. Take advantage of these six upcoming trends and your schedule could be full of writing projects for months or years to come.

One In-Demand Skill, Endless Well-Paid Projects

Every business can benefit from an SEO strategy, and they need specialized writers to help. You can get started today with these three easy projects.

The Real Scoop on Paid Blogging: Why to Start, and How It Works

Savvy marketers recognize that blogging is an important part of their content strategy, and they need good blog writers to provide fresh, consistent posts. Check these five points to see if blogging is a good fit for you.

3 Good Reasons for B2B Copywriters to Learn Web Writing

Here are three reasons why all copywriters with an interest in B2B copywriting should also look into web writing — and a few ways to get involved with this growing and lucrative field…

Choosing a Writing Niche: Your Career vs. Your Passion

Deciding on your niche is not always an obvious choice. Here are two different approaches you can try, so you can make your choice and start getting clients and paychecks.

4 Unexpected Benefits of Copywriting

For new copywriters, the income potential, flexible schedule, and ability to work from home are big draws. But this career change can also bring positive results for both happiness and lifestyle.

5 Things My B2B Clients Are Asking For

B2B companies need a variety of projects written to support their long buying cycles. The demand has created a need for trained B2B writers. Discover more about what marketers need help with today…

32 Booming Niches for B2B Copywriters in 2022

Succeed faster as a B2B writer when you focus where demand is highest. Check out 32 trending niches where you can look for writing jobs in the B2B market.

3 Ways to Make Blogging Work for You as a Copywriter

As a copywriter, you can blog for yourself and build up a steady income or blog for clients who really need your help. Or, do both! Here are three ways you can benefit from writing blogs.

How to Give and Receive Writing Feedback

While working toward your writing goals, feedback is essential to learn, grow, and improve. Follow these tips to make feedback more useful for your writing process.

5 Tips for Creating Your Own Luck in 2022

If you think you need to be lucky to be successful, realize instead that “luck” comes from a series of changes that allow you to create the sort of life you want over time. Follow these five tips…

Thriving as a B2B Copywriter — Even Now!

As B2B companies try to stabilize from the impact of the pandemic, they need marketing communications for prospects and customers. Here are 7 in-demand projects.

30 Thriving Niches for B2B Copywriters in 2020

Succeed faster as a B2B writer when you focus where demand is highest. Check out 30 thriving niches where you can look for writing jobs in the B2B market.

30 Growing Niche Industries for B2B Copywriters in 2019

Succeed faster as a B2B writer when you focus where demand is highest. Check out 30 trending niches where you can look for writing jobs in the B2B market.

Specialization Pays Off in Copywriting

B2B marketing can be a fast route to the writer's life. But to achieve success even faster, use these tactics to attract the attention of prospective clients.

How to Find a Copywriting Mentor

A business mentor can help you be successful faster. Here’s how you can find a mentor for your copywriting business.